Uploaded by Timothy Scholze

7/8th Grade Religion Course Outline - Via Class

7/8th Religion (Via class)
Teacher: Mr. Timothy Scholze
Email: timothy.scholze@icregina.com
Course Overview: The junior high religion/advisory class (Via) was designed to help students
entering the 7/8th grades adjust to the different environment between their elementary and high
school years. Students will typically remain with the same teacher both years, with some
exceptions, to allow them to feel comfortable with their teacher and classmates during this
challenging time.
Half of the curriculum for this class is in the area of our Catholic faith with different units being taught
each year. New this year all 7-12 students will be attending weekly mass on Wednesday
afternoons from 1:35-2:30 in the high school gym. Our class will be in charge of coordinating 3-4 of
these masses. I will notify you when it is our turn however; parents are welcome to attend any or all
masses that are held.
The other half of the curriculum consists of units dealing with life and social skills, health issues,
computer skills, library skills, service projects, and I Have A Plan (a unit required by the state, taught
by Mrs. Zoulek, our new guidance counselor, that helps students plan their high school experience
and beyond).
- Our world is changing and changing faster every day. A classroom today must engage and
energize, preparing all students to be active participants in our exciting global community. But in
order to fully participate in today’s global community, you must master the 4 C’s – creativity, critical
thinking, communication, and collaboration. Learning is activated when you uncover information,
not simply have it covered for you. Technology is a perfect vehicle for facilitating this. But this isn’t
about learning how to use technology or even teaching with technology tools, it is about you
creating and constructing with technology.
Classroom Expectations/Rules:
-Be on time and prepared to begin class when the bell rings. Students not in their seats when the
bell rings will be counted unexcused tardy unless they have an office pass.
-Bring all necessary materials with you to class, you will not be allowed to leave the room after the
bell rings. This includes your ASSIGNMENT NOTEBOOK!!
-Use the restroom and drinking fountain during passing periods. Students will not be permitted to
leave the room during class unless it is an emergency situation.
-Electronic devices (smart phones, ipods, ipads, etc…) will be allowed out in the classroom during
class time as long as they are being used as a tool as part of class. I highly encourage students to
have a tablet of some kind as we live in a digital world and I want to teach them how to use
technology effectively, efficiently, and ethically. Students found using these devices for personal
reasons (texting, snap chat, etc.) the first time will have them taken for the remainder of the school
day. Subsequent offenses will result in the item being turned in to the office with the stipulation that a
parent be required to retrieve them.
-The only materials allowed on student desks during class are a tablet, computer, smart phone,
notebook and writing utensil, unless free time is given. All other books, textbooks, and materials will
remain under your desk until the dismissal bell rings.
-NO food or beverages (other than water) allowed in the classroom.
-Cheating will not be tolerated. Cheating will result in an automatic 0 on that assignment or test.
Parents will be notified and an office referral will be made.
-Personal electronic device
-Assignment notebook
-Notebook or paper for note taking
-Folder or binder to keep papers in
-Writing utensil (No RED pens/pencils)
Homework Policy:
-I rarely give homework and when I do it should be vitally important to do it and get it turned in on
time. With that being said, it is essential that there be no horse play during class so that we can
accomplish the business we need to accomplish for the day. If we can’t get things done in the
classroom, then we may have to add an homework component. It’s up to you!
-It is YOUR responsibility to make sure you obtain any assignments or notes missed due to an
absence, see me if you have questions. These will be posted on our Google Classroom site once we
get access to it.
Outside Help:
I am available before and after school to assist students needing extra help or having additional
questions. I can be available 6,7,8th periods with advance notification for assistance. Please contact
me by email to schedule a time. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, the goal is to have you succeed in
the class!! Parent contact is always welcome.
Grading Scale:
The Grading Scale used below is based on written work, tests, quizzes, and projects. Extra credit is
not offered offered. Do the assigned work and do your best and you will have nothing to worry about.
Attendance is vital to the learning process.
The grading scale below will be used for this class. Grades will be updated in PowerSchool weekly,
please use this tool to stay informed.
99 - 100%
94 - 98%
90 - 93%
88 - 89%
84 - 87%
80 - 83%
78 - 79%
74 - 77%
70 - 73%
68 - 69%
64 - 67%
60 - 63%
59% or less
I have reviewed this course outline and understand the expectations for this class.
Student name (PRINT)
Student signature
Parent name (PRINT)
Parent signature
Parents, please provide your email(s) below so you can receive important Via updates. Email is
the best communication device for most teachers as we do not have easy access to phones in the
classrooms. THANK YOU!!
Email address(es)