Uploaded by Timothy Scholze

7th Grade Orientation Schedule - August 14, 2014

7th Grade Student Orientation
August 14, 2014
Agenda and Schedule
1:15 Welcome in the Cafeteria
 All 7th grade students will meet in the Cafeteria for comments from Mr.
 Introduction of JH teaching staff
 Students will be dismissed to their Via teacher with the Via teacher calling
the names of the students from their list (be sure to print and bring your list)
1:20 – 1:25 Getting to Know You/Introductions
 Take students back to your room for introductions
 You can do an Ice Breaker or Team Building activity (There are ice breakers
in your Via notebooks from the two previous years, or use one of your
1:25-1:35 What Are Your Concerns?
 Time to answer any questions of concern the students might have
 Time to reassure students that they will “live” through the first few days of
Junior High school
 Explain the difference between ACE vs BDF days
 Do we need to talk about how to “do” lunch for the new-to-the building
 Remind students to bring writing utensils and notebook to classes on
 Planners will be handed out during the first Via class
1:35-1:55 Touring (student have schedules in hand)
 Take students on a general tour of the building
 Show students where the classrooms are located for the classes they will take
 Be sure to include: the Business Lab, the PLTW computer lab, the Library/
Computer Lab, all bathrooms, the Band/Choir rooms, the JH Art room, the
main Office, and the Guidance Office
 If every teacher begins at their own room, we shouldn’t have too large of a
crowd in any one place
1:55-2:00 Lockers
 Take the students to their bank of lockers (downstairs outside
 Have them practice their combination a few times, with you present, for a
few minutes
Student On Their Own
 The students are on their own at this point
 Encourage them to walk their schedule
 Encourage them to practice with their locker combination
 Locker set-up time