Title/Authors Abbasi, Haq Nawaz, Xu, Feng and Lu, Xiwu “A Modified BioEcological Process for Rural Wastewater Treatment”, 10 January 2017, Appl. Sci. 2017, 7, 66; doi:10.3390/app7010066 Aim Methods Results Conclusio n The researchers The The Such showed the researchers researchers pollutants ability of the provided a have can still be developed, A20-CW developed a minimized modified simple wastewater modified through bio-ecological treatment simple bio- machines (A2O-CW) system that ecological or wastewater includes a (A2O-CW) treatment treatment specific wastewater systems. system. storage tank treatment for the system and wastewater, was able to the Anaerobic successfull baffled y achieve reactor to 92% for help sort the COD pollutants (chemical form the oxygen wastewater, demand), the anoxic 96.7% for tank for ammonium, denitrification 83.6% total and nitrogen, deodorization and 95.3% , and the Oxic for total unit for phosphorus nitrification removal and further efficiencies. degradation of organic pollutants Recommendati on What are the benefits to be adopted by the organisms present in the freshwater body if the improvised wastewater treatment system was used? Can the natural fauna be restored again? Dark/Gap Does the A20-CW wastewater treatment was already used? Specifically, in what regions? Does the organisms thrived more, or the number of the species present the freshwater retained? which will then be returned to the constructed wetland for post treatment. Saaristo M, Tomkins P, Allinson M, Allinson G, Wong BBM (2013) “An Androgenic Agricultural Contaminant Impairs Female Reproductive Behaviour in a Freshwater Fish”, May 3, 2013, PLoS ONE 8(5): e62782. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.00627 8 The aim of this study was to test how shortterm (21-day) exposure to an environmentall y relevant concentration of 17b-trenbolone (measured concentration 6 ng/L) affects reproductive behaviour and fin morphology in the eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki). Also, to investigate the impact of trenbolone on male and Mosquitofish es were collected from Brodies Lake in Victoria, Australia, trenbolone being the specific pollutant discussed along the chapters of their article was monitored by ELISA (enzymelinked immunosorbe nt assay). The researchers specifically Trenbolone -exposed females approached males less and spent more time swimming away from males. Male mosquitofis hes seem to be more aggressive in all of the trials and no difference was spotted on their behavior even before the trial was done. Because of Figures 1& 2 EDCs must be (Endocrine elaborated. disrupting chemicals) females can exert some control over the success of male mating attempts by selectively associating with, or avoiding, certain males over others. Incomplete explanation about figure 1 &2 female reproductive behavior and fin morphology. Lindberg, T. T., Bernhardt, E. S., Bier, R., Helton, A. M., Merola, R. B., Vengosh, A., & Giulio, R. T. (2011). “Cumulative impacts of mountaintop mining on an Appalachian watershed”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(52), 20929-20934. doi:10.1073/pnas.1112381108 Documentation of the cumulative impact of more than 100 mining discharge outlets. paired fish from the same treatment groups. The behaviors of both male and female mosquitofishe s were documented to monitor. The effect of treatment on behavioral variables were analyzed using Mann Whitney tests. Measurement of the concentration s of major and trace elements within the tributaries and the mainstem was performed also the researchers have founded For the field sampling, the researchers used 23 locations along the Upper Mud River and its tributaries. Also, measureme Due to increased conductivit y, SO42− and selenium concentrati ons in MTMaffected streams have been linked to losses of Proper synchronization of data must be applied and must be explained thoroughly to prevent misunderstandin g between both the author and the reader. Sequencing of data is improper, specifically in which the results and discussion was discussed first than the materials and methods. out that the upstream of the mines’ water quality was equivalent to state reference sites. Ellis, B. K., Stanford, J. A., Goodman, D., Stafford, C. P., To construct a data regarding The researchers nt of major and trace elements present in the site was conducted. Trace elements were measured using VG PlasmaQua d-3, Water quality measureme nts were taken either midstream or from a grab sample with a Beckman Coulter Phi 470 multimeter, and major element with an ARL SpectraSpa n 7. During the Native sensitive aquatic biota throughout the central Appalachia ns. The effects on the species of Lepomis are cranialfacial deformities due to Selenium toxicity, and lodorsis deformities for the female creek chub which is also due to Selenium toxicity. Widesprea d Proper synchronization Sequencing of data is Gustafson, D. L., Beauchamp, D. A., . . . Hansen, B. S. (2011). “Long-term effects of a trophic cascade in a large lake ecosystem”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(3), 1070-1075. doi:10.1073/pnas.1013006108 the long term effects of species invasion through time in a freshwater lake. used the netting method specifically the following: Angler catching, sinking float net sets, floating net sets, and standardized gill netting method. Period at the Flathead Lake, the fish assemblage was predominan tly pelagic; the Kokanee being the zooplankto n and the bull trout as the top predator. During the Mysod Explosion Period, the Kokanees vanished after the peak of Mysid abundance and zooplankto ns declined during the said period. Within 2 reproductiv e failures caused by dichlorodip henyltrichl oroethane and its metabolites occurred. of data must be applied and must be explained thoroughly to prevent misunderstandin g between both the author and the reader. improper, specifically in which the results and discussion was discussed first than the materials and methods. years of its peak abundance the Mysid population retreated to less than half of the peak level. And lastly, the MysidLake Trout Period, the Mysid levels fluctuated about an average of 1/3 the initial peak level, Kokanees never recovered, bull trout was declined, and the lake trout became the dominant top predator. Gismondi E, Rigaud T, Beisel JN, Cossu-Leguille C (2012) “Effect of Multiple Parasitic Infections on the Tolerance to Pollutant Contamination”. PLoS ONE 7(7): e41950. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.00419 5 Investigation about the effects of the co-infection on the anti-toxic defense responses of naturally infected females exposed to cadmium stress. For the collection of species, the researchers used pond nets, to identify the presence of microsporidia n status of each G. roesli using PCRrestriction fragment, while for the parasites of P. minutus it was easily identified because of its orange dot which is visible during its cystacanth stage. Due to cadmium exposure bi-infection increased minimally, it also increased the cell damage in G. roeseli compared with the other species who aren’t infected. Host physiology can be controlled via microsporid ia under stress conditions. Also, the anti-toxic defense pattern of cadmiumexposed coinfected Bacterial infections caused higher cell stress and lower glycogen contents than monoinfections in the host only under additional pollutant stress. Proper synchronization of data must be applied and must be explained thoroughly to prevent misunderstandin g between both the author and the reader. Sequencing of data is improper, specifically in which the results and discussion was discussed first than the materials and methods. Bresolin de Souza K, Jutfelt F, Kling P, Fo ¨rlin L, Sturve J (2014) “Effects of Increased CO2 on Fish Gill and Plasma Proteome”. PLoS ONE 9(7): e102901. doi:10. 1371/journal.pone.0102901 The researchers provided data about how teleost fishes were affected by CO2. hosts was like the pattern of cadmiumexposed D. roeselum infected hosts. Proteomic Due to analysis was elevated performed levels of using 2DE (2- CO2 dimensional treatment, gel increase in electrophoresi the s) and was regulation followed by of immune Nanoflow system LC-MS/ MS related using a LTQ- proteins Orbitrap. occurred in both temperature treatments. While the changes in gill proteome increased due to energy metabolism proteins Moderate levels of CO2 acidificatio n alone or even with combinatio n of elevated temperatur e can elicit biochemica l changes that can affect fish health. Further studies about the consequences of the fishes undergoing physiological challenges. What can be the possible sequences that may occur. Only a few studies were conducted about the consequences of fishes undergoing physiological challenges. Sauco S, Go ´mez J, Barboza FR, Lercari D, Defeo O (2013) “Modified Whole Effluent Toxicity Test to Assess and Decouple Wastewater Effects from Environmental Gradients”. PLoS ONE 8(6): e66285. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.00662 85 The researchers proposed a modified whole effluent toxicity test (mWET) it included environmental gradients along with the application of Generalized Linear Mixed models. The lethal effects of wastewater on a marine sandy beach bivalve was analyzed in which it was affected by an artificial canal freshwater discharge which was used for the irrigation of rice crops. Higher mortalities in canal waste dilutions indicates toxic effect of the effluent discharge. mWET also helped for the improveme nt over the internationa l standardize d WET tests. Compariso n of bivalve mortality between canal water dilutions and salinity controls were analyzed. Does the proposed modified whole effluent toxicity carried out in the other places, what is the success rate if it was already taken out? Incorporation with other internationally standardized toxicity tests to help improve the proposal. Title/ Author Aim Methods Results Conclusion Brucet S, Boix D, Nathansen LW, Quintana XD, Jensen E, et al. (2012) “Effects of Temperature, Salinity and Fish in Structuring the Macroinvertebrate Community in Shallow Lakes: Implications for Effects of Climate Change”. PLoS ONE 7(2): e30877. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0030877 To show how temperature and salinity affects not only the fishes but also the macroinvertebrate community especially in shallow lakes. Differences in the trophic structure between cold and warm shallow lakes was analyzed. Due to salinity the abundance of plant-associated macroinvertebrates taxa decreased while periphyton biomass was lower than in cold temperature. In cold shallow lakes, plantassociated macroinvertebrates and freeswimming macroinvertebrates predators thrives rather than in warm, shallow The researchers stated that recognizable improvements are seen but then along their conclusion they stated that “no efforts have been made to incorporate with internationall y standardized toxicity test”. Recommend ation Review of the article. Dark/ Gap Typograph ical errors. Rochman, C. M., Parnis, J. M., Browne, M. A., Serrato, S., Reiner, E. J., Robson, M., . . . Teh, S. J. (2017). “Direct and indirect effects of different types of microplastics on freshwater prey (Corbicula fluminea) and their predator (Acipenser transmontanus)”. Plos One,12(11). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0187664 To know how the daily rainfall causes variation in indicators of pathogen loads and increase knowledge of variations in river water quality and the implications for risk management. Recovering of data regarding water turbidity also concentrati ons of E. coli, Clostridiu m and coliforms were obtained. Due to rainfall exponential increases the concentrations of bacteria indicators while the effect of turbidity was associated with very heavy rainfall. lakes which is due to the result of differences in fish predation pressure. Climate changes may lead to increase in macroinvertebrate species abundance in shallow lakes if global warming will promote higher chances of shallow lakes being warmer and saline. Rainfall induces Expound the microbial risk in conclusion. the river of Göta Älv and even in freshwater sources it also acts as the main driver of water variation quality. Heavy rainfall on the other hand indicates fecal pollution. Rainy weathers along with climate change lowers river water quality. The related studies and perspective must me included along the materials and methods. Tornevi A, Bergstedt O, Forsberg B (2014) “Precipitation Effects on Microbial Pollution in a River: Lag Structures and Seasonal Effect Modification”. PLoS ONE 9(5): e98546. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0098546