Physical Science Field Trip Plan: Waves & Spectrum

Physical Science Waves Unit– Field Trip
Katherine Kolodziej
Physical Science Waves Unit– Field Trip
LP Overview/Objective: Waves Unit: Stars and the Electromagnetic Spectrum - Students will
understand the science behind light and other forms of electromagnetic energy (using their background
knowledge on the properties of waves). They will be introduced to various ways that astronomers image
the universe across the electromagnetic spectrum to learn more about the properties of matter and its
movement. Students will be introduced to ideas of how the electromagnetic spectrum is used as a tool for
learning about the Sun. This is to bridge their knowledge with the upcoming unit on the big bang theory
and our universe.
Human Impact & Justification: The Waves Unit lays the foundation for students to understand
the science behind waves- especially sound and light waves. To help connect these concepts to
the next unit (on the Big Bang and the Universe), we will discuss the connection between the
electromagnetic spectrum and investigating stars. The electromagnetic spectrum can be a
confusing topic for students- especially the idea that there are “light waves” we cannot see- so it
is useful to show students an example of electromagnetic radiation that they might not realize has
been above them all along. All students (most like 40-50) who have a passing grade in my class,
have shown success and understanding on all Unit Assessments so far, and who have satisfactory
attendance will be allowed on the field trip. There will be assignments during the field trip that
they will be expected to complete once back in class, especially to communicate their learning to
their classmates who were unable to join. Students will be visiting the Arvin Gottlieb
Planetarium located in the own city, Kansas City, MO (Union Station, W Pershing Rd,
Kansas City, MO 64108). This planetarium combines interactive astronomy education and sky
viewings and shows, in a 150-seat Cosmos theater with surround sound speakers.
Physical Science Waves Unit– Field Trip
Katherine Kolodziej
Physical Science Field Trip Itinerary
*Students will need their lab journals for observations and notes throughout the field trip!*
8:15 Buses arrive at DeLaSalle
8:30 Depart DeLaSalle (15 min)
8:45 Arrive Science City
9:00 Speakers and Introduction to Planetarium (45 min)
10:00 Seasonal Star Tour show (1 hour)
11:00 Lunch on premises (35 min)
11:40 Student Engagement Assignment (1 hour)
1:00 Debrief & Q/A With Planetarium Workers (30 min)
1:30 Buses arrive at Arvin Gottlieb Planetarium
1:45 Depart Arvin Gottlieb Planetarium(15 min)
2:00 Return to DeLaSalle
Physical Science Waves Unit– Field Trip
Katherine Kolodziej
Physical Science Field Trip
Permission Slip
*Students will need their lab notebooks for observations during the field trip!*
On __________________, about 40 Physical Science students will be travelling to the Arvin
Gottlieb Planetarium to explore the facilities and learn firsthand how what we have been
learning about in class is applicable to our sky and universe. There will be no cost to students
and Ms. Nooner and the cafeteria will be providing bag lunches to every student. There will be 4
teacher chaperones on this trip. If you would like to assist or have any questions, do not hesitate
to contact me.
All school policies and expectations will apply on this trip.
I, _______________, give my child, _______________, permission to attend this field trip to the
Arvin Gottlieb Planetarium on _______________.
Emergency Contact # _______________________
Guardian Signature: _____________________________________
Date: _______________
Physical Science Waves Unit– Field Trip
Katherine Kolodziej
Physical Science Planetarium Field Trip
 Field Trip Request form to Executive Director and Dean of Students
 Select 40-50 eligible students for trip (based on academic success and attendance)
 Select 3 additional chaperones (and see if there is parent interest)
 Send out Student permission slips at least 2 weeks prior to the trip
 Submit forms to order 2 buses for transportation
 Notify Ms. Nooner and Mr. Perry of necessary lunch orders (once student list is finalized)
 Substitute ordered on Kelly Services
 Substitute Lesson Plan for Students remaining at school
Physical Science Waves Unit– Field Trip
Katherine Kolodziej
Physical Science
Substitute Lesson Plan
Students may listen to music on cellphones while doing independent work, but may NOT
text or call anyone. No food or drink is allowed. No hall passes should be given in the first
or last ten minutes of class.
In Ms Kolodziej’s Absence:
Thanks for covering my class today. My students are currently exploring the
electromagnetic spectrum and how it relates to our universe. Some students are on a field
trip with me to a Planetarium, while the ones who could not make it will continue their
exploration in class. All of their information is written on the board and has been included
in all handouts for the day.
Their assignments are as follows:
1. Pencils are in the silver bucket by the door. The sharpener is right next to this.
2. All completed assignments should be turned in the purple bin on their way out.
Students should be familiar with this procedure.
3. Instruct students that they will need their unit packet of notes and lab journals
4. I have written instructions for students on the board and on their handouts and
they have been given instructions the day prior as well.
5. Today, students will be doing a reading from Common Lit about the life cycle of a
star. Students on the trip will be recording their observations, questions and answers
in their lab notebooks. All students in class should be doing the same.
6. Students are expected to complete their reading independently. When they get to the
discussion questions, they are allowed to get in groups of 2-3 students to discuss their
answers. They are expected to write their answers to the discussion questions in their
lab notebooks, to share with their classmates tomorrow
7. These assignments are due at the end of class today and will count as a quiz grade.
Any work not completed today will automatically lose 20%, as is the usual policy for
late work.
8. Thank you! Please tell the students to email me with any questions they may have
9. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, and I would love to hear your
feedback on how today goes. Thank you!
--Katherine Kolodziej
Physical Science Waves Unit– Field Trip
Katherine Kolodziej
Physical Science Planetarium Field Trip
Traveling Procedures
 Make sure the front desk (Ms. High) has the names and number of students attending the
field trip the morning of. Make sure to send an email to all staff to notify them as well.
 Students will be called to meet at the main foyer when the busses arrive at 8:15. Students
will be introduced to persons in charge and chaperones prior to boarding, and sorted into
groups with each chaperone the head of a group.
 Each bus will have a list of students for each chaperone. Account for each
students/absences before departure at 8:30. Forward this information to the rest of the
 Remind students of field trip expectations and review the day’s agenda. Instruct students
on independent work assignments. During lunch and Q&A time, check in on how their
observations are going.
 Take attendance immediately after arriving to the planetarium. Remind bus driver of
return time (1:30).
 Check in with planetarium contact: Emily Meyer (
 Take attendance at lunch and again before boarding busses back to DeLaSalle
 Ensure students leave busses with all of their belongings as they report to the
multipurpose room in the East Wing. School will end in approximately 15 minutes so
they are not returning to their 7th hour.
Physical Science Waves Unit– Field Trip
Katherine Kolodziej
Time Frame: One School Day (Early Spring ) Between the Wave and Universe Units
Costs (per student): N/A. Cost for transportation will be reimbursed by the Planetarium.