Lecture 2 DNA quaternary and eukaryotic genome structure Course design Different levels of complexity DNA Primary structure DNA 2ndary structure DNA 3tiary structure DNA 4nary structure cell Individual/ families Groups DNA structure: Revision. Primary structure Secondary structure Tertiary structure Linear sequence of dNTPs Interaction between dNTPs, H bonds B-DNA A-DNA Z-DNA Source: http://palaeos.com/eukarya/glossary/glossaryP.htm Quaternary structure Highest level of organization DNA interacts with other molecules Absent in viruses, bacteria. Quaternary DNA structure • Eukaryotic DNA is compacted in a structure of DNA + proteins. • Chromosome condensation: length contraction at ~ 10 000 times. • Visible after cell division, chromatin is visible: partial de-condensation. Evidence: 1) Electron microscopy allowed to see stringed structures: nucleosomes ( “beads on a string”) 2) X-ray diffraction (1984) Beads on a string 30nm fibre Our body has enough DNA to reach from earth to the sun and back 300 times 1st level of packaging: the nucleosome Nucleosome: 11 nm diameter DNA: 2 nm diameter Histones H1 H2A H2B H3 H4 1.7 turns of DNA around the octamer. Lys-rich slightly lys rich slightly lys rich Arg-rich Arg-rich DNA length reduced to 1/3 of its original length. DNA is further compacted 30nm fibre chromatin Protruding histone tails Nucleosome: 2X 4 histones = octamer Histone tails are sites for chemical modification Higher resolution of X-ray diffraction, from 7 Å (1984) to 2.8 Å (1997), and 1.9 Å (2003). Chromatin remodeling • Change in structure of the protein-DNA structure • Chromatin remodeling must occur to allow the DNA to be accessed by DNA binding proteins • To allow replication and gene expression, chromatin must relax its compact structure and expose regions of DNA to regulatory proteins Chromatin remodelling Chromosomes achieve maximum condensation in cell division Histones tails provide targets for chemical modification: • acetylation of lysine: acetyl is transferred to NH2 neutralizes (+) in Lys gene activation HAT (Histone acetyltransferases) H4 is underacetylated in mammal inactive X-chromosome (Barr body). • methylation: added to Arg AND Lys - gene activation by methyltransferases. • phosphorylation: introduces (-) charge to the proteins by kinases. PO4H2- group is added to OH- in Ser and His in H3 – [cell cycle] Polar uncharged Positive charge Chromatin and the structure of the eukaryotic genome Relative levels of condensation and decondensation of chromatin provided an initial clue to the differential levels of genetic activity DNA Is Organized into Chromatin in Eukaryotes Light microscopy !!! • Polytene chromosomes – in various tissues in the larvae of some flies and several species of protozoans and plants. – Can be seen in interphase cells. – have distinctive banding patterns (chromomeres) for chromosome and species. – represent paired homologs (somatic cells) – are composed of large numbers of identical DNA strands. – the DNA of the paired homologs of polytene chromosomes undergoes many rounds of replication without strand separation or cytoplasmic division. – Chromosomes have 1,000–5,000 DNA strands in precise parallel alignment with each other. Polytene chromosomes Light microscopy !!! band interband • Polytene chromosomes have puff regions where the DNA has uncoiled that are visible manifestations of a high level of gene activity (transcription that produces RNA) • The cell has many copies of each gene, it can transcribe at a much higher rate than with only two copies in diploid cells. Lampbrush chromosomes Light microscopy Meiotic chromosomes Scanning electron microscopy Lampbrush chromosomes are large and have extensive DNA looping They are found in most vertebrate oocytes as well as spermatocytes They are found in the diplotene stage of prophase I of meiosis Lampbrush loops are similar to puffs in polytene chromosomes and are sites of gene activity Cytogenetics: branch of genetics science that studies chromosome morphology and behavior: The light microscopy visualization of chromosomes allowed to defined two types of chromatin: • Heterochromatin: tightly packed DNA inactive genes centromeric + telomeric satellites • Euchromatin: loosely packed DNA, active section of the genome (~92%) States of chromosome condensation: euchromatin and heterochromatin (1928) Heterochromatin: condensed DNA-proteins after cell division (interphase). Euchromatin: DNA in active transcription Heterochromatin is unique to eukaryotes. Heterochromatin: Constitutive vs Facultative Constitutive Heterochromatin : • associated with structural functions. • REPETITIVE Centromere: involved in chromosome movement in cell division Telomeres: maintenance of chromosomal physical integrity Other examples: Barr body (mammal females), most of Y-chromosome, Facultative heterochromatin • Facultative heterochromatin is the result of genes that are silenced through a mechanism such as histone deacetylation • non-repetitive Chromosome banding Techniques that allow to characterize / identify regions within chromosomes due to their different staining properties •C-banding: heat + Giemsa •G-banding: trypsine + Giemsa •R-banding : Heat+Phosphatase + Giemsa, GC regions (reverse of G) • NOR (Nucleolar Organization Region): silver nitrate , rRNA genes • restriction enzymes – based staining: satellite DNA • fluorescent staining : e.g DAPI, pericentromeric breaking points Interesting link: http://geneticssuite.net/node/25 Modern staining techniques: fluorophores Different dyes allows to detect GC-rich , AT-rich and ribosomal transcriptional activity (NOR regions) Applications: medicine, evolution and characterization of biological species DAPI (blue): 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, is a fluorescent stain that binds strongly to adenine–thymine rich regions in DNA Cytogenetics Light microscopy C-banding (heat + Giemsa dye), early ‘70s allows to locate centromeres. Giesma dye: Binds to regions of DNA where there are high amounts of adenine-thymine bonding Cytogenetics G-banding (trypsin + Giemsa dye), early ‘70s allows to locate heterochromatin. Human chromosomes Light microscopy Karyotype: number and morphology of chromosomes of a species In Diploid organisms, chromosomes occur in pairs : HOMOLOGOUS Metaphasic chromosomes: 2 chromatides each. Chromosome banding application In 1971, G-banding was adopted to define nomenclature for regions in human chromosomes. This nomenclature is still maintained today. Further reading http://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/ch romosome-mapping-idiograms-302 This nomenclature is maintained nowadays: Genbank website, human Y chromosome Genome composition Highly repetitive DNA: satellite DNA, telomeres Heterochromatic Middle repetitive DNA: Euchromatic Minisatellites Tandem repeats Microsatellites Multiple copy genes Interspersed repeats SINES LINES Cytogenetic definition DNA elements Repetition Position etc Heterochromatin Satellite DNA Highly repeated (105 106 copies) Telomers centromers Euchromatin Genes (introns, exons), gene families etc Single copy Dispersed, central Euchromatin Histones and other multicopy genes Middle repetitive DNA (TANDEM) (100s) dispersed Euchromatin rRNA coding genes Middle repetitive DNA (TANDEM) (100s) Specific location in chromosomes Euchromatin Minisatellites Middle repetitive DNA (TANDEM) dispersed Euchromatin Mobile elements (SINES, LINES) Middle repetitive DNA (DISPERSED) Dispersed Euchromatin microsatellites Middle-low repetition Introns, intergenic The human genome The Human Genome was sequenced in 2001 • Haploid set : 3 billion bp long 3 x 109 bases long • ~20 000 – 25 000 genes • ~ 1.5 % of the genomes codes for proteins and enzymes • Rest = non-coding, regulatory DNA sequences, LINEs, SINEs, introns, etc. In perspective.. If the genome was a text document , at 50 lines per page and 80 characters OR spaces per line, the genome would be = 750 000 pages long @ 200 pages / volume = 3750 volumes Coding regions would occupy …56.25 volumes Heterochromatin Euchromatin Highly repetitive DNA 5% of Human Genome Concentrated in pericentromeric and telomeric regions 100s-1000s bp repeated in tandem Highly repetitive DNA Centromere = primary constriction keeps chromatids together site of kinetochore formation In situ hybridization, radioactive probe for mouse satellite DNA FISH with a human alphoid "pan-centromeric" probe. All centromeres light up red Source: http://www.chrombios.com/cms/website.php?id=/en/index/infogallery /pagesrep/gal_rep2.htm&sid=ok5vgn9h0fsk58b00bqqa12mc7 Highly repetitive DNA Telomeres • stability of chromosomes • chromosome tips: hexamer TTAGGG repeats is conserved in evolution, present in all vertebrates. • This DNA is transcribed, TERRA (Telomere repeat containing RNA), integral part of the telomere. • highly repetitive DNA is found adjacent to these telomeric repeats FISH: fluorescent in situ hybridization Repetitive DNA Sequences Human a satellite, vertebrate telomeric and rDNA sequences, in a three color FISH experiment Human metaphase chromosomes hybridized with a telomeric repeat (TTAGGG)n labeled in red, a pan-centromeric probe labelled in yellow and a probe for the rRNA genes at the NORs labeled in green. Source http://www.chrombios.com/cms/website.php?id=/en/index/infogallery/pagesrep/gal_rep7.htm&sid=ok5vgn9h0fsk58b00bqqa12mc7 Middle repetitive DNA: multiple copies (coding / non coding) arranged in tandem or dispersed through the genome Transposons: mobile elements SINES: (Short Interspersed Elements) located between and within genes Alu seqs in primates (~ 300 bp), 5% human genome SINES: 13 % human genome some Alu elements are transcribed, uncertain function LINEs: (Long Interspersed Elements) retrotransposons 21% of human genome Transposon-like elements are very common in eukaryotes genomes Figure from Trends in Genetics, 2005, 21:8-11. A whole lotta jumpin' goin' on: new transposon tools for vertebrate functional genomics Middle Repetitive DNA Histone coding genes http://www.eplantscience.com/botanical_biotechnology_biology_chemistry/genetics/multigene_familie s_in_eukaryotes/multigene_families_with_identical_genes.php Histone genes Multiple copies of histone genes. The five major histone proteins, namely H1; H2A, H2B, H3, H4 are involved in the packing of DNA into nucleosomes, the chromatin subunits. When DNA is duplicated during S phase of the cell cycle, large quantities of these histone proteins are needed. To meet this demand, for each of the histone genes, there are present (i) 10-20 copies in birds and mammals and (ii) 600-800 copies in sea urchin and newt (amphibians). A higher number in amphibians suggests a response to their need for rapid cell division. The five genes for five histones form a basic unit that is repeated, although different genes within a repeat unit may differ in orientation (Fig. 44.5). These genes (coding sequences) in a repeat unit are highly conserved, but the spacer region differs in different organisms. The histone genes differ from most other eukaryotic genes in having their transcripts devoid of introns and poly A tails. Middle repetitive DNA rRNA encoding genes Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2010, 22:351–356 Humans have 200 rRNA gene copies per haploid genome, spread out in small clusters on five different chromosomes (chromosomes 13, 14, 15, 21, 22) Source: http://www.rzuser.uni-heidelberg.de/~bu6/Introduction11.html Non coding Middle repetitive DNA Minisatellites or VNTRs (Variable Number of Tandem Repeats) In humans: Tandem repeats 10-100 bp Interspersed in euchromatin Stretches 1-20 kb Individual variation in repeat numbers, Mendelian inheritance The beginning of Forensic Genetics Prof Alec Jeffreys, Leicester University, UK. First forensic case resolved, based on DNA evidence, 1985. Non Coding Middle Repetitive DNA Microsatellites. • 2-6 bp repeat motifs • Interspersed in euchromatin, located in intergenic or intronic regions. •High allelic variation between individuals • Mendelian inheritance • Markers of choice for forensic applications Microsatellites or STRs (Short Tandem Repeats) Alleged sister Corpse Questions: 1. How is DNA compactly packed in the nucleus? 2. What is chromatin remodeling? What control mechanisms allow for localized “unpacking” ? 3. Why does it happen? Why does the cell need unpacked DNA? 4. What is a karyotype? 5. How is the genome composed ? What types of DNA sequences can be found? 6. What is the proportion of coding vs non-coding DNA in eukaryotes genomes? 7. What categories of repetitive DNA are there in eukaryotes genomes? 8. What is their function , if any..? 9. What method of visualization of DNA sequences at the cytological level can you mention ? (at least 3) 10.What model organisms were utilized in the development of techniques and the development of knowledge on the topics shown in this class? (answers are not necessarily in this presentation, bibliographic search is advisable)