Lab Manual Second Year Semester-III Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Subject: Electronic Devices & Circuits-II Even Semester 1 Institutional Vision, Mission and Quality Policy Our Vision To foster and permeate higher and quality education with value added engineering, technology programs, providing all facilities in terms of technology and platforms for all round development with societal awareness and nurture the youth with international competencies and exemplary level of employability even under highly competitive environment so that they are innovative adaptable and capable of handling problems faced by our country and world at large. RAIT’s firm belief in new form of engineering education that lays equal stress on academics and leadership building extracurricular skills has been a major contribution to the success of RAIT as one of the most reputed institution of higher learning. The challenges faced by our country and world in the 21 Century needs a whole new range of thought and action leaders, which a conventional educational system in engineering disciplines are ill equipped to produce. Our reputations in providing good engineering education with additional life skills ensure that high grade and highly motivated students join us. Our laboratories and practical sessions reflect the latest that is being followed in the Industry. The project works and summer projects make our students adept at handling the real life problems and be Industry ready. Our students are well placed in the Industry and their performance makes reputed companies visit us with renewed demands and vigour. Our Mission The Institution is committed to mobilize the resources and equip itself with men and materials of excellence thereby ensuring that the Institution becomes pivotal center of service to Industry, academia, and society with the latest technology. RAIT engages different platforms such as technology enhancing Student Technical Societies, Cultural platforms, Sports excellence centers, Entrepreneurial Development Center and Societal Interaction Cell. To develop the college to become an autonomous Institution & deemed university at the earliest with facilities for advanced research and development programs on par with international standards. To invite international and reputed national Institutions and Universities to collaborate with our institution on the issues of common interest of teaching and learning sophistication. RAIT’s Mission is to produce engineering and technology professionals who are innovative and inspiring thought leaders, adept at solving problems faced by our nation and world by providing quality education. The Institute is working closely with all stake holders like industry, academia to foster knowledge generation, acquisition, dissemination using best available resources to address the great challenges being faced by our country and World. RAIT is fully dedicated to provide its students skills that make them leaders and solution providers and are Industry ready when they graduate from the Institution. 2 We at RAIT assure our main stakeholders of students 100% quality for the programmes we deliver. This quality assurance stems from the teaching and learning processes we have at work at our campus and the teachers who are handpicked from reputed institutions IIT/NIT/MU, etc. and they inspire the students to be innovative in thinking and practical in approach. We have installed internal procedures to better skills set of instructors by sending them to training courses, workshops, seminars and conferences. We have also a full fledged course curriculum and deliveries planned in advance for a structured semester long programme. We have well developed feedback system employers, alumni, students and parents from to fine tune Learning and Teaching processes. These tools help us to ensure same quality of teaching independent of any individual instructor. Each classroom is equipped with Internet and other digital learning resources. The effective learning process in the campus comprises a clean and stimulating classroom environment and availability of lecture notes and digital resources prepared by instructor from the comfort of home. In addition student is provided with good number of assignments that would trigger his thinking process. The testing process involves an objective test paper that would gauge the understanding of concepts by the students. The quality assurance process also ensures that the learning process is effective. The summer internships and project work based training ensure learning process to include practical and industry relevant aspects. Various technical events, seminars and conferences make the student learning complete. Our Quality Policy Our Quality Policy It is our earnest endeavour to produce high quality engineering professionals who are innovative and inspiring, thought and action leaders, competent to solve problems faced by society, nation and world at large by striving towards very high standards in learning, teaching and training methodologies. Our Motto: If it is not of quality, it is NOT RAIT! Dr. Vijay D. Patil President, RAES 3 Departmental Vision, Mission Mission To impart quality and value based education to be at par with the state of art technology. To provide strong foundation for analyzing and designing various communication systems and develop an intuition to implement global information transportation and computing communication system. To create competent professionals who are trained in the design and development of the system using software and hardware tools such as Matlab, Simulation Network (NS2), Qualnet etc. To build the team spirit, develop the area for higher and continuing education and develop better outlook skills driven by social, economical and technological reasons. To bridge the gap between the curriculum and industries, expertise guest lectures are arranged by eminent persons from industries and various reputed organizations. Students are promoted to participate in industrial training and NGO camps for welfare of society during semester break. Vision To be a place of academic excellence by imparting quality education and carrying out research and technology in frontier areas of Electronics And Telecommunication and to produce competent leaders to face challenges of the global village , strive towards producing world class engineers who will continuously innovate, upgrade telecommunication technology and provide advanced, hazard-free solutions to the mankind inspire, educate and empower students to ensure green and sustainable society. 4 Index Sr. No. Contents 1. List of Experiments 2. Experiment Plan and Course Outcomes 3. Study and Evaluation Scheme 4. Experiment No. 1 5. Experiment No. 2 6. Experiment No. 3 7. Experiment No. 4 8. Experiment No. 5 9. Experiment No. 6 10. Experiment No. 7 11. Experiment No. 8 12. Experiment No. 9 Page No. 6 5 List of Experiments Sr. No. Experiments Name 1 To study frequency response of two stage RC coupled CE-CE amplifier. 2 To analyze CE-CB cascode amplifier. 3 To study RC phase shift oscillator. 4 To study Colpitt’s oscillator. 5 To study Class A Power amplifier. 6 To study Current Series negative Feedback amplifier. 7 To study frequency response and performance parameters of RC coupled CS-CS amplifier using simulation. 8 To study biasing circuits for MOSFET using simulation. 9 Mini project. 6 Experiment Plan & Course Outcome Course Outcomes: Course Outcomes CO1 Description Able to design and analyse biasing circuit of MOSFET. CO3 Able to understand the multistage amplifier using BJT and FET for determination of frequency response and concept of voltage gain. Able to analyze power amplifier circuit. CO4 Able to analyze feedback amplifier circuit. CO5 Able to design and analyze oscillator circuit. CO2 Module No. Week No. 1 W1 2 W2 3 Experiments Name To study frequency response of two stage RC coupled CE-CE amplifier. Course Outcome CO2 CO2 W3 To analyze CE-CB cascode amplifier. To study RC phase shift oscillator. 4 W4 To study Colpitt’s oscillator. CO5 5 W5 To study Class A Power amplifier. CO3 6 W6 CO4 7 W7 8 W8 To study Current Series negative Feedback amplifier. To study frequency response and performance parameters of RC coupled CS-CS amplifier using simulation. To study biasing circuits for MOSFET using simulation. 9 W9 CO5 CO2 CO1 Mini project. 7 Study and Evaluation Scheme Course Code ECL401 Course Name Electronic Devices & Circuits-II Laboratory Course Code ECL401 Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned Theory Practical Tutorial Theory -- 02 -- Course Name Electronic Devices & Circuits-II Laboratory T/W/ Tutorial Total Practical -- 01 -- 01 Examination Scheme Term Work Practical & Oral Total 25 25 50 Term Work: At least 08 Experiments including 02 simulations covering entire syllabus must be given during the “Laboratory session batch wise”. Computation/simulation based experiments are also encouraged. The experiments should be students centric and attempt should be made to make experiments more meaningful, interesting and innovative. Application oriented one mini-project can be conducted for maximum batch of four students. Term work assessment must be based on the overall performance of the student with every experiments/tutorials and mini-projects are graded from time to time. The grades will be converted to marks as per “Choice Based Credit and Grading System” manual and should be added and averaged. Based on above scheme grading and term work assessment should be done. Practical & Oral: 1. The practical and oral examination will be based on entire syllabus. 8 ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS – II Experiment No. : 1 To study frequency response of two stage RC coupled CE-CE amplifier. 9 Experiment No. 1 1. Aim: To study frequency response of two stage RC coupled CE-CE amplifier.. 2. What you will learn by performing this experiment? i) To plot the frequency response curve. ii) To determine the values of lower and upper 3-dB frequencies and 3-dB bandwidth. iii) To explore applications of two stage CE-CE amplifier over single stage CE amplifier. 3. Apparatus Required: Sr. No. 1. BJT 2. Resistors 3. 4. 5. 6. Apparatus / Equipment Specification BC547 18 kΩ, 150 kΩ, 4.7 kΩ, 470 Ω Capacitors 1 µf, 33 µf Multimeter ---------Power Supply 0-15 V Bread board, connecting wires, CRO, Function ---------Generator /Signal Generator 4. Theory: The output from a single stage amplifier is usually insufficient to drive an o/p device. To achieve more gain, the o/p of one stage is given as the input to the other stage which forms multistage amplifier. If the two stages are coupled by R and C, then the amplifier is called RC coupled amplifier. The performance of an amplifier can be determined from the following terms. 1. Gain 2. Frequency Response Frequency Response:- 10 At low frequencies (<50HZ) the reactance of coupling capacitor cc is high and hence very small part of signal will pass from one stage to next stage. This increases the loading effect of next stage and reduces the voltage gain. At high frequencies, capacitance reduces. Due to this base emitter junction is low which increases the base current. This reduces the amplification factor. At mid frequencies, the voltage gain of the amplifier is constant. In this range, as frequency increases, reactance of CC reduces which tends to increase the gain. At the same time, lower reactance means higher reactance of first stage and hence lowers gain; these two factors cancel each other resulting in a uniform gain at mid frequency. 5. Diagram: Fig. 1.1 Two Stage RC coupled CE-CE amplifier 6. Procedure: i. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram. ii. Give 1 KHz signal, 10 mV (p-p) as Vs from signal generator. iii. Observe the output on CRO for proper working of the amplifier. iv. After ensuring the amplifier function, vary signal frequency from 50 Hz to 3 MHz in proper steps for 10 to 20 readings. Keeping Vs = 10mV (p-p) at every frequency, note down the resulting output voltage and tabulate in a table. 11 v. Calculate gain db and plot on semi log graph paper for frequency vs gain db. 7. Observation Table: Input voltage (Vi) = 10mV Bandwidth = fH-fL Frequency (Hz) Vo Av= 𝑉𝑜 𝑉𝑖𝑛 Av (dB) =20log(AV) 50Hz 100Hz . . . 3MHz 8. Plots / Graphs: Fig. 1.2 Frequency response of single stage and two stage amplifier 9. Result and Discussion: Frequency response of Two stage RC coupled amplifier is plotted. i. Bandwidth= fH--fL = _________Hz. at stage 1. 12 10. Conclusion: 11. Precautions: i. Connections should be proper and tight. ii. Switch on the supply after completing the circuit. iii. DC supply should be increased slowly in steps. 12. QUIZ / Viva Questions: i. How do coupling capacitors C1 and C2 affect the frequency response? Why? ii. Out of single stage and multistage, which will have the higher bandwidth? iii. What is lower 3dB and upper 3 dB cut off frequency? iv. What are the applications of CE-CE amplifier? 13. References: i. Robert L. Boylstad, Dhurbes Biswas ,Electronics Devices and Circuit Theory,McGraw-Hill ,4th edition (January 18,2011). ii. Donald A. Neamen, “Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition. iii. S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith, and Arun N Chandorkar, “Microelectronic Circuits Theory and Applications”, International Version, OXFORD International Students, Sixth Edition. iv. Jacob Millman, Christos C Halkias and Satyabrata G., “Millman’s Electronic Devices and Circuits”, Mc-Graw Hill, 3rd Edition. 13 ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS – II Experiment No. : 2 To Analyze BJT Cascode Amplifier 14 Experiment No. 2 1. Aim: To Analyze BJT CE- CB (Cascode) amplifier. 2. What you will learn by performing this experiment ? i. To explore the applications of CE- CB amplifier. ii. To study voltage gains of CE & CB configuration. 3. Apparatus Required: Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Apparatus / Equipment Transistor (Q1,Q2) Capacitors(C1,C2,C3) Resistors(R1.R2,R3,RL,RE) D.C. Power Supply C.R.O Function Generator Specification BC547 100µF ,1µF 47kΩ,39kΩ,27kΩ,1.8kΩ,1kΩ Ratings Specifications Specifications 4. Theory: The cascode amplifier configuration consists of a common emitter stage followed by a common base stage. The two major advantages of a cascode amplifier are a low load resistance (which results in an improved frequency response) and a high output resistance. Refer fig.2.1 Fig.2.1 Cascode Amplifier While CB amplifier is known for wider bandwidth than CE amplifier, Low input impedance of CB is a limitation for many applications. The solution is to precede CB 15 stage by a low gain CE stage which has moderately high input impedance. The key to understanding the wide bandwidth of cascode configuration is the Miller Effect. It is the multiplication of bandwidth robbing collector base capacitance by voltage gain Av. CB capacitance is smaller than EB capacitance. Thus one would think that the CB capacitance would have little effect. However in CE configuration output is out of phase with respect to input. Refer fig.2.2. Collector signal is capacitively coupled back opposes base signal .Moreover, collector feedback is (1-Av) times larger than base signal. (Av is negative).Thus CB capacitance is (Av+1) times larger than actual value. This CASCODE configuration has a self biasing for Q point stabilization. Both Transistors are in forward active mode. Q1 is connected in CE configuration under signal condition and Q2 is in CB configuration under signal condition. C1 provides ground to Q2 under signal condition. C2 is the coupling capacitor and C3 provides the bypass capacitor of emitter resistance. Cascode is wideband voltage amplifier. CE stage operates at gain=-1, minimising miller loading of input while CB gives all the voltage gain, acting as transimpedance of value ZL. The cascode has a much higher output impedance (other than ZL) than the CE amplifier. 5. Circuit Diagram: Fig.2.2 Circuit diagram of BJT cascode amplifier. 6. Procedure: i. Connections are made as per the circuit diagram. ii. Adjust DC regulated supply to 12V. 16 iii. Measure operating conditions such as VB1, VB2,VCE1,VCE2, VBE1 & VBE2. iv. Apply input voltage of 20mV (p-p) and 1 KHz Frequency. v. Measure Vin1, Vo1 & Vo2. vi. From above Measure AV1 , AV2 & Total AV. 7. Observation Table: 𝐕𝐄𝟏 VB1 = VBE1 = VCE1 = VE1 = VC1 = IC1= 𝐑𝐄 VB2 = VBE2 = VCE2 = VE2 = VC2= IC2= 𝐕𝐂𝐂−VC2 𝐑𝐂 8. Plots & Graphs Fig.2.3 Analysis graph of BJT cascode Amplifier 9. Result and Discussion: i. AV1 = VO1/VIN1 = 0.947 ii. AV2 = VO2/VO1 = 111 iii. Overall gain AV = AV1 * AV2 = 105.1 17 iv. Overall Gain in dB = 20log10AV = 80dB 10. Conclusion 11. Precautions i. Wires should be checked for good continuity ii. Take the readings carefully 12. QUIZ / Viva Questions: i. Why we need multistage amplifiers? ii. What is Gain Bandwidh Product? iii. Explain Cascode amplifier. iv. What are the merits of BJT Cascode amplifier? v. Give the applications of Cascode amplifier. 13. References: i. Robert L. Boylstad, Dhurbes Biswas ,Electronics Devices and Circuit Theory,McGraw-Hill ,4th edition (January 18,2011). ii. Donald A. Neamen, “Electronic Circu it Analysis and Design”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition. iii. S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith, and Arun N Chandorkar, “Microelectronic Circuits Theory and Applications”, International Version, OXFORD International Students, Sixth Edition. iv. Jacob Millman, Christos C Halkias and Satyabrata G., “Millman’s Electronic Devices and Circuits”, Mc-Graw Hill, 3rd Edition. 18 Electronic Devices and Circuits -II Experiment No. : 3 19 To study RC phase shift oscillator. Experiment No. 3 1. 2. Aim: To study RC phase shift oscillator. . 3. What you will learn by performing this experiment? i. Learn that total phase shift around the circuit is 3600 or 00. ii. Total loop gain of the circuit is unity. 4. Apparatus Required: Sr. No. Apparatus / Equipment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Transistor Resistors Capacitors Regulated Power Supply CRO Breadboard, Connecting wires Specification BC547 150k,18k,4.7k,470Ω,1k,8.2k(2) 1.2nf(3),33µf,1µf(2) 0-15v Dual trace 20 5. Theory:A transistor can be operated as an oscillator for producing continuous Undamped oscillations of any desired frequency and feedback circuits are property connected to it. Oscillators are circuits that produce an output waveform without an external signal source Any of various electronic devices that produce alternating electronic signal, commonly employing tuned circuits and amplifying components is known as oscillators. Two most common R-C oscillators are the Wien bridge and RC phaseshift oscillator. Every oscillator has at least one active device. This active device acts as an amplifier. There are many types of oscillator devices, but they all operate according to the same basic principle: an oscillator always employs a sensitive amplifier whose output is fed back to the input in phase. Thus, the signal regenerates and sustains itself. This is known as positive feedback. The basics of oscillator circuit must obey Barkhusen’s criteria to provide sustained oscillation, it states that i. Total loop gain of the circuit must be equal to unity. ie; Aß = 1. (Where A is the gain of the amplifier and ß is the loop gain or feedback factor.) ii. Net phase shift (or total phase shift) around the circuit must be 0˚or 360˚. The RC Oscillator which is also called a Phase Shift Oscillator, produces a sine wave output signal using regenerative feedback from the resistorcapacitor combination. This regenerative feedback from the RC network is due to the ability of the capacitor to store an electric charge, (similar to the LC tank circuit). This resistor-capacitor feedback network can be connected as shown to produce a leading phase shift (phase advance network) or interchanged to produce a lagging phase shift (phase retard network) the outcome is still the same as the sine wave oscillations only occur at the frequency at which the overall phase-shift is 360o. By varying one or more of the resistors or capacitors in the phase-shift network, the frequency can be varied and generally this is done using a 3-ganged variable capacitor. RC-Phase shift Oscillator has a CE amplifier followed by three sections of RC phase shift feedback Networks. The output of the last stage is return to the input of the amplifier. The values of R and C are chosen such that the phase shift of each RC section is 60º. Thus the RC ladder network produces a total phase shift of 180º between its input and output voltage for the given frequencies. Refer Fig 3.2 ,3.3 ,3.4 ,3.4 .Since CE Amplifier produces 180 º phases shift the total phase shift from the base of the transistor around the circuit and back to the base will be exactly 360º or 21 0º. This satisfies the Barkhausen condition for sustaining oscillations and total loop gain of this circuit is greater than or equal to 1, this condition used to generate the sinusoidal oscillations. The frequency of oscillation is given by: fo = 1/2π(√6)RC. RC Oscillators are stable and provide a well-shaped sine wave output with the frequency being proportional to 1/RC and therefore, a wider frequency range is possible when using a variable capacitor. However, RC Oscillators are restricted to frequency applications because of their bandwidth limitations to produce the desired phase shift at high frequencies. Refer Fig 3.1. 6. Circuit Diagram :- 22 10V Vcc Rc R1 4.7k 150k 1uF 1uF Cc2 BC547 Cc1 R2 18k RE 33uF 470Ω CE C C C R' R R R'=1kΩ, R=8.2kΩ, C=1.2nF Fig.3.1 RC Phase shift Oscillator. 7. Procedure: 1. Make the connection as per the circuit diagram as shown above 2. Measure DC operating conditions VCEQ , VBEQ & VEQ . 3. Observe the output signal and note down the output amplitude and time period. 4. Calculate the frequency of oscillations theoretically and verify it practically. 5. Also observe waveforms at each RC network. 8. Observation Table: Calculate theoretical frequency by formula 23 Parameter Practically Theoretically Time period Frequency 9. Plots / Graphs OUT PUT WAVEFORM Fig.3.2 Output waveform of RC phase shift Oscillator. OUT PUT WAVEFORM: θ = 600 Fig.3.3 Output waveform of RC phase shift Oscillator at θ = 60ᵒ OUT PUT WAVEFORM: θ = 1200. 24 Fig. 3.4 Output waveform of RC phase shift Oscillator at θ = 120ᵒ OUT PUT WAVEFORM: θ = 1800 Fig. 3.5 Output waveform of RC phase shift Oscillator at θ = 180ᵒ 10. Result and Discussion: 11. Conclusion: 12. Precautions :i. The supply voltage should not exceed the rating of the transistor ii. Meters should be connected properly according to their polarities 13. QUIZ / Viva Questions: i. What is meant by positive and negative feedback? ii. What are the conditions for sustained oscillator or what is Bark hausen criterion? iii. What is Oscillator circuit? iv. What are the classifications of Oscillators? v. What are the types of feedback oscillators? 25 vi. State the frequency for RC phase shift oscillator? vii. How does an oscillator differ from an amplifier? viii. Name two low frequency oscillators? ix. Why RC oscillator cannot generate high frequency applications? 14. References: i. Robert L. Boylstad, Dhurbes Biswas ,Electronics Devices and Circuit Theory,Mc-Graw-Hill ,4th edition (January 18,2011) ii. Donald A. Neamen, “Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition 2. iii. del S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith, and Arun N Chandorkar, “Microelectronic Circuits Theory and Applications”, International Version, OXFORD International Students, Sixth Edition iv. Jacob Millman, Christos C Halkias and Satyabrata G., “Millman’s Electronic Devices and Circuits”, Mc-Graw Hill, 3rd Edition v. Muhammad H. Rashid, “Microelectronics Circuits Analysis and Design”, Cengage Learning, 2nd Edition 26 Electronic Devices and Circuits -II Experiment No. : 4 To study Colpitt’s oscillator. 27 Experiment No. 4 1. Aim: To study Colpitt’s oscillator. 2. What you will learn by performing this experiment? 3. i. Learn that total phase shift around the circuit is 3600 or 00. ii. Total loop gain of the circuit is unity. Apparatus Required: Sr. No. Apparatus / Equipment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Transistor Resistors Capacitors Inductor Regulated Power Supply CRO Breadboard, Connecting wires Specification BC547 18kΩ,150kΩ,4.7kΩ,470Ω 0.01µf,0.001µf,33µf,1µf(2) 4.7uH 0-15v Dual trace 4. Theory:Oscillators are circuits that produce an output waveform without an external signal source Any of various electronic devices that produce alternating electronic signal, commonly employing tuned circuits and amplifying components is known as oscillators. There are many types of oscillator devices, but they all operate according to the same basic principle: an oscillator always employs a sensitive amplifier whose output is fed back to the input in phase. Thus, the signal regenerates and sustains itself. This is known as positive feedback. The basics of oscillator circuit must obey Barkhausen’s criteria to provide sustained oscillation, it states that i. Total loop gain of the circuit must be equal to unity. ie; Aß = 1. (Where A is the gain of the amplifier and ß is the loop gain or feedback factor.) ii. Net phase shift (or total phase shift) around the circuit must be 0˚or 360˚. Oscillators which utilizes the inductor L and capacitor C in their circuit are called as LC oscillator which is a type of linear oscillator. 28 Colpitt’s Oscillator Theory:It consists of a tank circuit which is an LC resonance sub circuit made of two series capacitors connected in parallel to an inductor and frequency of oscillations can be determined by using the values of these capacitors and inductor of the tank circuit. This oscillator is almost similar to Hartley oscillator in all aspects; hence, it is termed as electrical dual of Hartley oscillator and is designed for the generation of high frequency sinusoidal oscillations with the radio frequencies typically ranging from 10 KHz to 300MHz. The major difference between these two oscillators is that it uses tapped capacitance, whereas the Hartley oscillator uses tapped inductance. A Colpitts oscillator is a discrete LC oscillator that uses a pair of tapped capacitors and an inductor to produce regenerative feedback. Combination of inductor and capacitors determine frequency of oscillator. It is type of feedback LC oscillator where feedback is supplied capacitively. It is named after its inventor Sinusoidal wave output of frequency of large range can be achieved through Colpitt oscillator. The ideal frequency of oscillation is: Where the series combination of C1 and C2 is the effective capacitance of the LC tank and L is inductance of tank circuit. Refer Fig 4.1 Colpitt oscillator has following advantages: Good wave purity Fine performer at high frequency Good frequency stability Wide operation range 1 to 60 MHz 5. Circuit Diagram:- 29 10V Vcc Rc R1 4.7k 1uF 150k Cc2 1uF BC547 0.01uF C1 Cc1 L R2 18k 33uF 0.001uF RE 470Ω C2 4.7uH CE Fig .4.1 LC (Colpitt’) Oscillator 6. Procedure:i. Connections are made as per circuit diagram. ii. Connect CRO output terminals and observe the waveform. iii. Calculate practically the frequency of oscillations by using the expression f = 1 / T ( T= Time period of the waveform) Repeat the above steps 2, 3 for different values of L, and note down the practically values of oscillations of the colpitt’s oscillator. iv. Compare the values of oscillations both theoretically and practically. Refer Fig 5.2 7. Observation Table:- Theoretically calculate the frequency by formula Parameters Practically Theoretically 30 Time period Frequency 8. Plots/Graphs:- Fig 5.2 Output Waveform of Colpitt’s Oscillator 9. Result/Discussion:10. Conclusion: 11. Precautions:i. The supply voltage should not exceed the rating of the transistor ii. Meters should be connected properly according to their polarities 12. QUIZ / Viva Questions: i. What is LC oscillator? ii. Explain the Criteria for oscillation in Colpitts oscillator. iii. Why an LC tank circuit once excited does not produce sustained oscillations? iv. What type of oscillator has got more frequency stability? v. What is the advantage and disadvantage of Colpitt's Oscillator? vi. Draw the circuit of Colpitts Oscillator? vii. What are damped and undamped oscillations? viii. What are the advantages and disadvantages of oscillators? 31 13. References:- i. Robert L. Boylstad, Dhurbes Biswas ,Electronics Devices and Circuit Theory,Mc-GrawHill ,4th edition (January 18,2011) ii. Donald A. Neamen, “Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition 2. iii. del S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith, and Arun N Chandorkar, “Microelectronic Circuits Theory and Applications”, International Version, OXFORD International Students, Sixth Edition iv. Jacob Millman, Christos C Halkias and Satyabrata G., “Millman’s Electronic Devices and Circuits”, Mc-Graw Hill, 3rd Edition v. Muhammad H. Rashid, “Microelectronics Circuits Analysis and Design”, Cengage Learning, 2nd Edition 32 ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS – II Experiment No. : 5 To study Class A Power amplifier. Experiment No. 5 33 1. Aim: To study Class A Power amplifier. 2. What you will learn by performing this experiment ? (Should be in enumerated form) i. Q point of series fed Class A amplifier. ii. D.C. power of amplifier. iii. A.C. power of amplifier. iv. Efficiency of amplifier. 3. Apparatus Required: Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Apparatus / Equipment Specification Power transistor SL100 Resistors Capacitors Dc power supply Oscilloscope (CRO) Function generator Bread board, Probe, Connecting wires 8.2 Ω, 330 Ω, 33pF (0-30)V ------------------------ 4. Theory: Power amplifier is also known as a large signal amplifier is to deliver power, which is the product of voltage and current to the load. Basically a power amplifier is also a voltage amplifier. The difference being that the load resistance connected to the output is relatively low, for example a loudspeaker of 4 or 8Ωs resulting in high currents flowing through the collector of the transistor. The most commonly used type of power amplifier configuration is the Class A Amplifier. The Class A amplifier is the most common and simplest form of power amplifier that uses the switching transistor in the standard common emitter circuit configuration. The transistor is always biased “ON” so that it conducts during one complete cycle of the input signal waveform producing minimum distortion and maximum amplitude to the output. If the collector current flows at all times during the full cycle of signal, the power amplifier is known as class A amplifier. The Class A Amplifier operation is where the entire input signal waveform is faithfully reproduced at the amplifiers output as the transistor is perfectly biased within its active region, thereby never reaching either of its Cut-off or Saturation regions. This then results in the AC input signal being perfectly “centred” between the amplifiers upper and lower signal limits. 34 The power into an amplifier is provided by the supply. With no input signal, the dc current drawn is the collector bias current, ICQ. The power then drawn from the supply is Pi(dc) = VCC ICQ Even with an ac signal applied, the average current drawn from the supply remains the same, so that Eq. above represents the input power supplied to the class A series fed amplifier. The output voltage and current varying around the bias point provide ac power to the load. This ac power is delivered to the load, RC. The ac power delivered to the load (RC) can be expressed in a number of ways. Po(ac) =VCE IC Po(ac) = (IC * IC )* R C When the input signal is applied, output will vary from dc bias operating voltage and current. A small input signal causes the output voltage to swing from 0 V to Vcc while current can swing from 0 mA to Vcc/Rc. Maximum Efficiency: For the class A series-fed amplifier, the maximum efficiency can be determined using the maximum voltage and current swing. For voltage swing, it is max VCE(p-p) = VCC For the current swing, it is max IC(p-p) = VCC/RC max Po(ac) = [VCC(VCC/RC)]/8 The maximum power input max Pi(dc) = VCC (max IC) = VCC (VCC/RC)/2 max efficiency = Po(ac)/Pi(dc) = { [VCC(VCC/RC)]/8}/ [VCC (VCC/R )/2] = 25% The maximum efficiency of a class A series-fed amplifier is thus seen to be 25%. Since this maximum efficiency will occur only for ideal conditions of both voltage swing and current swing, most series-fed circuits will provide efficiencies of much less than 25%. Advantages of Class A power amplifier. Class A design is the simplest. High fidelity because input signal will be exactly reproduced at the output. Since the active device is on full time, no time is required for the turn on and this improves high frequency response. Since the active device conducts for the entire cycle of the input signal, there will be no cross over distortion. Single ended configuration can be practically realized in Class A amplifier. Single ended means only one active device (transistor) in the output stage. C Disadvantages of Class A power amplifier. Main disadvantage is poor efficiency. Steps for improving efficiency like transformer coupling etc affects the frequency response. Powerful Class A power amplifiers are costly and bulky due to the large power supply and heatsink. 5. Circuit Diagram: 35 Fig. 5.1 Class A amplifier (a) (b) Fig. 5.2 Circuit diagram of Class A amplifier (a) for D.C. (b) A.C. analysis 6. Procedure: D. C. Analysis: i. Mount the circuit on breadboard as per the circuit diagram. ii. Measure Ib and Ic using milliammeter. iii. Measure Vce using voltmeter. iv. Draw d.c.load line on graph paper. A.C. Analysis: i. ii. iii. Mount the circuit on breadboard as per the circuit diagram. Apply a.c. input of 1V (p-p), 1KHz using function generator. Observe the output of power amplifier. 36 iv. v. Calculate d.c. power and a.c. power for the circuit. Calculate the efficiency of circuit. 7. Observation: Parameters Practically Theoretically IB(mA) IC(mA) VCE (V) Pdc (W) Pac (W) Efficiency, η (%) =(Pac/Pdc )*100 8. Plots / Graphs: Fig. 5.3. Efficiency curve of Class A amplifier 9. Result and discussion: Q point, Ic =__________ , VCE = __________ D.C.power = _________ A.C.Power = _________ Efficiency = _________ 37 10. Conclusion: We have successfully calculated the Q point, D.C. power, A.C. power and hence the efficiency of a class A amplifier. 11. Precautions: i. Connections should be proper and tight. ii. Switch on the supply after completing the circuit. iii. Dc supply should be increased slowly in steps. iv. Handle the CRO and Function generator with proper care. 12. QUIZ / Viva Questions: i. ii. iii. iv. v. Derive the equation for power output and conversion efficiency of a class A series fed amplifier. Explain the classification of power amplifiers based on class of operation and compare them? What are design aspects that have to be taken care while designing power amplifier to have thermal stability. Sketch ac load line in case of class A power amplifier. Differentiate between voltage and power amplifier. 13. References: i. Microelectronics-Circuit Analysis and Design, D. A. Neamen, McGraw-Hill, 4th Edition, 2007, ISBN: 978-0-07-252362-1. ii. Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith, and Arun N Chandorkar, “Microelectronic Circuits Theory and Applications”, International Version, OXFORD International Students, Sixth Edition. iii. Ramakant Gayakwad :”Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits”, Prentice-Hall of India, 3rd Edition. iv. Jacob Millman, Christos C Halkias and Satyabrata G., “Millman’s Electronic Devices and Circuits”, Mc-Graw Hill, 3rd Edition. v. Robert L.Boylstad, Dhurbes Biswas, ” Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”,McGraw Hill,4th edition , Jan18,2011. 38 ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS – II Experiment No. : 6 To Study Current Series Negative Feedback Amplifier Experiment No. 6 39 1. Aim: To Study Current Series Negative Feedback Amplifier 2. What you will learn by performing this experiment ? (Should be in enumerated form) i. To familiarize the student with the basic feedback topology and technical terms. ii. To explore the influence of the negative feedback on the gain, the bandwidth and the terminal resistances of an amplifier. 3. Apparatus Required: Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Apparatus / Equipment Specification BJT BC547 Resistors Capacitors Multimeter Power Supply Bread board, connecting wires, CRO, Function Generator /Signal Generator 18 kΩ, 150 kΩ, 4.7 kΩ, 470 Ω 1 µf, 33 µf ---------0-15 V ---------- 4. Theory: Feedback can be classified into two categories, a negative feedback and a positive feedback. The first category is the most widely used in all stable systems. Other systems that operate under unstable operating condition mainly use positive feedback. For example, Oscillator uses a positive feedback under certain conditions. The feedback process starts at the output terminals of the circuit or the system to be controlled. A small portion of the output (current or voltage) is taken, then inverted (changing its sign) and added to the input signal. Figure 1 shows the general block diagram of the negative feedback system. Io Ii Signal Source Summing or mixing circuit Vi Amplifier circuit with gain A Sampling Circuit Vo Load If Vf Feedback circuit with gain B Fig. 6.1 Basic structure of amplifier with feedback network 40 Applying the concept of the general feedback to the amplifier circuit, the sample of the output signal will be current or voltage with phase shift of 180 degree compared to the input signal. The negative feedback is found to improve the amplifier stability, improve the circuit’s noise immunity, extend the bandwidth of the amplifier and control the input and output resistance of the amplifier by selecting the appropriate feedback topology. The feedback topology often refers to the interface between the input-feedback-output circuits. For example, Series- Shunt topology means that the interface between the inputfeedback circuits is done in a series connection and the interface between the outputfeedback circuits is done in a shunt connection. Also the feedback topology may refer to how the signals are mixed (summed) at the input or sampled at the output circuits. Usually voltage is mixed at the input circuit through a series connection with the input circuit. Similarly, the current is mixed at the input circuit through a shunt connection with the input circuit. At the output side, the voltages and currents are sampled through a shunt and series connections with the output circuits, respectively. In practice, the possible feedback topologies are: - Voltage sampled - series mixed (voltage) at the input Series-Shunt feedback topology. - Current sampled - series mixed (voltage) at the input Series-Series feedback topology. - Current sampled - shunt mixed (current) at the input Shunt-Series feedback topology. - Voltage sampled - shunt mixed (current) at the input Shunt-Shunt feedback topology. 5. Circuit Diagram: Fig.6.2 Amplifier circuit 6. Procedure: i. Connections are made as per circuit diagram. 41 ii. Keep the input voltage constant at 50mV peak-peak and 1kHz frequency.For different values of load resistance, note down the output voltage and calculate the gain by using the expression Av = 20log(V0 / Vi ) dB iii. Remove the emitter bypass capacitor and repeat STEP 2.And observe the effect of feedback on the gain of the amplifier. 7. Observation: Sr. No. OutputVoltage (Vo) with Feedback OutputVoltage (Vo) without feedback Gain(dB) with feedback Gain(dB) without feedback 8. Plots / Graphs: Fig.6.3 Input, output waveform and frequency response of the amplifier circuit. 42 9. Result and discussion: 10. Conclusion: 11. Precautions: i. While taking the observations for the frequency response , the input voltage must be maintained constant at 20mV. ii. The frequency should be slowly increased in steps. iii. The three terminals of the transistor should be carefully identified. iv. All the connections should be correct. 12. QUIZ / Viva Questions: i. What is feedback amplifier? ii. What are the different types of feedback topologies? iii. What are advantages and disadvantages of negative feedback? iv. What is the effect of negative feedback on voltage gain, BW, Noise, nonlinear distortion, Ri, Ro of a voltage amplifier? v. What is a nyquist criterion to differentiate the feedback in amplifiers? 13. References: i. Microelectronics-Circuit Analysis and Design, D. A. Neamen, McGraw-Hill, 4th Edition, 2007, ISBN: 978-0-07-252362-1. ii. Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith, and Arun N Chandorkar, “Microelectronic Circuits Theory and Applications”, International Version, OXFORD International Students, Sixth Edition. iii. Ramakant Gayakwad :”Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits”, Prentice-Hall of India, 3rd Edition. iv. Jacob Millman, Christos C Halkias and Satyabrata G., “Millman’s Electronic Devices and Circuits”, Mc-Graw Hill, 3rd Edition. v. Robert L.Boylstad, Dhurbes Biswas, ” Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”,Mc-Graw Hill,4th edition , Jan18,2011. 43 Electronic Devices and Circuits -II Experiment No. : 7 To study frequency response and performance parameters of RC coupled CS-CS amplifier using simulation. 44 Experiment No. 7 1. 2. 3. Aim: To study frequency response and performance parameters of RC coupled CSCS amplifier using simulation. What you will learn by performing this experiment? i. To find Voltage gain using Transient profile setup ii. To Plot frequency response using AC Sweep Profile setup 4. Apparatus Required: Software: Pspice /Electronics workbench / any online software tool 5. Theory:Multistage amplifiers are made up of single transistor amplifiers connected in cascade. The first stage usually provides a high input impedance to minimize loading the source (transducer). The middle stages usually account for most of the desired voltage gain. The final stage provides a low output impedance to prevent loss of signal (gain) and to be able to handle the amount of current required by the load. In analyzing multistage amplifiers, the loading effect of the next stage must be considered since the input impedance of the next stage acts as the load for the current stage. Therefore the AC analysis of a multistage amplifier is usually done starting with the final stage. The individual stages are usually coupled by either capacitor or direct coupling. Capacitor coupling is most often used when the signals being amplified are AC signals. In capacitor coupling the stages are separated by a capacitor which blocks the DC voltages between each stage. This DC blocking prevents the bias point of each stage from being upset. The cascade 45 amplifier examined in this lab consists of a JFET common source –common source stage. The effect of the order of the two stages on input and output impedances, overall voltage, current, and power gains, and frequency response will be specifically examined in this project. The CS has the characteristic of high input impedance, high current gain, and a relatively low voltage gain. Refer Fig 7.1. In a cascade configuration as shown in Fig 7.2, the overall voltage and current gains are given by: AV overall = AV first stage * AV second stage AI overall = AI first stage * AI second stage Fig.7.1 JFET CS-CS Amplifier 6. Circuit Diagram:- 46 Fig 7.2 JFET CS-CS Amplifier Circuit Diagram 7. Procedure:i. Design the JFET CS-CS Amplifier as shown in the circuit diagram using Pspice simulation software. 8. ii. Set to Transient analysis in setup profile to get Voltage gain. iii. Set to AC Sweep in set up profile to get frequency response Refer Fig 7.3 iv. Simulate the circuit using simulate option. v. Apply voltage probes at input side and output side to get simulation result. Plots / Graphs: 47 Fig 7.3 Ideal frequency response of JFET CS-CS amplifier 9. Result : 10. Conclusion: 11. Quiz/Viva Questions : i. Why the common-source (CS) amplifier may be viewed as a trans conductance amplifier or as a voltage amplifier? ii. What are the characteristics of JFET source amplifier? iii. What is the impedance of FET? iv. What is the significance of gain bandwidth product? v. Draw a single stage amplifier circuit using JFET vi. What is the purpose of input capacitor, Cin in single stage common source JFET amplifier? vii. What is the purpose of Coupling Capacitor (Cc) in single stage common source JFET amplifier? 12. References:i. Microelectronics-Circuit Analysis and Design, D. A. Neamen, McGraw-Hill, 4th Edition, 2007, ISBN: 978-0-07-252362-1 48 ii. Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith, and Arun N Chandorkar, “Microelectronic Circuits Theory and Applications”, International Version, OXFORD International Students, Sixth Edition iii. Robert L. Boylestad , Dhurbes Biswas, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory McGraw Hill; 4th edition (January 18, 2011) iv. Muhammad H. Rashid, “Microelectronics Circuits Analysis and Design”, Cengage Learning, 2nd Edition v. Jacob Millman, Christos C Halkias and Satyabrata G., “Millman’s Electronic Devices and Circuits”, Mc-Graw Hill, 3rd Edition. 49 Electronic Devices and Circuits -II Experiment No. : 8 MOSFET Biasing Experiment No. 8 1. Aim: To study biasing circuits for MOSFET using simulation. 2. What you will learn by performing this experiment? i. To find Q point parameters using Bias point detail set up. ii. To get values of dc currents and voltages at different Points. 3. Apparatus Required: 50 Software: Pspice /Electronics workbench / any online software tool 4. Theory:E-MOSFET has become very important in digital electronics and computers. In the absence of E-MOSFETs personal computers would have not existed. The difference in construction is that in E-MOSFETs substrate extends all the way to the silicon dioxide (SiO2) and no channels are doped between source and drain. Channel is electrically induced in MOSFETs. The conductivity of the channel is enhanced by +ve bias on the gate this device is called enhancement MOSFET. MOSFET differs from JFET since its gate is insulated from the channel. Gate current is even smaller than it is in a JFET. The MOSFET is also sometimes called an insulated gate FET (IGFET). Two types of MOSFTs – depletion mode and enhancement mode type. The enhancement mode MOSFET is used in both discrete and integrated circuits. Depletion mode MOSFETs still finds use in high frequency front end communication circuits as RF amplifiers. Depletion mode MOSFET has n-material with insulated gate on left and p – region on right. A thin layer of SiO2 (glass) is deposited on left hand side of the channel. DMOSFETs do not find widespread use, but it played a role in evolution towards EMOSFET JFETs & D-MOSFETs are classified as depletion mode devices since the action depends on depletion layers but E-MOSFETs are enhancement mode device since the conductivity depends upon the action of inversion. Note that for E-MOSFETs, VGS has to be greater than VGS(th) for drain current to flow. NMOS E - MOSFET in Voltage divider biasing mode. Voltage divider bias is used to produce DC gate bias voltage greater than VGS(Th).The value of resistors used in the divider circuit is quite high as E-MOSFET gate draws very little current due to SiO2 layer. In PSpice Simulation software The MOSFET model that we will use is the MbreakN3. In the “3” version, the body is already connected to the source and so there are only three connections (D, S, and G). If the Mbreak N and Mbreak P models are used without any modification, PSPICE 51 will use the default values of basic parameters: the threshold voltage will be 0 V and K will be equal to 0.1 mA/V2. W is the gate width and L is the gate length. Fig.8.1 E-MOSFET in Voltage divider Bias Mode 5. Circuit Diagram: NMOS E- MOSFET Biasing in Ohmic Mode. Fig 8.2 NMOS E-MOSFET in Ohmic mode bias NMOS E- MOSFET Biasing in Saturation Mode. 52 Fig 8.3 NMOS E-MOSFET in Saturation mode bias 6. Procedure:i. Design the NMOS E-MOSFET circuit as shown in the circuit diagram using Pspice simulation software. ii. Set to Bias point detail in setup profile iii. Simulate the circuit using simulate option. iv. Click on voltage (V) and current (I) to get Q point Values. v. Observe the output. 7. Result & Discussion:8. Conclusion:- 9. Quiz/Viva Questions : i. Draw the transfer characteristic for n-channel depletion type MOSFET? ii. Which MOSFET is called as Normally ON MOSFET and NORMALLY OFF MOSFET? Why? iii. Compare BJT and MOSFET. iv. Explain the depletion mode of operation in MOSFET? v. Why MOSFET is called IGFET? vi. What is the Body Effect in MOSFET? vii. Define Accumulation region, Depletion region, Inversion region. 53 10. References:i. Microelectronics-Circuit Analysis and Design, D. A. Neamen, McGraw-Hill, 4th Edition, 2007, ISBN: 978-0-07-252362-1 ii. Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith, and Arun N Chandorkar, “Microelectronic Circuits Theory and Applications”, International Version, OXFORD International Students, Sixth Edition iii. Robert L. Boylestad , Dhurbes Biswas, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory McGraw Hill; 4th edition (January 18, 2011) iv. Muhammad H. Rashid, “Microelectronics Circuits Analysis and Design”, Cengage Learning, 2nd Edition v. Jacob Millman, Christos C Halkias and Satyabrata G., “Millman’s Electronic Devices and Circuits”, Mc-Graw Hill, 3rd Edition. 54 ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS – I Experiment No. : 9 MINI PROJECT 55 Experiment No. 9 1. Aim: To design Mini project with the given parameters. 2. What you will learn by performing this experiment ? (Should be in enumerated form) i. Students will be able to do the analysis of the given project using own skills. ii. students will learn to compare theoretical and practical aspects thoroughly. 3. Apparatus Required: Depending on the selection of topic by student. 4. List of Mini Projects:i. Simple Emergency light. ii. DC servo amplifier using MOSFET. iii. Audio tone control circuit. iv. Public address system. v. Automatic Door Bell vi. Clapp Switch vii. Topic related to syllabus 5. Procedure:i. Select the components for circuit design ii. To prototype a circuit use a general purpose PCB. iii. place components on the board, solder them and finally make connection of that component with other components. Connection of one component with others can be make using two different technique. - Connection using solder points. - Connection using wires. iv. Complete testing on general purpose board (zero board). v. Observe the readings on CRO / Multimeter respectively. vi. Conclude the project with graphs. 6. Result and Conclusion: 56 As per Project We have verified the output with theoretical and practically implemented values. We also made conclusion with the support of faithful graphs. 7. Precautions (if any). i. Connections Should be proper and tight. ii. Switch on the supply after completing the circuit. iii. DC supply should be increased slowly in steps. 8. References:-. i. Robert L. Boylestad, Dhurbes Biswas ,Electronics Devices and Circuit Theory,McGraw-Hill ,4th edition (January 18,2011) ii. Donald A. Neamen, “Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition 2. iii. del S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith, and Arun N Chandorkar, “Microelectronic Circuits Theory and Applications”, International Version, OXFORD International Students, Sixth Edition iv. Jacob Millman, Christos C Halkias and Satyabrata G., “Millman’s Electronic Devices and Circuits”, Mc-Graw Hill, 3rd Edition v. Muhammad H. Rashid, “Microelectronics Circuits Analysis and Design”, Cengage Learning, 2nd Edition 57