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Your Diet and Depression

Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and is not
intended as medical advice. Medical advice should always be obtained from a
qualified medical professional for any health conditions or symptoms associated
with them. Every possible effort has been made in preparing and researching this
material. We make no warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability of its
contents or any omissions. We are not responsible for any injury or loss from
using this content.
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................ 1
How Your Diet Impacts Depression ......................................................... 2
Antioxidants Help Battle Depression .................................................... 3
Watch Your Weight ................................................................................. 3
Consume More Omega-3 Fatty Acids ................................................... 4
B-Complex Vitamins ............................................................................... 4
The Power of Amino Acids ..................................................................... 4
Watch Your Sugar Intake ........................................................................ 5
Increase Your Chromium Intake ............................................................ 6
The Importance Of Vitamin D ................................................................. 6
Increase Your Selenium Intake .............................................................. 7
Supplement With Caution ...................................................................... 7
14 Foods You Should Eat .......................................................................... 9
10 Foods You Should Avoid ................................................................... 16
Final Thoughts ......................................................................................... 22
There are many factors that can cause or contribute to the development of depression.
Losing a loved one, getting fired, getting out of a long relationship, various stressful
events and an imbalance in the brain chemistry are some of the most common factors
that cause depression. Individuals with a depressed mood generally experience
hopelessness, sadness, helplessness, guilt, anger,
emptiness, and worthlessness.
Depression doesn’t affect everyone in the same way. For
example, some people may experience a loss in
appetite, while others may find themselves constantly
overeating. Individuals with depression generally have a
hard time concentrating, making decisions, and
remembering details.
Even though depression is widespread and has been
studied for a long time, there still isn’t any cure for it.
More than 120 million people in the world suffer from
depression, making it the leading global cause of
disability. In the United States, the numbers are even more haunting. Namely, at least
6% of the adult population suffers from depression, and 10% are on antidepressants.
The good news is that depression is completely treatable, your doctor will create
treatment plant custom tailored for you, but there are many things you can also do on
your own to get better. Some of these methods include, stress reduction techniques,
exercise, meditation, and diet changes can also help as well. Believe it or not, your diet
has a huge impact on not only your physical, but mental health as well. The way you
take care of yourself will determine how long the depressive symptoms will last.
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How Your Diet Impacts Depression
Will proper nutrition provide you with a way to deal with your depression and help you
feel better? No one knows for sure. Mental health disorders are incredibly complex, just
like the foods we eat and the ways our bodies interact with them.
Scientists are still working on finding out just how the brain works and how nutrients
contribute to better mental health. However, many experts agree that when the body
gets the nutrition it needs, all internal processes
function at their best, and WebMD supports the
notion that healthy eating will definitely help you
feel healthier mentally and is one of the best
self-help methods for depression.
Even though we don’t fully understand how the
brain works yet, we do know enough to figure
out exactly why nutrition may be able to help
you with depression.
In order for the brain to work efficiently, it needs a lot of energy and the right nutrients. A
study conducted by the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health of the University
College London found that consuming processed foods that don’t contain a lot of
nutrients increases the risk of becoming depressed by 60%.
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Antioxidants Help Battle Depression
If you eat foods that are high in antioxidants, you will protect your brain from harmful
molecules known as free radicals, which can lead to aging, cell damage, and numerous
other health problems.
Even though you won’t be able to get rid of these harmful chemicals completely by
maintaining a healthy diet, you will make them “weaker” and even prevent them from
attacking the other cells in your body.
Some of the best sources of antioxidants include nuts and seeds, broccoli,
oranges, strawberries, blueberries, carrots,
spinach, peaches, and more.
Watch Your Weight
People who are overweight are more likely to
become depressed. However, know that people
who are depressed are also more likely to
become obese. Thankfully, if you eat healthy,
then you might not have to worry about either of
those two things.
If you don’t have healthy eating habits, then you should know that your health might get
worse over time, since depression raises the risk of substance abuse. This mental
disorder will interfere with your sleep, mood, and motivation, which will definitely make it
harder for you to make healthy choices later on.
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Consume More Omega-3 Fatty Acids
According to a study published by the Integrative Care Centre of Toronto, omega-3
fatty acids have a huge impact on depression.
To be exact, a low omega-3 fats intake is linked to a higher risk of depression. This isn’t
really that surprising considering that our brains are mostly made up of fat. Not to
mention that 20% of the said fat come from omega-3 fatty acids.
In order to improve your brain function and reduce the risk of depression,
consider eating more omega-3 rich foods,
such as walnuts, fatty wild-caught fish,
flaxseed oil, fish oil, chia seeds, fish roe,
seafood, spinach and soybeans.
B-Complex Vitamins
B-Complex vitamins, most notably vitamin
B12, are needed to make sure your neurological system runs smoothly. When you
consume more vitamin B12, you will feel refreshed and notice an elevated mood.
You can increase your intake of this vitamin by eating more raw dairy products,
such as goat’s milk, kefir, raw cheese, amasai, wild salmon, grass-fed beef,
shellfish, liver, eggs, tofu, soymilk and poultry.
To increase your intake of other B-vitamins like folate, you should consume more
dried herbs, sunflower seeds, and
The Power of Amino Acids
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Serotonin, a very powerful neurotransmitter that’s responsible for making you feel
good, is actually made from an amino acid known as tryptophan. Insufficient intake of
this amino acid will increase the chances of depression.
In fact, if you consume really low amounts of tryptophan during one day, you’ll notice
that you’ll be in an incredibly bad mood in a matter of hours.
The good news is that tryptophan is actually found in foods such as beans, fish,
meat, and eggs.
Watch Your Sugar Intake
People who are suffering from diabetes are more likely to also suffer from depression.
In fact, a study conducted back in 2005 found that there’s a connection between insulin
resistance and depressive symptoms.
Since sugar is able to cause a decrease in your insulin sensitivity (this is what actually
leads to diabetes), it comes as no surprise that it will increase your risk of suffering from
depression. Not to mention that it will also lead to some hormonal changes, which will
have a big impact on your emotional stability. This is why people who are already
suffering from depression should immediately stop consuming it.
When you consume sugar, it will cause peaks and troughs in your blood glucose levels.
This will cause symptoms associated with depression such as dizziness, insomnia,
irritability, fatigue, excessive sweating, forgetfulness, blurred vision, and poor
concentration. In order for the brain to function properly, it needs an even supply of
glucose, which it won’t get if you eat too much sugar.
High sugar intake is not only linked to depression, but to anxiety and aggressive
behavior as well.
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Increase Your Chromium Intake
Chromium is a mineral that helps in controlling blood sugar and high cholesterol. It is
vital for your mental health, since insulin isn’t able to work properly without this mineral.
Considering that we already learned why
insulin is important to your mental health, you
should really consider consuming more of this
One of the best sources of chromium is
broccoli, but it’s also found in grapes, garlic,
potatoes, grass-fed beef, basil, oranges,
green beans, and apples.
The Importance Of Vitamin D
In order for your brain to function properly, you will need to watch your vitamin D levels.
If you’re suffering from vitamin D deficiency, know that you’re risking suffering from
depression as well. This vitamin is fat-soluble and isn’t typically found in foods. You can
also get Vitamin D naturally by spending time in the sun as it is produced endogenously
when sunlight strikes your skin.
Some of the few foods that actually contain vitamin D include fatty fish such as
tuna, mackerel, and salmon, foods fortified with vitamin D, including milk, orange
juice, soy milk, and cereals, beef liver, egg yolks and cheese.
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Increase Your Selenium Intake
When it comes to cognitive function, selenium is one of the most important essential
minerals. It’s noted for helping make special protein known as antioxidant enzymes.
This creates an antioxidant balance in our body’s cells.
The way this affects depression is still
unclear, but we know for certain that there is
a link between depression and low selenium
levels. In fact, there isn’t even clear evidence
that suggests taking selenium supplements
will help your with depression either.
In order for selenium to have a positive effect
on your mood, you will need to consume it by
eating foods that contain this mineral.
Some examples of foods high in selenium include Brazil nuts, halibut, yellowfin
tuna, grass fed beef, turkey, beef liver, chicken, sardines, eggs and spinach
Supplement With Caution
Real food is always the best source of the nutrients your body needs. You need to do
your homework before taking supplements and always speak with your doctor or a
Keep in mind that supplements are not regulated by the FDA and manufacturers can
claim anything they want on their product labels. Some of the better supplements on the
market include probiotics, B-complex vitamin supplements, and fish oil.
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Did You Know That Hypnosis Has Been Used
For A Number Of Years Now To Help Fight
It Can Help You As Well!
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14 Foods You Should Eat
Dark Leafy Greens
If you’re looking for the most nutrient-dense food in existence then look no further than
dark leafy greens. It doesn’t matter what you choose to eat; whether it’s Swiss chard,
kale, or spinach, they will all help you live a healthier life and support a healthy mind
and body.
Dark, leafy greens are known for fighting off all types of inflammation, which is great
news considering that severe depression is linked to brain inflammation.
Leafy greens are also notable for containing a huge amount of minerals,
phytochemicals, and vitamins A, C, E, and K.
Make sure to include tomatoes in your
menus and add slices to all sandwiches and
salads. The reason why tomatoes are so
good for your mental health is that they
contain alpha-lipoic and folic acids, both of
which are known for fighting depression.
According to a research published in the
Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience of McGill University, about a third of the people
suffering from depression also suffer from folate deficiency.
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Folic acid significantly decreases the negative effects of an amino acid known as
homocysteine. Homocysteine is known for restricting the production of important
neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine.
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An apple a day may help keep the psychiatrist away. Since this fruit is high in
antioxidants, it is able to prevent oxidation damage and inflammation. Not to mention
that antioxidants are able to repair oxidation damage on a cellular level!
Instead of eating a bag of potato chips, why not choose a healthier snack? Eating
processed snacks will only cause weight problems, unstable blood sugar levels, and
other health issues and do not offer much in
support of good nutrition.
That’s why you should consider consuming
sunflower, pumpkin, or any other kind of
seed you enjoy. Chia seeds, hemp seeds,
and flaxseeds are noted for their ability to
improve your mood.
You may have already heard about the
fantastic health benefits you can experience by eating berries. They are noted for being
extremely high in antioxidants, and are a great choice for a morning treat.
Berries are known for improving mental health. For example, they will improve your
memory and ability to focus and may help improve mood.
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Green Tea
Due to the presence of amino acids and antioxidants in green tea, it is known for being
able to help you overcome depression in a completely natural way. There is a particular
amino acid that helps improve your mental health and is found in both green and black
tea. This amino acid is called theanine, and it is responsible for increasing dopamine (a
chemical known for elevating your mood) levels in your brain and reducing stress.
The reason why you should eat walnuts if you want to avoid suffering from depression is
that they’re simply one of the best plantbased sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
These omega-3 fatty acids are known
for improving brain function and helping
reduce the symptoms associated with
depression. Keep in mind that the brain
is mostly made up of fat, which is why
this macronutrient plays such a big role
in how you think and feel.
Avocado is one of those foods that you can easily incorporate into almost any meal
you’re making and they make a great snack. One of the most popular choices is to put it
in a salad.
By all means, you should start doing this as often as possible (consider even doing it
daily). Avocadoes can do wonders for you physical and mental health. They are filled
with monounsaturated fat (the good type of fat), which helps your brain work smoothly.
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Half an avocado a day is ideal, depending on your individual caloric needs and physical
activity levels, as avocados are high in calories.
There are two very good reasons for why you should start consuming mushrooms more
often. First, they serve as a probiotic, meaning that they promote healthy gut bacteria.
Keep in mind that about 80-90% of our body’s serotonin (an extremely important
neurotransmitter that regulates mood) is manufactured in our gut.
The second reason is that the chemical properties of mushrooms oppose insulin, thus
lowering your blood sugar levels and
elevating your mood.
Onions are much more powerful than
people think. In fact, if you consume them
regularly, they can easily keep you healthy.
Not only are they associated with a
reduced risk of cancer, but they also
contain many anti-inflammatory
Wild Salmon
Remember that there’s a huge difference
between wild and farmed salmon. Even though farmed salmon is obviously the cheaper
option, know that it contains dangerous levels of mercury, which can significantly
increase the risk of cancer.
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On the other hand, there are few fish that can compare to wild salmon when it comes to
the health benefits that go along with eating it. Wild salmon is noted for its abundant
omega-3 fatty acids content, which helps your brain work at an optimal level. Not only
that, but also this fish will also reduce inflammation, improve your circulation, and
reduce the risk of heart disease.
Whole Grains
Whole grains are truly are a great choice, considering that they are filled with healthy
carbs that are high in fiber. Complex carbohydrates do a good job of improving your
When you consume whole grains, oatmeal, brown rice, whole-wheat pasta, and/or
sweet potatoes, your body will release more serotonin, thus lowering the risk of
If you’re unsure which spice to use when
making your next meal, consider turmeric. It is a
spice that is mostly found in Asian and Indian
curry dishes. Consuming it is a great way to
elevate your mood. It is noted for its antiinflammatory activity, as well as for the
compounds called curcuminoids and
turmerones, associated with numerous health benefits.
Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is the perfect snack for fighting off depression. It helps you release
serotonin, thus making you feel happier and it contains key anti-oxidants. However,
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remember that there are a lot of calories in dark chocolate, which is why you should eat
it in moderation.
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10 Foods You Should Avoid
There are many reasons why you should avoid consuming sugar. Apart from causing
numerous problems regarding physical health, it can also have a negative effect on your
mental health. Sugar can cause depression (or worsen your condition) due to the fact
that it elevates blood glucose levels, which in turn decreases the presence of protein
that helps with the growth of synapses and neurons. In other words, when you eat a lot
of sugar, your brain won’t work at an optimal level.
Artificial Sweeteners
If you figured that you would simply replace sugar with
artificial sweeteners and avoid the higher risk of suffering
from depression that way, then you might want to rethink
that decision. There is a dangerous substance found in
almost all products that contain artificial sweeteners known
as aspartame. The reason why this substance is so
dangerous is that it blocks the production of serotonin, a
very important neurotransmitter. Due to the lack of
serotonin in your body, you can experience mood swings,
insomnia, headaches, and depression.
Fast Food
The main reason why fast food is so popular is that it offers people a cheap and easy
meal. However, when you consider the harm fast food can do to your well-being, you’ll
realize that the cost of it is much more than a few dollars.
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Fast food includes French fries, burritos, pizza, hot dogs, commercial baked goods,
anything fried, etc. It’s okay to grab something of this nature from time to time, but if you
visit fast food chains on a daily basis, then your diet is likely way too high in sugar,
unhealthy fats and lacks proper nutrition.
Canned Soup
Eating fresh, whole foods definitely pays off. Everyone who wants to watch their weight
or increase their quality of life should avoid processed foods at all costs. When you’re
looking to buy ingredients for dinner, the foods you choose shouldn’t have any labels.
This means that a healthy diet is filled with whole food; typically, this is food that
consists of one ingredient, is un-processed
and not made in a factory.
Any foods that do have a label, the
ingredients list shouldn’t be filled with words
that you don’t know. For example, have you
ever heard of Bisphenol A? If you haven’t,
then you need to start paying attention if the
foods you’re buying contain this chemical.
It is found in almost all canned food liners,
and is a chemical known for increasing the risk of cancer. Not only that, but it also alters
genes in the stress portion of the brain, thus stopping the positive effects of important
You probably already know that even moderate consumption of caffeine is linked to
depression. The reason why it can have a negative effect on your mental health is that
caffeine disrupts sleep. Not only does it make it harder for you to fall asleep, but it
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prevents you from staying asleep as well. Getting enough sleep greatly contributes to
your mood, which is why disturbed sleep can seriously interfered with good mental
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Hydrogenated Oil
You should avoid all foods that contain hydrogenated oil; and that means saying
goodbye to fried cheese sticks, French fries, fried chicken, and fried calamari. Not only
do they cause a number of health problems and significantly increase your weight, but
they are also linked to depression. Since deep-frying is mostly done in hydrogenated oil,
you should avoid all deep fried foods. Which are known to prevent blood flow to the
Your central nervous system is extremely important, since it is responsible for
controlling your motor skills, and taking in
information through your senses. Apart from
that, it is also responsible for thinking,
reasoning, understanding, and controlling
emotion. One of the best ways to protect
your central nervous system is drink in
moderation or not at all. Alcohol significantly
slows down the central nervous system,
which can lead to depression.
Foods High In Sodium
For a long time, many believed that fat-free foods were the way to go to lose weight.
Thankfully, most now know that this simply isn’t true. We say thankfully because almost
every fat-free product contains a huge amount of sodium.
Consuming excess sodium will completely mess with your emotions and disrupt certain
parts of your neurological system. Not only will this increase the risk of depression, but it
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will also weaken your immune system and cause fatigue. On top of that, high sodium
intake is linked to weight gain.
Trans Fats
Trans fats is the term for unsaturated fats that aren’t usually found in whole foods. They
started becoming really popular back in the 1950s, when big companies began
incorporating them in packaged baked goods, margarine, and various snacks. Trans
fats are the most unhealthy fats that increase risks for heart disease, which is a high risk
factor for depression (according to the National Institute of Mental Health, 33% of
people who have had a heart attack suffer from depression) and other health problems.
Refined Carbohydrates
Refined carbs, including white starches, honey, syrup, sweets and various types of junk
food have a really bad reputation, and for good reason considering that they are one of
the leading causes of obesity. Since they’re noted for causing significant weight gain,
many forget that they can also cause depression.
Consuming refined sugars may taste good and make you feel great for 20 minutes, but
after that, it’s only a matter of time before your blood glucose levels plummet and you
end up with a sugar hangover. A sudden rise and fall in blood glucose levels may cause
mood swings and sleep disorders.
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Destroy Depression System
Have You Seen James Gordon's new Depression System yet? It's called
"Destroy Depression" I've read the whole thing (all 4 books) and there's some
great information in there about how to naturally get rid of depression without
drugs, surgery or any kind of gimmicks. I highly recommend it - it's very
honest and straightforward without all the hype and b.s. you see all over the
internet these days.
Here's the website where you can get more information CLICK HERE
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Final Thoughts
Depression is much different from temporary feelings of a bad mood or intermittent
sadness. Depression is a serious mental health condition that involves feelings of
sadness along with other symptoms that last for 2 weeks or more.
In general, depression will mean not feeling like yourself for a long period of time. It will
result in difficulties with focus, nervousness, feeling annoyed, physical aches, isolation
and other quality of life impacting symptoms.
There is no way to know how depression may
affect you, as not all people experience it in the
same manner. Unfortunately, this mental disorder
is only becoming more widespread with each
passing year, and we have yet to find a cure for it.
Doctors prescribe antidepressants for depression,
which have helped many people to recover, but
there are many things you can do to feel better and support your own treatment.
Nutrition has a much bigger effect on both your physical and mental health than you’re
probably aware of. Just by paying attention to your eating habits, you’ll be able to
reduce the risk of depression or even potentially recover from it completely. In order to
stand a chance against depression, you’ll need to increase your intake of folate and
other B-complex vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants, and more.
Some of the best foods for battling depression include walnuts, tomatoes, apples,
seeds, leafy greens, green tea, avocado, mushrooms, wild salmon, turmeric, and
dark chocolate.
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On the other hand, there are many foods that may make depression worse, and
prevent your body from getting the nutrition it needs and so should be avoided at
all costs. The most notable examples of these foods include sugar, caffeine, fast
food, hydrogenated oil, artificial sweeteners, foods high in sodium, refined
carbohydrates, trans fats, and alcohol.
Eat well and take care!
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© 2019
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