Uploaded by Muhammad Yousaf

Problem set-02

(Aslo solve similar problems and solved examples from NE books in library for practice)
Calculate the number of atoms of Oxygen and Hydrogen per cubic centimeter of water.
[Ans: N(hydrogen)=6.6x1022 atoms/cm3 , N(Oxygen)=3.3x1022 atoms/cm3]
Calculate the number of U-235 nuclei per cubic centimeter in 2.5 percent enriched UO 2 fuel using both specific and
approximate expression. Density of UO2 fuel is 10.5 gm/cc.
[Ans: Nff(by spec.)=5.85x1020 atoms of U-235/cm3 , Nff (by approx.)= 5.9 x1020 atoms of U-235/cm3 atoms/cm3]
Searching respective data from the tables in the literature, find the atom density of U-238, activity (i.e. n) of one
gram of U-238 and the time required by U-238 to decay by one percent.
[Ans: 4.83 x1022 atoms /cm3 , 0.337 Ci , 64,800,000 yrs]
Determine the average neutron density corresponding to a typical LWR thermal flux of 5 x 10 13 n/(cm2.s) assuming
an effective speed of 2200 m/s. Calculate the power produced by one gram of U-235 at this flux.
[Ans: 2.27 x108 n /cm3 , 2.41 kW]
For equal nuclide densities of U-235 and Pu-239 in a given reactor, find (a) fraction of fissions for each and (b)
absorption mean free path for each nuclide and for the mixture. Assume each has an atom density of 1021 atoms per
cubic centimeter. [Ans: frac. U-235 : 0.44, frac. Pu-239 : 0.56, mean free paths of U-235 : 1.47 cm, Pu-239: 0.988 cm, Mix : 0.590 cm,]
The microscopic capture cross-section for the capture of thermal neutrons by hydrogen is 0.33 barn and for oxygen
is 2x10-4 barn. Calculate the macroscopic capture cross section of water molecule for thermal neutrons.
[Ans: 0.022 cm-1]
Disregarding the uranium-234, natural uranium may be taken to be a homogeneous mixture of 99.28 weight percent
of U-238 (absorption cross section 2.71 barns) and 0.72 weight per cent of U-235 (absorption cross section 683
barns). The density of natural uranium metal is 19.0 g/cm3. Determine the total macroscopic and microscopic
absorption cross section of this material.
[Ans: 0.368cm-1 , 7.7 barns]
Estimate the average (total) distance a fast neutron will travel in uranium-235 (density 19.0 g/cc, total cross section
4.76 x 10-24 cm2) before it undergoes a nuclear interaction.
[Ans: 4.4 cm]
A nuclear reactor contains 1000 kg of uranium rods enriched 10 weight percent U-235. Calculate the mass of U-235
and atom densities of U-235 and U-238 in the reactor assuming a density of uranium to be 19.1 g/cc.
[Ans: 4.89 x1021 atoms /cm3 , 4.35 x1022 atoms /cm3 ]
10. A nuclear power reactor is operating at a power level of ‘P’ MW (thermal). If 180 MeV per fission is utilized for
energy production, calculate (a) fissions per day in the reactor (b) mass of U-235 consumed in gm/day.
[Ans: 3.0 x1021 (P) fissions/day , 1.17 P gm/day]
11. The absorption cross-section for an element at 0.0253 eV is 5.6 barns. Calculate the value of cross-section at 1.00
eV assuming that element is 1/V absorber.
[Ans: 0.89 barns]
(i) of ii
12. Drive an expression of average velocity and average energy of thermal neutrons assuming Maxwellian distribution.
13. Assuming that the energy distribution of fission neutrons follows n(E) = 0.453e -1.036E . sinh (2.29E)1/2, find the
most probable energy and the average energy of fission neutrons.
14. Given n(v)dv = 4n (m/2KT) 3/2 . v2 . exp{-(mv2/2KT)} dv
n(v)dv = n(E)dE
prove that
n(E) dE = 2n [1/KT] 3/2 . E1/2 . exp{-(E/KT)} dE
15. Searching respective data from the tables in the literature, calculate the enrichment of fuel (UO 2) required to
produce volumetric heat source of 8 x 10 6 BTU/(hr-ft3) at a location where flux is 5 x 1012 n/cm2.s and temperature
is 500oC.
[Ans: about 8.36%]
16. Using the relation determine the temperature difference for a PWR with moderator temperature equal to 250oC.
Light water is used as moderator.
[Ans: 45.6K]
17. Ordinary water contains on atom of deuterium for every 6500 atoms of hydrogen ( 1H1). Determine the energy
released in BTU/lb of water if following fusion reaction takes place. Q-value of the reaction should be obtained by
using mass deficit in the reaction:
[Ans: 6.4 million BTU/lb]
D1 + 2D1  4He2 + Q
18. A nuclear reactor has a capacity of 500 MWe. If the thermal to electrical conversion efficiency is 30%, How many
kilogram of uranium will be used in six months continuous operations at average plant factor of 75%. [Ans: 237 kg]
19. For a 990 MWe nuclear power plant, it is desired to calculate roughly the total number of fuel rods having onecentimeter diameter and three-meter length. Given thermal to electrical conversion efficiency of thirty percent and
average heat flux is 2 x 105 BTU/(hr.ft2).
[Ans: 55490]
20. The radiative capture cross-section for an element at a 0.0253 eV neutron in U-235 nucleus is 100 barns, while the
fission cross-section is 580 barns. What is the relative probability that 0.0253 eV neutrons will not cause fission?
[Ans: 0.147]
21. Searching respective data from the tables in the literature, Calculate the scattering, absorption and total mean free
path lengths for neutrons at 20oC in 2.5% enriched uranium Oxide (UO2) fuel.
[Ans: 2.62 cm, 2.2 cm, 1.2 cm]
22. Calculate the volumetric heat source (BTU/hr.ft3) in a reactor at a location where flux is 1013 nuetrons/cm2.sec, and
temperature is 400oC given that Energy utilized per fission is 180 MeV, fission cross-section of U-235 at 20oC is
586 barns, non-1/v factor for U-235 at 400oC is 0.92, Fuel used is 3.5% enriched UO2 with density 10.5 g/cc.
[Ans: 7.2 million BTU/hr.ft3]
23. A small indium foil is placed at a point in a reactor where the neutrons have a velocity 2200 m/s and the flux is
x 1012 (neutrons/cm2.sec). The neutron density can be represented by a Maxwellian function with a temperature of
600oC. At what rate the neutrons would be absorbed per centimeter cube of the foil?
[Ans: 6.9 x 1012 n/cm2.sec]
24. Find the multiplication factor and infinite multiplication factor for hundred thermalized neutrons in a system whose
thermal utilization factor is 0.9, neutron reproduction factor is 1.35, fast fission factor is 1.05, resonance escape
probability is 0.9, fast non-leakage probability is 0.9 and thermal non-leakage probability is 0.97.
[Ans1, 1.15]
(ii) of ii