Uploaded by Conrad Davies

Student Finance Appeal: Explanation & Funding Request

Student finance England
Po box 210
Dl1 9hj
Dear panel
I would like to explain why I should receive funding for my part time 3year (2016/2017) and
also explain why also I did not complete the academic year I spent in Coventry. During that
academic year the Ebola virus broke out in Sierra Leone which is where I am from, my father
lives there and I had not heard any news from him at the time and me and my family were
fearing the worst, this was very stressful for me as I frequently hear from my father. This
caused me to become very depressed, and this led to me missing classes. I was completing
assignments and did receive credits from that year will allowed me to apply and be accepted
at Canterbury University. The breakout occurred in 2014 which various news sources can
back up, this was an extremely stressful time and it was also my first time living away from
London so I was struggling to cope at the time. I have over 13 GCSE,’s and had a near
enough perfect attendance record at all schools I have been to. I also played for the
university football team when I attended university in Coventry, this unfortunate event
affected all my participation in everything regarding university, and led to me unfortunately
not completing the year. This now affecting my progression into the ext year of my studies
I have all documents to confirm this also I hold both a British and sierra Leonean passport
and copies can be sent on request, any other evidence can also be provided on request.
Thank you
Conrad Davies