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Head HR Strategy JD

Reports to
Overall Objective
Head HR Strategy – Indian Sub-Continent
HR Strategist for culture and diversity management
Policy Designing and implementation
Organisation Change / Transition / Development initiatives
Culture / Diversity Management
HR Process Designing
Talent Management – Learning and Development
Performance Management
Departmental SOP creation and adherence
Employee Engagement/ HR Branding
Talent acquisition for senior levels
Core deliverables
Policy Designing and implementation
 Strategies HR policies and keep a constant check on loopholes
seeking revisions keeping them in sync with business needs and
 Focus on core Cultural values to be driven (said-unsaid) and keep
reiterating them in policies driving people
 Ensure ‘zero tolerance’ implementation for breach of policies
 Plan processes in sync with core values to be driven
 Plan, design and implement robust feedback mechanism (Formal
and Informal) to understand connotative references of various
policy actions points implemented
o Employee satisfaction survey
o Constant one-on-one meetings with Functional Heads
o Skip-level meetings with employees across the organisation
 Be sensitive to Organisation politics and ensure victimisation is kept
at a bay across locations and functions, driving pure meritocracy
HR Process Designing
 Design HR process maintaining sensitive balance between business
dynamics and people delivery skillset
 Ensure realistic TATs are defined for each activity minimizing idle
 Constantly monitor and have surprise checks on process adherence
 Address all escalations related to non-adherence to HR processes
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Controlled Document
Effective Jan 2016
and take stringent corrective measures
 Aim at highly lean team structure, automation with minimal manual
Culture / Diversity Management
 Call for periodic meetings with only core board members on
constant review of culture driven in the organisation
o Discuss on various indicative meanings of existing policies /
o Highlight areas of changing needs and evolution
o Present report of various feedbacks and surveys collated
both internally and externally
o Discuss, present and understand the volatile external
environment including competitor practices to constantly
fine-tune end-result implementation action points of
various policies / processes
 Focus on right mix of and balance between uniformity and
customisation of various policies / processes depending on
geographical and functional diversity
o Have constant feedback from various regional and
functional heads (also team members during skip-level
meetings) to facilitate more productive work environment
o Be Management representative, listening ear to employees
and Employees voice to Management for bridging the gap
implementing / revising mandatory and best practices
Organisation Change / Transition / Development initiatives
 Spearhead the transition with eagle eye view on people reaction /
motivation / productivity
 Focus on leading teams with synergy
o Co creating policies
o Arrange for large town hall meets
o Implement various activities / forums / platforms where
employees engage with each other, learn from each other,
build new relationships
o Bring all the stake holders on the same page by constantly
highlighting benefits of integration, send constant E-Mails
praising achievements giving importance to synergy
o Lead initiatives with gamification
 Have a macro view on organisational skill-set and development
o Observe, monitor, record and present to management
where we are at an organisational skill-set and where
should we be
o Gather all this information on parameters across various
business competencies like reach, technology, perception
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Controlled Document
Effective Jan 2016
about company, people skills / competencies, process
optimisation, etc.
Work closely with Core Management group on identifying
sensitive areas of focus and under their guidance execute
Performance Management System - defining KRA - KPIs, evaluating
performance, benchmarking appraisals
 Define Job descriptions and KRA – KPIs for each level
 Have standard performance parameters for each designation / level
in the organisation irrespective of the person sitting on that chair
 Follow-up to ensure timely submission of Goal sheet for each
employee by respective functional heads
 Guide all business leaders on performance feedback and appraisal
 Monitor to ensure 100% adherence
 In consultation with Management and Finance Head define on
increments to be given across the sub-continent
Departmental SOP creation and adherence
 In coordination with various Functional heads design SOP Manual,
including various process flows, formats & TATs
 Ensure monitoring of the same on surprise random basis
 Ensure highlighted NCs are taken up stringently and fixed
 Inculcate processes orientation as an integral part of performance
management system
Talent Management – Learning and Development
 Define desired candidate profile for each designation / level in
 In consultation with functional heads define required competencies
for each position
 Have exhaustive and thorough periodic competency mapping
analysis to identify areas of improvements
 Conduct astute Training Need Analysis
 Evaluate external trainers and empanel them
 Manage Training budget and quality by dealing between internaltrainers as per their expertise and location / infra arrangement
 Constantly monitor the quality of training delivered and implement
course correction
 Design training calendar for the year with two broad focus,
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Effective Jan 2016
functional trainings and behavioural
o Functional trainings to be scheduled in a periodic with
various functional heads to send nominations of their team
members to attend the same
o Behavioural /Personalised trainings to be arranged either
internally or send employees outside, these are to be
identified based on analysis of competency mapping and
performance feedback
o Define and ensure execution of minimum training hours
each employee is required to go through during the
financial year and link the attendance with appraisals
Have various initiatives and super smooth rapport / comfort with
almost each employee so as to ensure they speak up their mind
Implement Global training program with the help of Global HR and
training team
Have concerns identified and addressed to on timely basis before
they lead to attrition
Give feedback to reporting heads on their leadership styles
calibrating with Right people practices
Employee Engagement, Employee Recreation & Retention Management
 Have immense employee formal interactions driving teams towards
 Spearhead Town-hall meetings
 Have skip-level meetings with EACH employee atleast once in a
 Implement Kaizen box
 Encourage internal knowledge sharing sessions, where functional
experts share insights about their area of expertise with others in
an open forum
 Plan and execute various activities for recreation, non-tangible
 Focus on the major areas leading to Retention; Work atmosphere
Processes, Career growth, Boss’s leadership skills and Feel Good
 Arrange for RnR periodically
 Focus on Gamification to drive initiatives from time to time
HR Branding
 Conceptualise the internal and external hr branding for ISCEmployer Branding (GPTW)
 Designing HR vision and structure
 Create employer branding on social media
 Build HR branding for internal staff to have more confidence in HR
 Co creating positive working environment to generate a robust
employer brand
 Internal branding is a multi-disciplinary practice requiring crossVersion 1.1
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Effective Jan 2016
functional teams for both programme design and
Talent Acquisition
 Coordinating with senior management for GM & above positions
 Deriving at desired candidate profile based on the deliverables
 Working closely with few specific Executive search firms and using
personal network to identify suitable candidates
 Through screening including psychometric tests to short-list the
most suitable match
Expected years of
15 to 20 years of experience
Key capabilities
People’s person, sensitive to cultural and demographic orientation of
people, Transition expert, change management dynamics, Strategic
MBA/ PGDHRM / HR specialisation
Prepared By:
Name of Manager
Verified By:
Name of Reviewer
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© DSV Air and Sea Private Limited
Controlled Document
Effective Jan 2016
Approved by:
Name of MD / CFO