See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Facilitating AHP-TOPSIS method for reliability analysis of a marine LNGDiesel Dual Fuel Engine Article in International Journal of Performability Engineering · July 2014 CITATIONS READS 5 134 5 authors, including: Chengpeng Wan X. P. Yan Wuhan University of Technology Wuhan University of Technology 16 PUBLICATIONS 36 CITATIONS 411 PUBLICATIONS 2,463 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Di Zhang Shanshan Fu Wuhan University of Technology Shanghai Maritime University 53 PUBLICATIONS 378 CITATIONS 22 PUBLICATIONS 76 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: NSFC51309185 View project RIM DRIVEN THRUSTER View project All content following this page was uploaded by Chengpeng Wan on 29 August 2016. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE International Journal of Performability Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 5, July 2014, pp. 101-114. © RAMS Consultants Printed in India Facilitating AHP-TOPSIS Method for Reliability Analysis of a Marine LNG-Diesel Dual Fuel Engine CHENGPENG WAN1 , XINPING YA N1,2 , DI ZHA NG2* , JING SHI3 , SHANSHA N FU2 1 School of Energy & Power Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, 430063 P. R. CHINA 2 Engineering Research Center for Transportation Safety (Ministry of Education), Wuhan, 430063 P. R. CHINA 3 Mangement School, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, L697ZH, U.K. (Received on November 11, 2013, revised on Feb. 15, April 07 and April 30, 2014) Abstract: Recent years, with the rapid development of world economy, energy consumption is sharply increaseing and the environment is deteriorating. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), a clean renewable energy which can be used as ship fuel, is drawing attentions from more and more countries over the world. However, the conversion of the LNG-diesel dual fuel engine (DFE) in China as a new research is just in its infancy, therefore the operability and safety of the technology have to be further concerned. In view of this, taking the China inland's first transformed marine DFE GC6135ACz as an example, a risk assessment on the failures of DFE engine has been carried out by analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) method. Key factors for failures of DFE as well as the optimal risk control options (RCOs) have been obtained by expert survey data, so as to enhance the safety level of marine LNG-diesel DFEs. Keywords: marine LNG-diesel dual fuel engine, AHP, TOPSIS, reliability assessment 1. Introduction Growing g lobal energy demand pro moted by the prosperity of international seaborne trade and the increasingly stringent emission restriction have facilitated the development of a green marine energy- Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), wh ich is with superior emission performance compared to traditional marine fuels (e.g., marine diesel o il (MDO) and heavy fuel oil (HFO)) under suitable co mbustion conditions [1]. Therefo re, the use of LNG in internal co mbustion engines has been researched to reach the optimu m case , considering both engine performance and environ ment impact [2]. As one of the most important and common ways to apply LNG as a marine fuel, LNG-diesel Dual Fuel Engines (DFEs) have been used on LNG carriers for decades. In recent years, various studies have been conducted on its application on other types of vessels, so as to extend the scope of the LNG fuel usage. Like all the crit ical systems of ships [3], the LNG-diesel DFE is also an important and comp lex system consists of different co mponents that cooperate with each other in order to function properly. A series of studies have been carried out from various aspects to improve the ______________________________________________ *Corresponding author’s email: 101 102 Chengpeng Wan, Xinping Yan, Di Zhang, Jing Shi, Shanshan Fu reliability of the DFE system. An electronic control unit parameter calib ration system for dual-fuel automobile was developed to improve the reliability of system and record historical data [4]. Han [5] investigated the gasoline-diesel dual fuel operation on a single cylinder research engine, and the results indicated that it is difficult but important to have an accurate and reliable control over the ignition in the dual fuel applications . In addition, injection t iming has been wildly studied and the relationship between injection t iming and emission condition has been revealed [6, 7]. The injection timing is a crucial issue that plays an important ro le in combustion performance and determines the amount of emissions as well as the fuel consumption. Moreover, appropriate injection timing can suppress engine knock and improve engine reliability as well [8]. However, the marine LNG-diesel DFE is just in its early stage of development in Chinese shipping industry, where the majority of the LNG-diesel DFEs are converted fro m tradit ional diesel engines on trail ships with a service life time less than seven years in the Yangtze River, wh ich correspondingly increases the instability and uncertainties of the DFE system. Fu rthermore, uncertaint ies are involved in evaluation of the failu re risk of a LNG-diesel DFE as objective data collection would usually be infeasible. Thus, in order to achieve the aim of identify ing the hazards of LNG-diesel DFE and provid ing informat ion for daily operations, an analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method is implemented as it is a comprehensive framework to cope with intuitive, rational, and irrational data when dealing with mult i-object ive, mu lti-criterion and mult i-actor decisions with and without certainty for any number of alternatives [9]. The A HP approach organises the basic rationality by breaking down a problem into its smaller constituent parts and then calls for simp le pairwise comparison judgements to develop priorities in a hierarchy. The technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) method is used to find the optimal alternative, which is the closest to the ideal solution and farthest away from the negative ideal solution with a description of accurate Euclidean distance [10]. Therefore, the co mbination of the AHP and TOPSIS methods provides more informat ive results [11] in the reliability analysis and decision making. The reminder o f this paper is organised as follo w. Sect ion 2 briefly reviews the AHP and TOPSIS method respectively, and introduces the main steps to conduct the reliability analysis. Section 3 demonstrates how the proposed methods can be applied to indentify key factors that influence the LNG-d iesel DFE most and to obtain the best risk control options (RCOs) by investigating a converted LNG-diesel DFE used on a trial vessel. The experts’ assessment data as well as the RCOs are further analysed in Section 4 and the paper is summarized in Section 5 with a conclusion of the results and contributions of this hybrid method. 2. Methodolog y 2.1 Procedure of AHP-TOPSIS Method In order to conduct the AHP-TOPSIS method, a hierarchical structure for risk assessment is established as Figure 1. The research goal is in the top level, which can be divided into several smaller elements that constitute the Criteria Level (wh ich may contain one or more sub -criteria levels). Index Level consists of elements that come fro m upper levels. In general, elements in this level are basic assessment units which can be estimated direct ly. Those elements that influence the goal most will be chosen as the assessment criteria (Key Factors) used in the following steps along with the proposed RCOs in the bottom level. Facilitating AHP-TOPSIS Method for Reliability Analysis of a Marine LNG-Diesel Dual Fuel Engine 103 The main procedure for the AHP-TOPSIS method can be described in a series of steps as follows: Step 1: construct the hierarchical model fro m research goal and identify the standard to measure the pairwise comparison of different evaluation indexes . After that, a pairwise comparison matrix can be established; Goal A1 B1 ... Goal Level ... Bn B1 C1 ... An Bn B1 ... O1 ... ... Cn Om Criteria Level Bn Index Level Key Factors RCOs Level Figure 1: Hierarch ical Structure for Reliability Assessment Step 2: carry out the pairwise comparisons in each level of the hierarchical structure in terms of their relative importance to the goal and calculate the weighting vectors of the elements in the corresponding level. Meanwhile, their consistencies need to be checked in order to achieve a convincing result; Step 3: estimate the overall weight of each element/factor in terms of failure risk and those with relative high importance will be selected as key factors; Step 4: identify the RCOs based on the key factors in step 3 and establish the decision matrix in terms of the assessment criteria with respect to the key factors; Step 5: normalise the decision matrix to unify the unit of matrix entries and then weight it with the weights of assessment criteria; Step 6: determine the positive ideal solutions (PIS) and negative ideal solutions (NIS); Step 7: calculate the distance fro m PIS and NIS fo r each RCO respectively, so as to obtain relative closeness of each RCO; Step 8: rank the RCOs according to their closeness. 2.2 The AHP Method AHP was developed by Satty [12] and designed to solve complex mult i-criteria decision problems. AHP requires the decision makers to deliver judgments on the relative importance of each criterion and then specify a preference for each decision alternative considering all criteria. AHP is especially appropriate for co mplex decisions which involve the comparison of decision criteria that are difficu lt to quantify [13]. It bases on the assumption that when facing a co mplex decision , the natural hu man reaction is to cluster the decision criteria according to their co mmon characteristics. The AHP method can be expressed in following steps [10, 19]: 104 Chengpeng Wan, Xinping Yan, Di Zhang, Jing Shi, Shanshan Fu (1) Construct a comparison matrix A pairwise comparison matrix of criteria is constructed using a scale of relat ive importance. A simp lified evaluation scale fro m 1 to 5 is shown in Table 1. Table 1: The Relational Scale for Pairwise Co mparisons Scale of importance 1 2 3 4 5 reciprocal Interpretation Two factors are Equall y important The former factor is more important than latter one, Slightly The former factor is more important than latter one, Moderately The former factor is more important than latter one, Fairly The former factor is more important than latter one, Strongly When the latter factor is more important, it will be a reciprocal, that’s a ji = 1/a ij After the calculation of relative importance, the pairwise co mparison matrix is converted into a single-value co mparison matrix. The quantified judgements on pairs of criteria Ai and Aj are represented by a n n single-value co mparison matrix A: 1 1/ a 12 A aij 1/ a1n a1n a2 n (1) 1/ a2 n 1 where, a ij is the relative importance of criteria Ai and Aj . (2) Calcu late the importance degree of each element The weighting vector of a specific element k can be calculated through Equation (2). wk a12 1 n 1 n ( a kj / aij ) (k 1, 2,....., n) n j 1 i 1 (2) where, a ij is the entry of row i and colu mn j in a co mparison mat rix of order n and Wk is the weighting vector of a specific element k in the pairwise comparison matrix. (3) Consistency test The consistency of pairwise co mparisons has to be checked before achieving a convincing result. The comparisons will be considered reasonable only if the consistency ratio is equal to or less than 0.10[14]. An appro ximation of the ratio can be obtained using the algorithm described in Equation (3). CR CI RI (3) Where, CR is the consistency ratio and RI (shown as Table 2) is the random index [14] in terms of the matrix size. C I is the consistency index that can be obtained fro m Equation (4). n (4) CI max n 1 Facilitating AHP-TOPSIS Method for Reliability Analysis of a Marine LNG-Diesel Dual Fuel Engine where, 105 is the maximu m weighting value of a n n comparison matrix. Table 2: Average rando m index (RI) values 2.3 Matrix Size (n) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 RI 0 0.58 0.90 1.12 1.24 1.32 1.41 1.45 1.49 The TOPSIS Method The TOPSIS method was developed by Hwang and Yoon [15] and modified by Hwang, Lai, and Liu [16]. It is a method for identifying solutions from a fin ite set of alternatives, with a basic principle that the chosen alternative should has the shortest distance from the positive ideal solution and the farthest distance from the negative ideal solution. As a useful method in dealing with mu lti-attribute or mult i-criteria decision-making problems in the real world, TOPSIS has been successfully applied to various aspects like hu man-resource management, t ransportation and manufacturing [10].The TOPSIS method can be expressed as the following: (1) Establish a decision matrix When conducting a TOPSIS analysis, the decision problem should be well structured and represented in a form of decision mat rix D with m rows and n columns, representing the alternatives and the evaluation criteria, respectively [17]. Matrix D that consists of original information is shown as Equation (5). x11 x D 21 xm1 x1n x22 x2 n (5) xm 2 xmn Each variable xij in matrix D describes the performance of alternative Oi (i =1, 2,..., m) with respect to the criterion Cj (j =1, 2,..., n). x12 (2) Normalise the decision matrix It is essential to normalise the data in order to transform it into a dimensionless matrix, which allows the comparison of the criteria fro m different sources [18]. Normalised value rij of each variable xij is calculated through Equation (6). rij xij / m x i 1 2 ij , j 1, 2,..., n (6) (3) Obtain the weighted normalised decision matrix The weighted normalised decision matrix (Vij ) can be obtained by mult iplying the normalised decision matrix by its associated weights with Equation (7). vij w j rij , i 1, 2,..., m, j 1, 2,..., n (7) Where, wj is the weight of jth criterion. (4) Identify the positive ideal solutions (PIS) and negative ideal solutions (NIS) In a TOPSIS, the PIS (A+ ) and NIS (A-) are defined as Equation (8). A+ (v1 , v2 ,..., vn ) {(max{vij } j J 1), (min{vij }) j J 2}; i i i i A (v1 , v2 ,..., vn ) {(min{vij } j J 1), (max{vij }) j J 2} Where, J1 and J2 represent the criteria benefit and cost, respectively. (8) 106 Chengpeng Wan, Xinping Yan, Di Zhang, Jing Shi, Shanshan Fu (5) Calcu late Euclidean distances The Euclidean distances from the PIS (d j +) and the NIS (d j -) of each alternative Oi can be calculated as: di i d n (v v j ) 2 , i 1, 2,..., m ; (v v j ) , i 1, 2,..., m j 1 n j 1 ij ij (9) 2 (6) Calcu late the relat ive closeness to the ideal solution The relative closeness S j for each alterative with respect to PIS is calculated using Equation (10). Sj d j d j d j , j 1, 2,..., m (10) Where, 0 ≤ S j ≤ 1. (7) Rank the alternatives As the distance to both PIS and NIS are considered in last step, the larger value of result S j represents a better alternative Oj that is close to positive ideal and far fro m negative ideal solution. Therefore, the solution with the largest Sj should be ranked at the top when choosing the most preferable alternative. 3. Case Study In this study, performance degradations of co mponents are considered as “failures”. The selection of such elements is conducted based on literature review and extensive discussions with domain experts in the area, whose details are listed as below. Expert No.1: an experienced seafarer with more than 10 years as a chief engineer onboard; Expert No.2: a p rofessor engaged in marit ime research for mo re than 12 years ; Expert No.3: a p rofessor engaged in marine engineering for more than 8 years. In addition, the model in this case study is developed based on the data of the first refitted LNG-diesel dual fuel powered vessel in the Yangtze River. It is a ferryboat with two main engines typed GC6135ACz, of which rated power is 105.2Kw and rated speed is 1,500r/ min. Referring to the hierarchical structure of assessment model, this section is to demonstrate how the proposed methodology can be applied to identify key factors and the optimal RCOs. 3.1 Es tablishment of AHP Model and Comparison Matri x (Step 1) As shown in Figure 2, the failure of LNG-d iesel DFE is set at the top level. The elements in Criteria Level are regarded as system failures and machine element failu res. Each element in this level is investigated based on its associated elements/factors given in sub-criteria level and Index Level. These elements/factors are chosen because they are claimed to be the most significant ones associated with majo r causes that lead to failures of the marine DFE. Facilitating AHP-TOPSIS Method for Reliability Analysis of a Marine LNG-Diesel Dual Fuel Engine 107 Cause 1.1 Control system failure ... Cause 1.4 Cause 2.1 Cooling system failure Cause 2.2 Cause 2.3 Cause 3.1 Lubrication system failure System failure ... Cause 3.4 Cause 4.1 LNG fuel system failure ... Cause 4.5 Dual fuel system failure Cause 5.1 Diesel fuel system failure LNG-diesel DFE failure ... Cause 5.5 Cause 6.1 Vantilation system failure Cause 6.2 Cause 6.3 Cause 7.1 major motion components failure ... Cause 7.4 Machine element failure Cause 8.1 major fixed components failure ... Cause 8.4 Figure 2: The Hierarch ical Structure of Failure Modelling of LNG-diesel DFE Taking “system failure” layer as an example, which is consist of five factors, namely, “control system failure”, “cooling system failure”, “lubrication system failu re”, “dual fuel system failure” and “ventilat ion system failu re”, the matrix fo r this level can be formed via Equation (1), co mbined with weighted average expert judgements (the relative weight of every expert is assigned equally). For the purpose of convenient, “control system failure”, “cooling system failure”, “lubricat ion system failure”, “dual fuel system failure” and “ventilation system failure” are respectively represented by P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5. P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P1 1.00 2.50 1.67 1.00 1.00 P2 0.40 1.00 0.75 0.42 0.75 P3 0.60 1.33 1.00 0.67 2.67 P4 1.00 2.40 1.50 1.00 2.00 P5 1.00 1.33 0.38 0.50 1.00 108 Chengpeng Wan, Xinping Yan, Di Zhang, Jing Shi, Shanshan Fu 3.2 Calcul ati on of Rel ati ve Weight of each Element in Different Levels (Step 2) As shown in Table 3, the weights of this level’s elements can be calculated using Equation (2). Table 3: Weights of each Element in “System Failure” Elements Weight Rank P1 0.25 2 P2 0.12 5 P3 0.21 3 P4 0.27 1 P5 0.15 4 After the calculation of each element’s weight, the consistency of pairwise comparisons can be checked using Equation (3) and Equation (4): CI CR RI 5.1967 5 5 1 0.043 0.1 1.12 Similar process can be further imp lemented to other levels so that the weighting vectors of all levels are obtained. 3.3 Identi ficati on of Key Factors (Step 3) By mult iplying the weighting vectors of relevant associated upper level elements, the overall weights of each element/factor are shown in Tab le 4. Table 4: Overall Weights of Each Element in Index Level Cause Nu mber 1.1 Influencing Factors (Index Level) Overall Weight Rank Start-up failure 0.0319 15 1.2 Firing failure 0.0544 4 1.3 Reversal failure 0.0600 3 1.4 Speed regul ati on fault 0.0413 9 2.1 Jam or leakage of fresh (sea) water pip ing 0.0324 14 2.2 Fresh(sea) water pump fault 0.0414 8 2.3 Fresh water valve damage 0.0162 24 3.1 Pressure limiting val ve fault 0.0445 6 3.2 Oil pump faul t 0.0788 2 3.3 Sensor failu re 0.0362 11 4.1 Separator fault 0.0302 17 4.2 Injection pump fault 0.0331 13 4.3 Electronic governor fault 0.0216 20 4.4 Oil supply piping damage 0.0173 23 4.5 Fuel injector fault 0.0421 7 Facilitating AHP-TOPSIS Method for Reliability Analysis of a Marine LNG-Diesel Dual Fuel Engine 109 5.1 Natural gas pipeline damage 0.0100 30 5.2 Gas injection valve fault 0.0041 32 5.3 LNG processing system failure 0.0112 29 5.4 ECU fau lt 0.0188 22 5.5 Safety control system failure 0.0147 25 6.1 Leakage of exhaust valves 0.0315 16 6.2 Cracking of valve disk (rod) 0.0214 21 6.3 Supercharger bearing damage 0.0135 26 6.4 Turbi ne fault 0.0461 5 7.1 0.0380 10 0.0917 1 7.3 Piston crown ablation Piston ring abnormal wear, adhesi ve and broken Connecting rod bending 0.0293 18 7.4 Cran kshaft fatigue damage 0.0332 12 8.1 Over wear of cylinder liner 0.0220 19 8.2 Cavitations of cylinder liner 0.0116 28 8.3 Crack and corrosive damage of cylinder cover 0.0127 27 8.4 Bearing shell damage 0.0088 31 7.2 As shown in Table 4, there are 32 factors that influence the reliab ility of LNG-diesel DFE. However, only parts of them are selected in order to simplify the further steps of RCO identification. The selected factors are those which have relatively high importance degrees. Specifically, a threshold value of 50% [20] of total importance degree is used in selecting the safety critical factors (SCFs) in this study (50% is not a fixed value which may need to be adjusted in terms of d ifferent situations). Thus, nine influencing factors, namely, “piston ring abnormal wear, adhesive and broken” (C1), “oil pump fau lt” (C2), “reversal failure” (C3), “firing failu re” (C4), “turb ine fau lt” (C5), “pressure limiting valve fault” (C6), “fuel injector fault” (C7), “fresh (sea) water pu mp fault” (C8) and “speed regulation fault” (C9), are identified as the SCFs in terms of failure risk of the DFE. These nine factors are responsible for a comparatively high overall weight of importance degree accumulated to 50.03 percent. Moreover, the selected factors are approximately in accordance with the result of another similar research [21], which in turn supports the rational selection in this study to some extent. The normalised weights of the key factors are shown as Table 5. Table 5: Normalised Relat ive Eeight of each SCF Key Factors Weight C1 0.183 C2 0.158 C3 0.119 C4 0.109 C5 0.092 C6 0.089 C7 0.084 C8 0.083 C9 0.083 110 3.4 Chengpeng Wan, Xinping Yan, Di Zhang, Jing Shi, Shanshan Fu Identi ficati on of RCOs and Establishment of Decision Matri x (Step 4) In terms of the SCFs of LNG-diesel DFEs, the corresponding countermeasures are listed as follow: RCO 1: strictly co mply with the design specifications when refitting LNG-diesel DFEs, and reinforce routine inspection and management to dual fuel system; RCO 2: conduct maintenance work regularly according to the technical maintenance table, and adjust maintenance items and period according to the operating conditions of LNG-diesel DFE and different environ ment; RCO 3: conduct crew training; RCO 4: select suitable working mode for LNG-diesel DFEs according to different conditions. By using a scale of rating fro m 0 to 10 (fro m least effective to extremely effective), the degrees of utility of each RCO have been evaluated through merged expert grading data with respect to the criteria co mposed of nine key factors. The decision matrix D made up with alternative ratings is as follo w: D= C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 O1 3.67 2.33 2.67 6 4.33 3 8.67 3.33 9.33 O2 8.67 6.67 6 8.67 7.33 4.33 9.33 4 5.33 O3 5 4.33 5 8.33 7 3.67 7 5 5 O4 3.33 3.33 3.33 8.67 7.33 6 8.67 4 4 3.5 Normalisation and Weighting of the Decision Matrix (Step 5) By using Equation (6), each variab le in decision mat rix can be calculated so as to normalise the decision mat rix. Then, weighted normalised decision matrix (Vij ) can be obtained by mult iply ing it with associated weights (in Tab le 5) using Equation (7), shown as below. 3.6 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 O1 0.060 0.041 0.036 0.041 0.030 0.030 0.043 0.033 0.062 O2 0.142 0.118 0.081 0.059 0.051 0.044 0.046 0.040 0.035 O3 0.082 0.076 0.067 0.057 0.049 0.037 0.035 0.050 0.033 O4 0.055 0.059 0.045 0.059 0.051 0.061 0.043 0.040 0.026 Identi ficati on of Positi ve Ideal Solutions (PIS) and Negati ve Ideal Solutions (NIS) (Step 6 ) Through Equation (8), the PIS and NIS can be obtained as follows : A+= (0.142, 0.118, 0.081, 0.059, 0.051, 0.061, 0.046, 0.050, 0.062); A-= (0.055, 0.041, 0.036, 0.041, 0.030(1), 0.030(4), 0.035, 0.033, 0.026). 3.7 Calcul ati on of Distances and Relati ve Closeness (Step 7) The Euclidean distances from the PIS (d j +) and the NIS (d j -) of each alternative Oi can be calculated through Equation (9) and their relat ive closeness can be obtained using Equation (10). Taking RCO 4 as an examp le, Facilitating AHP-TOPSIS Method for Reliability Analysis of a Marine LNG-Diesel Dual Fuel Engine 111 (0.055 0.142)2 (0.059 0.118)2 (0.045 0.081)2 d (0.059 0.059)2 (0.051 0.051)2 (0.061 0.061)2 0.117 ; (0.043 0.046)2 (0.040 0.050)2 (0.026 0.062)2 (0.055 0.055)2 (0.059 0.041)2 (0.045 0.036)2 d (0.059 0.041)2 (0.051 0.0302 (0.061 0.030)2 0.047 (0.043 0.035)2 (0.040 0.033)2 (0.026 0.026)2 Thus, the relative closeness of O4 is, S4 3.8 0.047 0.287 0.117 0.047 Ranking of the Alternati ves (Step 8) Similar processes can be imp lemented to other RCOs and the final ran king can be seen in Table 6. Table 6: Final Ranking of the RCOs RCO 1 d+ 0.129 d0.037 Sj 0.223 Rank 4 RCO 2 0.033 0.129 0.796 1 RCO 3 0.084 0.063 0.427 2 RCO 4 0.117 0.047 0.287 3 It is clear that the optimal RCO would be regular maintenance work which has the shortest distance from PIS and furthest distance from NIS, ranking the first with highest relative closeness. 4. Discussion and Vali dati on According to the matrix (Vij ) in Sect ion 3.5, ranking of each RCO in respect of different criteria are represented in the Table 7. Table 7: Ranking of each RCO with Different Criteria RCO 1 RCO 2 RCO 3 RCO 4 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 3 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 4 2 3 1 2 1 3 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 It can be seen that RCO 2 gets the highest value for almost all assessment criteria compared to other RCOs, making it a pro minent utility in controlling the SCFs that influence the reliab ility of LNG-diesel DFEs. RCO 1 contains the majority of the lowest values, which results in its last place in the performance ranking. Though RCO 2 is claimed to be the best alternative, it does not mean that other alternatives cannot reduce the failure risk of LNG-diesel DFEs. Instead, other alternatives may also be applied under certain circu mstances to improve the reliab ility of the system. 112 Chengpeng Wan, Xinping Yan, Di Zhang, Jing Shi, Shanshan Fu Co mpared to the results in [22], which listed the priorities of RCOs by evaluating their “overall effectiveness” (shown as Table 8) on the basis of experts ’ judgements, the final ran king of the RCOs is in harmony with this study, which partially validates the rationality of the proposed approach. In addit ion, regular maintenance work, recommended as RCO 2, is a significant part of the daily operation. It is not only the obligation of crew on ship, but has also been enforced as a regulation by many shipping companies, marit ime safety administrations and other maritime organizations [23]. Table 8: Utility Evaluation of RCOs [22] Over Effectiveness Rank RCO 1 RCO 2 RCO 3 RCO 4 2.2186 3.4490 2.7369 2.5242 4 1 2 3 5. Conclusions As various factors may influence the operational safety of DFE, this paper presents an analytical method using the techniques of an AHP and the TOPSIS, fo r the reliability assessment of DFE and solution selection for the best alternatives to control operational risk. The p roposed method is further demonstrated and validated with a case study. The criteria of “p iston ring abnormal wear, adhesive and broken”, “oil pu mp fau lt”, “reversal failure”, “firing failu re”, “turbine fault”, “pressure limiting valve fault”, “fuel injector fault”, “fresh (sea) water pump fau lt” and “speed regulation fault” are identified as the SCFs through the AHP method. Moreover, regular maintenance work is estimated having the highest utility priority among all RCOs by applying the TOPSIS method. The results of this study provide useful information for the marine engineers and shareholders in order to reduce the failure risk of DFEs. 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Pro f. Yan’s major research interests include marit ime safety and security analysis. Di Zhang is Assistant Professor of Intelligent Transport Systems Research Centre, Wuhan University of Technology, Ch ina. He received his B.Sc. in Navigation Technology, M.Sc. in Traffic Information Engineering & Control and Ph .D. in Veh icle Operat ion Engineering fro m Wuhan University of Technology in 2005, 2008 and 2011 respectively. Dr. Zhang’s major research interests include risk assessment and decision science applied in marine systems. He is associate fello w of Royal Institute of Navigation (AFRIN). Jing Shi is a Ph.D. candidate in Management School at Un iversity of Liverpool, currently doing research on sustainable packaging and green supp ly chain. After graduating from North-eastern University in China with B.Eng. in Automat ion, he worked as a quality engineer in a pump manufacturer. His interest sparked in product development and manufacturing operations, he achieved an M.Sc. (Eng.) in Product Design and Management at the University of Liverpool. Shanshan Fu is a Ph.D. candidate in Intelligent Transportation Engineering at Wuhan University of Technology, P.R. China. She received her B.Sc. in Logistics Engineering fro m Wuhan University of Technology in 2010 and M .Sc. in Intelligent Transportation Engineering fro m the same university in 2013. Shanshan’s major research interests include risk assessment and LNG vessel risk analysis. View publication stats