Uploaded by Rachel Murray

Tutorial Evaluation Checklist: Quality Assessment Form

Subject matter
Matches goal of tutorial
Organized presentation of content
Content information is accurate
Language, style, and grammar
reading material is appropriate for learners
Cultural bias in language, images, or gender references
Technical terms or jargon or explained
Spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Auxiliary information
Introductory section
Directions are clear, detailed, and easy to follow
Help is accessible from anywhere in the program
Tutorial includes a conclusion
Affective Considerations
Does the program pique the learner's interests?
Is the program challenging?
Does the program motivate the learner?
Does the program encourage the learner to follow up with outside activities?
Displays are uncluttered
Displays are relevant to learning
Acceptable Needs Work Comments
Displays are interesting to the learner
Displays show well on a monitor or screen
Program works well on any device
Text quality is appropriate
Animation and graphics reinforce tutorial objectives
Audio files contribute to the tutorial objectives
Videos are appropriate in length
Videos support the tutorial objectives
Navigation and orientation aids are provided to navigate through the tutorial
Leaners know how long it will take them to navigate through the tutorial
Navigation is consistent throughout the tutorial
Learning outcomes are appropriate for learning audience
Instructional strategies are appropriate for audience
Is the tutorial interactive?
Is the length of learning per module appropriate for the learner?
Are the learning strategies appropriate for the learner?
The learner can control audio and video
Assessments check for understanding
Feedback of assessments is provided
Feedback is constructive and supportive
Feedback attracts the learner's attention
Acceptable Needs Work Comments
Mastery of content is assessed
Invisible features
Final assessment data is available to instructors
Data collected will be protected
Tutorial performs normal under normal user actions
Tutorial performs normal under usual user actions
Tutorial can be accessed on different computers and browsers
Supplementary materials
Tutorial refers learner to other resources or material for additional information.