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Course Grading Rubric & Assignment Details

This document will cover how to anticipate grades for various assignments. The grading criteria
for different tasks, both in-class and for homework, are below. Finally, if should go without
saying that you name should be on everything you turn in, whether digitally or in-class.
Free writes- 5 Points each
Almost every day we meet as a whole class will have what I call a free write. To get the bare
minimum points, you must write a full paragraph (5 sentences). However, some topics should
get you thinking and writing more than that. I've had students write an entire page or more. It
must be on-topic and answer whatever prompt I give you at the beginning of class. These
prompts are typically given before anything else is addressed in class and are required. Don't
write about something you don't want to talk about in front of the rest of the class. If you are
late to class, you will not be able to do the freewrite. So... don't be late.
Reading Logs- 15 points each
Reading logs are homework to be completed and printed off before class. I do not accept
handwritten homework ever. To get full points, please include/complete the following: 12 point
font, double spaced, word count (must be over 300 words), and on-topic. Remember that you
can branch out a little when responding to the readings, but it needs to be obvious that you
actually read the material.
Assignment Sheets: 20 points each
Occasionally, instead of a Reading log, you will find the syllabus tells you to complete an
“Assignment Sheet.” The documents for the prompts can be found on D2L. To earn full points,
you must complete the assignment, write at least 2 paragraphs, and participate in the class
Group work- 10 to 20 points, depending on the day
Some days I may put you into groups and ask you to complete a prompt or task. All group
members will need to have their name on the sheet of paper you turn in, and I will assess the
work you do as I walk around the classroom.
Movie notes- 20 points/day
MWF will have a movie week in the middle of the semester. You will be asked to take notes on
the arguments being presented in the movie and turn in a new page worth of notes each class.
More details when we decide the movie.
Paper rough drafts- 20 points each
Rough drafts need to be as complete as possible. As the final draft of each paper is required to
be a minimum of 3 pages, shoot for half that for the rough draft. The more you write, the more
me and your group can help you improve your draft. If it is not turned in on time (see document
entitled "Drafting Process"), it will receive no points. It must have your name on it. It must be
12 point font, Times New Roman or similar, double spaced, on topic, 1" margins. If it is a
research paper, it will need to have references and in-text citations. Plural. Otherwise, it will be
given a 0.
Paper peer editing- 20 points each
Each paper will be reviewed by a group that I will assemble later in the semester. For the
complete process, see document entitled "Drafting Process." For full points, you must print and
edit each person in your group's paper and bring it with you on the day that the syllabus
indicates. Show up on time, give meaningful feedback, give your group members their edited
papers, and you will get full points.
Conferences- 20 points
One-on-one conferences will take place in my office on the dates listed on the syllabus. You
MUST be on time to get full points. You also MUST bring a printed off copy of your paper. I will
not be able to edit on a computer. Don’t ask why. It’s personal and you’re being nosy. This is
your last chance to get advice on your paper before the final draft is due. It must be 12 point
font, Times New Roman or similar, double spaced, on topic, 1" margins. If it is a research paper,
it will need to have references and in-text citations. Plural. Otherwise, it will be given a 0.
Final papers- 100 points each
Each final paper must be at least 3 pages long. Any less than that and it will start to cut into
your final grade on the paper. It must have your name on it. It must be 12 point font, Times
New Roman or similar, double spaced, on topic, 1" margins. If it is a research paper, it will need
to have references and in-text citations. Plural. Otherwise, it will be given a 0.