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Health & Wellness Definitions | Teen Health Reflection

Yay this is a great Health Notebook isn't it?
Health: A state of complete physical, mental, and
social well-being and not merely the absence of disease of infirmity.
Health Promotion: The science nad art of helping people change their
lifestyle toward an optimal state of health.
Health Protection: Is defined as those professional activities
designed to prevent or reduce occupational illness and injury as well as enhance your health and well-being.
Wellness: A dynamic process of becoming more aware and conciously making decisions
towards a lifestlye that is more balanced and healthy.
Physical Wellness: The process of making choices that create flexible, cardiovascularly
fit, energetic, strong bodies. The choices we make related to exercise, nutrition, sleep and
rest, intentional and responsible choices, stress management, management of injury and illness,
and the responsible use of alcohol and other drugs.
Social Wellness - is the process of creating and maintaining healthy relationships through the choices we make. It embraces relationships at home and work, friendships, and our relationships with all people and future generations.
Emotional Wellness -is the process of accepting our worth, creating, recognizing, and expressing
our feelings, and talking to ourselves in healthy ways. Creating and maintaining a positive, realistic self-concept is also part of this process, as is realistically assessing potential and limitations.
Spiritual Wellness - is the process of discovering meaning and purpose in life, and demonstrating
values through behaviors. Spiritual wellness includes acceptance of the concepts of wholeness, unity, diversity, individual uniqueness, and the need for community.
Career Wellness - is the process of making and maintaining choices related to work which include
choosing a job for which we are well-suited, well-trained, and from which we gain satisfaction. Career wellness also requires balancing work with the rest of your life.
Environmental Wellness - is the process of making choices which will contribute to sustaining or
improving the quality of life in the universe. This dimension includes responsible choices regarding the use of air, water, land and energy so that future generations of each species may survive and thrive.
How does the magic health trianlge balance?
Social - Physical - Mental
Dating/freindships - Health and body - Handling stress / anger
(Write a small reflection paragraph that summarizes the various influences on teen health.
Identify the major topics and what they influence. Then write a small sentence evaluating the biggest aspect you feel is impacting your health choices. Why does this affect you? Put this in your notebook.)
Firstly, the biggest impact on me is definitely social media from technology.
It affects me because of how the lives of others are portrayed versus my own.
However the major topics that affect most teens involve body image, social stature, and
well being. Social media, TV, and even the News can show distroted images of this. 