Uploaded by Lawi Analo

Troubleshooting A Combination Lock Safe That Won

Troubleshooting A Combination Lock Safe That Won’t Open
A combination lock safe is one of the most common types of safes you will find in the
markets. While these safes will help keep your valuables safe, they may develop a few issues
down the line. Your safe failing to open is one of the issues you may be faced with. Unless
you forgot your combination code, there are other multiple reasons why your combination
lock safe lock won’t open. Knowing what the culprit is will help you identify the best
solution. Here are some of the top reasons behind your safe failing to open.
A Loose Dial Ring
A loose dial ring affects the opening index of your safe by shifting it. If the opening index
mark shifts, your safe won’t open even with the right combination. The opening index can
shift to either side. If it shifts to the left, you will need to add to your combination. That
means if your combination was 20-40-60, you should try 21-41-61. On the other hand, if it
shifts to the left, try 19-39-59. Add or subtract one number to your combination until the safe
opens. Keep in mind that this will not always work. However, if it does, call a locksmith as
soon as possible. You shouldn’t continue operating the safe with the loose dial ring because
the lock can fail completely, calling for a replacement. By calling a locksmith early enough,
the dial ring can simply be tightened, which means you will spend less.
A Damaged Fly And/or Drive Pins
Flies and drive pins may break or become stuck over time. When this happens, your safe’s
wheel counting will be affected. That means the safe won’t open even if you use the right
combination. And in most cases, the solution will be to drill the safe so get in touch with a
locksmith the soonest possible.
Jammed Up/Misaligned Bolts
Your safe will also remain closed if the bolts are jammed up or if they are out of alignment.
In most cases, if you have this problem, it’s the handle of your safe that won’t turn or it may
do so only slightly then become stuck. Pushing and pulling on your safe door and handle
respectively can help solve the problem. Use one of your hands to push on your safe door
inwards. Using the other hand, turn the handle while pulling it outwards. Doing this can help
realign the bolts to the right position needed to turn the handle all the way and open your