Spanish School Subjects: Walking Dictation Worksheet

School subjects walking dictation
1. Me gusta la historia porque es fácil.
2. Me encantan las ciencias porque son útiles.
3. No me gustan las matemáticas porque son aburridas.
4. Me gusta el teatro pero prefiero la geografía.
5. Me encanta el español porque me interesa mucho la cultura.
6. No me gusta la educación física porque es difícil.
7. Odio la informática porque no me interesa.
8. Me gusta mucho la música porque es divertida.
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School subjects walking dictation
Teaching notes
Stick a copy of the sentences on p.1 just outside your classroom. Alternatively, with a
larger group, cut up the eight sentences and stick them in different locations around or
outside your classroom.
Set a time limit for the task, using the Teachit Timer at
Students work in pairs. One partner goes to find each sentence, repeating it in order to
memorise it before walking back to dictate it to their partner (no phones allowed!).
They can swap roles for each sentence or part way through the task.
To ensure accuracy, you could tell students that there is one point per word available as
long as it is written perfectly.
At the end of the activity, students can swap their written sentences with another group
who will allot points. Project the correct sentences on p.1 to enable them to do this.
As a follow on task, students could translate the sentences into English, before writing
some similar opinions about their own subjects.
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