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Study & Thinking Skills Syllabus - PUP

Polytechnic University of the Philippines
College of Arts and Le ers
Department of English Languages and Linguistics
Sta. Mesa, Manila
First Semester, AY 2013-2014
Course Description:
This is a three-hour-per-week course designed to train and develop in the students the skills of
effective study habits, communication in the English language, critical thinking and reasoning, and
socially desirable a itude, as keys to success in college in particular and in life in general.
Generally, at the end of the semester, the student must have developed effective study habits and
skills, English communication skills, critical reading, thinking and writing skills, and desirable social
a itude.
Specifically, the students should:
1. Organize an effective study and time management system.
2. Write good paragraphs and compositions using the English language.
3. Develop effective reading skills by summarizing, analyzing and evaluating the reading materials.
4. Know and apply effective listening techniques.
5. Think and reason out critically in reading, speaking and writing situations.
6. Conduct individual and group research and presentations.
7. Know, appreciate and apply ethical values as desirable ingredients to success.
Course Contents:
Week 1 Acquaintance Activities, Ge ing to Know College, Motivation, Adjustments
Week 2 Effective Study Skills, Note-Taking, Summarizing, Paraphrasing, Presentation and Visual
Aids, Listening Techniques
Week 3 Reading Techniques, Skimming, Scanning, Fast Reading, Critical Reading, Making Inferences,
Figures of Speech and Idioms
Week 4 Library Research, Dewey Decimal Classification, Library of Congress Classification, Card
Catalog, Internet Research, Genera References
Weeks 5-6 The Paragraph, Parts of Paragraph, Qualities of an Effective Paragraph, Unity, Emphasis,
Weeks 7-8 Methods of Paragraph Development, Narration, Emphasis, Definition, Comparison and
Contrast, Description, Cause and Effect
Week 9 Midterm Examination
Week s 10-11 Methods of Paragraph Development, Analogy, Process, Classification, Persuasion,
Weeks 12-13 Critical Thinking, Inductive Reasoning, Deductive Reasoning, Fallacies
Weeks 14-15 Ethics, Moral Point of View, Good Judgment, Relativism and Subjectivism, Ethics of
Duty and Human Rights
Week 16 Grammar Review: Parts of Speech
Week 17 Composition Review: Sentence Structures
Week 18 Final Examination
To achieve the objectives of this course, the following techniques and methodologies shall be used:
Mediated Lectures-Discussions
Group Research and Presentations
Free and Graded Recitations
Grading System:
Midterm: Semi-Final:
A endance: 15% A endance: 15%
Recitation: 15% Recitation: 15%
Quizzes: 15% Quizzes: 15%
Research Output: 15% Research Output: 15%
Research Presentation 15% Research Presentation 15%
A itude: 10% A itude: 10%
Midterm Exam: 15% Final Exam: 15%
Final Grade: Midterm Grade + Semi-Final Grade ÷ 2 = GPA
Only an absence of nine (9) cumulative hours or six (6) contact sessions are allowed for each student.
Each absence shall translate to a corresponding .25 deduction from a endance points, to wit:
• 1 absence = 1.25
• 2 absences = 1.5
• 3 absences = 2.0
• 4 absences = 2.25
• 5 absences = 2.5
• 6 absences = 2.75
• 7 or more absences = 5.0
Cumulative tardiness of ninety (90) minutes shall mean one (1) absence, unless prior consent from the
professor has been sought by the student.
1. Basilio, Sylvia, et al. Study, Thinking and Writing Skills. GMK Publishing House, 2010.
2. Tiempo and Tiempo. College Reading and Writing (latest edition). Rex Book Store.
3. Moore, Brooke N. and Richard Parker. Critical Thinking (7th International Edition). Boston:
MacGraw Hill. 2005.
4. Rosenwasser, David and Jill Stephen. Writing Analytically. Thompson Wadsworth, 2006.
5. Kemper, Dave, et al. Write Source, A Book for Writing, Thinking and Learning. Massachuse s:
Great Source Education Group, 2007.
6. Vandermey, Randall, et al. The College Writer, A Guide to Thinking, Writing, and Researching (3rd
Edition). Massachuse s: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2009.
7. Hinman, Lawrence M. Ethics, A Pluralistic Approach to Moral Theory (3rd Edition). University of
San Diego: Wadsworth, 2003.
8. Other printed and online sources.
Prepared by:
Prof. Elmer P. Brabante
June 2013