ISLINGTON COLLEGE Information System CC4002NA Coursework 1 Submitted by: Submitted to: Saugat Adhikari Mr. Sukrit Shakya Group: N7 Module Leader Date: 11 December 2018 Information System CC402NA INFORMATION SYSTEM Table of Contents 1.Bubble sort Algorithm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 1.1 Introduction: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 1.2 Stepwise Explanation of Bubble Sort: --------------------------------------------------------- 5 1.2 Python Code for Bubble Sort: ----------------------------------------------------------------- 7 2.Graphical Representation of Bubble Sort algorithm -------------------------------------------- 10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 3. Collection Data Types ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 3.1 Lists: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 3.2 Tuples: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 3.3 Dictionaries: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 3.4 Sets: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17 3.5 Data of a book store: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 4. Learning Reflection: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 BIBLIOGRAPHY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 1|PAGE SAUGAT ADHIKARI CC402NA INFORMATION SYSTEM List of Tables Table 1: List of unsorted numbers. ......................................................................................................... 5 Table 2 : First Pass ................................................................................................................................ 5 Table 3: Second Pass ........................................................................................................................... 5 Table 4: Third Pass ............................................................................................................................... 6 Table 5: Data of a book store.................................................................................................................18 2|PAGE SAUGAT ADHIKARI CC402NA INFORMATION SYSTEM 3|PAGE SAUGAT ADHIKARI CC402NA INFORMATION SYSTEM 1.BUBBLE SORT ALGORITHM 1.1 Introduction: The rapid growth in the amount of information stored in this modern world requires an effectual way in which this data needs to be ordered for it be accessed easily when required. Many years ago, it was estimated that half the time on many commercial computers was spent in sorting the data. (Ms. Jyoti Mundra, September, 2015) Since then, we have been introduced to different ways of sorting data; such as, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, etc. Figure 1: Sorting example. (Karleigh Moore, 2016) Bubble sort also known as a sinking sort, is a sorting algorithm that compares the adjacent pairs and swap them if necessary, causing the items to ‘bubble’ up towards their proper position. (Anon., n.d.) For the computer to entirely spot the sorting of elements; the swap process continues until no swaps are necessary. 4|PAGE SAUGAT ADHIKARI CC402NA INFORMATION SYSTEM 1.2 Stepwise Explanation of Bubble Sort: Example: 50 20 15 35 30 Table 1: List of unsorted numbers. The table shown below depicts the step by step algorithm of Bubble Sort on the given list of numbers in order to sort them in an ascending order. 20 50 15 35 30 20 15 50 35 30 20 15 35 50 30 20 15 35 30 50 Table 2 : First Pass 15 20 35 30 50 15 20 35 30 50 15 20 30 35 50 15 20 30 35 50 Table 3: Second Pass 5|PAGE SAUGAT ADHIKARI CC402NA INFORMATION SYSTEM 15 20 30 25 50 15 20 30 35 50 15 20 30 35 50 15 20 30 35 50 Table 4: Third Pass Pass; in a bubble sort is the one complete cycle; where the algorithm compares and swaps all the adjacent elements throughout the list. A new pass always continues with the list of values which is derived at the end of the previous pass and so on. In Table 1: the painted areas display the swapping of elements in pairs, if they are out of order. In other words, the algorithm is comparing the two elements and placing the smallest value to the front position or leaving it unchanged; if the pair is already in order. This process continues until all the adjacent numbers are exchanged and by the end of first pass, the largest number always travels to the last of the list. Table 2 depicts the similar procedure of swapping and sorting the numbers in pairs and continuing till essential. In the above example, it is evident that all the numbers are arranged in the ascending order by the end of second pass. But the only way computer deems that the array of numbers is sorted, if there are no swaps seen though an entire pass. Hence, as there are clearly no swaps in Table 3; the computer recognizes the numbers are sorted in ascending order. 6|PAGE SAUGAT ADHIKARI CC402NA INFORMATION SYSTEM 1.2 Python Code for Bubble Sort: The python coding implementation of the above example is provided below: Figure 2: IDLE Code for bubble sort Figure 3: Result of the above idle coding 7|PAGE SAUGAT ADHIKARI CC402NA INFORMATION SYSTEM Above figure demonstrates the proper python coding for implementing the bubble sort algorithm on the given list of numbers; in order to sort them in ascending order. 1. We input the provided list that requires sorting; i.e. arr =[50,15,20,35,30] 2. We create a flag variable; which has same value until the condition is true and then changes as required. i.e. i = 1. 3. We simply use a while loop which is triggered when the value of our flag variable (i) is smaller or equal to the length of the list(len(arr)). 4. Then, we create a for loop in order to iterate through the elements in our list using their indexes. The for loop will have a counter variable(j) that has a range from 1 to length of the list. So, the value of j throughout the loop will change 4 times; i.e.1,2,3,4. As the highest index of any list is a number short that the actual length of the list, we use the maximum range value as the length of the list. 5. We already know that bubble sort swaps the two adjacent values until no swaps are needed. For that, we use an if statement to compare the value at index [j-1] and value at index [j]. This statement will only be true when the value at [j-1] is bigger than value at [j]. 8|PAGE SAUGAT ADHIKARI CC402NA INFORMATION SYSTEM 6. If the statement is true, we swap those two values by simply using the temp function. But if the above statement is false or the preceding value is already smaller than the current value; no swaps will be done. 7. We had used a counter in while loop, namely (i). For all the numbers to get sorted, this variable needs to be increased by 1 until the length of the list is met. When the value of i becomes equal to the length of the list, we get out of the while loop. This means the required swaps are carried out and the given list is sorted. 8. Finally, we print the list, which will provide us the above list sorted in ascending order. i.e. arr = [15,20,30,35,50] 9|PAGE SAUGAT ADHIKARI CC402NA INFORMATION SYSTEM 2.GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF BUBBLE SORT ALGORITHM Start Print(arr) Input List(arr) i=1 temp=arr[j-1] arr[j-1]=arr[j] arr[j]=temp i=i+1 True If arr[j-1]>arr[j] If i<=len(arr)? True True False j=1 If j<len(arr)? j=j+1 False STOP 10 | P A G E SAUGAT ADHIKARI CC402NA INFORMATION SYSTEM 11 | P A G E SAUGAT ADHIKARI CC402NA INFORMATION SYSTEM 3. COLLECTION DATA TYPES 3.1 Lists: A list is an ordered sequence of information/values which can be retrieved with the use of index. The values that make up a list are called its element or items. Lists are like strings, which are ordered collection of characters, except that the elements of a list can be of any data type. (Peter Wentworh, 2012) There are several ways in which a list can be created; the basic characteristic of list is that it is enclosed within square brackets. For example: L_1 = [20,35,47,68,90] L_2 = [“information”, “system”, “python”] As we know that the elements in the list are accessed with the help of special integers know as index. Index permanently start form 0 and end at a number less than the length of the list. Negative indexing can also be carried out when the actual length of the list is unknown to us; but it always starts from (-1). Example: L_1 = [20, 35, 47, 68, 90] Index=0 1 2 3 4 12 | P A G E SAUGAT ADHIKARI CC402NA INFORMATION SYSTEM Print(L_1[0]) will print 20; the value at 0th index. Print(L_1[4]) will print 90; the value at 4th index. Another vital characteristic of a list which makes it very useful and applicable in data collection is the fact that lists are mutable. We can easily manipulate list according to our requirement. Some basic functions used to mutate lists are provided below: Length: The inbuilt function for finding the length of any given list is len(List). Example: L_1 = [20,35,47,68,90] print len(L_1) 13 | P A G E SAUGAT ADHIKARI CC402NA INFORMATION SYSTEM Figure 4: Mutating Lists. The descriptions of functions carried out in Figure 4 are listed below: 1. Changing elements at a certain index. 2. Adding an element to the end of the list. 3. Adding two lists to form a new list. 4. Extending a list by adding elements at its end. 5. Removing an element. 6. Deleting an element at certain index. 7. Eliminating last element of the list. 14 | P A G E SAUGAT ADHIKARI CC402NA INFORMATION SYSTEM 3.2 Tuples: A tuple is used to group any number of values/elements into a single compound value. Syntactically, a tuple is comma – separated sequence of values enclosed with parentheses. By nature, Tuples are immutable and can only be used to store constant values. So, Tuples are useful for representing records – some related information that belong together. A tuple lest us “chunk” together related information and use it as a single thing. Example: Bond = (“Dr. No”, 1963, “From Russia With Love”, 1962) The above example shows the use of tuple in collecting the James Bond movies and their respective year of release. Institutions generally use tuples for storing student records; includes Student name, Student Grade, Student Attendance, etc. Alike lists, the length of tuple can be required by using the len(Tuple) function as shown below: len(Bond) = 4 Following syntax shows the code for swapping values within the tuple; operated on above example: (1963, 1962) = (1962, 1963) This prints the above tuple as: Bond = (1962, “Dr. No”, 1962, “From Russia With Love”, 1963) 15 | P A G E SAUGAT ADHIKARI CC402NA INFORMATION SYSTEM 3.3 Dictionaries: Dictionaries are yet another kind of compound data type, which serves as a mapping type in Python. The map keys, that can be any immutable type; to their corresponding values, that can be heterogenous in nature. Other computing languages even refer dictionaries as associative arrays since they associate key with a value. (Peter Wentworh, 2012, p. 267) Dictionary is created denoted by { } and can be created by adding key : value pairs. Example: Dec = {‘’messi’:33, ’dembele’:21, ‘Countinho’:26} As dictionary is a compound data type without sequence, we cannot index or slice a dictionary. But we can access the values in dictionary by using its custom key. Values in a dictionary can be duplicate but keys must always be unique; as they are immutable. Dec = {‘Messi’: 33, ’Dembele’: 21, ‘Coutinho’: 26} Key1 Value1 Key2 Value2 Key 3 Value3 Furthermore, a dictionary can also contain another dictionary inside it in the form of value. Example: D = {4: {1:0, 3:2} 16 | P A G E SAUGAT ADHIKARI CC402NA INFORMATION SYSTEM 3.4 Sets: Set in python is an unordered collection of elements, that is mutable in nature. Since, the values inside a set is unordered; there is no concept of indexing. Sets generally contain unique elements because adding duplicates can be safe but is pointless. Sets can be defined by naming all its values inside {} brackets. The only exception is empty set, which can be created using set(). If set(…) has a list, a string or a tuple as a parameter, it will return a set composed of its elements. (Denis Kirienko, n.d.) Figure 5: Set operations 17 | P A G E SAUGAT ADHIKARI CC402NA INFORMATION SYSTEM 3.5 Data of a book store: Book ID Name Price Quantity B001 Harry Potter(JK Rowling) $2 30 B002 Start with Why(Simon Sinek) $1.5 10 B003 Programming with Python(John Smith) $1.5 20 Table 5: Data of a book store We have already discoursed various collection data types used for storing information in python above in the report. 2-D list is my choice for storing the provided data, in the terms of effectiveness and convenience. Let’s suppose, we are not aware of the number of values a user is going to input; a 2D array with a maximum limiting size is the best solution to this situation. Some real life uses of 2D lists are; used in image processing as matrices, filters that are used to remove noises generated in a recording are also 2D arrays. The above table is the most common way for storing data in real life; so, 2D lists are used to imitate such tables in python. The above data can be represented in python as: Book_id = [‘B001’, ‘B002’,’B003’] Book_name = [‘Harry Potter’, ‘Start with Why’, ‘Programming with Python’] 18 | P A G E SAUGAT ADHIKARI CC402NA INFORMATION SYSTEM Price = [‘$2’, ‘$1.5’, ‘$1.5’] Quantity = [30,10,20] After using 2D lists, the above lists can be coded as: Choice = [ [‘Book_id’, ‘Book_name’, ‘Price’, ‘Quantity’] [‘B001’, ‘Harry Potter’, ‘$2’, 30] [‘B002’, ‘Start with Why’, ‘$1.5’, 10] [‘B003’, ‘Programming with Python’, ‘$1.5’, 20] ] Storing the above data in Tuple would be illogical, since we won’t be able mutate a Tuple in order to add or remove any element. Similarly, dictionaries and sets could have been used, but they seem to have unordered collection of elements. Hence, 2 dimensional lists or arrays is the best option for the above data; as it serves as a matrix which is easily accessible with indexes and the data/elements can be easily manipulated as per requirement. We can iterate through all the elements in the above 2D list by using for loop: 19 | P A G E SAUGAT ADHIKARI CC402NA INFORMATION SYSTEM Figure 6: Iterating book store data in 2D list. Figure 7: Printing result of book store data. 20 | P A G E SAUGAT ADHIKARI CC402NA INFORMATION SYSTEM 4. LEARNING REFLECTION: I was very intrigued when I found out that I was going to partake in the study of Information System in this course. For a student new to the Information Technology field, Information System is a must, as it teaches us the basics of collecting, organizing, storing and comparing information. A small business to large organizations relies on Information System to sustain their operation and compete in the global market. Our module till date mainly consisted of introduction to Information System, Python Programming language, various data types and its collection and manipulation. Coming from Accounting and Management field, I was familiar with data assembly and management in the form of Tables, Statistics, Graphs, etc. But I was skeptic that I would be able to completely grasp Python Programming and Coding; which was an uncharted territory for me. Honestly speaking, I am content with my understanding as of now; as I feel like I have exceled the basics of Python and all the concepts we have learned till date. Of course, the understanding of any subject or concept rest on the learning capabilities and preparation undergone by the Student. But personally, I wouldn’t have been able to reach this level of understanding of the unit without prior history in programming language; if it wasn’t for the excellent teaching ability and dedication show to their craft by my lecturer and tutor of this module. During the early weeks, I had some difficulty with providing proper indentation and overall presentation of my coding in python; but Mr. Sarun Dahal who has maintained such strong rapport with all his students, personally helped me in overcoming my loopholes in the coding and hence, making it more professional and accurate. The current course structure for the first year starts the study of two programming languages at once; namely Java and Python. So, I have found this as my biggest drawback; as I seem to be jumbling the codes/syntaxes of the two programming languages randomly and getting more disordered. But, with proper guidance and rigorous practice, I am optimistic about fixing this problem and being assured in Python Coding and concepts in the coming weeks. Other than the mentioned problem, I am enjoying the learnings of this module and am looking forward to further learnings about this language between user and computer in Information System. 21 | P A G E SAUGAT ADHIKARI CC402NA INFORMATION SYSTEM Bibliography Anon., n.d. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 December 2018]. Denis Kirienko, V. P., n.d. Snakify. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11 December 2018]. Karleigh Moore, G. P., 2016. Sorting Algorithms. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 December 2018]. Ms. Jyoti Mundra, M. B., September, 2015. Minimizing Execution Time of Bubble Sort Algorithm. Internation Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, 4(9), p. 173. Peter Wentworh, J. E., 2012. Lists. In: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python. s.l.:dreamtech, pp. 145, 267. 22 | P A G E SAUGAT ADHIKARI