Uploaded by Gena Brown

Case Study: Autism, Anxiety, and Intellectual Disability

Case Study
Reason for Referral
J.B. is bothered by loud noises
Being compulsive and has rituals that he does everyday
Paranoid that people are talking about him
Takes everything seriously and gets upset easily
Unable to attend school due to anxiety
Becomes agitated and has meltdowns
Assessment Tools
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, 5th Edition (WISC-V)
Personality Inventory for Youth (PIY)
Burks Behavior Rating Scales (BBRS)
Sentence Completion
Kinetic Family Drawing
Clinical Interview
General Observation
J.B. was well-groomed: hair was perfectly styled he was neatly dressed
Nails were bitten down to the quick
J.B. became irritated with parents when they provided words of encouragement to
During testing J.B. repeated statements of “gotta think, gotta think” and “I feel
Complained about loud noises in the building
General Observations Cont’d
During subsequent visits J.B. was relaxed and talked about things that
interested him
Took turns in the conversation
During several visits he wore a baseball cap because he did not fix his hair
When seen in home he was relaxed
Background & Psychosocial History
J.B. is 17 years old and in the 11th grade. He has difficulty socializing or going out
in public due to feeling like he does not fit in, and that people will judge him. He
continually believes that when he is out in public he can hear other people
talking about him and laughing at him.
J.B. endorses feelings of increased anxiety. He has specific rituals he has to
complete. He checks and rechecks lights. He spends extended periods of time
on his hair because it “must be perfect”. He does this even though he is not
leaving his house.
Background and Psychosocial History Cont’d
Noises bother J.B.. When his dad coughs he becomes extremely agitated by it.
He does not like for his mom to talk to his dad on the phone because he might
hear his dad cough. Loud cars on the street outside of his house make him
extremely angry.
Mom stated that when J.B. becomes stressed or angry he cries and has frantic
J.B. will wear the same clothes over and over. He wears his shoes extremely
tight to the point of bruising his feet.
J.B. is needy and clingy towards his parents. Mom reports that he wants hugs all
the time. Dad observes that the hugs are too intense and out of his comfort
Mental Health History
Outpatient Mental Health Treatment
Inpatient Mental Health Treatment
J.B. has received outpatient services for the past 2 years
J.B. has not been placed inpatient.
Venlafaxine (over a year ago)
Clonazepam (over a year ago)
Methylphenidate (several years ago)
Caused suicidal ideation
Melatonin (about a year ago)
Caused him to be sleepy throughout the day
Family and Social History
Youngest child with 1 brother who is 24 years old
Lives with biological parents and brother
Family is close and has a good relationship
Close relationship with grandparents
No close friends. Has one friend that moved away and they still talk online.
Stays home by himself or with his family. He does not leave his house unless it is someplace
he wants to go
Spends his time listening to music, singing, and mixing vocals
Stays up all night and sleeps most of the day
Developmental and Childhood History
Premature- 3 weeks early
Motor development delays
Did not walk until 2 years old
Received Soonerstart and had Speech Therapy
Refused to eat, supplemented with protein drinks
Medical History
Kidney Disease- diagnosed in 2016
Takes medication for high blood pressure
Drug History and Criminal History
J.B. has not taken drugs or been in trouble with the law
Educational History
J.B. went homebound after being diagnosed with kidney disease
J.B. tried several different schools but never attended any for longer than a
few months.
Mom reported that he would pace all night until he made himself sick so
she let him stay home from school
Currently enrolled with an online school and doing well
Symptoms/Current Problems
Refuses to leave his house
Becomes anxious when plans are made, to the point he becomes sick
Not sleeping at night
Believes people are talking about him when he goes out in public
Has specific rituals he must complete
Diagnostic Impression
Official Diagnosis
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, Severe with
Psychotic Features
Social/Pragmatic Communication Disorder V Mild
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Social Phobia V Paranoid Personality Disorder,
Mild Intellectual Disability, Provisional
My Diagnosis
Autism Spectrum Disorder Level 1
Intellectual Disability-Mild
Social Anxiety Disorder
CBT-Cognitive Restructuring
Social Skills Training