Lecture 4, BICD110 ENDOCYTOSIS Reading, Lodish (7th edition) = pp 654-660, 429, bottom 647-648 (dynamin), & health paragraphs on pp 468 & 764 (6th edition) = pp 606-612, 393, 1023 (dynamin), & health paragraphs on pp 709 & 432 My office hours this week are today, THURSDAY 4:00-5:30 pm in 2130 Pacific Hall ENDOCYTOSIS - Intro - What & Why - Focus on Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis: - -- Steps 1-10 - Classical Receptor - Step 1 Clathrin Adaptins - Steps 1-3 Pinching off - Dynamin Uncoating Endosomes & Acidification Discovery of the LDL receptor & human mutations - Fates of Ligands “ENDOCYTOSIS” By all eukaryotic cells Why? Examples: -- All cells: for nutrition: -Cholesterol -Fe (iron) All cells: for downregulation of growth factor receptor Some cells: engulf foreign invaders PHAGOCYTOSIS = “cell eating” By some cells: --> engulf foreign invaders --> destroy them What cells? Macrophages --> do phagocytosis -take up 25% of their volume/hour -take up 3% of their plasma membrane/min --> 100% of their PM every 30’ 1) eat bacteria 2) eat dying or dead cells --> eats 1011 old red blood cells/day PHAGOCYTOSIS A neutrophil phagocytosing a dividing bacterium A mouse macrophage phagocytosing two old red blood cells PHAGOCYTOSIS PINOCYTOSIS = “cell drinking” g no concentration of contents TYPES OF RECEPTOR-MEDIATED ENDOCYTOSIS **1) Clathrin -- the major type we will study can concentrate molecules taken up 100x 2) Calveolae -- “little cavities” - calveolin becomes a “coated vesicle” “early” early Endosome pH6 A TYPICAL RECEPTOR FOR ENDOCYTOSIS DISCOVERY OF CLATHRIN CLATHRIN-MEDIATED ENDOCYTOSIS CLATHRIN-COATED PITS THE DISCOVERY OF DYNAMIN A Strange Fly Mutant A temperature-sensitive (ts) mutant of Drosophila, called shibire (= numb), that becomes paralyzed when put at high temperature. 1) shibire fly paralyzed raise temp to 30oC flies around again lower temp to 20oC Shibire Mutant Experiment: 2) Do electron microscopy on 30oC shibire fly tissues: - Nerve terminals: NO synaptic vesicles - Other cells: NO coated vesicles, BUT lots of coated pits & excess plasma membrane Shibire gene --> dynamin = the pinchase = a 100kd GTPase - when mutant (shibirets), can’t cleave GTP & dynamin can’t pinch to form coated vesicle Synaptic terminal plasma membrane of a shibire fly at high temperature. You can see coated pits trying to form into coated vesicles, but blocked because mutant dynamin can’t cause pinching off. Note the lines across the necks = dynamin collars. Immuno-EM with a gold-labeled anti-dynamin antibody (Adaptin =) “early” (= AP complex) Identifying the “Uncoating ATPase” Dr. Sandy Schmid + THE LDL RECEPTOR Mike Brown, Joe Goldstein Familial hypercholesteremia hypercholesteremia --> atherosclerosis --> heart attacks LDL RECEPTOR MUTATIONS -/- in their teens -/+ in their 40’s-60’s - that is, before statins were invented LDL Particle LDL Particles LDL Particle LDL Particle LDL Receptor Details Revealed - Ligand binding domain/arm - Beta- propeller - needed for conformational change at acid pH - O-linked sugars - not needed N P X Y - Transmembrane domain - Sorting signal binds to adaptins in coated pits NORMALLY AT ACID PH: Low pH ENDOCYTOSIS And STORAGE OF YOLK PARTICLES TRANSCYTOSIS CALVEOLAE