Uploaded by Elisabeth Dias

Potential vs. Kinetic Energy Worksheet

Potential vs. Kinetic Energy
Directions: Determine the best match between basic types of energy and the description provided. Put
the correct letter in the blank.
______1. A skier at the top of the mountain
(a) Kinetic Energy
______2. Gasoline in a storage tank
(b) Potential Energy
______3. A race-car traveling at its maximum speed
(c) Both forms of Energy
______4. Water flowing from a waterfall before it hits the pond below
______5. A spring in a pinball machine before it is released
______6. Burning a match
______7. A running refrigerator motor
Definitions of Energy.
Directions: Write down the definition for each of the following terms using your notes.
Directions: Determine the type of energy for each form (Kinetic, Potential, or Both) and give an example.
Type (KE, PE,
Example (for each
or Both)
type if both)
An object’s movement creates energy
(motion) energy
Thermal (heat)
The vibration and movement of
Radiant energy
Electromagnetic waves
Electrical energy
Movement of electrons
Chemical energy
Stored in bonds of atoms and molecules
Nuclear energy
Stored in the nucleus of an atom; released
when nucleus splits or combines
Vibration of waves through material
Sound energy
Energy of position or height
Kinetic and Potential Energy Calculations
Helpful hints – m/s = meters per second, this is how fast/slow something is traveling
Kg – kilograms, this is how much mass something has.
Circle the one with more Potential energy and
briefly explain why.
A 25 kg mass or a 30 kg mass at the top of a hill?
A car at the top of the hill or the bottom of a hill?
A plane on the ground or a plane in the air?
A full plane or an empty plane (both are flying)?
For the following questions……..PE or KE?
_____ A car is traveling 45 mph.
_____ A rock is on a ledge 5 meters high.
_____ A car is resting at the top of a hill.
Circle the one with more Kinetic energy and briefly
explain why.
5. A 25 kg mass or a 30 kg mass going 5 m/s.
6. Two 10 kg masses, one going 75 m/s, one going 45 m/s.
7. A car at rest or a car rolling down a hill.
8. A heavy bike or a light bike.
_____ A ball is thrown into the air and is still moving.
_____ A ball rolling on the ground.
Classify the following as a type of potential energy or kinetic energy (use the letters K or P)
1. A bicyclist pedaling up a hill
3. A volleyball player spiking a ball
2. An archer with his bow drawn
_____ 4. A baseball thrown to second base
5. The chemical bonds in sugar
_____ 6. The wind blowing through your hair
7. Walking down the street
8. Sitting in the top of a tree
9. A bowling ball rolling down the alley _____ 10. A bowling ball sitting on the rack
What examples can you find in your home that are examples of kinetic and potential energy
(name two for each type of energy)?
11. Kinetic: __________________________________________________________________________
12. Kinetic: __________________________________________________________________________
13. Potential: _________________________________________________________________________
14. Potential: _________________________________________________________________________
Go back and check your answers. For every question, write the page number in your notebook, or
website that helped you find the answer. This is worth 25 points!!!
**Extra Credit** - Go on youtube and find a video that can help you while learning energy types or
transformations. Write the web address below.