UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA ∙ UNIVERSITÉ D’OTTAWA Faculté de génie Génie Chimique Faculty of Engineering Chemical Engineering CHG 4160 Assignment 1 TOTAL 50 points Due Oct 5th Question 1. (10 points) The chemical structure of a new degradable polymer, poly (ethylene glycol)-bpolylysine-b-poly (D, L-lactide), is shown below. a. What will the end-point degradation products of this polymer be if it is degraded by incubation in vitro in phosphate buffered saline (PBS), pH 7.4 at 37°C? Question 2. (10 points) Explain the working mechanism of XPS technique? And explain why advancing and receding water contact angle measurements shows hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties of a surface, respectively? Question 4. (15 points) Different basal medium is a buffer that requires different CO2 levels in incubators for cell cultures. For example, Eagle’s MEM (E-MEM) requires CO2 level of 5% while Dulbecco’s M-EM (DMEM) requires 10% CO2. Try to explain why there is a difference in CO2 level? (Hint: To maintain a pH 7.4 in the buffer, the NaHCO3 concentrations in EMEM and D-MEM are different). Question 5. (15 points) Explain why in cryo-preservation, it is established that the optimal cooling rate to freeze the cells is ~1c/min? And why are cryo-protectants necessary? What are they and what is the normal concentration range? 1