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5 Reason Why You Need BOMs

5 Reasons
Why You Need BOMs
What is a Bill of
Material (BOM)?
In an EAM System, an equipment BOM
captures spare part information for a piece of
equipment. This information is used during
maintenance to determine the correct spare
parts to replace.
Let's look at the 5 reasons why BOMs are
beneficial to your asset-intensive business
Capture Accurate
Parts Information
BOMs provide a record of recommended spare parts for
maintenance and repair professionals
BOMs ensure critical spare parts are identified and can
be stocked
Generate Complete,
Effective Work Orders
BOMs connect parts to equipment in an EAM System, making the
parts information available for work orders and notifications
Maintenance Personnel can easily select the correct parts for a
work order to ensure it is complete
Reduce Downtime,
Increase Wrench Time
Maintenance Personnel waste no time searching in the system
for the correct part because they can reference the already
existing BOM, thereby increasing their available wrench time
Increase wrench time by 25% by making it easier and faster for
maintenance workers to find information
Minimize Parts
BOMs prevent maintenance personnel from
unnecessary searching that often results
in the addition of duplicate parts when the original
part is difficult to locate
All identical equipment can have the same BOM,
speeding the process of building BOMs and making
important information quickly accessible
A maintenance worker at company ABC searches in the EAM system for a part needed to
perform maintenance on a critical piece of equipment. The worker is unable to find the part
because it is mislabeled or difficult to identify. Without a BOM to make the information
accessible, the worker creates a new order for the part, duplicating it in the system. This is
neither effective nor efficient, and wastes time, money, and resources.
Plan Maintenance
BOMs make critical information available to the maintenance
planner, which allows for the planning and scheduling of
maintenance work to be completed in a timely manner
BOMs reduce downtime, increasing revenue and profitability
Balancing time and money
Why Don't More Companies
Use BOMs?
It takes:
Even companies that have BOMs find they are incomplete or out of date
Ways NRX AssetHub Helps
1. Locate Similar Equipment With Different BOMs
to eliminate duplication and improve the quality of existing
2. Intelligent Suggestions and Recommended Part
Matches speed the BOM-building process and eliminate
3. Copy/Paste and Bulk Changes to reuse existing BOM
information for like or similar assets
4. Powerful Reports provide transparency for the data
build process, making it easy to monitor progress
5. Create Exploded Parts Diagram for BOMs to choose
parts visually
We help you get your EAM
data right.
To learn more, click here.