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Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day Sign-Up

SIGN-UP 2019
Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work® Day
This will be the 14th year that CUPHD has participated! This year’s event is scheduled for Thursday,
April 25th; we will begin in the break room at CUPHD.
This program is a great opportunity for kids to meet others and learn a lot. A letter will be provided for
you to give to the child’s parent/school which explains the event. We hope to see your children there!
Parent/Sponsor can drop their children off between 7:00 and 7:30 AM. The children will participate in
supervised activities throughout the day and healthy snacks will be provided. At noon, parent/sponsor
will walk over to the U of I Extension Kitchen to taste what the children have cooked! Parent/Sponsor(s)
are still responsible for providing their children with a lunch on this day. We will resume activities at 1
PM and finish at 4:00 PM.
Parent/Sponsor can offer to volunteer for parts of the day, with permission from their supervisors, but if
you are not available that is fine… just show up for lunch.
Due to the nature of the learning activities, the minimum age for participation is 5.
Please fill out the attached form if you plan to have you child(ren) participate. Return to Pat Robinson
in HR.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name: (1) ______________________________________________________________ Age: _________________
Name: (2) ______________________________________________________________ Age: _________________
Name: (3) ______________________________________________________________Age: _________________
Name: (4) _____________________________________________________________ Age: _________________
Grade in School (1) ________ School: _____________________________________________________________
Grade in School (2) ________ School: _____________________________________________________________
Grade in School (3) ________ School: _____________________________________________________________
Grade in School (4) ________ School: _____________________________________________________________
CUPHD Employee Sponsor: _____________________________________________________________________