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Bibliography on Waste, Consumption, and Commodity Studies

1. Douglas, M., 1966. Purity and Danger. London: Routledge.
Douglas describes matter as ‘out of place’. Waste has potential to create or destroy
hence it involves both social and spatial processes. Douglas contributes by arguing
the constitution of waste as first something that does not fit, out of place and then as
something in process of dissolving or rotting.
2. Appadurai, A., 1986. The social life of things: commodities in cultural
perspective. University of Pennsylvania : Cambridge Universtiy Press.
Contributes to the perception that waste is ‘things in motion’ situated in specific
process and contexts. He also suggests tracing waste materials back into
commodity. He argues that commoditisation occurs when the following factors
intersect: temporal, cultural and social
3. Reyneke, P., 2016. Dumpsite Bricolage: The responses of the urban waste
precariat to the formalisation and privatisation of waste management in the
City of Tshwane, supervised by Dr Krige. Pretoria: University of Pretoria.
Reyneke did ethnographic research at a landfill in Pretoria. He provides good
insights obtained by observing garbage-pickers and to demonstrate how the
formalisation of waste-picking are often encouraged and initiated by third sector
organisations. Reyneke have pointed out how waste goes into an invisible phase
before it goes back into the flow of commodity. I will investigate this invisible phase
at the factory ‘out-of-sight’ just before the materials are returned to the flow of
commodity where it will be used to carry all other items bought, plastic shopping
4. Khazaleh, L., 2017.
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News about Ose’s research done in Northern Norway where Ose argues that food
waste are an indicator that households are being alienated from the larger food
cycle, and people discard products and let other people ‘make it disappear’.
5. Martinez, F., 2017. 'This place has potential': Trash, culture, and urban
regeneration in Tallinn, Estonia. Suomen Antropologi, 42(3), pp. 1-22.
Martinez provides insights of wasteland definitions and argues that places where
waste can be found should be understood as a symptom of negligence, ‘social
6. Crang, M. et al., 2013. Rethinking governance and value in commodity chains
through global recycling networks. Transactions of the institute of British
Geographers, 38(1), pp. 2-40.
Crang et al contributes an argument for an engagement with material properties and
transformations in order to understand to notion of capturing and realisation of value
in end-of-life goods.
7. Bank, L., 1997. The social life of paraffin: gender, domesticity and the politics
of value in a South African township. African Studies, 56(2), pp. 157-180.
Conversates about neoclassical economic models and how consumers are seen as
individuals making choices based of particular functional requirements. Thus,
exercising rational decision-making techniques to maximise self-interest.
8. Bourdieu, P., 1984. Introduction from: Distinction: a social critique of the
judgement of taste. s.l.:s.n.
Argues consumption is as a means of producing difference and generating social
consciousness and of maintaining cultural and social boundaries.
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9. De Certeau, M., 1984. The practice of everyday life. Berkeley: University of
California Press.
Argues consumption as means of resistance and emphasises the power struggles
involved in the process of consumption.
10. Ferguson, J., 1992. The country and the city on the copperbelt. Cultural
anthropology , 7(1), pp. 80-92.
In support to Appadurai’s argument, Fergusons argues that the failure of
anthropologist to make a profound contribution to economic theory can be seen as a
result of their inability to contextualise commodity and exchange relations within a
dynamic understanding of power.
11. Bennet, J., 2010. Vitality and Self-interest. In: Vibrant Matter. Durham: Duke
University Press, pp. 110-122.
Bennet contributes by suggesting that Latour highlights the agency of humans a
12. Dumit, J., 2014. Writing the implosion: teaching the world one thing at a time.
Cultural anthropology, 28(2), pp. 344-362.
Dumit provides dimensions from where questions can be asked addressing ‘waste’
as my research topic.
13. Mignolo, W. D., 2007b. Delinking. Cultural studies, 21(2-3), pp. 449-514.
Mignolo’s definition of modernity contribute to the argument of how modernity’s
standards have influenced waste and removal thereof.
14. Frankson, L., 2018. Infrastructure news and service delivery.
News article that reports piling up waste in Kempton Park
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15. Njilo, N., 2019. Times live: No water, no electricity ... but lots of garbage in
'cursed Makhanda'.
News article that reports issues in Grahamstown also concerning waste piling-up
16. Scanlan, J., 2010. Garbage matters . In: Vibrant matter. Durham: Duke
University Press, pp. 121-153.
Scanlan provides insights into how value of an object is related to the desire of the
object and who craves it. Scanlan also indicates that order and identity are
consequences of modernity. Elaborates on history of waste removal and speaks of
the first plumbing system and how the “flush” can refer to what Bauman calls “liquid
17. Moore, 2009. The excess of modernity: garbage politcos in Oaxaca, Mexico.
The professional geographer, 61(4), pp. 416-437.
Moore contributes by stating that the process of modernisation have produced an
expectation of clean modern cities relying on production and consumption patterns
that increase waste.
18. Blackshaw, T., 2005. Zygmunt Bauman. London: Routledge.
Blackshaw gives background history to what is meant with Bauman’s liquid
modernity and highlights that liquid modernity encourages moral obligations – such
as the responsibility of one’s own waste products.
19. Bauman, Z., 2006. Liquid Times: Living in an Age of Uncertainty. London:
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Bauman’s notion of liquid modernity conversates so well with people’s efforts to
remove their waste, indicating that there are a sense of flow going on in society –
20. Puig, M., 2010. Ethical doings in naturecultures. Place Geography and the
Ethics of Care, Ethics, Place and Environment, 12(2).
Contributes by providing her definition of care.
21. van Dooren, T., 2014. Care. Environmental Humanities, Volume 5, pp. 291294.
The dimensions of care that should be addressed in the field of social sciences.
22. Harraway, D., 2008. When species meet. Minneapolis: University of
Minnesota Press.
Harraway contributes by encouraging one to question what you are holding, where
has it been and where is it going? She argues that care becomes subject to an
unsettling obligation of curiousity.
23. Schumaker, L., 1996. A tent with a view: colonial officers, anthropologists, and
the making of the field in Northern Rhodesia, 1937-1960. Osiris: science in
the field , Volume 11, pp. 237-258.
Contributes by validifying fieldwork as research that has been respected since the
early 1920s.
24. Schumaker, L., 2001. Africanizing anthropology: fieldwork, networks and the
making of cultural knowledge in Central Africa. Durham & London: Duke
University Press.
Highlights how one’s body influence research being done in terms of gender, race
and one’s age.
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25. Appel, H., 2014. Occupy Wall street and the econmic imagination. Cultural
anthropology, 29(4), pp. 602-625.
Highlights the transformative possibility of waste in unanticipated places
26. Kopytoff, I., 1986. The cultural biography of things: commodisation as
process. In: The social life of things: commodities in cultural perspective.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 64-91.
Describes the process of commodisation and how commodities are social constructs
with their own bibliographies as they change and adapt meaning and value in time
and space
Articles I need:
Burke (1996) ‘hard to investigate the history of a commodity when it’s meanings are
all hidden in the unspoken parts of everyday life’
Silverton et al (1992): “commodities move between different social spheres which
embody different sets of values”