Ann Baker (Natural Maths) Notes -8 conditions for learning -1st condition – emersion (language used for all sorts of purposes) – Emersion for maths everyday (vocab -2nd condition – demonstration (demonstrating how it works within their context and what kids can do with maths) -3rd condition – engagement (arosing their curiosity, discovering and exploring) (Getting onto their how how how and why why why) -4th condition – expectation (setting own goals, high expectations) -5th condition – Approximations (Make sense of maths, patterns, terminology, expression, developing mathematical power through drawing/shapes) -------------------------------------------------STAR Model S – Sort Out What is the important information? Is there any missing information? Are there words that you don’t understand? T – Think About What prior knowledge do you have that might already solve the problem What strategy could you use? What will the answer tell you? A – Action Estimate what the answer might be and cross-check your answer? R – Reflect How effective was your strategy? Would the strategy work for a different problem? ---------------------------------------------------------Maths in our everyday life – Counting students attendance, Fruit Time Subitising – Counting on, number line, number grid, Dice Games, Dominos, Comparing quantities – language of comparison, visual counting (if I gave u one more marble, how many?) No counting on fingers more of an emphasis on subitising and counting on. Rhymes for counting (fish alive, five little ducks, The Lizard Gang – Good Resource Rainbow Facts to 10 – How many ways can we make 10? Manipulation of the blocks (circle time – add three blocks) take away two blocks, split it in half. --------------------------------------------------