Street Foods Project - Travel and Tourism

Culinary Explorer
Street Foods
You will work in groups of 2-3 to become Culinary Explorers and research “street foods” from a
country or culture of your choosing. Your learning goal is to introduce your classmates to a new
food or taste experience. You will demonstrate your learning by preparing a class media
presentation to introduce your theme and then prepare a recipe from your research of “street
1. Create a digital media presentation
Identify the Name of the country, and its Geographical Location
List 5-10 of the 'Staple' foods from your chosen Country (popular foods in their diet)
Choose 2 popular street food items that are said to originate from this country.
Research the history behind the creation of this type of food & the rationale for those
foods to have been created (think about location, climate, beliefs, cost, etc.)
Choose one street food dish and research a video that demonstrates the preparation of it
(YouTube, Roube, Epicurious, National Geographics) and include the link web address
Any 'Interesting Facts' you have discovered about your topic
PRESENTATION DATE: __________________________________
2. Create Recipe and Grocery handout (Given to teacher)
 Research 2-3 sample recipes that suit your topic. Choose at least 1 recipe from a
cookbook and 2 recipes from an internet source (site your sources)
 Choose the recipe that would best suit your project
 Create a 1 page recipe in standardized recipe format including a picture or sketch of the
finished product
 Resize the original recipe to prepare enough small portions for your class. (You must
demonstrate your mathematical skills using the template provided)
 Identify the cooking and food preparation methods, culinary terms and techniques and
equipment related to your chosen recipe
 Complete a grocery list for your recipe (template attached)
DUE DATE: __________________________________
3.Cooking Lab
 In groups of 2 or 3 students must organize their equipment and groceries for this activity.
Groups will prepare the everything needed for their street food recipe, you will get one
day for prep and one day to cook your meal if needed.
 You will assign tasks within the group and work together collaboratively to prepare and
present their street food items. You will hand out feed back forms to classmates to
critique the menus items. You will complete all required clean-up.
LAB DATE: __________________________________
Street Food Self Assessment Checklist
Names: ____________________________________________________________________
Date: ____________________________
 Media Presentation
 Video techniques web link
 Create rough recipe plan (2-3 recipes)
 Culinary terms list
 Grocery List
 Standardized Recipe
 Recipe Yield Calculations
 Peer meal assessment rubric
 Photo of finished product
 Equipment and measuring techniques
 Safety procedures for Equipment
 Ingredients, garnishes and dishes
 Knowledge of food preparation methods
 Pre- determined plate presentation and garnish
 Understanding of flavour and texture
 Personal Hygiene and uniform requirements
 Sanitized all utensils/appliances/work areas/tables
 Returned all equipment
 Complete Clean up equipment and station
Yes No
Standard Recipe Form
Recipe Title: ___________________________________________________
Recipe Category: _____________________________________________
Yield: ___________________
Serving Size: __________________
Hospitality – Grocery Planning Sheet
Dish: _____________________________________________________
Grocery Order
Fruits and Vegetables:
Meats and Alternatives:
Dairy Products
Grain Products:
Baking Staples:
_______ Baking Powder ________ Flour
_______ Baking Soda
________ Sugar
_______ Brown Sugar
Recipe Conversion Sheet
Recipe Name: ___________________
Recipe Yield: ___________________
Date: ___________________
New Yield: ___________________
Use the Following Formula to determine the conversion factor.
Desired yield___________/ ( divided by) Existing Yield _________= Conversion Factor
Original Recipe
New Conversion
Self Reflection – Have Your Say!
Now that your culinary day is over, I want you to write about your experiences.
I expect one paragraph per question and it must be between 1-2 pages, single spaced.
Please address the following questions. You can add more comments or observations
beyond these, as well - one bonus mark if you do!
1. Were there any surprises that you were not prepared for?
Explain your thinking. (2 marks)
2. What was the high point for you and why. (2 marks)
3. What was the hardest part for you and why. (2 marks)
4. How did you “give it your all” and remain a great team player? (2 marks)
5. What would you do differently if you could do it all over again? (2 marks)
Use correct paragraph structure, complete sentences, paying attention to correct
spelling and grammar. If you need to proofread (and you do!) please don't hesitate to
ask for help (from peers or myself).
Due Date (3 days after your Lab Day): __________________________
Street Foods Culminating Task
Knowledge and
- research report on
street foods found in
different countries
- creativity of
presentation to explain
information gathered
through research
- create simple meals
from various culinary
traditions, with
appropriate functional
- identify the origin or
source of various food
ingredients and describe
their use in the cuisine of
various cultures
- expression and
organization of ideas and
information. Eg. recipes,
grocery list, culinary
- information and
technology to facilitate
teamwork, time
management, and work
- select the appropriate
tools or equipment for
assigned tasks, and
demonstrate the ability to
use them safely and
- demonstrate good
organizational skills while
in the kitchen
- demonstrate the use of
safe and correct culinary
techniques in the
preparation, cooking, and
presentation of food, and
demonstrate professional
serving methods
Level 4 (80-100%)
Level 3 (70-79%)
Level 2 (60-69%)
Level 1 (50-59%)
research report
completed with a high
degree of accuracy and
research report
completed with
considerable accuracy and
research report
completed with some
accuracy and
research report
completed with limited
accuracy and
a high degree of creativity
used in presentation of
considerable amount of
creativity used in
presentation of
some amount of creativity
used in presentation of
limited amount of
creativity used in
presentation of
expertly creates simple
meals from various
culinary traditions, with
appropriate functional
competently creates
simple meals from
various culinary
traditions, with
appropriate functional
satisfactorily creates
simple meals from
various culinary
traditions, with
appropriate functional
creates simple meals
from various culinary
traditions, with
appropriate functional
garnishes, with assistance
always or almost always
identifies the origin or
source of various food
ingredients and describes
their uses in the cuisine
of various cultures
usually identifies the
origin or source of various
food ingredients and
describes their uses in the
cuisine of various cultures
sometimes identifies the
origin or source of various
food ingredients and
describes their uses in the
cuisine of various cultures
expresses and
organizes ideas and
information with a high
degree of effectiveness
expresses and organizes
ideas and information
with considerable
expresses and organizes
ideas and information
with some effectiveness
expresses and organizes
ideas and information
with limited effectiveness
masterfully uses
information and
technology to facilitate
teamwork, time
management, and work
skilfully uses information
and communications
technology to facilitate
teamwork, time
management, and work
satisfactorily uses
information and
technology to facilitate
teamwork, time
management, and work
is beginning to use
information and
technology to facilitate
teamwork, time
management, and work
masterfully selects the
appropriate tools or
equipment for assigned
tasks, and demonstrates
the ability to use them
safely and correctly
skilfully selects the
appropriate tools or
equipment for assigned
tasks, and demonstrates
the ability to use them
safely and correctly
satisfactorily selects the
appropriate tools or
equipment for assigned
tasks, and demonstrates
the ability to use them
safely and correctly
is beginning to select the
appropriate tools or
equipment for assigned
tasks, and demonstrate
the ability to use them
safely and correctly
uses organizational
skills with a high degree
of effectiveness
uses organizational skills
with considerable
uses organizational
skills with some
uses organizational skills
with limited effectiveness
always or almost always
demonstrates the use of
safe and correct culinary
techniques in the
preparation, cooking, and
presentation of food, and
demonstrates professional
serving methods
usually demonstrates the
use of safe and correct
culinary techniques in the
preparation, cooking, and
presentation of food, and
demonstrates professional
serving methods
sometimes demonstrates
the use of safe and
correct culinary
techniques in the
preparation, cooking, and
presentation of food, and
demonstrates professional
serving methods
rarely identifies the origin
or source of various food
ingredients and describes
their uses in the cuisine
of various cultures
rarely demonstrates the
use of safe and correct
culinary techniques in the
preparation, cooking, and
presentation of food, and
demonstrates professional
serving methods