Environment shapes brain function: Schematic representation of brain plasticity as a complex phenomenon emerging from the plastic capabilities of microglia and neurons and their interaction. Microglia and neurons modify their morphology and functionality in response to environmental stimuli, such as exercise, diet, social interactions, health conditions, and pharmacological treatments. The modifications in these two cell types are intertwined. For instance, microglial phagocytic activity strongly affects neuronal spine remodeling while compounds released by neurons influence microglia status. These processes allow brain function and behavioral outcome to be tuned to the features of the environment. Steve Sterling I'm not sure about the use of the term "microglial plasticity" it can be misleading. Neurons can engrain and create new synapses based on repetitive stimulus (Wolf's law). Microglia although they can be involved in the reuptake and processing of neurotransmitters, which can be affected by neuronal plasticity this isn't really plasticity. Microglial cells are more associated with the immune system of the brain. They can become activated "microglial activation" and we apparently don't have an understanding of the off switch (if there is one) for this process. Phytoflavinoids (as in NeuroFlam by Apex Energetics) have been shown to calm down and decrease microglial activity. IMHO https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Schematic-representation-of-brain-plasticity-as-a-complexphenomenon-emerging-fromthe_fig1_269180464?fbclid=IwAR0SyKlM2zSyH1nZU7V4XpHSLUCjvy6XasN6CBE8gbUZ_Hp21p7n1Bx mUFk