Uploaded by William R. Amaya

Developing Language Skills: Evaluation Guide

The student has three opportunities to pass the subject (First test/assignment sitting and
Resit 1 and 2). If all three opportunities are used up, he/she should request an extraordinary
test. The following contains information on each one; we ask that you carefully read the
FIRST SITTING: Test-type exam and assignment in pairs.
Subject evaluation is conducted starting from a test-type exam individually and assignment
in pairs, compulsorily. The test counts for 30% of the final grade and the work, 70%. It is
obligatory to perform both to pass the subject and the minimum passing grade is a 7/10.
Test-type exam:
The examination can be found in the Evaluation section of the subject, within the TEST
icon. Students must deliver it on the official submission date (as indicated in the academic
calendar); although, if wished, it can be done before because access becomes available
three days before the date.
The test consists of 15 questions students must answer in 12 consecutive hours. Once past
this time, access to it is closed.
Inside the TEST icon, press the "Start" button and then “begin attempt or Attempt quiz
now” to start the test. Students are strongly recommended to press this button only when
feeling academically prepared to answer the questions, and have the time required to
complete it all in a single attempt and in the best possible conditions. When the button is
pressed, all 15 questions are uploaded and students can begin to answer from that moment
on as time then starts counting. The counter is available under the navigation menu by the
questionnaire, which appears on the left side of the screen.
The answer is stored automatically when the option which is believed to be correct is
clicked upon.
In question 16 students must write their full name in the text box so that the subject’s
professor can enter the grade obtained in the activity in the Group Forum. If it is not done
this way, the system will understand that it was left unanswered and will automatically rate
it a 0.
Once students have answered all the questions, the "Next" button must be clicked to
deliver the examination and the questions status (Answer Saved or Unanswered) will be
immediately seen. Students must make sure that that they have responded to all questions,
if so required, students can return to try again. When sure that the examination has been
completed the button "Submit all and finish” must be clicked. ATTENTION: if this button is
not clicked, the examination will not be submitted, and, therefore, will appear as Not send
(with all the academic consequences arising from this).
IMPORTANT: Access is kept open a few days more but only for those students to whom the
professor has previously granted a short extension. Assignment/test without this extension
(Extra official authorization on the professor’s part) that are submitted after the deadline will
not be evaluated.
Once the student has been evaluated and has received a passing grade, he/she will not be
permitted to retake the test for a better grade.
It is very important to take the following recommendations into account:
Save the selected option each time you answer a question:
The student must bear in mind that there may be a connection failure or that the
system becomes disconnected while he/she ponders the answer to a question, so it
is very important to save the response immediately after it is answered. To do this,
the student can proceed in two ways:
Press "Finish attempt" (in the navigation menu by the questionnaire that appears
at the upper left of the screen); and then, to continue on with the test, on the page
that opens select the unanswered question by clicking on the number that
corresponds, either in the navigation menu or the central table. The test will be
displayed again so as to continue with it.
Although the student is not recommended to leave the test without having
completed it, if for some reason the student must do so momentarily, it is very
important that he/she ensure that they have saved the questions they have
answered so far. This can be checked in the navigation menu by the questionnaire
that appears on the left margin of the screen. If the question does not appear grayshaded, it means it has not been answered or saved.
Attention: even if the student leaves the exam, they must keep in mind that the stipulated
time (12 continuous hours) to complete it will still be counting down. To continue taking the
exam, once inside the TEST icon, the student must press “Continue previous attempt”.
Assignment in pairs:
The assignment must be done in mandatory groups (pairs). Only those students, who have
sent an explanation to the professor, may do the assignment individually. If the student
hands in an assignment without the professor’s approval, the student cannot receive a
grade higher than 8/10. The capacity to work in groups is one of the general skills developed
in the program.
In order to know what the work consists of, consult the "Assignment" template available in
the "Evaluation" section of the subject. The assignment should consist of all the formal
requirements that are detailed in the information found in the “Assignment” icon (within
the subject’s Evaluation section).
Submission must be through the test last question, and therefore cannot be submitted until
student has not opened the test to answer it during the official submission date. To load
the activity in question, once test is open to do so, the following steps should be followed:
1. In question 16 students must write their full name in the text box. If it is not done this
way, the system will understand that it was left unanswered and will automatically rate it a
2. Next, attach the activity by clicking on the "Add” button.
3. In the new window that opens, click on “Select file” and select the assignment where it
was saved, with the “Open” button.
4. Once the document is selected, press the “Upload this file” button.
5. Once the assignment has been uploaded, click on the “Next” button on the screen’s
lower center.
6. Lastly, press the “Submit all and finish” to deliver the assignment. ATTENTION: If this
button is not present, the assignment will not be sent and, as such, will count as Not sent.
The student must submit the assignment and test on the official sending date of delivery
(the day indicated in the academic calendar); although, if the student wishes, he/she can do
this before, as access is always open three days previous to the sending date. Access will be
kept open for a few more days but only for those students to whom the professor has
previously granted a short extension of time. Assignments that have been sent late without
said extension will not be graded. ATTENTION: It is mandatory for every student in the
group to send the assignment on the same study cycle for it to be graded.
Furthermore, the assignment must always be correctly identified as is shown in the Course
Guide. For all assignments done in groups, the following information should be included
when naming the file:
* The group number to which the students belong to.
* The first and last initials of all the students in the group.
* The initials of the assignment’s name.
For example:
Students: Samuel López and Manuel Villa
Group: 2014-06
Subject: Developing Language Skills
The correct designation would be: 2014-06SLopezMVilla_DLS
Assignments that do not follow these instructions will not be accepted.
Grading Scale
The subject is evaluated in the virtual campus (VC) based on a scale that goes from 0 to 10,
with a minimum passing grade of 7/10. The studies in Teaching English as a SL are part of an
interuniversity program that is offered by several universities. When the student enrolls,
he/she chooses the university through which they will obtain the degree. If this follows a
different evaluation scale, the grades obtained in the VC by the student will be adapted
through a process of internal conversion to the university’s evaluation scale and published in
the student’s record (PANAL). This means that, for example, if the student obtains 7/10 in
the campus and he/she is enrolled in a university where the minimum passing grade is 8/10,
the student’s record (PANAL) will show 8/10.
Case 1: Resit 1. Test and assignment reprobate
If the student gets a grade of less than 7/10 in a subject, they are considered to be retaking
it. In such a case, the following quarter-semester, the student shall retake the test that will
be available in the subject’s Evaluation section. They should only hand in the
assignment/test, not redo the subject again. In the “Resit” icon the student will find the
specifics to pass, should carefully read the instructions that are explained therein and when
the test/assignment is sent, the student shall write to the subject’s professor at that very
moment (verify the “Professors” icon) so that the professor is aware of the student’s
assignment and grade it.
To know the exact date on which the resit should be handed in, the student shall go to the
“Academic Calendars” and identify the calendar of the following group.
If, for example, the student belongs to the fp_tefl_2015-02 group and disproves of the
material, he/she shall submit the resit test on the date that the fp_tefl_2015-06 group will hand
in theirs.
Attention: In case of receiving a failing grade in the subject, whether or not it was an official
sending date with his/her group or a resit test, the student must hand in their resit test the
following quarter-semester on the date when access to the group is opened again. The
student should keep in mind that he/she will not have access to a different group´s forum
and so should continue to study the subjects with their original group, during the resit
Case 2: Test and assignment not send in FIRST SITTING.
If the student did not manage to submit the subject’s assessment with their original group,
he/she can do this with the next group. In such a case, during the next quarter-semester,
the student should send the assignment that will be available in the section titled
Evaluation, following the instructions on the FIRST RESIT. The study material should be done
individually, which means that the student will not be able to participate in another group’s
forum and should tell the professor on the first day (having the following group’s date in
mind) so that the professor may evaluate the student’s individual assignment. To know the
exact date in which to hand in the evaluation test, the student should review the group’s
academic calendar that comes after his/her own in the “Academic Calendars” icon as is
explained in the previous section (Case 1).
Once the evaluation tests are delivered, the student should write to the subject’s professor
to inform them of his/her situation.
Case 3: Resit 2. Resit 1 reprobate.
If the student receives a grade less than 7/10 in the resit 1 test, the subject is considered to
be retaken and the student must complete the resit 2 test, following the same instructions
as in Case 1.
Case 4: Extraordinary test (ET)
If a student fails to pass his/her test/assignment, as well as the Resit 1 and Resit 2, the
student should ask the professor for an extra resit, in which case the professor will explain
the required steps to hand it in. This extra retest is comprised of two parts:
1. Reflection exercise.
In this exercise, the student will critically analyze their performance in the
previously failed test. As a result of this critical analysis, the student will need to do
a written assessment which explains the reasons why the mistakes were made, as
well as specifying which is the correct answer to each question, his/her explanation,
and why they were mistaken.
When the teacher receives the reflective exercise, he/she will review it and send the
necessary feedback to the student until the work is considered approved.
2. Extra resit
This step consists of an examination or an assignment related to the subject’s
content. The professor will send this test/assignment to the student via mail after
the student has successfully passed the reflection exercise.
The maximum points that can be earned in the Extra resit is 7 points, meaning that if a test
is passed with 7 points or more, the student will have passed the test, with 7 points being
shown on his/her academic record (regardless of whether the score was higher).
If the student fails the extra resit, he/she will have to re-enroll in the subject (tuition fee
applies). For this, the individual should coordinate with the academic department of their
Area and the FUNIBER headquarters in which the student has enrolled to continue the