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Plant Hormones, Diseases & Transport - Biology Lesson

Lesson 2 with Sarah
Paper 1: https://filestore.aqa.org.uk/resources/biology/AQA84611H-SQP.PDF
Mark scheme: https://filestore.aqa.org.uk/resources/biology/AQA84611H-SMS.PDF
Paper 2: https://filestore.aqa.org.uk/resources/biology/AQA84612H-SQP.PDF
Mark scheme: https://filestore.aqa.org.uk/resources/biology/AQA84612H-SQP.PDF
Plant hormones and diseases
Active transport =
Use example of bike going up/down a hill.
Mineral ions in the soil such as nitrate are
taken up, needed for the plant to
2. by transpiration stream (1) pull in xylem (1).
Get her to explain it the best she can. Correct her if she is wrong.
Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYbg4lQ-iaU
Then ask if she doesn’t understand anything there.
Basic points: Transports water and nutrients from their roots to their leaves, xylem is a hollow tube
made of chitin (bit like a straw), cohesion between water molecules keeps them in line, stomata are
little openings in the leaf where water escapes, the evaporation of the water molecule at the top of
the leaf pulls the water molecules up (this is called the transpiration stream).
to prevent the virus from spreading
Grow cells from meristems or tissue culture.
They are undifferentiated (can
differentiate into any type of cell).
Benedict’s solution (positive test goes from
blue to orange/red).
heat mixture and add a few drops of Benedict’s solution
(1) glucose turns solution blue to orange (1).
Chlorophyll is needed for photosynthesis,
photosynthesis makes glucose, glucose is needed for
energy, less energy for growth, glucose is needed for
respiration (opposite equation to photosynthesis), less
amino acids, proteins, cellulose for growth due to lack
of glucose.
2.1 Methane produced greenhouse gas.
Archaea in soil called methanogens create methane
as their biproduct of digestion.
The carbon cycle
any three from: (storage conditions) • (at) higher
temperature / hotter • (had) more oxygen • (had) more
water / moisture • (contained) more microorganisms (that
cause decay).
7.1. compare them to (pictures in) a gardening
manual (1) website send to laboratory (for testing)
7.2. (nitrate) stunted growth - (needed to make
proteins for healthy growth), also yellowing of
(magnesium) yellowing of leaves - (without magnesium, chlorophyll cant capture sun energy needed
for photosynthesis.)
7.3. look at mark scheme.
The nervous system
Students should be able to identify the cerebral cortex, cerebellum and medulla on a diagram of the
brain, and describe their functions.
Cerebral cortex
V. medulla oblongata
Iii. Pituitary gland
Iv. cerebellum
Menstrual cycle