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Nutrition Label Activity: Honey Nut Cheerios Analysis

NAME: Tiffany Ong
Understanding Nutrition Labels
Instructions: For this activity, you will evaluate the nutrition information given on the following
box of breakfast cereal:
1. 2 points. Does this food product contain added sugars? If yes, list them:
This food product does contain added sugars, which are:
a. Honey
b. Brown sugar syrup
2. 1 point. Is this cereal free of saturated fats?
Yes, this cereal is free of saturated fats.
3. 2 points. If you consumed ¾ cup of dry cereal as a snack, your snack could be considered
high in which nutrients?
If I consumed ¾ cup of dry cereal as a snack, my snack could be considered high in
the following nutrients: iron (25%), thiamine (25%), riboflavin (25%), niacin
(25%), vitamin B6 (25%), folic acid (50%), vitamin B12 (25%), zinc (25%)
4. 1 point. Does this cereal potentially contain one or more food allergen? If yes, list the
potential, common allergens:
This cereal does potentially contain more than one food allergen, which is:
a. Natural Almond Flavor
b. Wheat Flour
c. Milk
5. 1 point. Is this cereal gluten free?
No, this cereal is not gluten free.
6. 1.5 points. If you ate the entire box (with milk), how many calories would you have
consumed? (Please show calculations).
Calculation: 150 calories with ½ cup of skim milk x 17 servings per container =
2,550 calories per container
If I ate the entire box with milk, I would have consumed 2,550 calories.
7. 1.5 points. If you ate the entire box (with no milk), what % DV of potassium would you
have consumed? (Please show calculations).
Calculation: 3% DV of potassium x 17 servings per container = 51% DV of
If I ate the entire box with no milk, I would have consumed 51% DV of potassium.
8. 2.5 points. Define what Daily Values are, where you can find them, and whether they
were recently updated?
a. Daily values are the number of nutrients there are in a single serving of a food or
a drink, which guides consumers to see how much nutrients they should try to
consume based on a 2,000-calorie diet in a day.
b. The daily values for each nutrient and vitamin can be found on the left side of the
nutrition label.
c. Yes, the daily values were recently updated.
9. 2.5 points. List all the changes that were made to the Nutrition Facts Label.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (2018) stated that the following changes
made to the Nutrition Facts Label were:
 Serving size and serving per container declaration increased and got in larger
and bolder type
 The serving size updated to reflect what people eat/drink
 The word calories and the number of calories got in larger and bolder type
 Calories from fat removed
 Added sugars added
 List of nutrients that are required got updated where Vitamin D and potassium,
rather than Vitamin and C, are now required
 The actual amount in milligrams or micrograms and the %DV must be listed for
the nutrients, specifically vitamin D, iron, and potassium,
 Updated daily values
 Footnote changed to explain %DV better