SIDC-FM-F-SOS-004 TRIAL RESULT REVISION 00 (Effectivity Date: 05 Feb 2018) TRIAL REF NO: 2018-008 DATE: September 12, 2018 – December 19, 2018 I. TITLE: COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF ANTI-AMMONIA ON PERFORMANCE OF PIGS AND AMMONIA EMISSION ON STARTER-GROWER STAGE (Enthera® of Philchema, Dinase® of Realvet, Puregro® of B&V/DSM and Effective Microorganism of SIDC) Trial Site: SIDC Trial Farm Sorosoro Ilaya, Batangas City Dinase® is a high technology feed additive from Yucca schidigera plant. It is a naturally concentrated extract obtained through a low temperature process that assures retention and efficacy of natural ingredients. Enthera® is a synergistic combination of probiotics, prebiotics and immune-stimulating factors that improves feed efficiency and intake, enhance immune strength, controls diseases and lessens farm wastes and odor. PureGro® is a heat-stable microbial feed additive that contains microorganisms selected for their ability to improve decomposition of stored manure. It reduces the solids in manure and minimizes objectionable odor. It contains viable spores of carefully selected naturally occurring microorganisms (Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus lichenformis). Effective Microorganisms are cultures of naturally-occuring organisms that enables growth of diverse microbes that are beneficial for use. II. • • OBJECTIVES: To determine the effect of different anti-ammonia on performance of pigs and ammonia emission on starter-grower stage To evaluate profitability of different anti-ammonia on starter-grower diets. III. MATERIALS: A total of one hundred fifty piglets (150) with about the same age will be distributed to five (5) dietary treatments following a completely randomized design. Each treatment will be replicated three (3) times with ten (10) piglets per replicate. Dinase Page 1 of 13 PRICE DOSE P656.00/kg 100 g/ton – S ADD’L COST/BAG P3.28/bag – S TOTAL MATERIALS 540 grams Enthera Puregro Effective Mircoorganism P550/kg P260/kg P150/kg 120 g/ton – G 500 g/ton 500 g/ton 1000 g/ton P3.94/bag – G P13.75/bag P6.50/bag P7.50/bag 2.5 kgs 2.5 kgs 5 kgs Treatment Groups are as follows (Not the real grouping on actual trial) S. SIDC HSM & HGM w/o Dinase ® (Negative Control) T. SIDC HSM & HGM with Dinase ® (Positive Control / Commercial Feeds) U. SIDC HSM & HGM with Enthera ® V. SIDC HSM & HGM with Puregro ® W. SIDC HSM & HGM with Effective Microorganism Estimated Feed Consumption for Starter Special Stage Treatment Group Feed Type SIDC HSM & HGM w/o Dinase® (Negative Control) SIDC HSM & HGM with Dinase® (Positive Control / Commercial Feeds) SIDC HSM & HGM with Enthera ® SIDC HSM & HGM with Puregro ® SIDC HSM & HGM with Effective Microorganism S T U V W Number of Pigs ADFI Per Head, grams Feeding Days Total Feed Requirement (bags)* 30 1.10 15 10 bags 30 1.10 15 10 bags 30 30 30 1.10 1.10 1.10 15 15 15 10 bags 10 bags 10 bags Number of Pigs ADFI Per Head, grams Feeding Days Total Feed Requirement (bags)* 30 1.35 30 25 bags 30 1.35 30 25 bags 30 30 30 1.35 1.35 1.35 30 30 30 25 bags 25 bags 25 bags Number of Pigs ADFI Per Head, grams Feeding Days Total Feed Requirement (bags)* 30 2.00 30 36 bags 30 2.00 30 36 bags 30 30 30 2.00 2.00 2.00 30 30 30 36 bags 36 bags 36 bags Estimated Feed Consumption for Starter Stage Treatment Group Feed Type SIDC HSM & HGM w/o Dinase® (Negative Control) SIDC HSM & HGM with Dinase® (Positive Control / Commercial Feeds) SIDC HSM & HGM with Enthera ® SIDC HSM & HGM with Puregro® SIDC HSM & HGM with Effective Microorganism S T U V W Estimated Feed Consumption for Grower Stage Treatment Group S T U V W Feed Type SIDC HSM & HGM w/o Dinase® (Negative Control) SIDC HSM & HGM with Dinase® (Positive Control / Commercial Feeds) SIDC HSM & HGM with Enthera ® SIDC HSM & HGM with Puregro® SIDC HSM & HGM with Effective Microorganism Page 2 of 13 IV. METHODOLOGY: a. Upon arrival, randomly assign the piglets to different treatment groups. b. Individually weigh the trial animals and record pig id numbers and initial weights. c. The animals will be initially fed with Hog Starter Special Mash without anti-ammonia as flushing for the period of 2 weeks. d. After flushing, feed the animals using the assigned feed rations. Monitor and record the quantity given and daily feed consumption. e. Ammonia level will be measured using ammonia meter and ammonia strips every Tuesday at 7 am and 3 pm for the period of 2 months, 1-month starter and 1-month grower. f. All incidences of morbidities and mortalities will be noted throughout the trial period. 1. In cases of culling or mortality, the current weight and feeds consumed by the pig will be recorded. 2. Tentative diagnosis as well as the medications given will be noted. g. Additional Notes / Suppliers accountabilities: 1. Expenses will be divided into 3 (SIDC, Philchema, B&V) 1. Cost of Statistical analysis will be conducted for the level of confidence / significance. 2. Any negative variance of the treatment group from the positive control will be shouldered by the supplier. 3. Salary of the caretaker for the duration of the trial 4. Cost of ear tags 2. The suppliers are free to visit the trial, however, SIDC Feedmill should be notified first before going to the farm. 3. Trial results of their own treatment group will be disclosed to the suppliers and the rest of the treatment groups will be coded for confidentiality. 4. The suppliers reserve the right to publish the trial results and be used for promotional activities. DATA NEEDED: a. Initial weights b. Final weights c. Daily Feed Consumption d. Average Daily Feed Intake (actual value) e. Feed Conversion Ratio f. Cost efficiency Page 3 of 13 g. ADG h. Mortality and Morbidity, % i. Ammonia level in ammonia meter j. Ammonia level in ammonia strips V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS: a. % Culled / Mortality % Culled / % Mortality 10.00% 6.67% a 3.33% 3.33% 3.33% b 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% % Culled % Mortality Puregro EM Enthera PC (Dinase) NCONTROL Reason for culling: rectal prolapse and excessive thumping Reason for mortality: thumping b. Weight Distribution Initial Weight Distribution 120 100 18 80 23 60 23 40 17 10 6 7 7 10 15.1 to 20 20.1 to 25 21 20 0 1 0 2 10.1 to 15 Trial S Trial T Trial U Trial V Trial W The initial weights of the trial animals ranged from 13.50 to 26.50 kgs. Page 4 of 13 1 0 25.1 to 30 Final Weight Distribution 45 40 35 11 30 1 25 5 20 7 5 0 10 6 15 10 6 4 2 2 3 1 4 10 4 6 2 5 4 5 2 7 2 6 1 0 4 1 1 3 0 2 1 1 1 0 60.1 to 65 65.1 to 70 70.1 to 75 75.1 to 80 80.1 to 85 85.1 to 90 90.1 to 95 95.1 to 100 Trial S Trial T Trial U Trial V 1 3 1 2 2 0 1 0 0 1 2 1 100.1 to 105.1 to 110.1 to 105 110 115 Trial W The weight distribution of the trial animals after 98 days of feeding ranged from 63 to 123.50 kgs. PUREGRO # of heads 18 19 ABOVE NORMAL NORMAL 7 5 6 4 STARTER FINAL BELOW NORMAL For Puregro, the number of piglets in the normal weight increased by 1. The below normal and above normal weight group decreased from 5 to 4 heads and 7 to 6 heads respectively. The difference in the two groups were transferred to above normal weight group with a recorded mortality of 1 head. Page 5 of 13 EFFECTIVE MICROORGANISM 25 # of heads 24 ABOVE NORMAL NORMAL BELOW NORMAL 3 2 STARTER FINAL Using Effective Microorganism, the quantity of pigs in the below normal and above normal weight group both decreased by 1, with 1 of which transferred to the normal weight group and 1 recorded as mortality. ENTHERA 23 # of heads 19 ABOVE NORMAL NORMAL BELOW NORMAL 4 3 4 STARTER FINAL In Enthera, the quantity of pigs in the normal weight group is decrease by 4 heads, while the normal weight group maintained the number of heads. An increase by 1 head in the below normal weight group was transferred from the normal weight group and the remaining heads were recorded as culling and mortality. DINASE # of heads 24 Page 6 of 13 19 ABOVE NORMAL NORMAL 3 6 2 STARTER FINAL BELOW NORMAL For Dinase, the quantity of pigs from the normal weight group and above normal weight group decreased by 5 heads and 1 head, respectively. 3 of which were transferred to the below normal weight group and the rest were mortalities. NEGATIVE CONTROL # of heads 26 ABOVE NORMAL 17 NORMAL 9 BELOW NORMAL 4 3 1 STARTER FINAL For Negative Control, the number of heads in the above normal weight group and below normal weight group decreased by 8 heads and 1 head, respectively. All of which were transferred to the normal weight group. c. Average Weights / Weight Gain AVERAGE WEIGHTS ab a a a b b b b a a b ab a b b Weight, kgs b Puregro Initial Wt 19.60 Grower Wt 74.66 Final Wt 95.95 WEIGHT GAIN 76.35 EM 18.70 73.19 91.09 72.39 Enthera 18.62 72.17 93.25 74.63 PC (Dinase) 18.68 74.93 90.78 72.09 NCONTROL 19.88 70.85 89.30 69.42 The final weight is based on the 98 feeding days. With this, Puregro has the highest weight gain with 76.35 kgs followed by Enthera with 74.63 kgs. Page 7 of 13 d. ADG ADG a 0.779 0.780 0.760 0.740 0.720 0.700 0.680 0.660 0.762 b b a ab 0.739 0.736 b b b 0.708 Final ADG Puregro EM Enthera PC (Dinase) NCONTROL Puregro got the highest ADG when weighed followed by Enthera. e. FCR FCR 2.69 2.63 2.62 2.62 2.58 2.51 a 2.52 2.57 a 2.51 a 2.45 b FCR Puregro Corrected FCR EM Enthera PC (Dinase) NCONTROL Puregro got the best FCR among treatment groups. Page 8 of 13 f. Average Daily Feed Intake, kgs ADFi 1.68 1.68 1.66 1.65 1.66 1.62 1.64 1.61 1.62 1.60 1.58 ADFi Puregro EM Enthera PC (Dinase) NCONTROL Dinase got the highest average daily feed intake followed by Puregro. g. Average Feeds Consumed per Head, kgs Ave Feeds Consumption/head, kgs 194.00 192.00 193.86 191.36 190.00 189.35 188.00 186.00 187.83 187.65 186.93 185.74 186.60 184.00 182.00 181.89 181.89 180.00 178.00 176.00 174.00 Average Feed Consumption Ave Corrected Feed Consumption Puregro EM Enthera PC (Dinase) NCONTROL Dinase has the highest average feed consumption per head with 193.86 kgs equivalent to 3.88 bags per head. Excluding the mortalities and culled pigs, Dinase also got the highest average corrected feed consumption per head with 189.35 kgs equivalent to 3.79 bags. Page 9 of 13 h. Feed Cost per Bag, Php Feed Cost Per Bag, Php 1,300.00 1,250.00 1,200.00 1,150.00 1,100.00 1,050.00 1,000.00 Starter Special Starter Grower Puregro 1,275.76 1,132.22 1,108.81 EM 1,275.76 1,131.92 1,108.51 Enthera 1,275.76 1,138.17 1,114.76 PC (Dinase) 1,275.76 1,127.70 1,104.29 NCONTROL 1,275.76 1,124.42 1,101.01 i. Feed Cost per Head, Php Feed Cost / Head 4300.00 4250.00 4200.00 4253.70 4257.20 4222.65 4189.79 4150.00 4100.00 4080.93 4050.00 4000.00 3950.00 Puregro EM Enthera PC (Dinase) NCONTROL Dinase has the highest feed cost per head with P4257.20 with the highest average feed consumption and still the highest on the corrected feed consumption. Page 10 of 13 j. Feed Cost Efficiency, Php Feed Cost Efficiency 59.19 60.00 59.00 58.00 57.00 56.00 55.00 54.00 53.00 58.78 57.88 56.99 55.37 Feed Cost Efficiency Puregro EM Enthera PC (Dinase) NCONTROL The most efficient in terms of feed cost is Puregro with only P55.37 feed cost to convert 1 kg weight gain. k. Ammonia Levels AMMONIA STRIP READING AM & PM p=0.104 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Puregro EM Enthera Dinase NC With a ceiling value of 20 ppm which is the allowable limit set by the DENR, it would appear that the negative control (NC) is consistently low than other treatments followed by the effective microorganism (EM). Page 11 of 13 AMMONIA METER READING AM & PM 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 Week 1 Week 2 Puregro Week 3 EM Week 4 Enthera Week 5 Dinase NC To validate the result of the strips, ammonia level testing was done using ammonia meter which also shows that the negative control is consistently low followed by the effective microorganism as well. Page 12 of 13