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Protein Syn and Biotech Test

Name: ______________________________________________________
Protein Synthesis and Biotechnology Test
Multiple Choice
____1. The process of copying a gene’s sequence into a sequence of RNA is called:
a. replication
c. translation
b. transcription
d. PCR
____2. Which molecule contains the genetic code?
a. DNA
b. mRNA
c. tRNA
d. rRNA
____3. RNA contains which bases?
a. adenine, thymine, guanine, cytosine, and uracil
b. adenine, thymine, guanine, cytosine
c. thymine, guanine, cytosine, uracil
d. adenine, guanine, cytosine, uracil
____4. A DNA strand with the sequence AACGTAACG is transcribed. What is the sequence of the mRNA molecule
____5. Transcription and translation of a gene composed of 30 nucleotides would form a protein containing no
more than ______ amino acids.
a. 10
c. 60
b. 15
d. 90
____6. By what process does a cell copy DNA before it divides?
a. replication
b. translation
c. germination
d. transcription
____7. What happens during the process of translation?
a. mRNA is made from DNA
b. tRNA uses information from mRNA to produce amino acid chain (proteins)
c. tRNA is made from mRNA
d. copies of DNA molecules are made
____8. What type of molecule is shown below?
a. carbohydrate
b. nucleic acid
c. protein
d. lipid
____9. Given the following DNA strand, which of the following is its complementary mRNA?
Name: ______________________________________________________
Protein Synthesis and Biotechnology Test
____10. Amino acids are joined together into a protein chain by which of the following?
a. peptide bonds
c. hydrogen bonds
b. DNA polymerase
d. messenger RNA
____11. Once transcription has been completed, which of the following is NOT necessary for protein synthesis to
a. tRNA
c. mRNA
b. ribosomes
d. DNA
____12. One similarity between DNA and mRNA molecules is that they both contain:
a. the same sugar
b. genetic codes based on sequences of bases
c. a nitrogenous base known as uracil
____13. Some events that take place during the synthesis of a specific protein are listed below.
A. Messenger RNA attaches to the ribosome
B. DNA serves as a template for RNA production
C. Transfer RNA bonds to a specific codon
D. Amino acids are bonded together
E. mRNA moves from the nucleus to the cytoplasm
The correct order of these events is:
a. B – E – A – C – D
c. B – C – E – D – A
b. D – A – E – C – B
d. C – B – A – E – D
____14. Which processes occur in the nucleus?
a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 3 and 4
d. 4 and 5
____15. Which procedure is the first step in the production of a transgenic organism?
a. Recombinant DNA is transferred to a bacterial cell
b. A specific gene in a DNA sequence is identified
c. The DNA segment is combined into a plasmid
d. The DNA segment to be inserted is isolated
____16. Consider the DNA sequence: CAT TAGA, which belongs to a penguin. A different fossilized species is found
which contains the sequence GAT TAGA. Which organism does it most likely belong to?
a. dog
c. snake
b. bird
d. horse
Name: ______________________________________________________
Protein Synthesis and Biotechnology Test
____17. What is the primary purpose of using restriction enzymes in gel electrophoresis?
a. It restricts the number of pairs that can be tested in a sample
b. It allows the strands of DNA to be cut into various lengths for testing
c. It makes the testing simpler by moving the strands into the gel faster
d. It allows the DNA strands to be charged so the electrical current can send the strands into the gel
____18. Which statement regarding gel electrophoresis is true?
a. The larger the DNA fragments, the faster they travel through the gel
b. The larger the DNA fragments, the slower they travel through the gel
c. The higher the pH, the faster the DNA fragments travel through the gel
d. The lower the pH, the slower the DNA fragments travel through the gel
____19. What is the best description about dissimilar organisms such as a sheep and a yeast?
a. They are not related at all
b. Their degree of relatedness cannot be evaluated
c. They can interbreed and thus are the same species
d. Their degree of relatedness can be determined from their genes
____20. During gel electrophoresis, where would the longest pieces of DNA be found?
a. the top of the gel
c. the middle of the gel
b. the bottom of the gel
d. scattered throughout
____21. Which would include the use of DNA to determine paternity?
a. test cross
b. gene therapy
c. recombinant DNA
d. DNA fingerprinting
____22. Scientists have produced plants that are resistant to herbicides. Which application of biotechnology is most
likely being used?
a. genetic cloning
c. DNA fingerprinting
b. gene therapy
d. genetic engineering
____23. Which substance is cut by restriction enzymes?
a. DNA
b. proteins
c. amino acids
d. chromosomes
____24. Which genes would most likely be inserted into a crop to aid in its survival against insects and low
a. freeze resistance and increased yield
b. freeze resistance and pest resistance
c. heat resistance and increased yield
d. heat resistance and pest resistance
____25. Which best describes recombinant DNA?
a. DNA that has been deactivated by enzymes
Name: ______________________________________________________
Protein Synthesis and Biotechnology Test
b. DNA found in organelles other than the nucleus
c. inserted genes from one organism into another to direct it to produce a protein
d. genes developed when an egg nucleus and a sperm nucleus fuse to form a zygote
Fill in the Blank – Circle the correct choice within the parenthesis for 26-39
____26. (DNA/RNA) can leave the nucleus.
____27. mRNA is made during (transcription/translation).
____28. mRNA is made in the (cytoplasm/nucleus).
____29. DNA is located in the (nucleus/cytoplasm).
____30. (DNA/RNA) uses uracil instead of thymine.
____31. (RNA/amino) acids make up a protein.
____32. Transcription takes place in the (nucleus/cytoplasm).
____33. tRNA uses (amino acids/codons) to match to the mRNA.
____34. Proteins are made at the (nucleus/ribosome).
____35. (peptide bonds/hydrogen bonds) attaches the amino acids into a chain.
____36. (Translation/Transcription) converts mRNA into a protein.
Put it in Order!
Number the steps of bacterial transformation in order below:
____37. Bacteria cell is transformed and can now create the desired functional protein using the new DNA.
____38. A Transgenic Organism is created which contains and uses foreign functional DNA that is not its own.
____39. Cut open bacterial plasmid with restriction enzymes.
____40. Restriction Enzymes: used to cut segment (gene) out of a DNA strand.
____41. Identify functional gene in DNA strand.
____42. Insert functional DNA into the bacterial plasmid.
____43. Insert recombinant plasmid into the bacteria cell.
DNA Fingerprinting – Use the DNA fingerprints to answer questions 44 and 45.
Name: ______________________________________________________
Protein Synthesis and Biotechnology Test
Who committed the crime: ___________________
Who is the father: ______________________