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Summarizing Paragraphs: Reading Response Assignment

English for Science, section#: 603
Read "Summarizing Sources," pages 1-4 in your course pack "Inconvenient Truths."
Copy and paste this document into a Word document and then write a sentence summary
in the space provided for each paragraph (found on pages 5-7 in your course pack). Use
one of these strategies:
1. Find a summarizing sentence within the paragraph, copy it, word for word, and
place it within quotation marks.
2. Using your own words, write a sentence that provides a comprehensive
summary of the paragraph.
Robert Rembold
603 BES-LE English for Science
Champlain College, Lennoxville, Qc. Winter 2018
Reading Response
A. Margaret Mead, from Some Personal Views
Summary: As Margaret Mead states, “the neurotic individual may have had some special
vulnerability as an infant.” According to her, children who have been in any way
marginalized, isolated or experienced traumatic events are disadvantaged in their longterm life advancements and relations.
B. Andrew Sullivan, from "The Love Bloat," New York Times Magazine
Summary: From Andrew Sullivan’s point of view, marriage is a dead end for most
relationships, leading to a high level of divorce rates. In fact, Sullivan believes it’s due to
excessive expectations and the lost of romance in relationships.
C. Bradford W. Wright, from Comic Book Nation: The Transformation of Youth Culture in
Summary: Bradford W. Wright states that, “the biggest problem [affecting the comic book
industry] is the transformation of American culture itself.” With new vast choices that are
offered in the online world, teenagers are influenced and inclined towards a new
technological reality, leading to a greater competition for comic books to fit in.
Robert Rembold
603 BES-LE English for Science
Champlain College, Lennoxville, Qc. Winter 2018
D. Gail Collins, from America's Women
Summary: Despite the prestige that house servants were given, many avoided it. Collins
writes about the darker and unfair truth about house slaves, stating that black slaves were
portrayed in humiliating ways by their mistress.
E. Daniel Boorstin, from The Americans: The National Experience
Summary: Daniel Boorstin explains how Americans have very high expectations of the
world. Expectations filled with double standards, that put in reconsideration values that
Americans are proud of.
F. Steven Pinker, from The Blank State: The Modern Denial of Human Nature
Summary: Although, ideally, we are “supposed” to feel sympathy towards everyone, we
are more likely to prefer our own family and children, or more specifically, “investment”.
Steven Pinker believes that “most people see their children as an extension of
themselves”, which explains the way parents subsequently give all their wealth to their
Robert Rembold
603 BES-LE English for Science
Champlain College, Lennoxville, Qc. Winter 2018