Rules 26 – 37: formal methods of discovery (following preliminary investigation, filing, required initial disclosures, and discovery planning) Each side entitled to 10 depos – 7hrs each not including breaks “Over 98% of all civil cases now resolve without being tried. When a litigator questions a witness today, it is far more likely to be in a law office at a deposition than in a courtroom at trial.” “in presenting a client, a lawyer shall not communicate about the subject of representation with a person the lawyer knows to be represented by another lawyer in the matter unless the lawyer has the consent of the lawyer or is authorized to do so by a court…” MEP Depositions are just like trial examinations, but taken subject to objections The examinations and cross-examination of a deponent proceed as they would at trial under the Fed. Rules of Evidence, except Rules 103 and 615. FRCP 30(c)(1) An objection at the time of the examination – whether to evidence, to a party’s conduct, to the officer’s qualifications, to the manner of taking the deposition, or to any other aspect of the deposition – must be noted on the record, but the examination still proceeds; the testimony is taken subject to any objection.” FRCP 30(c)(2) If objection, instructed not to answer if answer would divulge privileged information Depositions Examination under oath: oral or written questions Notice be combined with a request for documents Can be taken of any “person”: party or non-parties Examination proceeds subject to objections, which are noted on the record The witness must answer the questions, subject to instructions not to answer Testimony can be offered in evidence Testimony can be used for impeachment Admissibility determined when offered in evidence Depo Seating: Certified short hand reporter Witness Defender Depo-Taker (examiner) Scoops Case Scoops = single dip ice cream shop; also sells its premium ice cream in bulk Scoops (founder and owner = Leslie Roberts) has an opportunity to expand its business, but needs line of credit in order to sell ice cream in bulk Business Aid Inc. = plaintiff Denied line of credit. Leslie prepares accounting statement that under values her business (accounted for equipment purchased as line item expense Leslie: told business Aid and Frank Fuller (employee) what I needed, and they sold me accounting software that undervalued my business Business Aid: Leslie came in told me what she needed, and I sold her appropriate software based on what she told me her needs were Leslie’s claim: negligent misrepresentation of product without due care because employee sold wrong product. Also breach of warranty/ implied warranty Video: What did Leslie tell Business Aid she needed? Goals/objectives & techniques of taker (examiner)’s questions o Admission / fact o Discovery – what was said o Establish rapport; got talking o Gain control; make uncomfortable o Discovery (1) people (2) docs – authors and recipients (witnesses) o Test opposing counsel – “push limits” o Assessing defender – knows rules; relationship with witness o Assessing witness credibility/ quality; prep and relationship quality; sympathy o Aware of the record objections o Closure – “no surprises” Goals and techniques of defender Taker reactions incl. do nothing Witness preparation