Solitons on vortex filaments generated by ns laser pulse on metal surface 1 S. Lugomer and A. Maksirnovic Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Bijenicka c. 54. 10000 Zagreb. Croatia (Received 6 March 1997; accepted for publication Laser-induced vaporization in the nonstationary (oscillatory) regime, on the ns time scale, that generates the nonlinear dynamics of the molten surface layer of tantalum. was studied. Microscale vortex filaments with the cascade of splittings raise up the bushlike structure. The cascade of vortex filament angle-locking splittings was shown to represent the period doubling bifurcation to chaos. Torsion of the filaments generates two-dimensional solitons in the side zones of the bush and three-dimensional solitons in the central zone. Two-dimensional solitons are obtained from a modified Korteweg-de Vries equation, while three-dimensional ones are obtained from nonlinear Schrodinger equation. The surface dynamics associated with metal vaporization appears to be more complex than usually assumed. © 1997 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(97)06515-8] I. INTRODUCTION Laser-matter interaction (LMI) on a short time scale causes abrupt vaporization of the target, which depending on the pulse power density, wavelength, and pulse duration, as well as on the target material, may be in a stationary or in a nonstationary regime.i " Approaching the transition from planar to volume boiling, the vaporization process enters a nonstarionary (oscillatory) regime. In this regime the homogeneous surface vaporization turns into the inhomogeneous one in space time. This process, characteristic for the time scale of IOns and the laser power density Q below the threshold of the volume boiling (Q < Qv.s), gives rise of a spectrum of dynamically formed structures. The structures start to appear local in diameter, inside the area of planar vaporization. By the increase of Q, the size of the zones changes as well as the type of the structures inside them. At Q = QVR. = 108 W/cm2, the surface is subjected to volume boiling; the dynamical structures are lost and turned into microbubbles, and craters formed by their explosion. Finally, this process ends with formation of one, single crater the size of which is comparable to the beam size-well known as the . 'ablation crater.' [A number of phenomena associated with laser ablation (or laser sputtering) have been studied by Miotello ('I (11.5-7 They include boiling and superhearing' primary and secondary mechanism in sputtering," gas-dynamic effects with recondensation.' etc]. By the decrease of Q to Q = /06-107 W/cm2 various types of dynamically formed structures are generated for which the shear layer in the liquid metal surface associated with nonstationary vaporization, is responsible. The surface shear layer is subjected to fast nonlinear dynamics that generate a reach spectrum of morphological structures characteristic for unbounded gaseous and fluid medium. Some of the structures generated on the surface of refractory metals by ns laser pulses have been discussed by Lugomer8-10 and Lugomer and Maksimovic.11 To generate new complex structures we have started a series of LMI experiments by changing the laser parameters and the target materials. Among the interesting structures are the vortex filaments-the objects "embedded in an infinite domain," and their dynamics. The micron-scale vortex fila1374 2 May 1997) J. Appl. Phys. 82 (3). 1 August 1997 ments were generated in the shear layer of molten tantalum surface. After termination of IOns laser pulse, these structures stay frozen-in permanently because of ultrafast coolins [dTldt = 3000 Kil0 lO-slO 109_1OIO(Kis); dt = hulse d:: ration, for rough estimation], thus enabling a posteriori analysis by the scanning electron 'microscope (SEM). It was realized that the precise variation of laser power density (by the variation of the spot diameter - 3 nun for 2R <S J 0%, at constant laser power), leads to the appearance of different kinds of surface organization of the vortex filaments, in different regions orto their disappearance from the spot. Although it is not precisely established, it may be said that a window of laser parameters exists in which every type of structure appears spontaneously. The vortex filament structures of the bush type were generated by the Q-switched Nd:YAP (P == Perovskite) laser on the Ta surface. These structures, which have not been reported yet, are the subject of this article. The basic condition for their generation is the existence of the liquid shear layer on molten metal surface which enables the formation of the vortex filaments; the shock waves cause their splitting. while torsion generates the solitons on filaments. Topological analysis of these structures gives their basic characteristics which have to be put in the context of dynamics and the phenomena occurring during the laser pulse. In principle, such experiments open up the possibility of studying the change of self-organization of the surface flow of molten metal as a function of laser parameters: pulse energy, pulse duration, and laser wavelength. = A. Generation of the shear layer A short and powerful laser pulse of a Gaussian profile generates a molten surface layer with a characteristic gradients of pressure V P and temperature V T. For the discussion of surface dynamics it is convenient to divide both gradients on the components, vertical and parallel, with respect to the surface: 10 0021-8979/97/p.?n\/1 VP==VPII+VP.l (I) The vertical thermal gradient V T.l ' raises the upper sur~7<1/11'1/<;:1I) 1'11'1 p= ~,I) face layer to (almost) the boiling temperature. T8 (T = T8). while the lower surface layer is at T 8> T ~ T M, melting tem- ,~. perature. The surface layer behaves as a bilayer characterized by TI.PI.KI.· ..• VI , ... and T2.P2'K2 •...• V2 •... with TI ,:. > T2; PI < P2; KI = K2 •.. ·VI > V20r. .. U', ~ V2, wherep :.:': ::::density, K = thermal conductivity, and U = fluid velocity. '\; Evidently. the upper layer (index 1) is a high momentum m " layer with m 1 = P I while the lower one is the low mo~~~" mentum layer with m2 = P2V~, Thus a shear layer is formed ':.~ ~.: ...t.".,:·.\:·.;.:·' - . ~ vi. '~.;~!._~,: ..,.:.:.: that establishes mixing of both layers and generates the vor~. . ticity at their interface. 10 The dynamics of the molten surface layer are driven by V PII• For the Gaussian beams V PII is directed from the periphery toward the center of the spot. while the driving forces f C( - V P are oriented in counter gradient direction, The shear flow can be described by the dimensionless parameters. namely the velocity and density ratios r is. respectively. defined aslO >"" U2 r= - and VI P2 s= -. PI (2) The third parameter. called momentum defined according to10,12 In= nl2 =sr2=P2 Inl (U2)2 PI ratio m, can be (3) VI .....~ It should be noted that the top stream is always the faster one, so th~t r < 1. while sand m are allowed to assume ~ny '; ~t§. non-negative value, The shear layer may also be defined In a different way. for example, through the characteristic thickness. The most commonly used are the vorticity thickness &u ..' .-, and the momentum thickness 8: 13 .~Ii;, i~::· ~1i.~. (4) and 6= HI2 J U 1 - f.L(y) -H12 V1- U2 . f.L(y.) - V 2 V1- V2 d y, (5) where H is the thickness of the fluid layer. Various assumptions have been made for f.L(y) as well as for Ow and 6 by various authors in their numerical simulations, taking into ;~:;' account low and medium Reynolds numbers, The 33 number ;~~ is defined 14 irs: .72=-- , ~ (6) lI' where V' = (V 2 - U 1 )12. and 1I is the kinematic viscosity, In many cases 33 is in the interval of 102 and 103. In laser melting of surfaces, one has to take into account that the shear layer characteristics are different for the Gaussian profile transmission electron microscope (TEMoo), and for the "top hat" profile (realized in multimode beams). For the Gaussian profile, (V P)II is maximum in the center of the spot (i.e. P~=o > p;=ri, while for the top hat profile the pressure component 6. PII is constant for any position in the spot, i.e .. P~=o = p~=ri), Therefore, the momentum ratio (varies within the spot in the first case the second case), Consequently, the flow different and will depend on position in the to the center, i.e., for the Gaussian profile change from center to the periphery. and is constant in patterns will be spot with respect the patterns will II. EXPERIMENT A series of experiments was performed in order to generate a micron-scale vortex filaments, to study their spatial organization, interaction with the shock waves, and their dynamics, A Q-switched Nd:YAP laser of E = 0.3 J of pulse radiation of 10 ns was used to irradiate the target. The pulse power density Q was varied below the volume boiling threshold of 108 W/cm2 by the variation of the spot size, until the filament structures start to appear in the surface morphology. For the target material various refractory metals have been used, but the best results were obtained with tantalum plates of 1 X 1 X 0.05 ern in size, The plates were mechanically polished and washed in alcohol. Characteristics of the surface morphology have been studied by the SEM, To make topological details visible, the micrographs have been numerically filtered, and the objects compared with those obtained by numerical simulation, Image analysis of the micrograph was done by using the Phorc -Styler program, III. RESUL IS AND DISCUSSiON A. Vortex filament bush A micrograph obtained by the SEM on the surface after irradiation by 10 ns laser pulse, shows a radially oriented vortex filament with cascade of angle-locking bifurcations [Fig, 1(a)]. The filament thickness is - 150-250 f.Lm, while the angle between the splitted filaments is ¢ = 5r - 60° in all bifurcation stages, The filament segments are of variable length with rather irregular position of the splitting points, The cascade of vortex filaments splittings generates a three dimensional (3D) dimensional bush, the branches of which show many overcrossings and undercrossings. Filaments generated in the last few cascades that are immersed in the background fluid can be made more visible by the numerical filtration of the micrograph what reveals many details of the splitting process relating to the core size, 0' etc. Reconstruction of the bush given in Fig, l(b) reveals the existence of solitons on filaments, which are 3D in the central zone of the bush, and 2D on it's sides, This indicates that filaments are subjected to torsion, which generates solitons and puts them into motion, (The solitons on the right side of the bush are scarcely visible, because they are fully immersed in the background fluid). How is [his unusual structure generated? In the regime of nonstationary laser vaporization, the process of material removal from the surface is associated with regular or irregular oscillations which generate a shock wave with the series of spikes in the surface layer.2,3 The surface shock waves travel in radial direction and interact with vortex filarnent.P which is also radially oriented. Thus an axial compression on the filament is generated, This interaction may lead to filament bending, or breaking or to i •. ~. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 82, No.3, ~. I{." L· 1 August 1997 S. Lugomer and A. Maksirnovic 1375 ..~ , .' 111 ~ (b) -_~_u_/_ FIRST CHAOTIC REGION e-, "' ,.; ---~'---~::l FILAMENT POPULATION FIG. 1. (A) Vortex filament bush generated by the single pulse of Q-switched Nd: Y AP laser on Ta surface M - 200 X . (B) Reconstruction of the above micrograph. Illustration on the right side reveals the cascade bifurcation into chaos (period doubling bifurcations) in the parameter space. splitting, as recently described by Erlebacher et at. IS Oscillating shock, generated in the nonstationary vaporization driven by the single laser pulse, will cause the cascade of the vortex splittings. In the following we briefly touch on three aspects of the vortex filament splitting and generation of bush: hydrodynarnical, topological, and the fractal aspect. B. Vortex filament splitting According to Frost and Biue." in the ideal case (no viscosity), when the. total momentum is conserved, the axial compression of the vortex filament (caused by the shock 1376 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 82, No.3, 1 August 1997 r , II FIG. 2. (a) Numerically filtered micrograph (M '" 400 X ) showing the filament splitting region. (b) Phase portrait of the fluid motion before bifurcation, at bifurcation and after bifurcation of vortex filament. (i) The lowest illustration: T pq is a sinchronism of the system i.e it is periodic solution of the equation, for which the following relation is fulfilled: ¢(I + 2r.p) = ¢(I) + 2r.q where p and q are integers (p = 1,2, ... ; q = 0, :.!: I,:.!: 2 .... ). Period of motion is 2 71p. (ii) Cross-section of the vortex filament by the plane containing the shock wave which is normal to the filament axis. The shock front may cause instability and change the periodic solution of the equilibrium state Op·q into a new state or=:'? with periodic solution rP-I.q+2. The equilibrium state Op·q transforms into a new state OP-2.q+2 with the separation of the periodic solution p.q+l. (iii) Phase portrait of trajectories in the plane before the bifurcation point. The three types of trajectories exist: Periodic solution around two fixed centers (type I' P.q)' The "eight type" trajectory common for both centers and the outer trajectory which is a common envelope of all other trajectories. (iv) Phase portrait of trajectories in the plane of the bifurcation point. The set of solutions in the "eight formation" with one fixed point, containing periodic solutions in the left and the right loop. No common solution for trajectories around two centers exist beyond this point. (v) Beyond the bifurcation point. the two new synchronising rp.q (corresponding to the same core size 0") appear (based on Ref. 18). wave) leads to a decrease of velocity u. This occurs in abrupt jumps in which decrease of vorticity w occurs too. Assuming a Gaussian distribution of vorticity in the filament: 17 (7) where Wo and 0" are constants, it follows that bifurcation of the filament is associated with the increase of the vortex core size 0". Really, the core size of the parent filament increases about twice just before splitting (Figs. 1 and 2) thus playing a role of a precursor of splitting [Figs. 2(a) and 2(b)]. The core size of a daughter filament is equal to the parent core S. Lugomer and A. Maksirnovic _:: X· !/ize .. (f. before splitting. The process repeats with daughter t}:~laments; their core size jumps to 2(f. and the new splitting into four vortices occurs. : . For the ideal case. the fluctuation in vorticity w can be ~~onnected with fluctuation in a vortex deformation through the tensor of oscillating deformation velocity S'j: 16 ! : dto, -dt = wJS'J (8) • where Sij==~ 2 (9) au where oU; and j are the components of the velocity flue_ tuations. It is quite obvious that decrease of U (and w) in our (nonideal) case caused by the shock may be connected with Sij in Eq. (8) which leads to splitting. It is obvious that for the oscillating shock. the cascade of filament splittings will take place at the critical values of vorticity wcl.wc2.wc) •...• or at the critical values of the Rey- i I.. I ~c I .~c 2 •.... I This indicates that gradient of Reynolds numbers exists on the radially oriented filament in the laser spot. Maybe more correct expression would be that filament in the interaction with a series of axial shocks suffers a series of jumps in it's vorticity. and suffers a cascade of splittings at corresponding .9Bc .~c •.... .' I I C. Local phase portrait of the filament splitting Synchronism of tlie nonlinear dynamical system r pq near the bifurcation point is shown in Fig. 2(b)(i). where r I, !. denotes the periodic solution of motion while parameters p " and q have the following meaning: q =F 0 denotes the rotational type of dynamics. and p denotes the number of attractors in the phase portrait. 18 Therefore. Fig. 2(b)(i) relates to the circulation r of the fluid around the point attractor in the center of the filament cross-section. The phase portrait of disturbed periodical motion of the fluid induced by the shock is shown in Fig. 2(b)(ii). Periodic orbits are still stable but their circular shape is deformed (extended) under axial compression." Evolution of the system is shown in Fig. 2(b)(iii) which shows the appearance of two attractors and three types of orbits: closed orbits around one attractor, closed orbits around second attractor and common orbits around both attractors. Separation of orbits leads to the appearance of the "eight" type of separatrices with one fixed point. O. (saddle point) Fig. 2(b)(iv). In the last stage. a total separation of orbits gives rise of two systems of synchronism r p q » with periodic. circular orbits Fig. 2(b)(v). For details of the phase portrait evolution see Neurnark and Landa 18 or Tufillaro et al. 19 i D. Vortex filament bush as an illustration of period doubling bifurcation into chaos Reconstruction of the bush shown in Fig. 1(b) suggests a similarity with the branching process characteristic for period doubling bifurcation into chaos. Bifurcation points are J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 82, No.3, if xn+l==rxn(l-x,,)~rxn (a(OllJ + a(OUj»). aXj ax; nolds number: not regularly distributed and the following procedure is needed to make this similarity real. Connecting the points of the same cascade level by irregular curves. a beautiful regularity of the branching process is obtained in the parameter space. Figure 1(b) (right) shows the number of filaments (generated in cascades) as a function of r, where r is the bifurcation parameter. Thus, every curve connecting the bifurcation points of the same level has the same value of the bifurcation parameter r. This brings us to the general, well known problem formulation by the difference equationr" 1 August 1997 Xn is in [0.1]. (10) In the discussion of solution of various values of r, it should be pointed out that for r > 3, a "time dependent" solution of period 2 occurs. That is. the equation Xn+2 = Xn develops two real roots in addition to the steady states. Solution is stable and attracting for r ranging from r = r2 = 3.0 until r == r3 = 3.45. At r3 a period 4 solution develops and the period 2 solution looses its stability.i" Between r) and r cc = 3.56998. a stable solution of period 2k is successively supplanted by the stable solution of period 2k+ I. The lower period solutions become unstable. The behavior of iterates of Eq. (10) is reminiscent of Landau's infinite sequence of transitions in that the bifurcations to higher and higher periodicities. and thus to more complex behaviors. occurs with even smaller increases in r. At r; = 3.57 there are no stable periodic solutions.r'' The oscillations all settle down to what appears to be period 2. However, the period number changes. depending on how many digits in rare taken into account. This indicates that at r; the system is no more sensitive on initial state. Thus, the system enters in the chaotic behavior.j" Since the illustration in the phase space of the bush [Fig. l(b) right] is typical for period doubling bifurcation to chaos. we attribute the above values to the bifurcation parameters as given in this diagram. E. Fractal description of vortex filament bush Vortex filament bush formed by the cascade of anglelocking bifurcations (Fig. 1) may be assumed a self-similar structure which infinitely repeats at smaller and smaller scales. The repetition of the bifurcation, as shown in Fig. I, may be followed up to stage 3 or 4. Beyond that bifurcated segments are immersed in the background fluid. and even the numerical filtration does not give clear details. The most appropriate system to describe the vortex filament branching as the fractal object is Lindenmayer-systern bush or the L-system bush." The L system are a particular type of symbolic dynamical system with the added feature of a geometrical interpretation of the evolution of the system. The L system is defined by the alphabet set V. by the axiom w, and by the productions." p. The order of the system is defined by the number of times to execute all the transformation rules (or productions). The commands + and - denote the rotation of the mapping in the counterclockwise. or the clockwise direction. respectively. Axiom, w = + + + + FX denotes the initial string on which the productions are applied. The L system of the order 3 can be writterr" S. Lugomer and A. Maksirnovic 1377 I i / I / liquid bilayer (3-7 times). and consequently these solitons are two dimensional. They do not travel along the filaments in a helical way. but simply by sliding or "slipping" in a surface plane. Figure 1(a) indicates that different filaments fl.hJ3.···.!;,· .. of the bush have a different torsion 71(fl) ={ 72(f2) ={ 7;(/;). Torsion 7 is the largest (7 = 7 ) max on the filaments of the central zone. and decreases toward the side zones of the bush; it falls to the zero volume (7 = 0) in the side zones. and consequently these solitons are two dimensional (see below). We shall assume a filament to be a curve in space. and the soliton motion treat as a motion of a curve. as described by differential geometry and topo1ogy?2.23 The spatial motion of the twisted curve may be described by specifying the curvature K. and torsion 7. at each point on the curve as a function of time t. The spatial variations of a twisted curve are described by the Frenet-Serret (F-S) equations:24-26 . an at -=Kn· as FIG. 3. L-system bush of the order 3. x[ as = - (I2) Tn, ar ( aaar) . do:' g(a.t)= w=++++++X. :X--+@.6--F+ ' ab where t, n, and b are the unit tangent, normal, and binormal vectors, respectively. Defining a metric g on the curve parameterized by a in 3 space:24-26 V={F.X.A. -. +}, PI -=-Kt+7b as ' (13) the arclength, s, along the curve is given by +[ - -F+FF+X] Joa ~g(a'.t)da'. s(a.t)= + +F-[FA]-X]. (11) and can be seen in Fig. 3. Part of the production P I (before parentheses) generates a "stap" at 60° and then resets the angle. The first square parenthesis represents the right branch. while the second one represents the left branch. The symbol A in the parentheses of P I is put to assure that the left branch continues to grow toward the inner side of the bush. In spite of the fact that the L-system bush in Fig. 3 is not exactly the bush in Fig. 1. their similarity is significant. In the spirit of this similarity one can say that vortex filament cascade branching is well described by the fractal of the type L-system bush. ! (I4) Then the above relations are defined by the metric notation: ar ar as aa t= _=g-II2_. at n= as' (IS) and b = t x n, where r(a,t) is a position vector of a point on a curve. It follows from differential geometry and topology" that motion of a point on a curve can be specified in the form: 22,24-26 arl r=at (16) =Un+Vb+Wt, a which describes the local motion if {U. V, W} depend only on local values of {K.-r} and their derivatives. IV. MICRO-SOLITONS ON VORTEX FILAMENTS IN 2D AND 3D A. Soliton on vortex filament in 2D (side zones of the bush) Vortex filaments in the bush (Fig. 1) are twisted. showing many small loops in the central zone and a few larger loops on their side zones. Such loops represent solitons or the solitary waves on the filamentts). The solitons in the central zone appear in helical topology (helical twisting) which move along the filament as 3D multi-solitons. since their loop size is smaller or comparable to the thickness of the molten surface layer. On the other hand. the loop size of the solitons in the side zones of the bush are the single solitons with the loop size much larger than the thickness of the Planar motion of the curve occurs if V = 0 and 7 = 0 in Eq. (16). In addition the binormal vector b (b = t x n) is also O. Then, the evolution in time, as 2D motion is described by (Nakayama et aI.26): 1378 J. Appl. Phys .• Vol. 82, No.3, 1 August 1997 . (au t= ~+KW ) n, (17) K= a2 U 2 aK) ( --2 + K U+ -a \ as s W, S. Lugomer and A. MaksimoviC ". .1 ..~ .~ ,. ~~After some mathematics. and using the arguments of Gold·stein and Petrich+' and Nakayama et al.26 the last equation (the evolution aK -= at equation) 2 (a--2 U as 3 2.5 2.5 may be written?6 +K 2)U -- aK 1.5 JS xUds", as 1.5 (I8) 0 0.5 BY using U = - = - (aKI as) K' , the equation of motion (17) 0.5 0 ·3 becomes 0 ·1 ·2 ·3 3 3 2.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 We look 0.5 0.5 in the form of trav- 0 elingwaveK(s,t) = K(t), where j = s - ct(cistheconstant . velocity along the filament),26.28 assuming the boundary con'dition K-+O as s-+oo.28 Integrating twice the mKdV equa- 3 2.5 ~ tion and using 1.5 1.5 0.5 0.5 ...:. %!.'.:; ~;; 3 , K 2-0 K. + K "'+ 'iK - , known as modified I:fand ~Jl~. (19) Korteveg de Vrie equation where «, = K «, = K' are derivations afat and alas, respectively. The solution of Eq. (19) describes the propagation ·~.loop without changing it's shape along the filament. of the mKdV ."for the solution the above equation boundary condition ·1 of a one obtains -4 ·3 ·2 ·1 0 1 2 3 4 0 ·3 ·2 ·1 ·2 ·1 3 2.5 ~ Y..B~:..· ~~~' K'=:t~ (20) ~4C-K2. 0 -a -4 r~,flntegrating this equation solution for the curvature, once more, one obtains a general K, which generates the loop on the '.f1~ ·2 ·1 0 1 2 3 4 o. ·3 (a) (b) ~~,-.curve: K=2~ sechf z ~~+Cl)' (21) 'i~' where C I is the integration t~t constant. Without loss of generality, we can put C I = 0 and from now on, to look only at a positive argument (because the sech is an even function). :'~'; mined, ~:;';i{ i·;~B} jlll Now, when the which K generates we turn to the F-S system the loop is deter- of Eq. (12) for t and n, which may be written fl :(;r~' (22) FIG. 4. Two-dimensional soliton on vortex filament. (a) creases if the parameter c, increases from c = 0.45 to c = 2D soliton on filament in time (T = 0.7), (c) Numericaly nified micrograph of2D soliton on filament (M = 300 X) The loop size de0.9. (b) Motion of filtered and mag. .'"'.:' This equation can be solved for the unit tangent vector (23) which has the following value for curvature t" + a form (if we insert and use the substitution Ot' + 4a2 sech(ag)t= tanh(a ~ t>=sin{ the calculated The coordinates = tion: a): (24) O. 4 arctan[ tanh( simplify this equation with From the known +4 solution curve by computing for K of the mKdV, t and coordinates d ()f ds = K, which gives29 struct the unit tangent ()= 4 arctan[ tanh( Setting29 t = (cos sech( TJ) t= O. vector i) ]. =- cos { 4 arctan[ tanh( J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 82. No.3, i)]} 1 August 1997 integra- (28) a Graphical ment presentation in 2D for variable of a single soliton velocity, c, is shown on vortex fila- in Fig. 4(a). Motion of 2D soliton in time, for torsion T = 0.7 is given in Fig. 4(b). These results of numerical simulation can be compared with the real 2D single soliton in Fig. 4(c) obtained from micrograph [Fig. I (a)] by numerical filtration and magnification. duration tr by further 2 sech( 71) a we can recon- (26) {),sin ()), one has 2 y= -- (25) of the plane of the curve are obtained a the substitution a~= TJ: t" + tanh( 71) t' (27) 2 tanh( 71) x=sWe can further i)]}. Supposing that first 3-4 ns of 10 ns laser pulse is spent on the formation the soliton, The soliton of the vortex filament and the rest of 6- 7 ns is spent on the soliton motion. is frozen in the position reached at the end of the S. Lugomer and A. Maksirnovic 1379 / 0.4 . 0.1 o -0.1 1 -0.2 (a) -0.3 -0.4 -10 1 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 (a) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 o -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 (b) -0.8 -1 -10 2 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 (b) 1.5 1 0.5 o -0.5 -1 (c) -1.5 -2 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 FIG. 5. Projections of 3D soliton on the plane: (a) 'T = 2.0, (b) 'T = 0.5. (x.z) plane, -_. (x,y) plane and ... envelope. 8 'T (c) 10 = 1.0, (c) pulse at - 750 f.Lm from the beginning of the filament, what gives it's velocity v - 750(f.Lm)/(6-7)·1O-9(s)-IOOf.Lm/ns -105m/s. (d) B. Soliton on vortex filament in 3D (central zone of the bush) Solitons observed in the central zone of the bush (Fig. 1) are 3D multi-solitons with a loop diameter comparable to the thickness of the liquid bilayer. Spatial motion of the soliton in 3D is described by the unit vectors t, n, b which have three arguments. By generalization of Eq. (17) and following Nakayama= one finds . t= (au -a.;-TV+KW ) n+ (av a;+rU ) b, FIG. 6. 3D soliton on filament in ( = 1.0, (d) 'T = 2.0. = 0: (a) 'T = 0.3, (b) 'T = 0.5, (c) 'T (29) where (->:al . a av n=- ( --TV+KW as ) 1+ [1-- a (av -+TU ) K as as +;(~~ -TV+KW) . b=- (av -+rU as -TV+KW) 1380 r(s,t) and one finds the evolution equations l- ) t- [1-- a (av -+rU K as as +;(~~ For K(S,t) ) ln, J. Appl. Phys .. Vol. 82. No.3. 1 August 1997 a-r = !... at as +r [~ !... (av K I S' as as 1 + TU) + ~ ( au as K _ TV) av KUds +KTU+Ka;' S. Lugomer (30) and A. Makslmovic ", z 0.2 0.1 -0.1 ·.,; 'i FIG. 8. Helical motion of 3D soliton on filament with time step tlr = D.3( 'T = 2). Larger 'T and larger time step cause that soliton vanish fast from the observed space. .~:~r :..«~,.,: ~:.' '}1~' FIG. 7. Helical motion of 3D soliton on filament with time step tlr = D.l (T= 0.5). x By using the substitution of the new complex variable '¥, for K and T (Lamb,2-l.25Nakayama." and Hasimoto "), '¥= ,: », ":~' K(s,t)ei!'r(s'.r'Jds', (NLS):28,30 (32) By a similar procedure as before (for the 2D case), we get the solution for x.y.z components of the vector r:24,25.28.3 I X. J. Appl. Phys .. Vol. 82, No.3, l 1 August 1997 2:) tanh 7J 0 Sin - V (31) and putting U = 0, V = K, the evolution equations (30) are transferred into the complex nonlinear Schrodinger equation ( 2J.L. y= - .. .¥, . =s- 2J.L z= - v sinh y cos 0, (33) which represent a helical motion of a loop along the x axis. For details of calculation see Refs. 24, 25, 28, 30. We shall not discuss all possible consequences of the solution which are numerous (for constant c, K, for variable K and T, as well as for various values of V and lV in the equation of motion etc.). Instead, we shall pay attention to the aspect of solution S. Lugomer and A. Maksirnovlc 1381 / -4 0.5 Z o y 0.5 Z -0.5 1.S (b) x Y FIG. 10. Two solitons generated on two parallel filaments extending from 00 to + ce, seen from different spatial angles: (a) view point .....•{4.0, - 2.4,2.0}. (b) view point .....•( 1.3, - 2.4,2.0}. (b) FIG. 9. (A) Numerically filtered micrograph of a 3D solitons on filaments taken under various conditions of filtration parameters in the central zone of the bush. which remind on the so-called "pigtail" formations. (B) Illustration of the numerically generated soliton seen from various spatial angles. relevant for our experimental case. We have varied the parameter 7 in simulations and observed the soliton evolution in time. Projections of 3D soliton into x, y plane, for 7 = 2.0, 1.0, and 0.5, are given in Figs. 5(a), 5(b), and 5(c) respectively. The soliton size (amplitude) decreases with increasing 7, as clearly seen in Fig. 6, for t = O. The soliton motion on the filament for 7 = 0.5 in the time sequences of 6. t = 0.1 is shown in Fig. 7. In contrast to the 2D soliton, the 3D soliton travels along the x axis by helical motions, which Fig. 7 clearly demonstrates. Motion of 3D soliton with much larger torsion (7 = 2) in the time sequence 6. t = 0.3 is shown in Fig. 8. This soliton moves fast and after four sequences practically comes out and vanishes from the observed spatial interval. Namely, 7 :x: c, and larger T means larger soliton velocity. The above figures enable a comparison with the real soliton observed in the central zone of the bush in Fig. 1. By 1382 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 82, No.3, 1 August 1997 using the Photo-Styler program, the micrograph of the central zone is numerically filtered and magnified, and shown in Fig. 9(a). The filaments containing multi-solitons remind one of the so-called "pigtail" tormations.V Figure 9(b) shows a single soliton obtained by numerical simulation in different spatial views. Figure 10 shows two parallel filaments extending from - co to + (X) with 3D solitons, observed in different spatial views. V. CONCLUSION This article puts more light on the process of laser vaporization on ns time scale, at the transition from planar to volume vaporization, in particular-s-on the nonlinear dynamics of the molten shear layer. In the nonstationary laser vaporization a shear layer of molten metal is generated and vortex filaments on the micron-scale are observed. The oscillatory shock wave generated in the nonstationary process of material removal causes the cascade of angle-locking splittings and formation of the vortex filament bush. Torsion of vortex filaments generates the solitons and causes their motion along the filaments. The solitons in the central zone of the bush are three-dimensional multi-solitons that travel in a helical way, while the solitons in the side zones of the bush are two-dimensional single solitons that travel by simple "slipping" along the filaments. This indicates that torsion T, is not constant in all the branches of the bush but has the maximum in the central zone and vanishes (7 = 0) in the side zones. Two-dimensional solitons are described by the modified Korteweg-de Vries equation in parameter K, while the three-dimensional ones are described by the nonlinear scnrcdinger equation in complex parameter '1'. The solitons on S. Lugomer and A. Maksimovic ': filaments generated in laser experiments are fast and moving .without friction along the filament, and reach the velocity of . .: 105 m/s. 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