Paper Analysis of Stator-Fed AC Commutator the Matrix Method Member Masahiko Member Iwao Kamatani Motor using (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology) Shibata (Chiba Institute of Technology) Characteristics analysis using the matrix method of stator-fed AC commutator motor are presented. Recently, many variable-speed AC motor drive systems with semiconductor switching devices have been developed. However, the power supply systems suffer from higher harmonic currents during switching. On the contrary, three-phase AC commutator motors have essentially no detrimental influence on the power supply systems. Consequently, the motors are being reconsidered for use in spite the fact that they need periodic maintenance for the replacement of commutators and brushes. So far, motor analysis was calculated using various vector methods : in this case complicated calculations are required, with accurate solutions difficult to be obtained. We derive the fundamental equations using the matrix method which can be applied to the transient phenomenon. Also, we obtained an agreement between calculations and experimental results of the steady-state characteristics. Key words : AC commutator motor, Matrix method, Characteristics analysis 1. Introduction The recent been supply remarkable. systems suffer rents during phase AC commutator detrimental from maintenance and the brushes. can be operated at arbitrary speeds, AC two types. demonstrating This of comthis motor or lower with the primary winding called motor fed type with a stator motors is the in the rotor, and the other as ordinary on the analysis rotor-fed operation, drive of pumps systems, and agricultural are diagram only industrial irrigations, and so motor consists regulator porated as one unit. power The rotor armature which is also regulator is a three-phase is the stator- induction voltage motor. induction using the matrix rotor 70 winding an induction which are incor- is similar is essentially regulator The to that of is the T. IEE Japan, to the similar induction unit and regulator which in Fig. 1. and is connected of a DC motor. voltage and control Its stator motor motor is shown of a motor for speed induction supply. of the commutator one phase type induction power to the and sewage voltage a normal commutator One services for high applications A connection they need higher we discuss type AC commu- on. speed. three-phase We have reported Futhermore, is suitable for the water no systems. for the replacement than the synchronous a Schrage that of the stator-fed used in waterworks are being recon- of the fact motor mainly three- characteristics In this paper, motor. This cur- essentially supply the use of the motors for use in spite into have tator power contrary, the performance motor""". the characteristics devices the harmonic on the power mutators divided higher On the periodic The switching motors influence AC motor However, switching. Consequently, sidered in variable-speed with semiconductor very regarding of the Schrage progress drive systems has method having to the voltage a transformer has same a as . stator an single The and ordinary Vol. 111-D, No. 1,'91 固定子給電形整流子電動機の特性解析 ①Motor primary ②Motor secondary winding(stator) winding(rotor) ③Transformer (a) ④ Induction voltage reguiator Fig.1. Connection of commutator Diagram of an idealizedmotor. motor. wound-rotor induction motor. Its output voltage is altered by regulating their mutual positions to control motor speed. The primary winding of the induction voltage regulator is connected to the supply, and the secondary winding is supplied to the motor brushes. As mentioned before, this motor is more complicated than other kinds of AC motors, and carbon brushes used in the low-voltage circuit have non(b) Diagramof idealized transformer and induction voltage regulator. linear voltage-current characteristics. For these reasons, it was considered difficult to give the precise calculations on the characteristics, and mainly the design depends on the experiment and experience. So far, motor analysis has been reported by Schwarz"', Yamaguchi and Nishimura"'. However, as in these types of literature, the analysis were calculated using various vector methods : complicated calculatios are required, and it is difficult to obtain accurate solutions. More than the above, when this motor is disconnected suddenly during Fig.2. results of the steady-state obtained. 2. Voltage characteristics equations To derive voltage equations, let's consider a fundamental circuit as shown in Fig. 2 and make the following assumptions : (1) All the windings are symmetrical (3) Brushes used in the low-voltage have linear voltage-current characteristics. lation characteristics can not be analyzed using the vector method. In this paper, we derived the fundamental equa- Motor v1 : primary winding induced voltage i1 : primary current ment between 電 学論D, the calculations 111巻1号,平 成3年71 and experimental three- phase windings and star connections. (2) Core saturation andiron loss are negligible. operation, the primary induced voltage may be sustained or rise temporarily. The condition causing such a self-excitation phenomenon and the oscil- tions using the matrix method which is capable of being applical transient phenomenon. Also, agree- could be circuit v2 : secondary winding induced voltage i2 : secondary current R. l. L : resistance, leakage inductance and main inductance scripts 1 and dary windings, M,z(=M21) w ƒÖr : and velocity The secon winding rotating electrical voltage equation Fig. 2 is expressed derived from the circuit in as inductance secondary of primary (1) windings rotating field of the of the where angular velocity winding voltage vt1 and mutual primary : angular s : slip winding(sub primary respectively) secondary Induction each for : maximum between ƒÖ of 2 stand regulator : transformer primary winding primary current induced volt- age it1 : transformer Vt21 : transformer secondary winding induced secondary winding induced voltage vt22 : transformer See voltage it21 : transformer secondary current it22 : transformer secondary current vr8 : induction voltage regulator Appendix As currents stator about •kZ•l, •kZt•l shown in have Fig. and •kZr•l. 1, the been following relations among obtained: winding (2) induced vrr voltage : induction voltage induced regulator rotor irs : induction voltage regulator stator irr : induction voltage regulator rotor R, l, L winding Applying two-axis transformation to Eq. (1) and using the connection matrix which can be obtained from Eq. (2) , we have voltage : resistance, main leakage inductance scripts inductance of t1, t2, s, and primary and voltage regulator r current current each where winding(sub- stand secondary (3) and for transformer windings, induction See stator and rotor Appendix Eq. ings, about •kZ'c•l. wind(3) is equation. Mtzu, a generalized instantaneous value respectively) M,212 : mutual inductance between and secondary windings of steady-state equation can be priobtained mary The the by p=jw in •kZ'c•l in Eq. (3). Applying transsymmetrical coordinate transformation to Eq. (3) former we Mt. : mutual inductance winding 1 and between secondary secondary winding 2 of (4) the where transformer M,M : maximum stator mutual winding induction a voltage position are inductance and : displacement where obtain the the stator between winding of the and subscripts regulator angle of rotor from regulator and rotor the (the phase 11, 12, 21 and 22 stand for the pri mary positive and negative-phase component, the secondary positive and negative-phase component, "neutral" position and subscript t stands ments, respectively. windings coaxial) 72 for the transformer,'s T. lEE Japan, ele Vol. 111-D, No. 1, '91 固定子給 電形整 流子電動機 の特性解析 See Appendix about V31,V32,R3,X3. 3. Characteristic equation Eq. (5) gives torque tensor [G] such that (7) Therefore, the torque-per-phase is given by (8) If the power balanced, source voltage and motor winding are then and therefore, Eq. (9) is rewritten as (9) (10) where (5) where Primary and secondary currents, i. e., I1 and I2, are derived from Eq. (6) and they are given by (11) (12) Effective values 1, and 12 are given by (13) (14) From Eq. (4), choosing the positive-phase compo nents and eliminating It1 and It21, we have Primary and cos ƒÓ2, and secondary are given power factor, i. e., cos ƒÓ1 by (15) (6) where V3is the output voltage of the voltage regula (16) tor, which is inserted to the secondary winding (V3 = V32+JV31). 電 学論D,111巻1号,平 成3年 Transformer 73 primary current, i. e., It, is given by (17) where (18) (19) 4. Comparison between culated Rating measured and cal characteristics and constants of the tested motor are as follows. Fig. 3. Ratings output : 5.5 poles 1.8 : 4 ; speed quency : 50 Constants voltage rpm : 200 ; fre- V : L'1=0.0234 H L'2=0.0019 H H : Rt1=0.0530ƒ¶, L't1=0.1837 Rt21=0.0104ƒ¶, L't21=0.0167 H Rt22=0.0086ƒ¶, L't22=0.0088 H M't211=0.0554 H, M'tM=0.0121 Induction H M't212=0.0402 H voltage regulator H Rr=0.0870ƒ¶, L'r=0.0088 H M'rM=0.0087 and measured T(=3_??_) Primary current Secondary input these figures, well caused due to for current Figs. factor cos ƒÓ0 it is shown the and 3 Fig. 5. Secondary 5 to : Fig. 6 7 with by : 4 12 : Fig. power are 3 1, : Fig. : Fig. agree is characteristics :Fig. current Efficiency From current. H Torque results Primary : L's=0.0088 Calculated Fig. 4. H Rs=0.0800ƒ¶, Total of R2=0.1330ƒ¶, Transformer points number : R1=0.3045 ƒ¶, M'12 =0.0065 tion kW; : 2,000-650 Hz; (measured) Motor error Torque. : the secondary rotor 7 are that the measured speed from calculated ones. The resistance varia variations. no-load Test to 125% load. 74 T. IEE Japan, current. Vol. 111-D, No. 1, '91 固定子給電形整流子電動機の特性解析 Appendix Fig. 6. Power Fig. 7. 5. factor. Efficiency. [Z22], [Zt11], [Zt22], [Zt23], [Zr11]and [Zr22] are obtained by replacing subscript 1 in [Z11]by 2, t1, t21, t22,s and r, respectively. where Conclusions The fundamental equations method of the stator-fed using AC commutator the matrix motor are presented, and the characteristic equations of the steady state such as, torque, current, power factor and so on are derived. From these fundamental equations, it has been confirmed that the calculated torque, current, power factor and efficiency of the motor agree well with the measured values. The accurate solution is obtained easier by this matrix where method than the vector method. The results can be utilized to provide for design of the stator-fed AC commutator motor. These fundamental equations can be also applied to the transient phenomenon. (Manuscript received Apr. 9, 1990, reviced July 25, 1990) References (1) (2) (3) (4) 1.Shibata & b1. Kamatani : Trans. IEE Japan. 102-B.709 (Nov., 1982)(in Japanese). b1. Kamatani & 1.Shibata : ibid.. 104-B. 305(May. 1984) (in Japanese). B. Schncarz : "The stator-fed AC commutator machine with induction regulator control". Pstg. IEE(1949) J. Yamaguchi & M. Nishimura : J: IEE Japan. 76. 108 (Feb.. 1956)(in Japanese) 電 学論D,111巻1号,平 成3年 75 Masahiko Kamatani (Member) He was born in Tottori, Japan, on August 19, 1937. He received the B. E. and M. E. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Tokyo Denki College, Tokyo, in 1963 and 1968, respectively. From 1963 to 1971, he was with Departmentof Electrical Engineeringof the Tokyo MetropolitanTechnical College, and from 1971to 1985,with the Department of Electrical and Elec tronic Engineeringof the Metropolitan College of Technologyof Tokyo. In 1986,he joinedthe Depart ment of ElectricalSystem Engineeringof the Tokyo MetropolitanInstitute of Technology. where Iwao Shibata (Member) He was born in Tokyo, Japan,on January 15, 1925. He received the B. E. degree in Electrical Engineer ing and the Dr. of Engineering degrees 'from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, in 1949 and 1964,respectively. From 1949to 1971, he was employed by Toyo Denki Seizo Com pany as a Research and Design Engineer. From 1971 to 1975, he was with Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the Metropolitan College of Technology of Tokyo, as a Professor. Since 1975, he has been Professor at Chiba Institute' of Technology. 76 T. IEE Japan, Vol. 111-D, No . 1, '91