International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 10, Issue 1, January 2019, pp.455–461, Article ID: IJCIET_10_01_043 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316 ©IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed INDONESIAN DEFENSE INDUSTRY EXHIBITION AS A PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Astried Faradyna, Asep Suryana, Iriana Bakti Department of Business Communication, Masters in the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia, Correspondence email: ABSTRACT This study seeks to explore the value of promotion from the Indo Defense exhibition held by the Indonesian Ministry of Defense involving dozens of countries. The research method is using descriptive study with reference to the business communication perspective. To measure the performance of this event, this research is based on the target of event realization, and compares it. The results showed that Indo Defense's activities effectively served as a vehicle for promotion in defense equipment business at the international level. Keywords: Promotion, Business Communication, Exhibition, International Business. Cite this Article: Astried Faradyna, Asep Suryana and Iriana Bakti, Indonesian Defense Industry Exhibition as A Promotional Activities In The Perspective of Business Communication, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), 10 (1), 2019, pp. 455–461. INTRODUCTION In a forum, Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan warned that Indonesia's defense and security were threatened by various conflicts and problems. Domestic threats faced today, said Luhut, are terrorism, drugs, armed separatist gangs, communal conflict, and national disintegration. One effort to elevate Indonesia's position as a country that has a role in improving the economy and has security and attractiveness for investment for potential investors, the government held an Indo Defense 2016 Expo. For Indonesia, the Indo Defense 2016 Expo and forum event is a promotional event to showcase the superior products of the Defense Industry and the work of Indonesian children and become an opportunity for domestic Defense Industry professionals both BUMN 455 Indonesian Defense Industry Exhibition as A Promotional Activities In The Perspective of Business Communication and BUMS to build networks of cooperation with defense industries leading from various countries. This situation does not discourage industry players and the economy from continuing to develop its business wings to continue to grow. PT. Napindo is an Event Organizer company as a company that is trusted by the Ministry of Defense to hold a Defense Industry Exhibition event since 2004 in Jakarta to hold Indo Defense 2018 as the international level main weaponry system exhibition event to be held in November 2018. PT. Napindo is trying harder to do some business communication strategies so that consumers who are joined a lot from abroad are not affected by the current situation in Indonesia. The event held today is part of promotional activities that must be held because this event is not an ordinary event because it involves several foreign delegates. In an interaction between countries in a business perspective, usually what is encountered is by using international exhibition channels which become a meeting place for business people like entrepreneurs, producers and consumers from various countries or international meeting forums of heads of state and ministers of economy, industry, finance and trade. Transactions carried out involved many things such as liberalization of world trade, export imports, foreign capital investment, interbank financial transactions in different countries, expansion of the transnational industry, arms sale transactions between countries. PT. Napindo organized an event based on the defense industry that has been able to attract exhibitors and visitors from inside and outside the country who are able to produce Defense Industry technology from each of the countries joined. The increase in the number of participants joined in it is an indicator that the event that took place was considered successful from the previous year. Table 1. Realization of performance targets No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Information Realization of performance targets 2014 2016 Indoor exhibition 12.489 sqm area Outdoor exhibition 5.534 sqm area Exhibitors 672 Participating 49 countries Pavilion of countries 23 State official 26 delegation Visitors 20,568 Percentage Change Performance 13.429 sqm 107.52 +7.52% 6.213 sqm 112.26 +12.26% 847 126.04 +26.04% 44 89.79 -10.21% 22 95.65 -4.35% 30 115.38 +15.38% 22,459 109.19 +9.19% In this event, it is seen not only B to B activities that occur but because this event involves the government and foreign delegations, the activities that occur are G to G (Government to Government). Every business activity must have an agreement from both parties. How do business people run it and there must be trust between the two. Considering the transaction that occurs is Business to Business (B to B), business communication activities in Indo Defence are different from other exhibition events intended for end users. The industry professionals involved here are brought together to discuss each of the advantages of their products. In this case those involved need to consider more in the realm of business communication for this B to B transaction because the process involved is more complex. That means, here more people are involved in the decision-making process in this business 456 Astried Faradyna, Asep Suryana and Iriana Bakti communication. So the decision making process is longer. The next consideration is that the costs incurred in this transaction are not small, considering that a major weaponry system is the main tool of a government, which not just anyone can buy. There is a bureaucratic process that must be fulfilled and several permits that must be obtained from certain agencies. Some points that need to be considered in a business communication that occur here are not just the delivery of business messages from producers to consumers, but communication here is more concerned with how the parties involved in communication can meet their respective needs through exchange of values and benefits obtained from other parties in a transaction. Therefore, business communication is not just a focus on the process of delivering information and forming awareness. PT. Napindo here only accommodates and attracts producers who act as exhibitors and exhibition visitors to join this event. And it is expected that the producers here need to follow up on the awareness that is formed in the consumer until the occurrence of another purchase or cooperation. Relations between countries here are very important not only at the economic level but also in the communication and political aspects. Because the power of communication in the economic sphere here has an important role in the relations of a country both bilaterally and multilaterally. This is related to the fact that cross-country relations are expected to produce large democracy, opportunities for greater cooperation, then greater challenges will emerge towards greater prosperity of a country. International Communication as Effects of Globalization Communication refers to a similarity between the delivery of the message and the person receiving the message. Communication is a process of delivering messages or information from a party to another party with the aim of achieving the same perception or understanding. According to Carl. I. Hovland (1954), communication science is a systematic effort to formulate expressly the principles of delivery and the formation of opinions and attitudes. The object of communication science studies is not only the delivery of information, but also the formation of public opinion and public attitude (McCallum, Hammond, & Covello, 1991; West, 2004). Communication is the process of changing the behavior of others that is communication is the process of changing the behavior of individuals (Bandura, 2009). Usually, communication is carried out verbally that can be understood by both parties, if there is no verbal language that can be understood by both, communication is still carried out using body movements, showing certain attitudes, such as smiling, shaking his head. This way is called nonverbal communication. Communication is often interpreted as the transfer of information or messages from the communicator to the communicant. The process aims to achieve mutual understanding. Before the communicator sends messages to the communicant, first he gives meaning to the messages (decode). The message is captured by the communicant and given meaning according to the concepts he has (encode). Through the interpretation process, namely interpreting these meanings from various perspectives, certain meanings will be produced according to the field of experince and frame of references that the communicant has. If the communicant considers it necessary to provide feedback to the communicator, the communicant first gives meaning to the feedback. According to Fortner (1993), Bakry (2000), international communication is the practice of communication that crosses international borders. The need for international communication according to Fortner (1993) is due to the increasing effects and effects of globalization (Thussu, 2018). As a sub discipline, the scope of international communication is concerned with the interaction between the government and the government (G to G), business with business (B to B), communities with people (P to P) at the global level. International communication can cover a variety of problems, ranging from political, economic, social, cultural and military issues. 457 Indonesian Defense Industry Exhibition as A Promotional Activities In The Perspective of Business Communication Business Communication in International Trade A business activity is very necessary for communication. Communication is very important. A producer must communicate with the customer or the customer. An entrepreneur must be able to convey the products he produces through communication activities. A leader must be able to lead well his subordinates through good and effective communication activities. Here it can be seen that communication skills are a very basic need in the business world. Business is an economic system activity directed at the management and distribution of industry results and professional services that bring profit. The essence of business activities is a busy life, as seen from the basic word. Business is intended to have constructive goals for human life. The simple definition of business communication is communication used in the business world, covering various forms of communication both verbal and non-verbal communication (Purwanto, 1997). According to Panuju (2000), the relationship between business activities and market opportunities, as well as the important role of communication, can be illustrated in the following scheme. business activities human relations public relations production bata baran promotion communication activities goods / service consumer market opportunity A business activity occurs because of the interaction between one individual and another individual. This personal interaction between individuals and other individuals will be a great interaction when this communication must involve many people and enter the public sphere. This interaction between individuals to audiences will be an effective process of delivering messages when this activity becomes an activity to convey a message in the form of a product both services and goods. The communication activity is called promotional activities. The purpose of production activities is so that the products produced by producers arrive at and are used by consumers. Consumers here are referred to as markets. All products, both goods and services, so that they can be properly distributed to eat, a producer must be able to create goods, both services and goods that are in accordance with the current situation, adjusted to the market conditions. The principles of modern communication emphasize the needs of the communicant and the readiness of the communicant in the communication process (Jensen, 1991). It is more important than the message function and communicator's purpose. Therefore, more modern principles also take into account opportunities rather than production. Market opportunities in a real business activity are not always significant with the supply of goods and services. This 458 Astried Faradyna, Asep Suryana and Iriana Bakti means that goods and services in large quantities do not automatically cause the market to become saturated. Conversely, the amount of goods or services that are few or rare does not always cause the market opportunity to be large. In this context, market opportunities can be made through communication mechanisms that continuously shape social values, preferences, and functions. The opening of market opportunities for beverage products is the result of conditioning carried out by the mass media through its information. That information forms the values, images, and needs. Thus, communication activities are often carried out first to form market opportunities. Second, market opportunities are largely determined by the consumer's image of goods and services. If a product is able to convince consumers that the product has credibility, has a function, guaranteed safety, and other advantages, the market opportunity will be formed. The problem is often the goods and services are not known to the public because there is no correct and adequate communication strategy. In this case the communication activities that occur are promotions (Liu, 2002). In communication studies, promotional activities usually include: 1. Inter-human relations activities 2. Community relations activities 3. Advertising or advertising activities The involvement of many parties in a business communication between countries has many effects on its implementation. Business people who are involved in it who also act as decision makers must consider carefully because it can increase cooperation in the fields of economy, industry, finance and business which contain messages for the welfare of each nation. In essence, the business perspective of international communication concerns messages that contain international economic and business interests. In the context of the Indo Defense exhibition, the event that takes place every two years is very much taken into account in the other countries. Of the 54 countries that have been willing to register to participate in this event, it has been proven that there is communication between countries that occur. Those involved in this event who act as communicators are entrepreneurs or producers of the defense industry, and at the government level are defense ministers, finance ministers, and ministers of industry and trade. The communication includes business people, especially transnational entrepreneurs, and officials of government agencies or even people who do international business with other countries. The form of implementation is in the form of lobbying, participation in international exhibitions, sending product offer brochures, placing advertisements in international mass media, inviting entrepreneurs and journalists / writers from other countries to just visit.The event that happened turned out to also have broad meaning for the host country in this case of course Indonesia. With many foreign delegates attending, communication between countries can also advance aspects of international tourism. In this case, in relation to foreign tourist visits from one country to another, their presence can indirectly introduce to the world how the countries visited. We can also introduce them to our culture, the uniqueness and diversity of tribes that Indonesia possesses can be an attraction of relations between countries. Indo Defense as a Promotional Activity The term exhibition illustrates that the exhibition is a place where companies can display their latest products or services. Some companies promote new products or new services using exhibition media as a marketing strategy in their business. This is considered through the exhibition to get new consumers or get new prospects at the exhibition. Every exhibition that took place by the exhibitors hoped that with the booths they installed they would benefit from every visitor who came to the exhibition, especially those who came to the booths they had installed. With the stand of the company they of course install the products they want to show to visitors. These products have advantages among other products they have. 459 Indonesian Defense Industry Exhibition as A Promotional Activities In The Perspective of Business Communication An exhibition is considered to have a high level of effectiveness in introducing a new product to consumers. In this case, some professional industries feel very benefited by this event. Those who are new to producing new products can be directly shown to the wider community. In the exhibition we can promote the product by showing the products installed on the stand. The exhibitor can also directly explain how to work or how to use the product. In addition, exhibitors can distribute flyers and pamphlets, as well as company business cards so that more people will get to know their products. The next advantage of an exhibition is being able to maintain the company's image. People who already know the company but a company must be able to show its existence that the company always innovates to create new products that can compete with others and the product follows the development of the times. Professional industries can get information from competitors. What strategies apply in the market, even information about product prices that apply in the market. Indo Defense is an international scale activity that has been registered in the world exhibition event calendar and is followed by leading defense industries from inside and outside the country. This activity has been carried out since 2004 where there were approximately 40 countries incorporated in it. In these activities Defense industry products both military and non-defense equipment will be exhibited. Through Indo Defense, it is expected that business transactions will be achieved between the defense industry in the country and abroad in a significant amount. Indo Defense can strengthen Indonesia’s position in international trade of defence equipment and enables Indonesian exhibitors capable of competing in international level. Foreign countries view that Indonesia is in a safe condition not as reported by various events and threats that occur. In addition, the Indo Defense organizers also gained tremendous trust from outside countries. They assume that an event organizer that organizes a defenceequipment exhibition has good credibility. Visitors were satisfied because they could establish good cooperation between companies and between countries, even the people who witnessed were entertained and felt they got new knowledge by looking at the defense equipment on display. CONCLUSION A business activity that involves between countries can not only be seen from the economic perspectives. In the case of business promotion, it also involves aspects of political cooperation, tourism in which all aspects can benefit the country involved in it and can even increase a country's income, such as increasing foreign exchange. Therefore, the business aspect is not just a business promotion and a fixed-traded product involving various business groups, both government and private, from other countries, to make transactions in various fields or economic sectors. Business communication at the international level must pay attention to many things. Communication errors that occur will affect many parties. Business communication can strengthen relations between two countries and can also increase profits for the countries involved. REFERENCE [1] [2] [3] [4] Bakry, U. S. (2017). Dasar-dasar hubungan internasional. Depok: Kencana Bandura, A. (2009). Social cognitive theory of mass communication. In Media effects (pp. 110-140). Routledge. Effendy, O. U. (2003). 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