International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 10, Issue 1, January 2019, pp.420–443, Article ID: IJCIET_10_01_040 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316 ©IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed ANALYSIS OF PRODUCTIVITY EFFICIENCY OF FOOD PLANT AGRICULTURE IN EAST JAVA BASED ON DEA INDEX Abid Muhtarom Islamic University of Lamongan, Faculty of Economics, Indonesia; Airlangga University, Department of Economics, Indonesia Tri Haryanto, Nurul Istifadah Airlangga University,Department of Economics, Indonesia ABSTRACT The efficiency of food crop agriculture is a fairly common and used performance parameter, efficiency measurement is widely used to answer the challenges of calculating the size of agricultural crops. This research uses a method called Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to measure technical efficiency. DEA method from one company is a non-parametric analysis method which aims to measure the level of efficiency relative to the productivity unit that has the same goal. The productivity unit is here in the form of a decision-making unit (DMU) where the DMU in this study is the food crop agriculture sub-sector 29 districts in East Java. The results of this study can be studied as many as 93. Keywords: DEA, Land, Labor, and productivity. Cite this Article: Abid Muhtarom, Tri Haryanto and Nurul Istifadah, Analysis of Productivity Efficiency of Food Plant Agriculture In East Java Based On Dea Index, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), 10 (1), 2019, pp. 420–443. 1. INTRODUCTION East Java Province is one of the provinces in Indonesia that relies on the agricultural sector of food crops as a driving force for the economy. East Java Province is known as a province that has great attention to the progress of food crop agriculture . Large crop agricultural productivity can increase regional GDP in aggregate in Bhattarai & Narayanamoorthy, (2003) and Majid, (2004).The second largest East Java GRDP after the industrial sector is the agricultural sector, where the Food Crop sub-sector provides a large contribution compared to the agricultural and hunting services sub-sector, the Plantation sub-sector, the Livestock subsector, and the Holtukultur Crop sub-sector. 420 Analysis of Productivity Efficiency of Food Plant Agriculture In East Java Based On Dea Index Agricultural land is needed in increasing the productivity of agricultural crops according to Irz, Lin, Thirtle, & Wiggins, (2001). East Java Province has agricultural land which continues to decline throughout the year because it is caused by experts in the function of land to be residential and industrial. According to Bayyurt & Yılmaz, (2012) even though the government carried out agricultural land regulation had a negative impact or continued to decline. However, if the government does not provide a regulation to ban functional experts, it can be ascertained that the productivity of agricultural crops will decline according toKheirEl-Din & Heba El-Laithy, (2008). In addition to agricultural land, the productivity of food crops is urgently needed, and also requires labor to carry out their production according toTravers & Ma, (1994). Labor also has a good and bad impact on increasing productivity in the agricultural sector. Because the higher the number of workers with a little land area will have an impact on decreasing agricultural productivity in Kheir-El-Din & Heba El-Laithy,(2008). East Java Province must be aware of this phenomenon, because we know that more and more people cannot work in the industrial sector and their services will enter the agricultural sector. The agricultural sector is a sector that does not require high skills(Yutanto, Shonhadj, Ilham, & Ekaningtias, 2018). Efficiency of food crop agriculture is a performance parameter that is quite often and commonly used, efficiency measurement is widely used to answer the challenges of difficulties in calculating measures of food crop agriculture performance. Calculation of the level of land area, labor, irrigation and rainfall is usually used to show good performance results, but this calculation is sometimes not included in the criteria of good food crop agriculture that can answer the problems of food crop agriculture. Measurement of efficiency of food crop agriculture can be done using nonparametric methods, in this case using an approach to calculate the efficiency of food crop agriculture, namely Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to analyze the level of efficiency of food crop agriculture from Districts in East Java according toCooper, Seiford, & Zhu, (2011). 2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE According toTravers & Ma, (1994) results of analysis of technological improvements, prices, fertilizer and irrigation can increase agricultural productivity food crops and reduce poverty .According to Irz et al., (2001)results of analysis of agricultural growth as well food crops can be done by adding agricultural land, along with supporting tools.Agricultural technology should be used to get more and more satisfying results. According to(Bayyurt & Yılmaz, 2012) the results of the analysis of increasing irrigation rates and literacy rates in rural areas are two factors, the most important of all is that they know, the knowledge of agriculture and growing food crops so that it can reduce poverty.According to Majid, (2004)the results of the analysis of factors in farmer income, food prices, GINI ratio, labor, total population and inflation can reduce poverty. According to Kheir-El-Din & Heba El-Laithy, (2008) TFP analysis results reduce poverty by 0.241 percent , higher productivity of agricultural food crops will result in lower poverty rates, -1,377 ,increase in yields do not benefit the poor, increase in land results in a decrease in poverty by 1.464, increase THIS one percent G index will increase poverty by 1.62 percent.According to Bayyurt & Yılmaz, (2012) the results of government regulation analysis havea positive effect on agricultural efficiency. Education has a negative influence on agricultural efficiency food crops . The result can be interpreted that the higher the level of education the more farmers leave the work of farmers.According toDhrifi, (2014) analysis results of poverty reduction per capital income of 0.25%, a decrease in household consumption expenditure by 0.21 points, which 421 Abid Muhtarom, Tri Haryanto and Nurul Istifadah decreases poverty level,growth of foodcrop agriculture can 32% , technology innovation reduces poverty by 18%. reduce poverty by 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This research uses a method namely Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to measure technical efficiency. DEA method is a non-parametric analysis method that aims to measure the level of technical efficiency relative to other production units that have the same objectives. The production unit is here in the form of a decision making unit (DMU) where the DMU in this study is a food crop agricultural sub-sector 29 districts in East Java. This study focuses for 8 years ie in 2010 until 2017. The input variables used in this research is the area of land and labor (labor), while Productivity become the output variable. The Linear Programming (LP) function that is carried out in this approach uses the assumption of output oriented , so the objective function that is applied is the maximizing function of output with the input level that isceteris paribus. DEA analysis of this one stage uses MaxDEA 7 Basic software . In this measurement of technical efficiency, it will use output oriented measurement with one measurement scale assumption, namely Variable Return to Scale (VRS) with a DEA one stage approach . A sum is needed to be able to produce technical efficiency values for each Regency in East Java based on VRS assumptions, but it is also intended to estimate the value of the efficiency scores of each Regency in East Java from year 20 10 to 2017 . 3.1. Dea Model The following is a model of technical efficiency analysis assuming VRS with the DEA one stage approach : VRS Model Measurement of Technical Efficiency Oriented to Output ( Output Oriented ) Max Ф, λФ, st-Фyi + Qλ ≥ 0 xi - Xλ ≥ 0 I1'λ = 1 λ ≥ 0 ………………… (3.1) Where : Ф = efficiency score; λ = Ix1 vector constant or obstacle vector; yi = output vector i; xi = input vector i; Q = Matrix ouput i keselu Ruhan; X = input matrix i overall The model above is a VRS model with an output-oriented approach where the variable ukkan shows the calculation of technical efficiency (Coelli, Prasada Rao, O’Donnell, & Battese, 2005)with a value of Ф between 1 to ∞ (infinity), and Ф - 1 representing proportional increase in output that can be achieved by DMU with a constant input quantity. λ is I x1 vector of constants and I1'λ = 1 is convexity constraint, with I 1 being I x1 vector of one. Convexity constraints show that variable return to scale (VRS) which ensures that companies are inefficient will only be compared with companies that have the same scale. There is a note that 1 / Ф indicates the value of technical efficiency which assumes values at interval levels 0 to 1. 422 Analysis of Productivity Efficiency of Food Plant Agriculture In East Java Based On Dea Index 4. RESULT AND ANALYSIS 4.1 Results of Estimates on the efficiency of food crop agriculture in East Java Province The results of the estimation of technical efficiency describing food crop agriculture using the DEA method one stage can be seen in graph I. The technical efficiency score ranges from 0 to 1. An assessment of score 1 shows that food crop agriculture reaches an efficient condition. While food crop agriculture in an ineffective condition has a technical efficiency score of less than 1. Graph 1. Productivity of food Based on Graph I, it can be seen that as many as 93.1 percent (29 districts) in East Java Province in the period 2010-2017 have an average score of efficiency of less than 0 , 69, while the rest have achieved an average technical efficiency of more than 0.31. So that it can be said that food crop agriculture in 2010-2017 estimates inefficiency by 31 percent and has the potential to increase output by 69 percent so that the conditions are efficient. Graph I above shows the DEA one stage technical efficiency score in 2010-2017. On the other hand, Sidoarjo Regency is the most inefficient DMU with the acquisition of an efficiency score of 0.20-0.25 in 2010-2017. But there is also one Kabupaten Gresik that also has an ineffective DMU from 29 Regencies in East Java with the acquisition of an efficiency score of 0.28-0.35 in 2010-2017. These two districts have a tendency to improve the efficiency of food crops throughout the year according to Hanaa Kheir-El-Din and Heba El-Laithy (2008) . This is due to the development of the center of the provincial capital of East Java to the area of Sidoarjo Regency and Gersik Regency, making it an expert in the function of agricultural land which used to be an agricultural area and a residential area. Sidoarjo regency has extensive agricultural land, but because small-scale ownership (subsitaries) by the community makes a choice to use agricultural land or sell at high prices to the owners of capital to be used as settlements or industries. If food crops are implemented, the landowners will also be burdened by high labor costs, rejecting (Irz et al., 2001; Travers & Ma, 1994). Third, Gresik Regency is an area with almost the majority of its area being industrial. Agricultural problems there are due to the large size of Litosol land where this type of soil is very difficult for agriculture. High labor costs compared to agricultural products make it an obstacle to agricultural productivity according to(Bayyurt & Yılmaz, 2012; KheirEl-Din & Heba El-Laithy, 2008),rejected Dhrifi, (2014). 423 Abid Muhtarom, Tri Haryanto and Nurul Istifadah The technical estimation of food crop agriculture in East Java can be seen in Figure 1. There are 8 efficient districts but in different years. First, Trenggalek District has an efficient area since 2010-2012 and 2016, where inefficiency occurred in 2013-2015 and 2017. The problem of food crop farming was broken down that year so that inefficiencies occurred were experts in the function of land and labor in the high agricultural sector, although this area contributed the largest regional income (Qi et al., 2018). Figure 1. Agriculture east java food crops efficiency Secondly, based on figure 1 efficiency occurred in 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016, while in 2011, 2013 and 2015 there was inefficiency. The problem of food crop farming in Pacitan is the area of small agricultural land and the small number of workers in the agricultural sector, plus people who live a lot in subsitant agriculture for personal needs. Third, efficiency occurs in Malang Regency in 2015, while in 2010-2017 except 2015 agricultural inefficiencies occur. This problem occurs because the occurrence of expert land functions into settlements is also due to the large workforce. Fourth, Magetan Regency in 2010 was an agricultural area, but because experts in land functions were large enough to influence the productivity of agricultural crops since 2011-2017 and mapping the lack of regional governance that had an impact on agricultural areas where fertile land became settlements and tourism. Fifth, Lumajang Regency in 2010 was an area similar to magetan but different types of soil and soil fertility. Sixth, Regency Jember in 2010 was East Java's rice barn, but the food crop sector, but the existence of development made a good area for agriculture to turn into settlements and industries, so that 2010-2017 continued to decline in productivity. Seventh, Blitar Regency in 2010 happened agricultural efficiency the same problem with Magetan Regency. Eighth, Banyuwangi Regency in 2010,2013 and 2015 is one of the East Java Province rice barns because in that year agricultural productivity increased with government regulations that prohibited the construction of the (Agovino, Cerciello, & Gatto, 2018; Kaim, Cord, & Volk, 2018). 424 Analysis of Productivity Efficiency of Food Plant Agriculture In East Java Based On Dea Index 5. CONCLUSION This is due firstly, because of the development of the center of the provincial capital of East Java to the area of Sidoarjo Regency and Gersik Regency, it has become an expert in the function of agricultural land which used to be an agricultural area and a residential area(Ilham, 2018). Second, Sidoarjo Regency has extensive agricultural land, but because small-scale ownership (subsiten) by the community makes a choice to use agricultural land or sell at high prices to the owners of capital to be used as settlements or industries. If food crops are implemented, the landowners will also be burdened by high labor costs, rejecting Irz et al., (2001); Travers & Ma, (1994). Third, Gresik Regency is an area with almost the majority of its area beingindustrial. Agricultural problems there are due to the large size of Litosol land where this type of soil is very difficult for agriculture. High labor costs compared to agricultural products make it an obstacle to agricultural productivity according to (Bayyurt & Yılmaz, 2012; Dhrifi, 2014; Kheir-El-Din & Heba El-Laithy, 2008). ACKNOWLEDGE Thank you to both parents and extended family, colleagues and siblings, Lamongan Islamic University and Trunojoyo Madura University, Airlangga University Surabaya Partner and staff. The Chair of the Doctoral Program in Economics, the Promoter who always supports and assists in the joys and sorrows. BUDI-DN scholarships that provide financial assistance REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] Agovino, M., Cerciello, M., & Gatto, A. (2018). Policy efficiency in the field of food sustainability. The adjusted food agriculture and nutrition index. Journal of Environmental Management, 218, 220–233. Bayyurt, N., & Yılmaz, S. (2012). The Impacts of Governance and Education on Agricultural Efficiency: An International Analysis. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 58, 1158–1165. 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Data source: [15] [16] [17] Table I Review of Previous Research NO 1 Researcher Lee Travers and Jun Ma (1994) Country China Method used -DEA, Dependent variable (Y): Food cropproductivity and poverty Independent variable (X): technology, labor, fertilizer and irrigation Analysis Results -R 2 of 0.833 - food crop agricultural products (+) -poverty (-) -technology (-) workforce (+) -fertilizer (+) - irrigation (-) 2 Xavier Irz, Lin Lin, Colin Thirtle and Steve Wiggins (2001) South Africa -DEA -Production: the number of poor people, the level of poverty, labor and land -Poverty: value added / labor and value added / land -Proconductivity(+): the number of poor (-), poverty (-), labor (+) and land (+) 3 Madhusudan Bhattarai and A. Narayanamoorthy, ( 200 3) India -DEA -TFP -Variable variable (Y): Agricultural cropproductivity a nd poverty -Independent variable (X): Irrigation, selling price, land area and fertilizer 4 Majid, Nomaan (2004) SubSaharan Africa -DEA -TFP Dependent variable (Y): Food cropproductivity and poverty Independent variable 426 -Poverty (-): value added / labor (-) and value added / land (-), R 2 = 0.088 -costanta (+) -R 2 = 0.53 - food crop agricultural products (+) -poverty (-) - irrigation (-) -selling price (-) -fertilizer (+) - Extensive land area (+) - R 2 = 0.33 -costanta (+) - food crop agricultural products (+) -poverty (-) - farmer's income (+) Analysis of Productivity Efficiency of Food Plant Agriculture In East Java Based On Dea Index NO 5 Researcher Hanaa Kheir-El-Din and Heba El-Laithy (2008) Country Egypt 6 Nizamettin Bayyurta and Senem Yilmaz (2012) 64 world bank countries 7 Abdelhafidh Dhrifi (2013) Sub Saharan Afrika32 Countries Method used (X): farmer income, food price, GINI ratio, labor, total population, irrigation, technology, fertilizer,government policyand inflation Analysis Results - food prices (-) -GINI ratio (-) -labor (-) -total population (-) - technology (+) - Irrigation (+) -fertilizer (-) -government policies (+) -inflation(-) -DEA -TFP Dependent variable (Y): Productivity, poverty and technical efficiency. Independent variable (X): Land, GINI labor, and capital (capital input and livestock) Study: all of Egypt Productivity (-), poverty (-) and technical efficiency (-). -DEA-CRS -OLS fixed effect dependent variable (Y) = government regulation and education Independent variable (X): Land area, fertility / fertilizer, tractor, labor. - Simultaneous Equation Model, SSA, Data Panel -Poverty: agricultural cropproduction , capital per capita, technological innovation, farmer income, farmer population, and infrastructure -Agricultural growth: agricultural production, technological innovation, inflation, export-import trade, education, government investment. -Agricultural production: economic growth, technological innovation, irrigation and agricultural labor. - R-sq: within = 0.0133 - government regulation (+) -education(-) -Surface area (-) - fertility / fertilizer (+) - tractor (-) -labor(-). 427 Land (-), Labor (-), GINI (+) and capital (capital input and livestock) (-) -Poverty (+): the productivity offood crops (+), GDP perkapital (+), Innovations in technology (+), farmers' income (+), the population of farmers (+), and infrastructure (+), R 2 = 0.431, constants 0.213 -Growth in agriculture (+):agriculturalproductivity (+), technological innovation (+), inflation (-), import-export trade (+), education (+), government investment (+), R 2= 0.383, -0.041 constants -agricultural productivity(+): economic growth (+), technological innovation (-), irrigation (+) and farm labor (+), R2 = 0.294, 0.022 constants. Abid Muhtarom, Tri Haryanto and Nurul Istifadah 428 Analysis of Productivity Efficiency of Food Plant Agriculture In East Java Based On Dea Index Tabel II DEA Results Envelopment Model (score,Benchmark) Benchmark Proportion ate Movement (land) Slack Movemen t (land) Projecti on (land) Propo rtiona te Move ment (labor ) Slack Movement (labor) Projection (labor) Proportio nate Movemen t (producti vity) Slack Movement (productivity) Projection (productivity) NO DMU Score 1 SIDOARJO_2011 0,201571 MALANG_2015( 0,404989); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,595011) 0 0 22692 0 -421678,632 977849,368 3160,117 99 0 3957,91799 2 SIDOARJO_2010 0,204003 MALANG_2015( 0,405323); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,594677) 0 0 22701 0 -394192,224 978277,776 3151,911 39 0 3959,70139 3 SIDOARJO_2012 0,210651 MALANG_2015( 0,360667); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,639333) 0 0 21498 0 -505991,167 921013,833 2937,421 26 0 3721,32126 4 SIDOARJO_2013 0,213571 MALANG_2015( 0,345521); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,654479) 0 0 21090 0 -551714,355 901592,645 2862,974 13 0 3640,47413 5 SIDOARJO_2017 0,220411 MALANG_2015( 0,321589); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,678411) 0 0 20445,28 571 0 -582846,082 870903,633 2738,479 53 0 3512,72095 6 SIDOARJO_2014 0,22089 MALANG_2015( 0,311816); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,688184) 0 0 20182 0 -623065,018 858370,982 2696,149 65 0 3460,54965 7 SIDOARJO_2016 0,250839 MALANG_2015( 0,209919); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,790081) 0 0 17437 0 -806747,626 727706,374 2185,014 94 0 2916,61494 8 SIDOARJO_2015 0,258042 MALANG_2015( 0,212888); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,787112) 0 0 17517 0 -776533,55 731514,45 2175,767 32 0 2932,46732 0 0 36541 0 0 890124 4221,532 73 0 5931,20273 (Lambda) 9 GRESIK_2016 0,28825 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,060424); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,772879); MALANG_2015( 0,166697) 10 GRESIK_2015 0,317403 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,063682); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,782051); MALANG_2015( 0,154267) 0 0 36558 0 0 878367 4040,665 81 0 5919,54581 0,320888 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,082423); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,781876); MALANG_2015( 0,135701) 0 0 36875 0 0 866295 4033,351 5 0 5939,1515 0,328159 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,084416); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,786941); MALANG_2015( 0,128644) 0 0 36887,66 667 0 0 859676,167 3985,973 71 0 5932,91538 0 0 36925 0 0 854073 3956,941 19 0 5930,44119 11 12 GRESIK_2014 GRESIK_2017 13 GRESIK_2013 0,332775 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,087471); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,790376); MALANG_2015( 0,122154) 14 GRESIK_2012 0,351362 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,101782); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,793882); MALANG_2015( 0,104336) 0 0 37152 0 0 841034 3852,553 84 0 5939,45384 0,358203 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,110713); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,800580); MALANG_2015( 0,088707) 0 0 37275 0 0 828164 3810,797 19 0 5937,69719 0,359842 BLITAR_2010(0, 058751); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,665604); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,275645) 0 0 28089 0 0 629891 2851,272 24 0 4454,01224 0 0 37381 0 0 815278 3716,240 27 0 5934,13027 15 GRESIK_2011 16 BANGKALAN_201 6 17 GRESIK_2010 0,373751 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,118774); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,807835); MALANG_2015( 0,073391) 18 BANGKALAN_201 5 0,39906 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,729429); PACITAN_2010( 0,053856); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,216715) 0 0 28480 0 0 622926 2693,133 63 0 4481,53363 19 BANGKALAN_201 4 0,424207 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,728268); PACITAN_2010( 0,122598); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,149134) 0 0 28540 0 0 615818 2567,540 38 0 4459,14038 20 BANGKALAN_201 7 0,427032 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,736566); PACITAN_2010( 0 0 28855,71 429 0 0 607746 2557,374 61 0 4463,38175 429 Abid Muhtarom, Tri Haryanto and Nurul Istifadah NO DMU Score Benchmark (Lambda) Proportion ate Movement (land) Slack Movemen t (land) Projecti on (land) Propo rtiona te Move ment (labor ) Slack Movement (labor) Projection (labor) Proportio nate Movemen t (producti vity) Slack Movement (productivity) Projection (productivity) 0 0 28985 0 0 608533 2544,351 96 0 4482,15196 0,223165); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,040268) 21 BANGKALAN_201 3 0,432337 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,741975); PACITAN_2010( 0,227909); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,030116) 22 SITUBONDO_2016 0,437081 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,244848); MAGETAN_2010 (0,755152) 0 4183,7998 2 25963,20 018 0 0 481853 1947,455 2 0 3459,5652 23 BANGKALAN_201 2 0,443012 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,714864); MAGETAN_2010 (0,069316); PACITAN_2010( 0,215819) 0 0 29141 0 0 600337 2481,111 38 0 4454,51138 24 BANGKALAN_201 1 0,46083 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,671773); MAGETAN_2010 (0,184059); PACITAN_2010( 0,144168) 0 0 29375 0 0 592322 2387,961 1 0 4428,9611 25 PONOROGO_2016 0,465615 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,648731); MAGETAN_2010 (0,351269) 0 3917,6761 8 30572,32 383 0 0 593848 2431,090 83 0 4549,32083 26 LAMONGAN_2016 0,466212 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,379738); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,620262) 0 36097,831 9 45043,16 806 0 0 827036 3549,456 17 0 6649,56617 27 PONOROGO_2015 0,474164 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,642734); MAGETAN_2010 (0,357266) 0 4085,1164 9 30503,88 351 0 0 592185 2383,689 19 0 4533,13919 28 LAMONGAN_2015 0,477055 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,375104); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,624896) 0 36806,504 9 44915,49 514 0 0 825379 3470,002 41 0 6635,50241 29 BANGKALAN_201 0 0,480786 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,634853); MAGETAN_2010 (0,263071); PACITAN_2010( 0,102077) 0 0 29380 0 0 584395 2275,523 16 0 4382,63316 30 SITUBONDO_2015 0,480934 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,232886); MAGETAN_2010 (0,767114) 0 4431,3100 5 25826,68 996 0 0 478536 1778,989 48 0 3427,28948 31 LAMONGAN_2013 0,517185 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,361862); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,638138) 0 37686,339 7 44550,66 032 0 0 820644 3184,314 17 0 6595,31417 32 LAMONGAN_2017 0,527432 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,358394); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,641606) 0 37752,311 1 44455,11 752 0 0 819404 3111,762 54 0 6584,78969 33 LAMONGAN_2012 0,529607 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,351582); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,648418) 0 38628,577 9 44267,42 214 0 0 816968 3087,714 17 0 6564,11417 34 TUBAN_2016 0,529828 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,346822); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,653178) 0 10121,718 1 44136,28 194 0 0 815266 3079,468 47 0 6549,66847 0,539477 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,342112); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,633209); MALANG_2015( 0,024679) 0 0 41873 0 0 852516 2970,477 88 0 6450,22788 0 0 42544 0 0 840668 2977,439 02 0 6506,53902 35 JOMBANG_2016 36 JOMBANG_2014 0,542393 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,003111); BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,374823); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,622066) 37 TUBAN_2015 0,542684 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,332673); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,667327) 0 10895,517 3 43746,48 271 0 0 810207 2975,630 29 0 6506,73029 38 JOMBANG_2015 0,543054 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,348624); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,634634); MALANG_2015( 0,016742) 0 0 41977 0 0 846762 2949,408 47 0 6454,60847 39 BOJONEGORO_201 6 0,543522 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,487110); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,512890) 0 29377,626 4 48001,37 357 0 0 865429 3184,126 18 0 6975,42618 0 0 42665 0 0 836128 2952,823 69 0 6502,32369 0 38808,519 4 43977,48 056 0 0 813205 2962,475 77 0 6532,17577 40 JOMBANG_2013 0,545882 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,045427); BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,325106); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,629466) 41 LAMONGAN_2011 0,546479 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,341058); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,658942) 430 Analysis of Productivity Efficiency of Food Plant Agriculture In East Java Based On Dea Index Benchmark Proportion ate Movement (land) Slack Movemen t (land) Projecti on (land) Propo rtiona te Move ment (labor ) Slack Movement (labor) Projection (labor) Proportio nate Movemen t (producti vity) Slack Movement (productivity) Projection (productivity) NO DMU Score 42 SITUBONDO_2014 0,552446 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,220145); MAGETAN_2010 (0,779855) 0 5687,7097 25681,29 031 0 0 475003 1518,511 99 0 3392,91199 0 0 42613,57 143 0 0 833337,857 2898,175 43 0 6490,564 (Lambda) 43 JOMBANG_2017 0,553479 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,056735); BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,307835); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,635430) 44 BOJONEGORO_201 5 0,553782 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,476301); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,523699) 0 29677,427 2 47703,57 281 0 0 861564 3097,922 05 0 6942,62205 45 PONOROGO_2017 0,554678 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,622860); MAGETAN_2010 (0,377140) 0 4408,7832 1 30277,07 394 0 0 586673,857 1994,825 02 0 4479,51359 46 LAMONGAN_2010 0,555375 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,330313); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,669687) 0 39144,548 43681,45 197 0 0 809363 2889,866 85 0 6499,56685 47 TUBAN_2014 0,557353 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,317216); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,682784) 0 11474,376 2 43320,62 379 0 0 804680 2859,419 96 0 6459,81996 0,562619 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,106916); BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,245544); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,647540) 0 0 42687 0 0 826635 2832,771 18 0 6476,67118 0,563083 BLITAR_2010(0, 943567); MALANG_2015( 0,019608); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,036824) 0 0 30489 0 0 748054 2195,435 35 0 5024,83535 0 0 30599 0 0 737431 2199,415 2 0 5034,0152 48 49 JOMBANG_2012 MOJOKERTO_2014 50 MOJOKERTO_2013 0,563089 BLITAR_2010(0, 968468); MALANG_2015( 0,005883); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,025648) 51 BOJONEGORO_201 4 0,564857 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,463881); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,536119) 0 30130,609 1 47361,39 089 0 0 857123 3004,629 13 0 6904,92913 0,565384 BLITAR_2010(0, 920390); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,058019); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,021591) 0 0 30837 0 0 729918 2198,354 76 0 5058,15476 0 0 43119 0 0 819086 2812,085 6 0 6486,4856 52 MOJOKERTO_2012 53 JOMBANG_2011 0,56647 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,204247); BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,138504); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,657249) 54 PONOROGO_2014 0,567273 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,635352); MAGETAN_2010 (0,364648) 0 4258,3602 1 30419,63 979 0 0 590138 1952,991 07 0 4513,22107 0,570558 BLITAR_2010(0, 746053); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,227490); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,026457) 0 0 31342 0 0 720510 2193,655 44 0 5108,15544 0 0 29401 0 0 764529 2086,563 06 0 4863,55306 55 MOJOKERTO_2011 56 MOJOKERTO_2016 0,57098 BLITAR_2010(0, 836381); MALANG_2015( 0,055877); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,107741) 57 NGAWI_2016 0,571747 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,571229); MAGETAN_2010 (0,428771) 0 17417,132 4 29687,86 759 0 0 572357 1858,704 91 0 4340,20491 58 MOJOKERTO_2017 0,571964 BLITAR_2010(0, 961115); MALANG_2015( 0,008168); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,030718) 0 0 30518,85 714 0 0 738299,714 2149,537 83 0 5021,86068 59 TUBAN_2017 0,574383 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,297928); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,702072) 0 11962,651 7 42789,20 547 0 0 797783 2724,497 49 0 6401,28177 0 0 29511 0 0 756438 2071,447 32 0 4874,74732 60 MOJOKERTO_2015 0,575066 BLITAR_2010(0, 857307); MALANG_2015( 0,044995); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,097698) 61 PONOROGO_2013 0,576134 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,625824); MAGETAN_2010 (0,374176) 0 -4378,091 30310,90 9 0 0 587496 1902,103 36 0 4487,51336 62 TUBAN_2013 0,576678 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,301141); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,698859) 0 11978,263 3 42877,73 666 0 0 798932 2713,933 89 0 6411,03389 431 Abid Muhtarom, Tri Haryanto and Nurul Istifadah Benchmark Proportion ate Movement (land) Slack Movemen t (land) Projecti on (land) Propo rtiona te Move ment (labor ) Slack Movement (labor) Projection (labor) Proportio nate Movemen t (producti vity) Slack Movement (productivity) Projection (productivity) NO DMU Score 63 BOJONEGORO_201 3 0,577841 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,449311); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,550689) 0 30541,043 46959,95 702 0 0 851913 2896,309 34 0 6860,70934 64 SITUBONDO_2017 0,578803 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,203570); MAGETAN_2010 (0,796430) 0 5934,5711 1 25492,14 318 0 0 470407 1410,248 23 0 3348,19109 65 JOMBANG_2010 0,58032 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,287234); BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,044510); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,668256) 0 0 43430 0 0 811570 2722,704 94 0 6487,57494 66 PONOROGO_2012 0,581497 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,614840); MAGETAN_2010 (0,385160) 0 4590,4483 30185,55 17 0 0 584450 1865,634 58 0 4457,87458 67 BOJONEGORO_201 7 0,585981 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,373402); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,626598) 0 29174,122 3 44868,60 982 0 0 824770,5 2745,089 02 0 6630,33777 68 BOJONEGORO_201 2 0,586682 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,433946); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,566054) 0 30985,359 2 46536,64 076 0 0 846419 2816,379 09 0 6814,07909 69 SITUBONDO_2013 0,588155 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,202463); MAGETAN_2010 (0,797537) 0 5891,4913 2 25479,50 868 0 0 470100 1377,703 86 0 3345,20386 70 PONOROGO_2011 0,59212 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,602456); MAGETAN_2010 (0,397544) 0 4734,7736 3 30044,22 637 0 0 581016 1804,650 4 0 4424,4604 71 BOJONEGORO_201 1 0,592984 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,416976); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,583024) 0 31566,902 6 46069,09 743 0 0 840351 2752,477 03 0 6762,57703 72 TUBAN_2012 0,593139 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,281735); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,718265) 0 12554,917 8 42343,08 222 0 0 791993 2584,439 24 0 6352,13924 73 NGAWI_2015 0,596576 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,566408); MAGETAN_2010 (0,433592) 0 17573,156 3 29632,84 372 0 0 571020 1745,695 37 0 4327,19537 74 BONDOWOSO_201 6 0,597211 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,425009); MAGETAN_2010 (0,574991) 0 5523,7919 7 28019,20 803 0 0 531811 1589,276 29 0 3945,67629 75 LAMONGAN_2014 0,60127 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,369103); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,630897) 0 37093,855 6 44750,14 445 0 0 823233 2638,508 27 0 6617,28827 76 MOJOKERTO_2010 0,605036 BLITAR_2010(0, 621251); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,337820); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,040928) 0 0 31453 0 0 711218 2015,612 64 0 5103,28264 77 TUBAN_2011 0,605183 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,262567); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,737433) 0 13087,022 9 41814,97 708 0 0 785139 2484,966 01 0 6293,96601 78 BOJONEGORO_201 0 0,610654 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,400084); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,599916) 0 33079,288 5 45603,71 152 0 0 834311 2613,022 63 0 6711,31263 79 SUMENEP_2016 0,618947 BLITAR_2010(0, 362937); MALANG_2015( 0,163802); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,473261) 0 0 23187 0 0 770264 1475,478 3 0 3872,1083 80 TUBAN_2010 0,619344 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,243340); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,756660) 0 13626,746 1 41285,25 388 0 0 778264 2373,624 56 0 6235,61456 81 NGAWI_2014 0,619652 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,560154); MAGETAN_2010 (0,439846) 0 18045,518 6 29561,48 142 0 0 569286 1639,422 86 0 4310,32286 82 TULUNGAGUNG_2 016 0,62034 BLITAR_2010(0, 667319); MALANG_2015( 0,037545); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,295136) 0 0 25650 0 0 693650 1596,826 37 0 4205,93637 83 PONOROGO_2010 0,630246 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,590079); MAGETAN_2010 (0,409921) 0 4897,0166 5 29902,98 335 0 0 577584 1623,615 68 0 4391,06568 0 0 39319 0 0 1128999 2375,291 46 0 6497,28146 0 5779,5331 4 27874,46 686 0 0 528294 1428,754 49 0 3911,45449 (Lambda) 84 PASURUAN_2016 0,634418 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,154783); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,486502); MALANG_2015( 0,358715) 85 BONDOWOSO_201 5 0,634726 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,412326); MAGETAN_2010 (0,587674) 432 Analysis of Productivity Efficiency of Food Plant Agriculture In East Java Based On Dea Index Benchmark Proportion ate Movement (land) Slack Movemen t (land) Projecti on (land) Propo rtiona te Move ment (labor ) Slack Movement (labor) Projection (labor) Proportio nate Movemen t (producti vity) Slack Movement (productivity) Projection (productivity) NO DMU Score 86 SITUBONDO_2012 0,637501 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,190620); MAGETAN_2010 (0,809380) 0 6886,6434 5 25344,35 656 0 0 466816 1201,049 24 0 3313,24924 0,639333 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,162203); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,491871); MALANG_2015( 0,345925) 0 0 39422 0 0 1118511 2342,941 4 0 6496,1414 0 0 39997 0 0 1055676 2319,794 78 0 6484,87478 87 PASURUAN_2015 (Lambda) 88 KEDIRI_2016 0,642276 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,204498); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,525387); MALANG_2015( 0,270116) 89 PASURUAN_2014 0,642409 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,170228); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,497286); MALANG_2015( 0,332486) 0 0 39535 0 0 1107580 2322,748 68 0 6495,54868 90 NGAWI_2013 0,643671 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,546952); MAGETAN_2010 (0,453048) 0 18290,186 29410,81 397 0 0 565625 1523,199 88 0 4274,69988 91 BONDOWOSO_201 4 0,651993 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,398262); MAGETAN_2010 (0,601738) 0 6051,0365 8 27713,96 342 0 0 524394 1348,005 95 0 3873,50595 92 SITUBONDO_2011 0,653067 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,174973); MAGETAN_2010 (0,825027) 0 7135,2138 1 25165,78 62 0 0 462477 1134,829 06 0 3271,02906 93 NGAWI_2012 0,656869 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,535938); MAGETAN_2010 (0,464062) 0 18516,872 6 29285,12 743 0 0 562571 1456,583 26 0 4244,98326 0 0 39693,57 143 0 0 1095000,29 2221,269 39 0 6497,87367 94 PASURUAN_2017 0,658154 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,180929); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,502604); MALANG_2015( 0,316467) 95 KEDIRI_2015 0,659015 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,210976); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,527881); MALANG_2015( 0,261144) 0 0 40096 0 0 1048822 2212,130 03 0 6487,47003 0,659916 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,172909); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,506767); MALANG_2015( 0,320324) 0 0 39541 0 0 1095876 2204,692 88 0 6482,79288 0 0 39646 0 0 1083766 2126,808 22 0 6480,00822 96 PASURUAN_2013 97 PASURUAN_2012 0,671789 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,180761); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,513412); MALANG_2015( 0,305826) 98 BONDOWOSO_201 3 0,672101 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,383292); MAGETAN_2010 (0,616708) 0 6332,8698 5 27543,13 015 0 0 520243 1256,875 08 0 3833,11508 99 PASURUAN_2011 0,672327 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,211193); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,506303); MALANG_2015( 0,282503) 0 0 40189 0 0 1071327 2137,416 72 0 6523,01672 0,673757 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,212640); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,533941); MALANG_2015( 0,253418) 0 0 40099 0 0 1041372 2113,814 16 0 6479,26416 0 0 40726 0 0 1031998,86 2131,634 13 0 6534,63413 100 KEDIRI_2014 101 KEDIRI_2017 0,673794 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,246768); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,521609); MALANG_2015( 0,231623) 102 BONDOWOSO_201 7 0,675048 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,380925); MAGETAN_2010 (0,619075) 0 6344,3076 8 27516,12 089 0 0 519586,714 1243,502 02 0 3826,72916 0 0 41218 0 0 1033095 2106,549 64 0 6587,74964 103 KEDIRI_2013 0,680232 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,271835); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,504947); MALANG_2015( 0,223218) 104 NGANJUK_2013 0,681707 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,026238); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,973762) 0 6074,1108 3 35303,88 917 0 0 700635 1775,039 58 0 5576,73958 105 NGANJUK_2016 0,682974 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,060111); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,939889) 0 3807,8733 8 36237,12 662 0 0 712747 1800,56 0 5679,54 433 Abid Muhtarom, Tri Haryanto and Nurul Istifadah Benchmark Proportion ate Movement (land) Slack Movemen t (land) Projecti on (land) Propo rtiona te Move ment (labor ) Slack Movement (labor) Projection (labor) Proportio nate Movemen t (producti vity) Slack Movement (productivity) Projection (productivity) NO DMU Score 106 KEDIRI_2012 0,683286 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,273716); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,512134); MALANG_2015( 0,214149) 0 0 41220 0 0 1024321 2083,323 84 0 6577,92384 107 NGAWI_2011 0,684893 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,525246); MAGETAN_2010 (0,474754) 0 19053,896 3 29163,10 367 0 0 559606 1328,532 63 0 4216,13263 108 TULUNGAGUNG_2 015 0,685051 BLITAR_2010(0, 676306); MALANG_2015( 0,032195); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,291499) 0 0 25679 0 0 689307 1325,029 42 0 4207,12942 109 TULUNGAGUNG_2 014 0,685319 BLITAR_2010(0, 690457); MALANG_2015( 0,025378); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,284165) 0 0 25768 0 0 684531 1327,195 05 0 4217,59505 0,685972 BLITAR_2010(0, 333264); MALANG_2015( 0,059851); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,606885) 0 0 19815 0 0 628652 1010,845 75 0 3218,96575 0,686807 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,214424); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,516090); MALANG_2015( 0,269487) 0 0 40203 0 0 1058943 2038,986 34 0 6510,32634 0 0 41223 0 0 1014986 2052,461 72 0 6567,56172 110 111 SAMPANG_2016 PASURUAN_2010 (Lambda) 112 KEDIRI_2011 0,687485 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,275763); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,519753); MALANG_2015( 0,204484) 113 KEDIRI_2010 0,689922 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,277950); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,527219); MALANG_2015( 0,194831) 0 0 41229 0 0 1005720 2033,364 76 0 6557,59476 114 TULUNGAGUNG_2 013 0,691581 BLITAR_2010(0, 700777); MALANG_2015( 0,018406); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,280817) 0 0 25779 0 0 678482 1299,845 73 0 4214,54573 115 NGANJUK_2012 0,692323 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,011816); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,988184) 0 6574,4610 2 34906,53 899 0 0 695478 1702,369 62 0 5532,96962 116 SAMPANG_2015 0,693454 BLITAR_2010(0, 359627); MALANG_2015( 0,047308); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,593065) 0 0 19985 0 0 619954 992,9941 62 0 3239,29416 117 NGAWI_2017 0,693839 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,818969); MAGETAN_2010 (0,181031) 0 16232,783 3 32515,07 386 0 0 641054 1533,453 88 0 5008,65388 118 NGANJUK_2015 0,696319 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,050094); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,949906) 0 4194,8688 35961,13 12 0 0 709165 1715,537 83 0 5649,13783 119 NGANJUK_2017 0,697922 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,023711); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,976289) 0 5878,4568 8 35234,25 74 0 0 699731,286 1682,290 75 0 5569,06932 120 BONDOWOSO_201 2 0,700774 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,366476); MAGETAN_2010 (0,633524) 0 6678,7743 4 27351,22 566 0 0 515580 1133,392 24 0 3787,74224 121 NGANJUK_2011 0,706653 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,996040); MAGETAN_2010 (0,003960) 0 7323,1878 9 34535,81 211 0 0 690155 1609,426 03 0 5486,42603 122 NGAWI_2010 0,709762 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,514452); MAGETAN_2010 (0,485548) 0 19251,072 4 29039,92 757 0 0 556613 1215,229 56 0 4187,00956 123 NGANJUK_2014 0,711369 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,038829); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,961171) 0 4616,2288 1 35650,77 119 0 0 705137 1620,650 24 0 5614,95024 124 TULUNGAGUNG_2 017 0,715204 BLITAR_2010(0, 610926); MALANG_2015( 0,017357); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,371717) 0 0 24019,67 857 0 0 651960,75 1113,965 96 0 3911,45417 125 NGANJUK_2010 0,716052 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,976736); MAGETAN_2010 (0,023264) 0 8287,4891 4 34315,51 086 0 0 684802 1543,069 22 0 5434,33922 126 SITUBONDO_2010 0,717109 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,159058); MAGETAN_2010 (0,840942) 0 7325,8296 2 24984,17 039 0 0 458064 913,1988 21 0 3228,08882 434 Analysis of Productivity Efficiency of Food Plant Agriculture In East Java Based On Dea Index Benchmark Proportion ate Movement (land) Slack Movemen t (land) Projecti on (land) Propo rtiona te Move ment (labor ) Slack Movement (labor) Projection (labor) Proportio nate Movemen t (producti vity) Slack Movement (productivity) Projection (productivity) NO DMU Score 127 SAMPANG_2014 0,718519 BLITAR_2010(0, 381098); MALANG_2015( 0,035739); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,583163) 0 0 20087 0 0 611135 914,4269 66 0 3248,62697 128 BONDOWOSO_201 1 0,718633 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,349253); MAGETAN_2010 (0,650747) 0 6898,3293 2 27154,67 068 0 0 510804 1052,669 88 0 3741,26988 129 TULUNGAGUNG_2 012 0,729167 BLITAR_2010(0, 708890); MALANG_2015( 0,012678); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,278432) 0 0 25781 0 0 673410 1140,431 12 0 4210,83112 130 SAMPANG_2017 0,731096 BLITAR_2010(0, 402867); MALANG_2015( 0,023458); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,573675) 0 0 20175,57 143 0 0 601486,429 875,3231 03 0 3255,14739 0,732701 BLITAR_2010(0, 398975); MALANG_2015( 0,023993); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,577032) 0 0 20115 0 0 601082 867,4169 78 0 3245,11698 0 0 20236 0 0 592573 855,2418 14 0 3257,74181 131 SAMPANG_2013 (Lambda) 132 SAMPANG_2012 0,737474 BLITAR_2010(0, 421379); MALANG_2015( 0,012462); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,566159) 133 MADIUN_2016 0,73754 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,176422); MAGETAN_2010 (0,823578) 0 5293,6696 1 25182,33 04 0 0 462879 859,5406 75 0 3274,94068 134 TULUNGAGUNG_2 011 0,748748 BLITAR_2010(0, 724865); MALANG_2015( 0,004482); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,270652) 0 0 25868 0 0 667377 1060,276 14 0 4219,97614 135 TULUNGAGUNG_2 010 0,754612 BLITAR_2010(0, 704549); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,022684); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,272768) 0 0 25873 0 0 661216 1033,756 13 0 4212,73613 136 BONDOWOSO_201 0 0,757591 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,331860); MAGETAN_2010 (0,668140) 0 7145,8185 7 26956,18 144 0 0 505981 895,5401 78 0 3694,34018 137 MADIUN_2015 0,758799 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,169329); MAGETAN_2010 (0,830671) 0 5485,6209 5 25101,37 905 0 0 460912 785,3009 87 0 3255,80099 0 0 20485 0 0 583177 787,3890 59 0 3287,48906 138 SAMPANG_2011 0,760489 BLITAR_2010(0, 428745); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,019422); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,551833) 139 MADIUN_2017 0,771211 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,259168); MAGETAN_2010 (0,740832) 0 5966,3423 6 26126,62 193 0 0 485823,911 800,3514 08 0 3498,20373 140 PAMEKASAN_2016 0,772928 MALANG_2015( 0,044434); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,955566) 0 0 12979 0 -76031,6625 515501,338 461,6912 0 2033,2412 141 MADIUN_2014 0,772997 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,161070); MAGETAN_2010 (0,838930) 0 5690,8652 8 25007,13 472 0 0 458622 734,0183 81 0 3233,51838 142 PROBOLINGGO_20 16 0,783125 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,001238); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,899489); MALANG_2015( 0,099273) 0 0 35018 0 0 795939 1228,144 91 0 5662,92491 143 MADIUN_2013 0,789254 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,151788); MAGETAN_2010 (0,848212) 0 5839,7975 4 24901,20 246 0 0 456048 676,1723 44 0 3208,47234 0 0 20506 0 0 573832 680,0571 41 0 3269,90714 144 SAMPANG_2010 0,792026 BLITAR_2010(0, 314308); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,117047); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,568646) 145 PAMEKASAN_2013 0,794465 MALANG_2015( 0,072980); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,927020) 0 0 13748 0 -17196,5317 552106,468 449,2221 79 0 2185,62218 146 PAMEKASAN_2015 0,795773 MALANG_2015( 0,055310); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,944690) 0 0 13272 0 -54853,5841 529448,416 427,1005 33 0 2091,30053 147 PAMEKASAN_2014 0,800701 MALANG_2015( 0,062140); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,937860) 0 0 13456 0 -38623,0092 538206,991 424,0610 01 0 2127,761 435 Abid Muhtarom, Tri Haryanto and Nurul Istifadah Benchmark Proportion ate Movement (land) Slack Movemen t (land) Projecti on (land) Propo rtiona te Move ment (labor ) Slack Movement (labor) Projection (labor) Proportio nate Movemen t (producti vity) Slack Movement (productivity) Projection (productivity) NO DMU Score 148 PAMEKASAN_2017 0,800779 MALANG_2015( 0,070026); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,929974) 0 0 13668,42 857 0 -20358,2073 548318,793 432,2804 4 0 2169,85473 0,80685 BLITAR_2010(0, 025747); MALANG_2015( 0,067930); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,906323) 0 0 14108 0 0 552845 433,4121 31 0 2243,91213 0 0 13998 0 0 561016 427,7815 18 0 2232,78152 149 PAMEKASAN_2011 (Lambda) 150 PAMEKASAN_2012 0,808409 BLITAR_2010(0, 004696); MALANG_2015( 0,078902); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,916403) 151 PROBOLINGGO_20 15 0,814367 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,003210); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,904631); MALANG_2015( 0,092160) 0 0 35030 0 0 789253 1050,041 68 0 5656,54168 152 MADIUN_2012 0,814448 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,140031); MAGETAN_2010 (0,859969) 0 6162,9619 5 24767,03 805 0 0 452788 589,4512 54 0 3176,75125 153 MADIUN_2011 0,824092 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,128008); MAGETAN_2010 (0,871992) 0 6372,1718 1 24629,82 819 0 0 449454 553,1101 16 0 3144,31012 154 PROBOLINGGO_20 13 0,831918 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,063323); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,882037); MALANG_2015( 0,054640) 0 0 36138 0 0 773657 967,3954 12 0 5755,49541 155 MADIUN_2010 0,835363 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,116118); MAGETAN_2010 (0,883882) 0 6702,8589 5 24494,14 105 0 0 446157 512,3890 02 0 3112,229 0 0 14118 0 0 544910 367,5320 59 0 2239,20206 156 PAMEKASAN_2010 0,835865 BLITAR_2010(0, 038954); MALANG_2015( 0,058856); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,902190) 157 PROBOLINGGO_20 14 0,839379 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,005614); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,909842); MALANG_2015( 0,084544) 0 0 35049 0 0 782211 907,5890 89 0 5650,48909 158 SUMENEP_2015 0,840561 BLITAR_2010(0, 380694); MALANG_2015( 0,156411); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,462895) 0 0 23330 0 0 765762 620,4472 8 0 3891,44728 159 PROBOLINGGO_20 17 0,841011 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,043084); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,894499); MALANG_2015( 0,062417) 0 0 35744,85 714 0 0 773812 908,5016 03 0 5714,2316 0 0 23855,28 571 0 0 754533,429 609,2463 28 0 3966,70919 160 SUMENEP_2017 0,84641 BLITAR_2010(0, 437585); MALANG_2015( 0,135223); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,427192) 161 PROBOLINGGO_20 12 0,855425 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,067817); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,885864); MALANG_2015( 0,046320) 0 0 36198 0 0 766702 831,8641 43 0 5753,86414 162 PROBOLINGGO_20 11 0,871475 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,078614); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,886880); MALANG_2015( 0,034507) 0 0 36376 0 0 758575 740,7305 75 0 5763,33058 0,872803 BLITAR_2010(0, 425997); MALANG_2015( 0,142720); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,431283) 0 0 23834 0 0 760900 504,7625 25 0 3968,36253 0 0 22478 0 0 424511 318,6507 96 0 2796,9508 163 SUMENEP_2014 164 MAGETAN_2016 0,886072 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,066370); MAGETAN_2010 (0,790633); PACITAN_2010( 0,142997) 165 SUMENEP_2012 0,886323 BLITAR_2010(0, 464175); MALANG_2015( 0,125476); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,410349) 0 0 24105 0 0 749485 455,0180 74 0 4002,71807 166 SUMENEP_2013 0,887744 BLITAR_2010(0, 446109); MALANG_2015( 0,133645); TRENGGALEK_ 0 0 23977 0 0 754898 447,5081 35 0 3986,50814 436 Analysis of Productivity Efficiency of Food Plant Agriculture In East Java Based On Dea Index NO DMU Score Benchmark (Lambda) Proportion ate Movement (land) Slack Movemen t (land) Projecti on (land) Propo rtiona te Move ment (labor ) Slack Movement (labor) Projection (labor) Proportio nate Movemen t (producti vity) Slack Movement (productivity) Projection (productivity) 2010(0,420246) 167 168 169 PROBOLINGGO_20 10 SUMENEP_2011 BLITAR_2016 0,889917 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,081772); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,892751); MALANG_2015( 0,025477) 0 0 36405 0 0 750347 633,7454 1 0 5756,97541 0,891988 BLITAR_2010(0, 484073); MALANG_2015( 0,116331); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,399596) 0 0 24242 0 0 743334 434,1834 35 0 4019,78344 0,89375 BLITAR_2010(0, 945656); MALANG_2015( 0,036675); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,017669) 0 0 30989 0 0 770524 544,3042 1 0 5122,85421 0 0 22589 0 0 423597 285,5785 31 0 2801,87853 170 MAGETAN_2015 0,898076 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,059335); MAGETAN_2010 (0,816553); PACITAN_2010( 0,124112) 171 JEMBER_2016 0,904621 JEMBER_2010(0, 896065); MALANG_2015( 0,103935) 0 0 76862 0 -64153,2623 1595490,74 933,5673 21 0 9787,99732 172 JEMBER_2011 0,905622 JEMBER_2010(0, 999953); MALANG_2015( 0,000047) 0 0 81284 0 -14887,3781 1578638,62 952,8108 4 0 10095,6808 0 0 30994 0 0 766478 462,3367 21 0 5120,43672 173 BLITAR_2015 0,909708 BLITAR_2010(0, 952383); MALANG_2015( 0,032050); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,015567) 174 JEMBER_2014 0,916111 JEMBER_2010(0, 931986); MALANG_2015( 0,068014) 0 0 78391 0 -46542,2376 1589663,76 830,0254 03 0 9894,3854 175 JEMBER_2015 0,916441 JEMBER_2010(0, 898438); MALANG_2015( 0,101562) 0 0 76963 0 -53246,1704 1595105,83 818,4649 19 0 9795,02492 176 JEMBER_2012 0,917525 JEMBER_2010(0, 952567); MALANG_2015( 0,047433) 0 0 79267 0 -22070,6486 1586325,35 821,0676 34 0 9955,33763 177 JEMBER_2013 0,918008 JEMBER_2010(0, 933537); MALANG_2015( 0,066463) 0 0 78457 0 -33394,7618 1589412,24 811,6376 95 0 9898,9777 0 0 24312 0 0 737091 327,3265 47 0 4026,03655 178 SUMENEP_2010 0,918698 BLITAR_2010(0, 499107); MALANG_2015( 0,108178); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,392715) 179 JEMBER_2017 0,925671 JEMBER_2010(0, 944649); MALANG_2015( 0,055351) 0 0 78930 0 -33470,637 1587609,65 738,2248 3 0 9931,88912 180 BLITAR_2014 0,930122 BLITAR_2010(0, 962691); MALANG_2015( 0,026274); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,011035) 0 0 31037 0 0 761960 358,0345 27 0 5123,73453 0,933804 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,053211); MAGETAN_2010 (0,830563); PACITAN_2010( 0,116225) 0 0 22599 0 0 422332 185,0412 63 0 2795,34126 0 0 22800 0 0 420711 184,9656 39 0 2804,46564 181 MAGETAN_2014 182 MAGETAN_2013 0,934046 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,040630); MAGETAN_2010 (0,877164); PACITAN_2010( 0,082206) 183 LUMAJANG_2015 0,938608 BLITAR_2010(0, 184789); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,800028); MALANG_2015( 0,015183) 0 0 33991 0 0 715961 334,5793 92 0 5449,87939 184 LUMAJANG_2016 0,93861 BLITAR_2010(0, 220990); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,761919); MALANG_2015( 0,017091) 0 0 33871 0 0 719682 333,8906 62 0 5438,88066 0,939044 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,038028); MAGETAN_2010 (0,879975); PACITAN_2010( 0,081997) 0 0 22772,42 857 0 0 420001 170,5360 77 0 2797,71036 185 MAGETAN_2017 437 Abid Muhtarom, Tri Haryanto and Nurul Istifadah Benchmark Proportion ate Movement (land) Slack Movemen t (land) Projecti on (land) Propo rtiona te Move ment (labor ) Slack Movement (labor) Projection (labor) Proportio nate Movemen t (producti vity) Slack Movement (productivity) Projection (productivity) NO DMU Score 186 MAGETAN_2012 0,942177 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,030113); MAGETAN_2010 (0,902295); PACITAN_2010( 0,067593) 0 0 22828 0 0 418597 161,5907 49 0 2794,59075 0,948622 BLITAR_2010(0, 970099); MALANG_2015( 0,021050); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,008851) 0 0 31039 0 0 757337 263,0771 36 0 5120,37714 0 0 31028 0 0 755824,857 261,5881 22 0 5117,41098 187 BLITAR_2013 (Lambda) 188 BLITAR_2017 0,948883 BLITAR_2010(0, 971651); MALANG_2015( 0,019532); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,008817) 189 LUMAJANG_2014 0,954935 BLITAR_2010(0, 066167); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,917223); MALANG_2015( 0,016610) 0 0 34416 0 0 711828 247,7900 7 0 5498,49007 190 TRENGGALEK_201 4 0,956329 TRENGGALEK_ 2012(0,736842); TRENGGALEK_ 2016(0,263158) 0 0 11755 0 -3090,52631 468003,474 73,9 0 1692,2 0 0 34489 0 0 708194 219,3179 61 0 5503,71796 191 LUMAJANG_2013 0,960151 BLITAR_2010(0, 042691); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,943099); MALANG_2015( 0,014210) 192 TRENGGALEK_201 7 0,960736 TRENGGALEK_ 2012(0,969925); TRENGGALEK_ 2016(0,030075) 0 0 11759,42 857 0 -2104,91729 465608,083 68,43571 4 0 1742,95143 193 MALANG_2011 0,963545 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,079859); JEMBER_2010(0, 086815); MALANG_2015( 0,833326) 0 0 43764 0 0 1674540 272,4530 32 0 7473,58303 0,964877 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,109914); JEMBER_2010(0, 077037); MALANG_2015( 0,813049) 0 0 43855 0 0 1656472 262,5656 36 0 7475,60564 0 0 34345,57 143 0 0 706511,571 190,6991 18 0 5484,02769 194 MALANG_2010 195 LUMAJANG_2017 0,965226 BLITAR_2010(0, 079461); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,909595); MALANG_2015( 0,010944) 196 TRENGGALEK_201 3 0,965666 TRENGGALEK_ 2012(0,894737); TRENGGALEK_ 2016(0,105263) 0 0 11758 0 -1611,21053 466380,789 59,28 0 1726,58 197 TRENGGALEK_201 5 0,969977 TRENGGALEK_ 2012(0,421053); TRENGGALEK_ 2016(0,578947) 0 0 11749 0 -2285,1579 471248,842 48,74 0 1623,44 0 0 34491 0 0 701978 151,6314 01 0 5497,3314 198 LUMAJANG_2012 0,972417 BLITAR_2010(0, 035563); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,955827); MALANG_2015( 0,008610) 199 BLITAR_2012 0,976501 BLITAR_2010(0, 980461); MALANG_2015( 0,013788); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,005751) 0 0 31043 0 0 750928 120,2194 11 0 5115,91941 200 MAGETAN_2011 0,979252 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,016537); MAGETAN_2010 (0,942619); PACITAN_2010( 0,040845) 0 0 22944 0 0 416301 57,92556 4 0 2791,82556 201 BANYUWANGI_20 17 0,981441 BANYUWANGI_ 2013(0,812049); BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,041531); JEMBER_2010(0, 146420) 0 0 62786,85 714 0 0 1148621,76 160,8141 4 0 8665,17761 0 0 31046 0 0 744825 83,14484 7 0 5111,54485 202 BLITAR_2011 0,983734 BLITAR_2010(0, 990268); MALANG_2015( 0,006886); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,002846) 203 PACITAN_2013 0,985807 PACITAN_2010( 0,100016); PACITAN_2012( 0,869970); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,030015) 0 0 12763 0 0 366258 21,66182 8 0 1526,26183 204 MALANG_2017 0,986226 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,043289); JEMBER_2010(0, 029821); MALANG_2015( 0 0 40720,85 714 0 0 1707699,57 100,0966 88 0 7267,08383 438 Analysis of Productivity Efficiency of Food Plant Agriculture In East Java Based On Dea Index NO DMU Score Benchmark (Lambda) Proportion ate Movement (land) Slack Movemen t (land) Projecti on (land) Propo rtiona te Move ment (labor ) Slack Movement (labor) Projection (labor) Proportio nate Movemen t (producti vity) Slack Movement (productivity) Projection (productivity) 0,926890) 205 PACITAN_2017 0,988093 PACITAN_2010( 0,177972); PACITAN_2012( 0,794474); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,027554) 0 0 12786,85 714 0 0 365647,143 18,18023 5 0 1526,86881 0,988964 PACITAN_2012( 0,182732); PACITAN_2014( 0,791235); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,026033) 0 0 12650 0 0 369710 16,65958 5 0 1509,55959 0,989691 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,988620); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,001678); MALANG_2015( 0,009703) 0 0 55398 0 0 1092594 84,02197 1 0 8150,52197 0 0 62029 0 0 1065617 77,07234 8 0 8543,27235 206 PACITAN_2015 207 BANYUWANGI_20 16 208 BANYUWANGI_20 12 0,990979 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,759120); BANYUWANGI_ 2013(0,219724); JEMBER_2010(0, 021156) 209 PACITAN_2011 0,991028 LUMAJANG_201 0(0,001156); PACITAN_2010( 0,978255); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,020589) 0 0 13039 0 0 361486 13,84235 4 0 1542,82235 0,991335 BLITAR_2010(0, 006028); LUMAJANG_201 0(0,989069); MALANG_2015( 0,004903) 0 0 34580 0 0 696685 47,68433 6 0 5502,78434 0,99251 BANYUWANGI_ 2013(0,777558); BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,215040); JEMBER_2010(0, 007402) 0 0 59070 0 0 1080701 62,82195 2 0 8387,52195 0 0 39739 0 0 1725799 51,80732 0 7202,25732 210 LUMAJANG_2011 211 BANYUWANGI_20 14 212 MALANG_2014 0,992807 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,018938); JEMBER_2010(0, 016408); MALANG_2015( 0,964654) 213 MALANG_2012 0,992825 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,070648); JEMBER_2010(0, 014654); MALANG_2015( 0,914698) 0 0 40537 0 0 1692269 52,01845 1 0 7250,36845 214 MALANG_2016 0,996415 MALANG_2015( 0,995880); TRENGGALEK_ 2010(0,004120) 0 0 38610 0 -19284,7055 1735561,29 25,49482 6 0 7112,14483 215 BANYUWANGI_20 11 0,996994 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(0,893213); BANYUWANGI_ 2013(0,095374); JEMBER_2010(0, 011413) 0 0 62130 0 0 1057294 25,66856 2 0 8540,36856 216 MALANG_2013 0,997395 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(0,046693); JEMBER_2010(0, 007307); MALANG_2015( 0,946001) 0 0 39820 0 0 1709126 18,76407 2 0 7203,91407 217 BANYUWANGI_20 10 1 BANYUWANGI_ 2010(1,000000) 0 0 62132 0 0 1048823 0 0 8531,98 218 BANYUWANGI_20 13 1 BANYUWANGI_ 2013(1,000000) 0 0 59819 0 0 1074243 0 0 8432,8 219 BANYUWANGI_20 15 1 BANYUWANGI_ 2015(1,000000) 0 0 55597 0 0 1086913 0 0 8165 220 BLITAR_2010 1 BLITAR_2010(1, 000000) 0 0 31048 0 0 738722 0 0 5107,01 221 JEMBER_2010 1 JEMBER_2010(1, 000000) 0 0 81286 0 0 1578631 0 0 10095,82 1 LUMAJANG_201 0(1,000000) 0 0 34581 0 0 691253 0 0 5497,11 1 MAGETAN_2010 (1,000000) 0 0 23169 0 0 413958 0 0 2798,92 1 MALANG_2015( 1,000000) 0 0 38721 0 0 1740845 0 0 7134,14 1 PACITAN_2010( 1,000000) 0 0 13040 0 0 359054 0 0 1532,82 222 223 224 225 LUMAJANG_2010 MAGETAN_2010 MALANG_2015 PACITAN_2010 226 PACITAN_2012 1 PACITAN_2012( 1,000000) 0 0 12765 0 0 363903 0 0 1516,2 227 PACITAN_2014 1 PACITAN_2014( 1,000000) 0 0 12652 0 0 368129 0 0 1498,6 228 PACITAN_2016 1 PACITAN_2016( 1,000000) 0 0 12599 0 0 370990 0 0 1486,72 229 TRENGGALEK_201 0 1 TRENGGALEK_ 2010(1,000000) 0 0 11782 0 0 458523 0 0 1796,05 439 Abid Muhtarom, Tri Haryanto and Nurul Istifadah Benchmark Proportion ate Movement (land) Slack Movemen t (land) Projecti on (land) Propo rtiona te Move ment (labor ) Slack Movement (labor) Projection (labor) Proportio nate Movemen t (producti vity) Slack Movement (productivity) Projection (productivity) 1784 NO DMU Score 230 TRENGGALEK_201 1 1 TRENGGALEK_ 2011(1,000000) 0 0 11771 0 0 461973 0 0 231 TRENGGALEK_201 2 1 TRENGGALEK_ 2012(1,000000) 0 0 11760 0 0 465299 0 0 1749,5 232 TRENGGALEK_201 6 1 TRENGGALEK_ 2016(1,000000) 0 0 11741 0 0 475576 0 0 1531,76 (Lambda) Tabel III DEA Results Envelopment Model (weights, Dual Values) NO DMU Score Dual Price (land) Dual Price (labor) Dual Price (productivity) v* 1 SIDOARJO_2011 0,201571 -5,00654E-05 0 0,000252658 0,136084 2 SIDOARJO_2010 0,204003 -5,00428E-05 0 0,000252544 0,136023 3 SIDOARJO_2012 0,210651 -5,32485E-05 0 0,000268722 0,144736 4 SIDOARJO_2013 0,213571 -5,4431E-05 0 0,00027469 0,14795 5 SIDOARJO_2017 0,220411 -5,64106E-05 0 0,00028468 0,153331 6 SIDOARJO_2014 0,22089 -5,72611E-05 0 0,000288971 0,155643 7 SIDOARJO_2016 0,250839 -6,794E-05 0 0,000342863 0,184669 8 SIDOARJO_2015 0,258042 -6,75727E-05 0 0,00034101 0,183671 9 GRESIK_2016 0,28825 -1,77721E-05 -1,92862E-07 0,0001686 -0,178919 10 GRESIK_2015 0,317403 -1,78071E-05 -1,93242E-07 0,000168932 -0,179271 11 GRESIK_2014 0,320888 -1,77483E-05 -1,92604E-07 0,000168374 -0,17868 12 GRESIK_2017 0,328159 -1,7767E-05 -1,92807E-07 0,000168551 -0,178867 13 GRESIK_2013 0,332775 -1,77744E-05 -1,92887E-07 0,000168622 -0,178942 14 GRESIK_2012 0,351362 -1,77474E-05 -1,92594E-07 0,000168366 -0,178671 15 GRESIK_2011 0,358203 -1,77526E-05 -1,92651E-07 0,000168416 -0,178723 16 BANGKALAN_2016 0,359842 -3,14142E-05 -4,93005E-07 0,000224517 0,192933 17 GRESIK_2010 0,373751 -1,77633E-05 -1,92767E-07 0,000168517 -0,178831 18 BANGKALAN_2015 0,39906 -2,67427E-05 -9,2872E-07 0,000223138 0,340155 19 BANGKALAN_2014 0,424207 -2,6877E-05 -9,33384E-07 0,000224259 0,341863 20 BANGKALAN_2017 0,427032 -2,68514E-05 -9,32497E-07 0,000224045 0,341538 21 BANGKALAN_2013 0,432337 -2,6739E-05 -9,28592E-07 0,000223107 0,340108 22 SITUBONDO_2016 0,437081 0 -2,81261E-06 0,000289054 0,355263 23 BANGKALAN_2012 0,443012 -2,08778E-05 -1,32517E-06 0,000224492 0,403949 24 BANGKALAN_2011 0,46083 -2,09983E-05 -1,33281E-06 0,000225787 0,40628 25 PONOROGO_2016 0,465615 0 -2,13887E-06 0,000219813 0,270162 26 LAMONGAN_2016 0,466212 0 -1,2764E-06 0,000150386 0,055626 27 PONOROGO_2015 0,474164 0 -2,1465E-06 0,000220598 0,271127 28 LAMONGAN_2015 0,477055 0 -1,2791E-06 0,000150705 0,055744 29 BANGKALAN_2010 0,480786 -2,12203E-05 -1,3469E-06 0,000228173 0,410574 30 SITUBONDO_2015 0,480934 0 -2,83909E-06 0,000291776 0,358608 31 LAMONGAN_2013 0,517185 0 -1,2869E-06 0,000151623 0,056084 32 LAMONGAN_2017 0,527432 0 -1,28895E-06 0,000151865 0,056173 33 LAMONGAN_2012 0,529607 0 -1,29301E-06 0,000152344 0,05635 34 TUBAN_2016 0,529828 0 -1,29587E-06 0,00015268 0,056475 35 JOMBANG_2016 0,539477 -1,6342E-05 -1,77343E-07 0,000155033 -0,164522 36 JOMBANG_2014 0,542393 -1,12027E-05 -4,41276E-07 0,000153692 -0,152424 37 TUBAN_2015 0,542684 0 -1,30442E-06 0,000153687 0,056847 38 JOMBANG_2015 0,543054 -1,63309E-05 -1,77223E-07 0,000154928 -0,164411 39 BOJONEGORO_2016 0,543522 0 -1,21677E-06 0,00014336 0,053028 40 JOMBANG_2013 0,545882 -1,121E-05 -4,41562E-07 0,000153791 -0,152523 41 LAMONGAN_2011 0,546479 0 -1,29934E-06 0,000153088 0,056626 42 SITUBONDO_2014 0,552446 0 -2,86786E-06 0,000294732 0,362242 43 JOMBANG_2017 0,553479 -1,12303E-05 -4,42362E-07 0,00015407 -0,152799 44 BOJONEGORO_2015 0,553782 0 -1,22252E-06 0,000144038 0,053278 45 PONOROGO_2017 0,554678 0 -2,1722E-06 0,000223239 0,274372 46 LAMONGAN_2010 0,555375 0 -1,30585E-06 0,000153856 0,05691 47 TUBAN_2014 0,557353 0 -1,31389E-06 0,000154803 0,05726 48 JOMBANG_2012 0,562619 -1,12544E-05 -4,43311E-07 0,0001544 -0,153127 49 MOJOKERTO_2014 0,563083 -3,18984E-05 -1,58329E-07 0,000199012 0,09099 50 MOJOKERTO_2013 0,563089 -3,18403E-05 -1,58041E-07 0,000198649 0,090825 51 BOJONEGORO_2014 0,564857 0 -1,22919E-06 0,000144824 0,053569 52 MOJOKERTO_2012 0,565384 -2,76621E-05 -4,34121E-07 0,000197701 0,169889 53 JOMBANG_2011 0,56647 -1,12374E-05 -4,4264E-07 0,000154167 -0,152895 54 PONOROGO_2014 0,567273 0 -2,15598E-06 0,000221571 0,272323 55 MOJOKERTO_2011 0,570558 -2,73914E-05 -4,29872E-07 0,000195765 0,168226 56 MOJOKERTO_2016 0,57098 -3,29562E-05 -1,6358E-07 0,000205611 0,094008 57 NGAWI_2016 0,571747 0 -2,24192E-06 0,000230404 0,283179 58 MOJOKERTO_2017 0,571964 -3,19173E-05 -1,58423E-07 0,000199129 0,091044 59 TUBAN_2017 0,574383 0 -1,3259E-06 0,000156219 0,057784 440 Analysis of Productivity Efficiency of Food Plant Agriculture In East Java Based On Dea Index NO DMU Score Dual Price (land) Dual Price (labor) Dual Price (productivity) v* 60 MOJOKERTO_2015 0,575066 -3,28806E-05 -1,63204E-07 0,000205139 0,093792 61 PONOROGO_2013 0,576134 0 -2,16833E-06 0,000222841 0,273883 62 TUBAN_2013 0,576678 0 -1,32389E-06 0,000155981 0,057696 63 BOJONEGORO_2013 0,577841 0 -1,23712E-06 0,000145758 0,053914 64 SITUBONDO_2017 0,578803 0 -2,90617E-06 0,000298669 0,36708 65 JOMBANG_2010 0,58032 -1,12355E-05 -4,42566E-07 0,000154141 -0,152869 66 PONOROGO_2012 0,581497 0 -2,18274E-06 0,000224322 0,275704 67 BOJONEGORO_2017 0,585981 0 -1,2801E-06 0,000150822 0,055787 68 BOJONEGORO_2012 0,586682 0 -1,24558E-06 0,000146755 0,054283 69 SITUBONDO_2013 0,588155 0 -2,90876E-06 0,000298935 0,367408 70 PONOROGO_2011 0,59212 0 -2,19923E-06 0,000226016 0,277786 71 BOJONEGORO_2011 0,592984 0 -1,25507E-06 0,000147873 0,054697 72 TUBAN_2012 0,593139 0 -1,33616E-06 0,000157427 0,058231 73 NGAWI_2015 0,596576 0 -2,24866E-06 0,000231097 0,28403 74 BONDOWOSO_2016 0,597211 0 -2,46609E-06 0,000253442 0,311494 75 LAMONGAN_2014 0,60127 0 -1,28262E-06 0,000151119 0,055897 76 MOJOKERTO_2010 0,605036 -2,74175E-05 -4,30282E-07 0,000195952 0,168387 77 TUBAN_2011 0,605183 0 -1,34851E-06 0,000158882 0,058769 78 BOJONEGORO_2010 0,610654 0 -1,26465E-06 0,000149002 0,055114 79 SUMENEP_2016 0,618947 -4,13946E-05 -2,05464E-07 0,000258257 0,118078 80 TUBAN_2010 0,619344 0 -1,36113E-06 0,000160369 0,059319 81 NGAWI_2014 0,619652 0 -2,25746E-06 0,000232001 0,285142 82 TULUNGAGUNG_2016 0,62034 -3,81091E-05 -1,89156E-07 0,000237759 0,108706 83 PONOROGO_2010 0,630246 0 -2,21595E-06 0,000227735 0,279899 84 PASURUAN_2016 0,634418 -1,62237E-05 -1,76059E-07 0,000153911 -0,163331 85 BONDOWOSO_2015 0,634726 0 -2,48767E-06 0,000255659 0,314219 86 SITUBONDO_2012 0,637501 0 -2,93681E-06 0,000301819 0,370952 87 PASURUAN_2015 0,639333 -1,62265E-05 -1,7609E-07 0,000153938 -0,163359 88 KEDIRI_2016 0,642276 -1,62547E-05 -1,76396E-07 0,000154205 -0,163643 89 PASURUAN_2014 0,642409 -1,6228E-05 -1,76106E-07 0,000153952 -0,163374 90 NGAWI_2013 0,643671 0 -2,27628E-06 0,000233935 0,287518 91 BONDOWOSO_2014 0,651993 0 -2,51204E-06 0,000258164 0,317298 92 SITUBONDO_2011 0,653067 0 -2,97472E-06 0,000305714 0,37574 93 NGAWI_2012 0,656869 0 -2,29221E-06 0,000235572 0,289531 94 PASURUAN_2017 0,658154 -1,62222E-05 -1,76043E-07 0,000153897 -0,163316 95 KEDIRI_2015 0,659015 -1,62482E-05 -1,76325E-07 0,000154143 -0,163578 96 PASURUAN_2013 0,659916 -1,62599E-05 -1,76453E-07 0,000154255 -0,163696 97 PASURUAN_2012 0,671789 -1,62669E-05 -1,76528E-07 0,000154321 -0,163766 98 BONDOWOSO_2013 0,672101 0 -2,53851E-06 0,000260884 0,320641 99 PASURUAN_2011 0,672327 -1,61597E-05 -1,75364E-07 0,000153303 -0,162686 100 KEDIRI_2014 0,673757 -1,62688E-05 -1,76549E-07 0,000154339 -0,163785 101 KEDIRI_2017 0,673794 -1,61309E-05 -1,75053E-07 0,000153031 -0,162397 102 BONDOWOSO_2017 0,675048 0 -2,54275E-06 0,00026132 0,321176 103 KEDIRI_2013 0,680232 -1,60009E-05 -1,73641E-07 0,000151797 -0,161088 104 NGANJUK_2013 0,681707 0 -1,52194E-06 0,000179316 0,066327 105 NGANJUK_2016 0,682974 0 -1,4944E-06 0,000176071 0,065127 106 KEDIRI_2012 0,683286 -1,60248E-05 -1,73901E-07 0,000152024 -0,161328 107 NGAWI_2011 0,684893 0 -2,3079E-06 0,000237184 0,291512 108 TULUNGAGUNG_2015 0,685051 -3,80983E-05 -1,89103E-07 0,000237692 0,108676 109 TULUNGAGUNG_2014 0,685319 -3,80038E-05 -1,88633E-07 0,000237102 0,108406 110 SAMPANG_2016 0,685972 -4,97938E-05 -2,47154E-07 0,000310659 0,142037 111 PASURUAN_2010 0,686807 -1,61912E-05 -1,75706E-07 0,000153602 -0,163003 112 KEDIRI_2011 0,687485 -1,60501E-05 -1,74175E-07 0,000152264 -0,161583 113 KEDIRI_2010 0,689922 -1,60745E-05 -1,7444E-07 0,000152495 -0,161828 114 TULUNGAGUNG_2013 0,691581 -3,80313E-05 -1,8877E-07 0,000237274 0,108484 115 NGANJUK_2012 0,692323 0 -1,53398E-06 0,000180735 0,066852 116 SAMPANG_2015 0,693454 -4,94813E-05 -2,45603E-07 0,000308709 0,141146 117 NGAWI_2017 0,693839 0 -1,94272E-06 0,000199654 0,245386 118 NGANJUK_2015 0,696319 0 -1,50244E-06 0,000177018 0,065477 119 NGANJUK_2017 0,697922 0 -1,52404E-06 0,000179563 0,066419 120 BONDOWOSO_2012 0,700774 0 -2,56892E-06 0,00026401 0,324482 121 NGANJUK_2011 0,706653 0 -1,77354E-06 0,000182268 0,224017 122 NGAWI_2010 0,709762 0 -2,32395E-06 0,000238834 0,29354 123 NGANJUK_2014 0,711369 0 -1,51159E-06 0,000178096 0,065876 124 TULUNGAGUNG_2017 0,715204 -4,09782E-05 -2,03397E-07 0,000255659 0,116891 125 NGANJUK_2010 0,716052 0 -1,79054E-06 0,000184015 0,226165 126 SITUBONDO_2010 0,717109 0 -3,01429E-06 0,000309781 0,380738 127 SAMPANG_2014 0,718519 -4,93391E-05 -2,44897E-07 0,000307822 0,14074 128 BONDOWOSO_2011 0,718633 0 -2,60083E-06 0,000267289 0,328513 129 TULUNGAGUNG_2012 0,729167 -3,80648E-05 -1,88936E-07 0,000237483 0,10858 130 SAMPANG_2017 0,731096 -4,92403E-05 -2,44406E-07 0,000307206 0,140458 131 SAMPANG_2013 0,732701 -4,93925E-05 -2,45162E-07 0,000308155 0,140892 441 Abid Muhtarom, Tri Haryanto and Nurul Istifadah NO DMU Score Dual Price (land) Dual Price (labor) Dual Price (productivity) v* 132 SAMPANG_2012 0,737474 -4,92011E-05 -2,44212E-07 0,000306961 0,140346 133 MADIUN_2016 0,73754 0 -2,97117E-06 0,000305349 0,375291 134 TULUNGAGUNG_2011 0,748748 -3,79823E-05 -1,88527E-07 0,000236968 0,108345 135 TULUNGAGUNG_2010 0,754612 -3,32134E-05 -5,21241E-07 0,000237375 0,203983 136 BONDOWOSO_2010 0,757591 0 -2,63387E-06 0,000270684 0,332686 137 MADIUN_2015 0,758799 0 -2,98863E-06 0,000307144 0,377497 138 SAMPANG_2011 0,760489 -4,25611E-05 -6,67942E-07 0,000304184 0,261393 139 MADIUN_2017 0,771211 0 -2,78154E-06 0,000285861 0,351339 140 PAMEKASAN_2016 0,772928 -9,74576E-05 0 0,000491826 0,264902 141 MADIUN_2014 0,772997 0 -3,00923E-06 0,000309261 0,380098 142 PROBOLINGGO_2016 0,783125 -1,8614E-05 -2,01999E-07 0,000176587 -0,187395 143 MADIUN_2013 0,789254 0 -3,03272E-06 0,000311675 0,383065 144 SAMPANG_2010 0,792026 -4,279E-05 -6,71533E-07 0,000305819 0,262799 145 PAMEKASAN_2013 0,794465 -9,06628E-05 0 0,000457536 0,246433 146 PAMEKASAN_2015 0,795773 -9,47519E-05 0 0,000478171 0,257547 147 PAMEKASAN_2014 0,800701 -9,31283E-05 0 0,000469978 0,253134 148 PAMEKASAN_2017 0,800779 -9,13217E-05 0 0,00046086 0,248223 149 PAMEKASAN_2011 0,80685 -7,14308E-05 -3,5455E-07 0,00044565 0,203757 150 PAMEKASAN_2012 0,808409 -7,17869E-05 -3,56317E-07 0,000447872 0,204772 151 PROBOLINGGO_2015 0,814367 -1,8635E-05 -2,02227E-07 0,000176787 -0,187607 152 MADIUN_2012 0,814448 0 -3,063E-06 0,000314787 0,386891 153 MADIUN_2011 0,824092 0 -3,0946E-06 0,000318035 0,390882 154 PROBOLINGGO_2013 0,831918 -1,83146E-05 -1,9875E-07 0,000173747 -0,184381 155 MADIUN_2010 0,835363 0 -3,1265E-06 0,000321313 0,394912 156 PAMEKASAN_2010 0,835865 -7,1581E-05 -3,55296E-07 0,000446588 0,204185 157 PROBOLINGGO_2014 0,839379 -1,8655E-05 -2,02444E-07 0,000176976 -0,187808 158 SUMENEP_2015 0,840561 -4,11889E-05 -2,04443E-07 0,000256974 0,117492 159 PROBOLINGGO_2017 0,841011 -1,84469E-05 -2,00185E-07 0,000175002 -0,185713 160 SUMENEP_2017 0,84641 -4,04074E-05 -2,00564E-07 0,000252098 0,115262 161 PROBOLINGGO_2012 0,855425 -1,83198E-05 -1,98806E-07 0,000173796 -0,184434 162 PROBOLINGGO_2011 0,871475 -1,82897E-05 -1,9848E-07 0,000173511 -0,184131 163 SUMENEP_2014 0,872803 -4,03906E-05 -2,0048E-07 0,000251993 0,115214 164 MAGETAN_2016 0,886072 -3,32507E-05 -2,11051E-06 0,000357532 0,643342 165 SUMENEP_2012 0,886323 -4,00439E-05 -1,9876E-07 0,00024983 0,114225 166 SUMENEP_2013 0,887744 -4,02067E-05 -1,99568E-07 0,000250846 0,11469 167 PROBOLINGGO_2010 0,889917 -1,83099E-05 -1,98699E-07 0,000173702 -0,184334 168 SUMENEP_2011 0,891988 -3,98739E-05 -1,97916E-07 0,00024877 0,11374 169 BLITAR_2016 0,89375 -3,12881E-05 -1,553E-07 0,000195204 0,089249 170 MAGETAN_2015 0,898076 -3,31922E-05 -2,1068E-06 0,000356903 0,642211 171 JEMBER_2016 0,904621 -7,10872E-06 0 0,000102166 -0,453609 172 JEMBER_2011 0,905622 -6,89207E-06 0 9,90523E-05 -0,439785 173 BLITAR_2015 0,909708 -3,13029E-05 -1,55373E-07 0,000195296 0,089292 174 JEMBER_2014 0,916111 -7,03229E-06 0 0,000101067 -0,448732 175 JEMBER_2015 0,916441 -7,10362E-06 0 0,000102093 -0,453284 176 JEMBER_2012 0,917525 -6,98923E-06 0 0,000100449 -0,445984 177 JEMBER_2013 0,918008 -7,02903E-06 0 0,000101021 -0,448524 178 SUMENEP_2010 0,918698 -3,9812E-05 -1,97608E-07 0,000248383 0,113564 179 JEMBER_2017 0,925671 -7,00573E-06 0 0,000100686 -0,447037 180 BLITAR_2014 0,930122 -3,12827E-05 -1,55273E-07 0,00019517 0,089234 181 MAGETAN_2014 0,933804 -3,32698E-05 -2,11172E-06 0,000357738 0,643713 182 MAGETAN_2013 0,934046 -3,31616E-05 -2,10485E-06 0,000356574 0,641618 183 LUMAJANG_2015 0,938608 -2,28922E-05 -1,95891E-07 0,00018349 -0,08162 184 LUMAJANG_2016 0,93861 -2,29385E-05 -1,96287E-07 0,000183861 -0,081785 185 MAGETAN_2017 0,939044 -3,32417E-05 -2,10993E-06 0,000357435 0,643168 186 MAGETAN_2012 0,942177 -3,32788E-05 -2,11229E-06 0,000357834 0,643886 187 BLITAR_2013 0,948622 -3,13033E-05 -1,55375E-07 0,000195298 0,089293 188 BLITAR_2017 0,948883 -3,13214E-05 -1,55465E-07 0,000195411 0,089344 189 LUMAJANG_2014 0,954935 -2,26899E-05 -1,94159E-07 0,000181868 -0,080898 190 TRENGGALEK_2014 0,956329 -0,006772249 0 0,000590947 78,607789 191 LUMAJANG_2013 0,960151 -2,26683E-05 -1,93974E-07 0,000181695 -0,080821 192 TRENGGALEK_2017 0,960736 -0,006575054 0 0,00057374 76,31888 193 MALANG_2011 0,963545 -9,43415E-06 -3,25367E-08 0,000133805 -0,53264 194 MALANG_2010 0,964877 -9,43159E-06 -3,25279E-08 0,000133768 -0,532496 195 LUMAJANG_2017 0,965226 -2,27497E-05 -1,94671E-07 0,000182348 -0,081111 196 TRENGGALEK_2013 0,965666 -0,006637399 0 0,00057918 77,042535 197 TRENGGALEK_2015 0,969977 -0,007059084 0 0,000615976 81,937183 198 LUMAJANG_2012 0,972417 -2,26946E-05 -1,942E-07 0,000181906 -0,080915 199 BLITAR_2012 0,976501 -3,13305E-05 -1,5551E-07 0,000195468 0,08937 200 MAGETAN_2011 0,979252 -3,33117E-05 -2,11438E-06 0,000358189 0,644523 201 BANYUWANGI_2017 0,981441 -7,50356E-06 -6,11454E-08 0,000115404 -0,458642 202 BLITAR_2011 0,983734 -3,13573E-05 -1,55644E-07 0,000195636 0,089447 203 PACITAN_2013 0,985807 -9,03102E-05 -2,87605E-06 0,000655196 1,206003 442 Analysis of Productivity Efficiency of Food Plant Agriculture In East Java Based On Dea Index NO DMU Score Dual Price (land) Dual Price (labor) Dual Price (productivity) v* 204 MALANG_2017 0,986226 -9,70222E-06 -3,34613E-08 0,000137607 -0,547775 205 PACITAN_2017 0,988093 -9,02743E-05 -2,8749E-06 0,000654935 1,205523 206 PACITAN_2015 0,988964 -0,000288566 -4,95715E-06 0,000662445 4,483065 207 BANYUWANGI_2016 0,989691 -1,29329E-05 -1,40347E-07 0,000122692 -0,130201 208 BANYUWANGI_2012 0,990979 -6,30933E-06 -1,17402E-07 0,000117051 -0,483533 209 PACITAN_2011 0,991028 -7,76811E-05 -2,69771E-06 0,000648163 0,988069 210 LUMAJANG_2011 0,991335 -2,26722E-05 -1,94007E-07 0,000181726 -0,080835 211 BANYUWANGI_2014 0,99251 -7,75195E-06 -6,31695E-08 0,000119225 -0,473825 212 MALANG_2014 0,992807 -9,78955E-06 -3,37625E-08 0,000138845 -0,552706 213 MALANG_2012 0,992825 -9,72459E-06 -3,35384E-08 0,000137924 -0,549038 214 MALANG_2016 0,996415 -2,78615E-05 0 0,000140605 0,075731 215 BANYUWANGI_2011 0,996994 -6,31148E-06 -1,17442E-07 0,000117091 -0,483698 216 MALANG_2013 0,997395 -9,7873E-06 -3,37547E-08 0,000138813 -0,552579 217 BANYUWANGI_2010 1 -8,54328E-06 -3,3652E-07 0,000117206 -0,116239 218 BANYUWANGI_2013 1 -8,43717E-06 -3,05034E-07 0,000118585 -0,167617 219 BANYUWANGI_2015 1 -1,291E-05 -1,40099E-07 0,000122474 -0,12997 220 BLITAR_2010 1 -2,44292E-05 -2,09042E-07 0,000195809 -0,087099 221 JEMBER_2010 1 -6,98377E-06 -2,40858E-08 9,90509E-05 -0,394295 222 LUMAJANG_2010 1 -1,91755E-05 -2,08092E-07 0,000181914 -0,193048 223 MAGETAN_2010 1 -3,32273E-05 -2,10902E-06 0,000357281 0,64289 224 MALANG_2015 1 -1,47754E-05 -1,60342E-07 0,000140171 -0,14875 225 PACITAN_2010 1 -7,8188E-05 -2,71532E-06 0,000652392 0,994516 226 PACITAN_2012 1 -9,09095E-05 -2,89513E-06 0,000659544 1,214006 227 PACITAN_2014 1 -0,000290676 -4,9934E-06 0,00066729 4,515851 228 PACITAN_2016 1 -0,000562478 -7,62692E-06 0,000672622 8,916174 229 TRENGGALEK_2010 1 -8,92427E-05 -4,4296E-07 0,000556777 0,254565 230 TRENGGALEK_2011 1 -0,000614044 0 0,000560538 6,227912 231 TRENGGALEK_2012 1 -0,00179272 0 0,000571592 20,082387 232 TRENGGALEK_2016 1 -0,00748159 0 0,000652844 86,841346 443