International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 10, Issue 1, January 2019, pp.315–326, Article ID: IJCIET_10_01_030 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316 ©IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed MECHANICAL PROPERTIES AND DURABILITY OF CALCIUM CARBIDE KILN DUST MORTAR Sivakumar Naganathan Department of Civil Engineering, SSN College of Engineering (Autonomous), Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR) Kalavakkam- 603110, Tamilnadu, India Masimawati Abdul Latif Policy Division, Polytechnic Education Department, Ministry of Education, Level 3, Galeria PjH, Jalan P4w, Persiaran Perdana Presint 4, 62100 W.P. Putrajaya, Malaysia Hashim Abdul Razak StrucHMRS Group, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Kamal Nasharuddin Mustapha Department of Civil Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Jalan IKRAM-UNITEN, 43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia Salmia Beddu Department of Civil Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Jalan IKRAM-UNITEN, 43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia B.Mahalingam Department of Civil Engineering, SSN College of Engineering (Autonomous), Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR) Kalavakkam- 603110, Tamilnadu, India G.Elangovan Department of Civil Engineering, University College of Engineering, Thirukuvalai 610204, Tamilnadu, India ABSTRACT This paper reports an investigational study on the effect of calcium carbide kiln dust (CCKD) in cement mortar and its resistance towards hydrochloric acid attack. Mortar with various CCKD replacement levels from 5 to 40 percent by binder weight were tested. The setting time, consistency, density, compressive strength and the durability tests were evaluated to measure the effect of CCKD in mortar. The 315 Sivakumar Naganathan, Masimawati Abdul Latif, Hashim Abdul Razak, Kamal Nasharuddin Mustapha, Salmia Beddu, B.Mahalingam, G.Elangovan durability was assessed in terms of loss of density and strength when the specimen were cured in 5% hydrochloric acid (HCL) solution. The results indicate that CCKD replacement levels from 5 to 20 percent performed on par with control mix in terms of compressive strength, the loss in density and strength were around 30% under acid curing. However, 30% and above CCKD replacement percentage showed low density and compressive strength in both conditions. It is concluded that CCKD can be used as an effective replacement for cement up to 20 percent without affecting the performance. Keywords: Compressive Strength; Density Loss; Calcium Carbide Kiln Dust; Durability; Mortar. Cite this Article: Sivakumar Naganathan, Masimawati Abdul Latif, Hashim Abdul Razak, Kamal Nasharuddin Mustapha, Salmia Beddu, B.Mahalingam, G.Elangovan, Mechanical Properties and Durability of Calcium Carbide Kiln Dust Mortar, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), 10 (1), 2019, pp. 315–326. 1. INTRODUCTION The construction industry is growing rapidly with an estimated production of 5 billion tons cement of by 2030. The cement production is extremely energy-intensive processes hence its contributed towards 5% of global emission [1]. Turner cited that for every ton of cement produced, approximately 0.66 to 0.82 kg of carbon dioxide (CO2) is emitted [2]. This scenario motivates more research on alternative to cement or partial cement replacement which uses waste materials, hence reducing CO2 emission and good for the environment [3]. There are many research on the utilizations of waste in mortar such as fly ash [4-7] palm oil fuel ash [8,9] and calcium carbide residue [10]. Generally, there are various types of by-products and wastes produced that require reliable disposable mechanism and management. Approximately 4.2 billion tons of waste from domestic, agricultural, industrial, and mineral sources are disposed of in landfill [11]. These non-decaying wastes which increase over years, not only contaminate the environment but also requires more land for disposal [12]. The cost for waste disposal also increases with the constraint of landfill space [13]. Furthermore, waste disposal are now taxable by most governments [14]. Calcium carbide is usually used in producing acetylene gas, fruits ripening agents and desulfurizing iron. The calcium carbide (CaC2) is a chemical compound produced from coal (C) and calcined limestone (CaCO3). The kiln uses electric furnace to heat the coal and limestone at 2000ºC to 2100°c. The high temperature reduces the lime and carbon (C) to calcium carbide (CaO) and carbon monoxide (CO) as shown in these equations: (1) ( ) (2) The heating process generates gases which contains particulate matter (PM) which is filtered usually using fabric dust filter collector. The PM thus collected is calcium carbide kiln dust (CCKD). The chemical composition of CCKD depends on the type of materials, fuel, kiln and other operating parameters used but carbon and calcium compounds are major chemical components (Agency 2005). 316 Mechanical Properties and Durability of Calcium Carbide Kiln Dust Mortar Calcium carbide factory in Malaysia produces 80 to 90 ton/day of calcium carbide and 3 to 4 ton/day of CCKD which is dumped in landfill [15].However, there are little research available on the use of CCKD in construction. Therefore, this research focuses on the possibility of replacing ordinary Portland cement with CCKD in mortar. The effects of CCKD replacement on setting time, density and mortar compressive strength were investigated. The resistance of CCKD mortar mixes immersed in 5% hydrochloric solution at room temperature and compared with control mortar were also tested. The extent of resistance was evaluated by measuring the changes in weight and compressive strength. This paper will inspire researchers to utilize CCKD as partial cement replacement in mortar. 2. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS 2.1. Material This investigation used CCKD, ordinary Portland cement (OPC) confirming to Malaysian standard MS 522: part 1: 2007 [16] manufactured silica sand, Sika Viscocrete 2199 type super plasticizer (SP) and normal tap water. The physical and chemical properties of OPC and CCKD are given in Table 2. The CCKD used was collected from a calcium carbide factory located in Perak, Malaysia. The dry greyish CCKD was sieved passing sieve size 1.18mm to remove any impurities and then kept in airtight container. The manufactured silica sand used were in combination sizes of 8/16, 16/30, 30/60 and 50/100 in percentage derived from sieve analysis conforming to ASTM C33-03(American Society for Testing and Materials 2001) as shown in Error! Reference source not found.. The fineness modulus, specific gravity and the maximum grain size of silica sand are 2.61, 2.69 and 2.36 mm respectively. It has 1.95% water absorption determined according to ASTM C127-15(American Society for Testing and Materials 2013a). Figure 1 Sieve Analysis of manufactured silica sand 2.2. Mixture proportions and casting method This experimental investigation replaced OPC with CCKD by 0% to 40% by weight of the cement in mortar mixes. The water to binder (W/B) was 0.485 for all the mixtures and the binder to sand (B: S) ratio was 1: 2.75. All mixtures were prepared in accordance with ASTM C109M-13 [17]. The flow spread measured as per ASTM C230/C230M-14 [18] was fixed at 110±5mm by adding the SP as needed. The fresh mix thus prepared was then poured into 50 mm cube moulds and vibrated in a vibrating table. To minimize evaporation, damp gunnysacks were used to cover the cubes. After 24 hours, all cubes were de-moulded and water cured until test day. The details of mortar mixes are given in Table 1. 317 Sivakumar Naganathan, Masimawati Abdul Latif, Hashim Abdul Razak, Kamal Nasharuddin Mustapha, Salmia Beddu, B.Mahalingam, G.Elangovan Table 1 Mixture proportion Mix ID CM (control mix) C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 OPC (kg/m3) CCKD (kg/m3) Water (kg/m3) Manufactured Silica Sand (kg/m3) SP (Sika VS2199) (%) 550.0 0.0 266.8 1512.50 0 522.5 495.0 467.5 440.0 412.5 385.0 357.5 330.0 27.5 55.0 82.5 110.0 137.5 165.0 192.5 220.0 266.8 266.8 266.8 266.8 266.8 266.8 266.8 266.8 1512.50 1512.50 1512.50 1512.50 1512.50 1512.50 1512.50 1512.50 0.000 0.000 0.144 0.350 0.440 0.980 1.010 1.190 2.3. Testing The specimen were separated into two groups. The first group was cured in normal tap water until the test day for hardened density and compressive strength. The second group was cured in normal water for 28 days and then transferred to 5% hydrochloric acid solution to assess the effect of acid attack on the specimen. The density of mortar cubes were determined according to BS 1881-114:1983 [19] and the average of three specimen reported. The weight loss was then calculated using equation given below: ( ) (3) Where: W1 = average weight of the specimen before immersion W2 = average weight of the cleaned specimen after immersion The compressive strength of CM and CCKD mortar mixes cubes cured in normal tap water were determined after 1, 3, 7, 14, 28, 56, 90, 180 and 360 days age using 100kN capacity Universal Compression Testing Machine with loading rate at 0.5kN/sec. The ASTM C267-01 [20] test method B was used to investigate the CCKD mortar mixes resistance towards acid attack at 28 and 62 days. The loss incompressive strength was calculated using the following equation: ( ) (4) Where: fcw = average compressive strength of specimen cured in water fch = average compressive strength of specimen immersed in hydrochloric acid All the test results are reported from the average of three specimen. 318 Mechanical Properties and Durability of Calcium Carbide Kiln Dust Mortar 3. RESULTS AND DICUSSION 3.1. Materials The material morphology was determined using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The CCKD morphology showed that it has mostly small particles and irregular spherical shape as shown in Error! Reference source not found.. This increases the hydration rate and the degree of hydration. The grain size distribution of OPC and CCKD were determined using Particle Size Analyser as shown in Figure 2. The results showed that CCKD has smaller mean particle size (d50) of 25.89µm compared to OPC 29.67µm. Figure 1 SEM result of Cement and CCKD 319 Sivakumar Naganathan, Masimawati Abdul Latif, Hashim Abdul Razak, Kamal Nasharuddin Mustapha, Salmia Beddu, B.Mahalingam, G.Elangovan Figure 2 Grading curve for OPC and CCKD The physical and chemical properties of OPC and CCKD are presented in Table 1. The Blaine fineness and specific gravity were determined according to ASTM C204-11[20] and BS812: Part2: 1995 ([20] respectively. Table 2 Chemical compositions and physical properties of OPC and CCKD Chemical Compositions (%) CaO SiO2 Al2O3 SO3 Fe2O3 MgO K2O Na2O TiO2 P2O5 L.O.I SiO2 + Al2O3 + Fe2O3 Physical Properties Specific Gravity Mean Particle Size, d50 (micron) Blaine fineness (cm2/g) OPC CCKD 64 58.69 20.29 5.37 2.61 2.94 3.13 0.17 0.24 0.12 0.07 1.4 1.60 1.66 1.07 0.13 0.18 0.01 0.20 0.01 0.01 25.87 3.39 3.16 29.67 3600 2.13 25.89 4217 The X-Ray Efflorescence (XRF) results of OPC and CCKD showed that CaO is 59% in CCKD and 64% in OPC. Hence CCKD is equally reactive similar to OPC. The summation of aluminium oxide (Al2O3), silicon dioxide (SiO2) and iron oxide (Fe2O3) in CCKD is very low with only 3.39%. This categorized CCKD as non pozzolans in accordance with ASTM C61812a [21] .The SO3 compositions in OPC and CCKD is 2.61% and 1.07% which is less than 3.5% satisfying the BS12:1996 [22] requirements. The magnesium oxide (MgO) in OPC and CCKD is only 3.13% and 0.18% which is below the limit in ASTM C150 [23]. The CCKD has high loss on ignition (LOI) which is 25.87 whereas the LOI for cement is 1.4. Hence CCKD exceeded the LOI limit of 3% as stated in BS12:1996. However, research by Najim showed that CCKD is still suitable for use in mortar[24]. 320 Mechanical Properties and Durability of Calcium Carbide Kiln Dust Mortar 3.2. Consistency and setting time The consistency and setting time tests were done according to ASTM C187 -11 and ASTM C191-13 respectively [25,26]. Figure 3 shows relationship between consistency, setting time and percentage replacement of CCKD. It can be observed from Fig. 4 that the addition of CCKD increases the consistency. It is also evident from Fig.4 that increase of CCKD accelerates the setting and hence there is decreasing trend on the setting times with the increase of CCKD. This is due to irregular shape of CCKD particles which absorbed more water compared to OPC. These are in agreement with S.El. Aleem researched in cement kiln dust (CKD) which also had similar accelerated setting times with the increased on CKD in the mixes [27]. Figure 3. Consistency and setting times The fresh density of mixtures tested are shown in Figure 4. Addition of CCKD decreases the fresh density. The specific gravity of CCKD is 2.13 which is light in weight compared to cement and hence decreases the fresh density. Figure 5 shows the flow spread diameter (mm) and CCKD replacement level. As flow decreases with the increase of CCKD, SP was added to achieve the target spread. K. Kaewmanee reported that, less water required for fly ash mixes compared to control mixes. This is because, fly ash has regular spherical particles [28]. The CCKD mixtures requires more water than control mix because CCKD particles are irregularly shaped as evident from Fig.2. It is also proved by M. Harini mortar flowability that, highly irregular particles result in lower spread [29] Figure 4 Fresh density of mortar 321 Sivakumar Naganathan, Masimawati Abdul Latif, Hashim Abdul Razak, Kamal Nasharuddin Mustapha, Salmia Beddu, B.Mahalingam, G.Elangovan Figure 5 Flow spread 3.3. Hardened Density The hardened density of all the mixtures increased with age as shown in Figure 6. This is because of the formation of hydrated products over time. However, the CCKD mixtures showed slightly lower density compared to the control mix. The density of mixtures with CCKD replacement from 5 to 40% were between (2130 – 2377) kg/m3 while the control mix with 0% CCKD exhibited density from (2275 - 2394) kg/m3. The addition of CCKD reduced the hardened density of the mixtures tested. This is because of reduced weight of CCKD. Figure 6 Hardened density 3.4. Compressive strength The relationship between compressive strength and age is presented in Figure 7. The compressive strength increases with age for all the mixtures and no abnormalities were observed in CCKD mixtures. However the compressive strength decreases with the increase of CCKD. This is attributed to the lower contents of C2S and C3S in CCKD mortar mixes due to reduced addition of cement. At 28 days, only 5% to 20% CCKD replacements mortar mixes achieved 50 MPa while the mixtures with CCKD of more than 30% have lower compressive strength. All the mixtures achieved a strength of 12.4 MPa at 3 days and 19.3MPa at 7 days which satisfies the requirements given in with ASTM C150 requirements for Type 1 cement [24]. It is also observed that CCKD addition influences the long-term strength much rather than the short term strength within 28 days. This because of increase CaO in the CCKD which increases the tri calcium silicate compounds to influence the early age strength. But after 28 days the strength is influenced by SiO2 which is less in CCKD and hence there is more long term strength reduction in CCKD compared to the control mix. 322 Mechanical Properties and Durability of Calcium Carbide Kiln Dust Mortar Figure 7 Compressive strength 3.5. Hydrochloric acid attack Figure 8shows the relationship between weight loss and age. The maximum weight loss for control mix is 27.79% whereas for CCKD mixtures the weight loss was ranged from 24.69% to 27.19% at 180 days. Usually, the use of other cementitious materials will have negative resistance towards acid attack compared to OPC. However, at 180 days the weight loss of all CCKD mortar mixtures were only in the range of 14.03% to 15.47% compared to control mix CM.CCKD particles are smaller that fills all CCKD mortar voids which reduced the effects of acid attack compared with CM. The surface texture, particle shape, and gradation will influence the density [30]. Figure 8 Weight loss The compressive strength of mixtures after acid immersion is shown in Fig. 10. It is observed that strength decreases with increase in immersion time. The strength of control mix reduced from 68.1 MPa to 61.3 MPa at 28 and 56 days respectively while all CCKD mortar 323 Sivakumar Naganathan, Masimawati Abdul Latif, Hashim Abdul Razak, Kamal Nasharuddin Mustapha, Salmia Beddu, B.Mahalingam, G.Elangovan mixtures showed a reduction in strength of 57 MPa to 23.8MPa. Figure 10 shows the strength loss for all mixtures. Strength loss increases with increase of CCKD content in the mixture at both days. Figure 9 Compressive strength under acid immersion Figure 10 Compressive strength loss 4. CONCLUSION This investigation presented the mechanical properties and durability of calcium carbide kiln dust mortar. The following conclusions are drawn from the investigation: 324 Mechanical Properties and Durability of Calcium Carbide Kiln Dust Mortar The replacement of CCKD increases the water needed for consistency. Furthermore, the CCKD accelerates the initial and final setting times and decreases the flow. The CCKD replacement in the range of 5 – 20% does not reduce the compressive strength significantly. Hence, it is concluded that CCKD replacement of up to 20 % can be envisaged in further investigation for the potential benefit of using CCKD in materials. The loss of weight of CCKD mixtures under acid attack were less than that of control mix. 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