International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 10, Issue 1, January 2019, pp.202–208, pp. Article ID: IJCIET_10_01_019 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316 0976 ©IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed UTILIZATION OF F INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY IN RECOGNIZING HALAL FOOD FOOD PRODUCTS IN DIGITAL ERA Nurhalima Tambunan, Fitri Amaliyah Batubara, Rika Widya, Munisa, Munisa Marlina, Bahtiar Siregar Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi, Medan, Indonesia ABSTRACT The advancement of technology, information, and communication is so sophisticated, and rapidly in line with the development of the present era that has transformed humans towards a faster life so that in almost the same time or a few seconds difference the information is acceptable and recognize to the public. This technology for a Muslim can assist in the search for the halal of a product that can eliminate consumer anxieties for a product. In order to obtain halal food that is needed by everyy Muslim to avoid illicit food, individuals can access every individual in maintaining cleanliness and halalness of a type of halal food on the MUI website if the product gets halal certification from the Medan City MUI, or the Central MUI and others through a website that becomes a halal Institution in a particular country. Halal food if it contains three things, such as halal substances, how to obtain, and process it. About this paper the author only discusses the halalness of a product ct from its processing which it is feared can be mixed with substances that are unclean, for this reason, it is necessary to use the technology of communication in obtaining information on these needs. Keywords: Utilization of Information Technology, Communication, Communication, Halal Food Products Diera, Digital Era. Cite this Article: Nurhalima Tambunan, Fitri Amaliyah Batubara, Rika Widya, Munisa, Marlina and Bahtiar Siregar, Utilization of Information and Communication Technology In Recognizing Halal Food Products In Digital Era, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), (IJCIET) 10 (1), 2018, pp. 202–208 208. IJMET/index.asp 202 editor@ Utilization of Information and Communication Technology In Recognizing Halal Food Products In Digital Era 1. INTRODUCTION The development of information and communication technology (ICT) has a significant impact on all aspects of human life. This development can be seen through more openness and the spread of information and knowledge to and from the rest of the world through borders, distances, places, space and time. Its influence extends to a variety of lives, including fields needed by humans personally. Technology has been known for a long time, which was sought and developed by humans through their minds in facilitating all forms of activities and work. The development of such an amazing world of technology has indeed brought tremendous benefits to the advancement of human civilization. The types of jobs that previously demanded substantial physical capabilities are now relatively able to be replaced by automatic machinery. The discovery of new formulations in the field of computers, as if it has been able to shift the position of the ability of the human brain in various fields of science and human activity. The progress of science and technology has been recognized and felt to provide a lot of convenience and comfort for human life — the fulfillment of consumer needs in the form of the availability of halal food information which is essential to be consumed by a Muslim. The halal status of halal food and drinks can help Muslim individuals in carrying out their activities wherever and whenever. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. Information Technology Technology according to Smaldino (2008: 12) is necessarily a tool to get added value in producing useful products. Today's technology has developed very rapidly. Alvin Toffler in Munir (2011: 29) describes this development as a revolution that took place in three waves, namely, the first wave with the emergence of technology in agriculture, the second wave of the emergence of industrial technology and the third wave of information technology that encouraged the growth of communication. These three developments have succeeded in mastering and influencing human life in the world. Information and telecommunications have an essential and tangible role. Moreover, people are currently heading to the scientific community. Information technology is the result of human engineering on the process of delivering information from the sender to the recipient so that the transmission of information is faster, wider and more extended. In human life in the current global era, humans will always be associated with technology. At the beginning of history, humans exchanged information through language. Then language is technology. Language allows one to understand the information conveyed by others. However, the language delivered by word of mouth only lasts a short time, that is, only when the sender conveys the information by saying it alone. After the speech is complete, the information in the hands of the recipient will be forgotten and cannot be stored for long. Besides that, the voice range is also limited. For a certain distance, even though it is still heard, the information conveyed through sound language will be degraded and even disappear altogether. The adoption of technology from traditional to digital is increasingly felt with the development of the current era, and the digitalization movement will continue to move along with the trend of use for people who tend to use the internet to meet the need for access to information after that information delivery technology developed through images. With images, the range of information can be further. This picture can be carried and delivered to others. Also, the existing information will last longer. Some ancient relics still exist today so that humans can now (try) understand the information that the creator wants to convey. 203 Nurhalima Tambunan, Fitri Amaliyah Batubara, Rika Widya, Munisa, Marlina and Bahtiar Siregar 2.2. Role of Technology The need for information now continues to increase where people want to know the development of an event quickly and instantly (Flavian: 2006: 231-247). Life in the future, information technology, and telecommunications sector is the most dominant sector. Anyone who has mastered this technology, he will become a leader in his world. This digital revolution changes a person's perspective or behavior in consuming all the things that are currently sophisticated. This digital revolution also has an impact on a person's lifestyle, especially regarding accessing information. Information technology has many roles in fields such as: Field of education Tony Bates (1995) states that technology can improve quality and reach if used wisely for education and training, and has a fundamental meaning for economic welfare. From the predictions and views of scholars above, it can be understood that with the influx of globalization, future education will be more open and two-way, diverse, multidisciplinary, and related to work productivity and at that time also competitive. The tendency of the world of education in Indonesia in the future is: • The development of open education with distance learning mode. The ease of holding open and long distance education needs to be included as the primary strategy. • Shared resource sharing between educational or training institutions in a network • Libraries & other educational instruments (teachers, laboratories) change functions to become a source of information rather than just a bookshelf. • Use of interactive information technology devices, such as Multimedia CD-ROMs, inside education gradually replaces TV and Video. With the development of information technology in the field of education, it is now possible to hold distance learning by using internet media to connect students with their teachers, view student grades online, check finances, view class schedules, send assignment files given by the teacher and so on, everything can be done. The main factor in distance learning that has been considered a problem is the lack of interaction between teacher and student. However, with internet media, it is possible to interact between teachers and students in real time (real time) or not. In the form of real-time can be done for example in a chatroom, direct interaction with real audio or real video, and online meetings. Not real time can be done by mailing lists, discussion groups, newsgroups, and bulletin boards. By way of interaction, the teacher and student in the class might be replaced even if not 100%. Material forms, examinations, quizzes and other ways of education can also be implemented on the web, such as teacher materials made in the form of presentations on the web and can be downloaded by students. Likewise, the tests and quizzes made by the teacher can also be done in the same way. Administrative settlement can also be completed directly in one registration process, primarily supported by online payment methods. In the Field of Government (e-government) E-government refers to the use of information technology by governments, such as using intranets and the internet, which can connect the needs of residents, businesses and other activities. Can be a process of business transactions between the public and the government through an automated system and internet network, more commonly known as the world wide web. In essence, e-government is the use of information technology that can improve relations between the government and other parties. The use of information technology then produces new forms of relationships such as G2C (Government to Citizen), G2B (Government to 204 Utilization of Information and Communication Technology In Recognizing Halal Food Products In Digital Era Business), and G2G (Government to Government). The benefits of e-government that can be felt include: • Better service to the community. Information can be provided 24 hours a day, seven days a week, without having to wait for the office to open. Information can be searched from the office, home, without having to come to the government office physically. • Increased relations between government, business people and the general public. With transparency, it is expected that the relations between various parties will be better. This openness eliminates mutual suspicion and resentment from all parties. • Community empowerment through information that is easily obtained. With sufficient information, the community will learn to be able to make choices. For example, data on schools: the number of classes, student capacity, the passing grade, etc. can be displayed online and used by parents to choose the right school for his child. • The implementation of a more efficient government. For example, government coordination can be done via e-mail or even video conference. In a company customer satisfaction is key important, customer satisfaction is a long-term strategy of a company that requires consumers both regarding funds and human resources. Satisfaction is the level of consumer feelings obtained after consumers do or enjoy something. Satisfaction theory states that if consumers are satisfied with the product or service, they will give recommendations to others and feel proud of the product or service. Benefits of Technology on HR Technological developments can encourage people to utilize SDA more effectively and efficiently. Humans can change the transportation and communication system to facilitate all activities. The development of technology can improve the quality of human resources (human skills and intelligence) because it opens the possibility of the availability of facilities and infrastructure to support scientific activities. Also, it is also possible to increase prosperity and increase human intelligence. Pressure, sharp competition in various aspects of life as a consequence of globalization, will give birth to a generation that is disciplined, diligent and hard-working. 3. RESULT AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Consumer Behavior Recognizing consumer behavior is not easy, they frankly state their needs and desires, but often they act the opposite (Ekawati, 2010: 7). Consumer behavior is a study of decisionmaking processes by consumers in choosing, buying, using and utilizing products, services, ideas or experiences in order to satisfy their needs and desires (Freddy Rangkuti, 2019: 93) and recognizing that consumer behavior in a highly competitive global market today, total management must be able to analyze consumer behavior in buying a particular product in the global market. In discussing consumer behavior, many behaviors underlie someone taking a purchasing decision for a product or service that must be studied by the market. Consumer purchasing behavior is often initiated and influenced by most stimuli from within him, both in the form of marketing stimuli and other environmental stimuli. These stimuli are then processed within themselves according to the personal characteristics of consumers that are used to process stimuli very complex and one of them is the motivation of consumers to buy (A. A. Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara, 1998: 4)In analyzing consumer behavior, economists usually posit (Kotler, 2013: 91) • Consumers already know for themselves what is needed and what they want to buy. 205 Nurhalima Tambunan, Fitri Amaliyah Batubara, Rika Widya, Munisa, Marlina and Bahtiar Siregar • That consumers can regulate (compare and sort) what is needed according to urgent interests. • That consumers try to reach the level of satisfaction as best as possible, optimal and maximum. • That goods which one to a certain extent can replace other goods. 3.2. Halal Food Halal means that it can be eaten may be used, the word "Halal" comes from the root word which means "Release" or "Unbound" (Samsuri, tt: 252). Something that is lawful is that which is detached from the bonds of world danger and "ukhrowi", the word halal also means permissible. In the legal language this word covers everything that is permissible by religion, whether it is a sunnah, a suggestion to do, "makhruh" (a suggestion to be left) or a change (neutral) According to language is a case or action that is permitted, required, permitted, or justified by Islamic shari'a. Whereas haram is a case or action that is required or not released by Islamic law. In Islam, the term halal is commonly used for actions, conversations, actions, and behaviors that may be carried out by Islam without being subject to sin. As for haram, it is a case or deed that has been established by Islamic law so that it is not carried out by Muslim believers, and violations of the case are subject to sin. Islam attaches great importance to kindness and cleanliness in all aspects. Regarding food and goods used, Muslims are instructed to eat and use ingredients that are good, holy and clean. The Arabic food is "tha'am." The definition of "tha'am" in terms means that everything that can be eaten is used as a staple food, such as coarse wheat, fine wheat, and dates. Including in this sense everything that grows from the earth in the form of plants, fruits, and animals that can be eaten, both land animals and marine animals. While drinks in Arabic are "syarab." While "syarab" is a term for everything that is drunk of any kind, either water or otherwise, and under any circumstances, everything that is not chewed to swallow it is called a drink (Fida 'Yazid: 2014: 21). The jurists sometimes use the word "ath'imah" to refer to everything that is eaten and drunk, except water and intoxicating drinks. The law of origin of food is lawful until there is a proposition that forbids it. The definition of halal food according to Islam is food that is allowed or allowed to be eaten, this is according to the provisions of Islamic law. We discuss halal food from the side of Islam, the distribution of halal food as follows (Halomuda, 2016): • Halal Food According to the Substance For the first type of halal food, this is halal food which is seen from its substance. In other words, the food or drink comes from halal ingredients, for examples like fish, beef, chicken, vegetables, rice, and water. • Halal Food According to How to Get It The second type of halal food is halal food according to how to get it. In this case, the basic ingredients of food and drink must be obtained from something that is lawful or legal. In other words, the ingredients of food and beverages must be obtained honestly and lawfully. Halal food from the business obtained, such as: • Halal food from work obtained from other businesses such as working as a laborer, farmer, employee, handyman, driver. • Halal food from beggars is given sincerely, but the work is lawful, but God hates it like a busker. • Halal food from the results of alms, zakat, infaq, gifts, tasyakuran, walimah, inheritance, will. 206 Utilization of Information and Communication Technology In Recognizing Halal Food Products In Digital Era • • Halal food from spoils of war is food obtained in war (ghoniyah). Halal food according to the processing method Halal food is food that when processed with food that is not mixed with unclean food, but if it is mixed with something that contains illicit substances, the food is not halal for consumption. In this case, the means of providing halal food tourism that provides halal food is critical to encourage the number of tourist visits.Foods that are halal thoyyibah or halal and good and nutritious are indeed beneficial for us, both for physical and spiritual needs. The results of halal food drinks are very blessing, barakah does not mean that there are many, although a little, but the money is enough to meet daily needs and also highly nutritious. Useful for body growth and brain development. As with the results and types of goods that are indeed unclean, although there are many, but not blessings, then Allah makes it difficult for him so that the money is wasted a lot until it runs out in a short time 3.3. Utilization of Information Technology in Meeting Halal Needs Interest in the use of information technology is defined as the level of desire or intention of users to use the system continuously with the assumption that they have access to information. A person will be interested in using a new information technology if the user believes that using information technology will improve his performance, using information technology can be done quickly, and the user gets the influence of the surrounding environment in using the information technology (Jati, N, J 2012). In order to study halal food in the city of Medan, every Muslim person can see and check directly through the MUI website regularly updated without a specific period; information updates can be at any time if deemed necessary. Halal information posted on the halal website is only info on halal certification conducted by MUI Medan itself, while info regarding other halal products can be seen on the central MUI website. MUI Medan City has its laboratory in its office, precisely on the 3rd floor of the MUI office building in Medan City Jl. Nusantara No. 3 Kotamatsum III sub-districts in Medan Kota sub-district, Medan. There are tools used in examining these food products, including: • AAS • GCMS, • Spectrophotometry • HPLC Not all food products must pass laboratory tests. Only raw materials are considered critical that pass laboratory tests, especially nowadays, almost all raw materials for food products sold in the market are halal certified, so that in the process of halal certification food products become younger For example in bread making, currently flour, margarine, developers, softeners, sweeteners, dyes and solvents even to the smallest extent such as salt are halal certified, so laboratory tests are no longer carried out. MUI is an independent institution, but to implement halal certification which has been handled by LPPOM MUI, we collaborate with various parties to support efforts to protect Muslims from non-halal products, for example: • MUI Medan city in collaboration with PD Pasar Kota Medan in counseling and inspection of the slaughter of animals (cattle/poultry/ goats) in traditional markets throughout the city of Medan. • MUI also works with barista / research centers if there are raw materials for products that need to test the lab with tools that we do not have. 207 Nurhalima Tambunan, Fitri Amaliyah Batubara, Rika Widya, Munisa, Marlina and Bahtiar Siregar Related to legal products, MUI and the Regional Representative Council of Medan City and the mayor of Medan have given birth to 1 Perda concerning the supervision of Halal and Hygienic Products, namely Perda No. 10 of 2017. 4. CONCLUSION Technological progress is something that we cannot avoid in this life because technological progress will go according to the advancement of science. Technological development is indeed essential. Every innovation is created to provide positive benefits for human life. Providing much convenience and as a new way of doing human activities. Especially in the field of technology, the community has enjoyed many benefits brought about by innovations that have been produced in the last decade. It includes the fulfillment of basic human needs, utilization of natural resources, ease of communication and transportation, improvement of health care facilities and drug technology, the field of education and the achievement of the prosperity of human life. In addition to consuming halal food for each consumer, they have been able to access through internet media related to the status of a food, so as not to cause doubt. 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