International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 10, Issue 1, January 2019, pp.105–111, Article ID: IJCIET_10_01_011 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316 ©IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed SOME MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF WASTE MARBLE AGGREGATE CONCRETE REINFORCED WITH LOCAL STEEL PINS AS STEEL FIBERS T. M. Mezher Structures and Water Resources Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kufa, (Najaf), Iraq Q. A. Jabal Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kufa, (Najaf), Iraq A.T. Zwain Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kufa, (Najaf), Iraq ABSTRACT The research aims to use waste materials in concrete to decrease cost of concrete since that waste materials in Iraq is highly available. Waste marble is very good example to use it in concrete as coarse aggregate and excellent material to produce very good quality concrete. This research study the using of waste marble as coarse aggregate and using steel pins as a low cost local steel fibers as percentages of total volume in concrete and study the effect on mechanical properties of concrete. Using marble aggregates in concrete increase the compressive, tensile and flexural strength of concrete comparing with ordinary aggregate concrete. Ordinary reference mix concrete with 1:1.1:2.2 gives about 50.89 MPa, while using marble aggregate with same mix proportions gives 57.07 MPa, thus, that gives low cost for production of concrete because 60%to 70% of the volume of concrete is aggregates . The effect of steel pins as it used in marble aggregate concrete is also very good , using 0 %, 0.1% ,0.2% , 0.3%, to 1% of steel pins in mixes. The compressive increase by adding steel pins from 57 to 72.14 MPa. Flexural strength had very significant increment when adding fibers and it rise from 3.9 to 8.6 MPa. Keyword: Marble aggregate, Concrete, Tensile and Flexural Strength. 105 Some Mechanical Properties of Waste Marble Aggregate Concrete Reinforced with Local Steel Pins as Steel Fibers Cite this Article: T. M. Mezher, Q. A. Jabal and A.T. Zwain, Some Mechanical Properties of Waste Marble Aggregate Concrete Reinforced with Local Steel Pins as Steel Fibers, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), 10 (1), 2019, pp. 105–111. 1. INTRODUCTION It is very healthy thing to use waste materials to product concrete or new types of concretes, and that reflect to most clean environment. Very low cost of concrete and high efficiency new concrete materials. Waste materials such as waste plastic can product lightweight concrete ,waste glass can used as fine aggregate and produce high silica content in concrete that gives higher values of compressive strength and very good quality concrete [ 1 ]. Waste glass can be used as coarse aggregate in concrete and gives higher values of mechanical properties [2]. Waste or recycled concrete also can be used as aggregate in concrete , chopped rubber tires also can be used as coarse and fine aggregates and producing lightweight concrete [ 3] , using marble aggregates is also can be useful to environment protection and gives also good quality concrete [4] ,all those waste materials can be benefit to nature and produce economic structures. Steel fibers is widely used in concrete , the brittle behavior of concrete under loading make the concrete with low ductile behavior , steel fiber increase the ductility of concrete and can decrease the propagations of cracks under loading [5] and gives higher tensile and flexural strength and higher toughness and also high values of modulus of elasticity. 2. EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM 2.1. Materials The materials includes ordinary Portland cement, fine aggregates with type of zone 3 according to I.S 383 (1993) [6] as shown in table 1. Coarse aggregates of ordinary black gravel for only reference mixes for comparison with waste marble aggregates. Waste marble aggregates shown as raw materials in figure 1 and local steel pins used as steel fiber. Table 2 shows the sieve analysis of waste marble after crushing the raw materials of marble. Steel pins properties shown in table 3. Steel pins is stainless steel coated with nickel. Table 4 shows the general properties of waste marble used in this study. 2.2. Specimens and work Specimens includes steel cubes with 10*10*10 cm for compressive strength test , cylinders of 10cm diameter and 20 cm high were used for indirect tension test (splitting test) , and steel beams moulds of 10*10*40 cm were used for flexural strength test. Figures 2,3 show specimens after failure under third point loading for both reinforced and unreinforced concrete and showing the brittle failure for specimen not contain steel fiber , and gives sudden collapse ,and ductile failure for reinforced specimens as in figure 3. 106 T. M. Mezher, Q. A. Jabal and A.T. Zwain Figure 1 steel pins as steel fiber and waste marble as aggregates used in research. Figure 2 waste marble concrete without steel fibers shows sudden collapse Figure 3 waste marble concrete reinforced with steel fibers after flexural test loading. 107 Some Mechanical Properties of Waste Marble Aggregate Concrete Reinforced with Local Steel Pins as Steel Fibers Table 1 Sieve Analysis of Fine Aggregate,(zone 3) Sieve size , mm , mic. 10 5 2.36 1.18 600 300 150 % passing by weight 100 95.1 94.3 92.7 78.0 39.5 9.3 Zone 3 , limits according to IS-383 100 90-100 85- 100 75- 100 60 -79 12- 40 0 – 10 Table 2 Sieve analysis of waste marble aggregates Sieve Size ( mm ) 20 16 12.5 10 5 % Passing By Weight 100 % 100 % 86.2 % 2.7 % 0% % pass. According to I.S 383 limitations 100 % 100 % 85-100 % 0 – 45% 0 - 10% Table 3 Steel pins properties that used in study Color Silver (coated with nickel) Density tensile strength 7850 kg/m3 400 MPa shape T cross section with sharp end and wide circular second end Length diameter 26 mm 0.6 mm Table 4 waste marble properties that used in study Color White- light brown density 2815 kg/m3 Compressive strength 270.19 MPa absorption 0.1% 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 5 shows all mixes used in study , using normal aggregates gives 50.89 MPa , but using marble aggregates instead of normal coarse aggregates improved the value of compressive strength to 57.07 MPa , the increment here is about 12.1% , that increment may be attributed to the high strength of Iraqi marble that indicated in table 4 and its about 270 MPa . By adding steel fibers, the compressive strength increasing from 57 MPa in reference mixes gradually until 1% by volume of concrete and improved to 72.14 MPa. This high increment can be attributed to the nature of steel pins that have wide circular end and this can give high bond with concrete and improving the resistance of the pins to slip inside concrete, this property cannot be found in normal steel fibers. The tensile strength also increased by adding steel pins from 3.8 to 5.7 MPa , for the same reason , also flexural strength increasing from 3.9 to 8.6 MPa , the increment here is very high ( more than twice) , because steel fibers can reduce propagations of cracks under loading by giving additional tensile strength capacity for concrete [ 7,8 ]. Figures 4, 5, and 6 showthe relations between steel fibers percentages and compressive, flexural and tensile strength of waste marble concrete. 108 T. M. Mezher, Q. A. Jabal and A.T. Zwain Table 5 values of mechanical properties of mixes used in study. Mix type 1:1.1:2.2 normal aggregates 1:1.1:2.2 , marble aggregates 1:1.1:2.2 Steel pins = 0.1% by volume 1:1.1:2.2 , steel pins 0.2% by volume 1:1.1:2.2 Steel pins = 0.3% by volume 1:1.1:2.2 Steel pins = 0.4% by volume 1:1.1:2.2 Steel pins = 0.5% by volume 1:1.1:2.2 Steel pins = 0.6% by volume 1:1.1:2.2 Steel pins = 0.7% by volume 1:1.1:2.2 Steel pins = 0.8% by volume 1:1.1:2.2 Steel pins = 0.9% by volume 1:1.1:2.2 Steel pins = 1% by volume Compressive strength 50.89 57.07 Tensile strength Flexural strength 3.10 3.84 3.58 3.96 59.29 3.94 4.20 60.77 4.28 4.96 61.34 4.71 5.39 62.24 4.89 5.72 64.76 5.02 5.90 65.59 5.45 6.34 66.20 5.69 6.71 68.13 5.76 7.17 70.55 5.80 7.80 72.14 5.98 8.67 Figure 4 The relationship between volume of steel pins as steel fiber and compressive strength of waste marble concrete. 109 Some Mechanical Properties of Waste Marble Aggregate Concrete Reinforced with Local Steel Pins as Steel Fibers Figure 5 Relationship between volume steel fiber and flexural strength Figure 6 Relationship between volume steel fiber and tensile strength 4. CONCLUSIONS The use of waste marble aggregates in this research leads to improve mechanical properties of concrete and also less costs for concrete production Using local steel pins as steel fibers also increase mechanical properties of waste marble concrete and have significant effect to flexural strength; it improved to more than the double value compared with waste marble concrete without steel fibers. Use of marble aggregate as waste material is very difference than other materials such as waste concrete aggregates or waste plastic materials or waste glass or rocks, because of its very high strength (more than 270 MPa) and very small absorption value, therefore gives very significant values of improvement in mechanical properties of concrete. Waste marble available in very high quantity in Iraq, thus, it can be use in structures and that leads to low costs in concrete production. 110 T. M. Mezher, Q. A. Jabal and A.T. 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