International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 10, Issue 01, January 2019, pp. 1772-1792, Article ID: IJMET_10_01_176 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed ANALYSIS OF DAILY STOCK TREND PREDICTION USING ARIMA MODEL Mohankumari C Department of Statistics, REVA University, Vishukumar M Department of Mathematics, REVA University, Nagaraja Rao Chillale Department of Statistics, Bangalore University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India ABSTRACT In literature of time series prediction the autoregressive integrated moving average(ARIMA) models have been explained clearly. This paper using the ARIMA model, elaborates the process of building stock trend predictive model. Published data of stock price obtained from National Stock Exchange (NSE) during the period from Jan-2007 to Dec-2011. The results obtained revealed that for short-term prediction the ARIMA model which has a strong prospects and for stock price prediction even it can be positively compete with existing techniques. Keywords: ARIMA , Stock rate, Short-term prediction, Forecast. Cite this Article: Mohankumari C, Vishukumar M and Nagaraja Rao Chillale, Analysis of Daily Stock Trend Prediction using Arima Model, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 10(1), 2019, pp. 1772-1792. 1. INTRODUCTION A stock is known as equity of share, it is a portion of the ownership in a corporate sector by an individual. Hence, a stock of a company entitles its holder a share in its profit. Issuing shares a corporate company can mobilize huge capitals. The stock market is a field of financial game and it can fetch bigger financial benefits compared to fixed deposits with banks and for other such investments. The stability as well as the inflation of the economy of a country is swiftly and better reflected by the trend in the stock market. So the study of the fluctuations in the stock market becomes important. There are many approaches to know the depth of an analysis of stock price variation. 1772 Mohankumari C, Vishukumar M and Nagaraja Rao Chillale Forecasting is a necessity of human life and a common problem in all branches of learning. Financial and economic problems are domains in which forecasting is of major importance. Stock market analysts have adopted many statistical techniques likes Auto Regressive Moving Average (ARMA) , Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA), Auto Regressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (ARCH),Generalized Auto Regressive Conditional Heteroscadasticity (GARCH), ARMA-EGARCH , Box and Jenkins approach along with various soft computing and evolutionary computing methods. An interesting area of research is Prediction, it will continue to be making researchers in the realm field and also desires to improve existing predictive models. In the stock market we focus on the real world problem. 1.1. Literature survey Uma Devi and[2] explains the seasonal trend and flow is the highlight of the stock market. Eventually investors as well as the stock broking company will also observe and capture the variations, as constant growth of the index. This will help new investor as well as existing ones to make a strategic decision. It can be achieved by experience and the constant observation by the investors. In order to overcome the above said issues, ARIMA algorithm has been suggested in three steps, Step 1: Model identification , Step 2: Model estimation and Step 3: Forecasting. Ayodele Adebiyi, A and[1] , Uma Devi, B and [2] Pai, P and[3] Wang, J.J and [4] and Wei, L.Y[5] authors explains to execute in financial forecasting due to complex nature of stock market Stock price prediction is regarded as one of the most difficult task. Atsalakis, G.S and[6] explained in this paper as to catch hold of any forecasting method is the desire of many investors which would give assurance of easy profit and minimize investment risk from the stock market. For researchers to develop gradually new predictive models remains a motivating factor. Mitra, S.K[7] , Atsalakis, G.S and[8] , Mohamed, M.M[9] authors asserted as in the past years, to predict stock prices several models and techniques had been developed. One of them is: an artificial neural networks (ANNs) model due to its ability to learn patterns from data and infer solution from unknown data are very popular. Few related works on ANNs model are given in their literature for stock price prediction. Wang, J.J and[4] defined in recent time, to improve stock price predictive models by exploiting the unique strength hybrid approaches have also been engaged. ANNs is from artificial intelligence perspectives. From statistical models perspective ARIMA models have been derived. Generally, from two perspectives: statistical and artificial intelligence techniques the prediction can be done it is reported in their literature. Merh, N and[10] , Sterba, J and[11] and Javier, C and[12] defined as in financial time series forecasting, ARIMA models are known to be robust and efficient, especially for short-term prediction than the popular ANNs techniques. In fields of Economics and Finance they have been extensively used. Other statistical models like: regression method, exponential smoothing, generalized autoregressive and conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) are also discussed. Few related works for forecasting using ARIMA model also been discussed by [13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18] also. 1773 Analysis of Daily Stock Trend Prediction using Arima Model For our proposed research, extensive process of building ARIMA models for short-term stock price prediction is presented. The results obtained from real-life data demonstrated the potential strength of ARIMA models to provide investors short-term prediction that could aid investment decision making process. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section-2 presents brief overview of ARIMA model. Section-3 describes the methods (methodology) used, while section-4 discusses the experimental results obtained. The paper is concluded in section-5 with observations. 2. ARIMA MODEL The general model introduced by Box and Jenkins (1976) includes AR (autoregressive) as well as MA(moving average) parameters includes I(differencing) in the formulation of the model[Text book]. It also referred to as Box-Jenkins methods composed of set of activities for identifying, estimating and diagnosing ARIMA models with time series data[20]. The model is most prominent methods in financial forecasting [3, 14, 11]. ARIMA models have shown efficient capability to generate short-term forecasts. It constantly outperformed complex structural models in short-term prediction [19]. In ARIMA model, the future value of a variable is a linear combination of past values and past errors, expressed as follows: Yt = μ or ϕ0 + ϕ1 Yt-1 + ϕ2 Yt-2 +...+ ϕpYt-p + Ɛt - θ1 Ɛt-1 - θ2 Ɛt-2 -...- θq Ɛt-q .(1) where, Yt is the actual value, μ or ϕ0 is a constant, εt is the random error at t, ϕi and θj are the coefficients of p and q which are integers that are often referred to as autoregressive and moving average parameters, respectively. 3. METHODS The method to develop ARIMA model for stock price forecasting is used in this study is explained in detail in the subsections below. The tool, used for implementation is R-Software and Eviews software version 8.1. Stock data used in this research work are historical daily stock prices, obtained from five companies. The data is composed of four elements, namely: open price, low price, high price and close price respectively. In this research the closing price is chosen to represent the price of the index for prediction. Closing price is chosen because in a trading day it reflects all the activities of the index. Among several experiments performed to regulate the best ARIMA model, in this study the following criteria are used for stock index. i. Relatively small AIC (Akaike Information Criterion) or BIC (Bayesian or Schwarz Information Criterion) ii. Relatively small standard error of regression (S.E. of regression) iii. Relatively high of adjusted R2. iv. Q-statistics and Correlogram show that there is no significant pattern left in the autocorrelation functions (ACFs) and partial autocorrelation functions (PACFs) of the residuals, it means the residual of the selected model are white noise. The ARIMA model-development process is described in below subsections. 3.1. Descriptive Statistics of the Stock Index NSE stock data is used in this study covers the period from 2nd January, 2007 to 30th December, 2011 having a total number of 1236 observations. Table-1 represents the summary statistics of 5 companies. Serving to discover tests for normality is to run descriptive statistics to get Skewness and Kurtosis. 1774 Mohankumari C, Vishukumar M and Nagaraja Rao Chillale Skewness is the tilt (or lack of it) in a distribution. The more common type is right skew, where the smaller tail points to the right. Less common is left skew, where the smaller tail is points left. Skew should be within +1 to -1 range when the data are normally distributed. We observed that Skewness for the daily returns of all the stocks are within +1 to -1, which is an indication that the data are normally distributed. Kurtosis is the peakedness of a distribution (i.e., kurtosis should be within +3 to -3 range when the data are normally distributed). From the table-1, we observe that kurtosis of TECHMAHINDRA has high kurtosis(>3) which is an indication that data are not normally distributed. But we assume in the long run the variables are normally distributed. Table 1 SUMMARY STATISTICS of Daily data of companies HCL, INFOSYS, TCS, TECHMAHINDRA and WIPRO INDEX/COM TECH_MA HCL INFOSYS TCS Observations 1236 1236 1236 1236 1236 Mean 161.2614 549.6627 680.3454 208.1490 164.4384 Median 164.2650 541.1700 617.6000 186.7550 168.0400 Maximum 261.4300 870.3700 1239.850 495.2000 245.6800 Minimum 44.85000 275.5800 223.1000 52.33000 60.27000 Std. Dev. 52.78538 150.7456 292.7018 87.24827 46.59308 Skewness -0.304600 0.044723 0.341765 0.691708 -0.462491 Kurtosis 2.520548 1.860538 1.906683 3.323833 2.359956 PNIES HINDRA WIPRO 3.2. An ARIMA (p, d, q) Model for Stock Index 3.2.1. Model Identification Figure- 1 renders (reproduce) to have general overview of the original pattern whether the time series is stationary or not. From the figure-1 we can see the time series have random walk pattern. 1775 Analysis of Daily Stock Trend Prediction using Arima Model Figure 1 Graphical representation of the Stock closing price of HCL, INFOSYS, TCS, TECH_MAHINDRA, WIPRO 3.2.2. Model Estimation Figures- 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 are the correlograms of HCL, INFOSYS, TCS TECHMAHINDRA and WIPRO. From the graphs, the time series is seems to be non-stationary, since the ACF dies down extremely slowly. "If the series is not stationary, it is converted to a stationary series by differencing [lag]". After the first difference (D), the differencing series of HCL, INFOSYS, TCS, TECHMAHINDRA and WIPRO becomes stationary as shown in figures7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of the correlograms respectively. 1776 Mohankumari C, Vishukumar M and Nagaraja Rao Chillale Figure 2: CORRLOGRAM OF HCL Figure 3 CORRELOGRAM OF INFOSYS 1777 Analysis of Daily Stock Trend Prediction using Arima Model Figure 4 CORRELOGRAM OF TCS Figure 5 CORRELOGRAM OFTECHMAHINDRA 1778 Mohankumari C, Vishukumar M and Nagaraja Rao Chillale Figure 6 CORRELOGRAM OF WIPRO Date: 09/18/18 Time: 22:38 Sample: 1 1236 Included observations: 1235 Autocorrelation | *| | Partial | | AC Correlation | *| 1 | PAC Q-Stat Prob 0.007 0.007 0.0690 0.793 2 -0.096 -0.096 11.484 0.003 1779 Analysis of Daily Stock Trend Prediction using Arima Model | | | | 3 -0.052 -0.051 14.845 0.002 | | | | 4 | | | | 5 -0.020 -0.030 15.587 0.008 | | | | 6 -0.010 -0.011 15.711 0.015 | | | | 7 -0.033 -0.037 17.051 0.017 | | | | 8 0.038 0.034 18.802 0.016 | | | | 9 0.038 0.031 20.597 0.015 | | | | 10 0.033 0.036 21.932 0.015 | | | | 11 -0.044 -0.034 24.296 0.012 | | | | 12 -0.037 -0.029 25.961 0.011 | | | | 13 0.002 -0.001 25.966 0.017 | | | | 14 -0.021 -0.032 26.543 0.022 | | | | 15 0.019 0.022 27.005 0.029 | | | | 16 0.034 0.029 28.420 0.028 | | | | 17 0.057 0.057 32.455 0.013 | | | | 18 0.014 0.016 32.691 0.018 | | | | 19 0.044 0.056 35.155 0.013 | | 20 -0.066 -0.055 40.621 0.004 *| | 0.015 0.006 15.113 0.004 | | | | 21 -0.039 -0.025 42.549 0.004 | | | | 22 -0.021 -0.021 43.081 0.005 | | | | 23 -0.001 -0.014 43.082 0.007 | | | | 24 -0.033 -0.036 44.417 0.007 | | | | 25 0.069 0.058 50.516 0.002 | | | | 26 0.008 -0.005 50.589 0.003 | | *| | | | | 28 0.021 0.034 56.560 0.001 | | | | 29 -0.004 -0.014 56.582 0.002 | | | | 30 -0.023 -0.010 57.238 0.002 | | | | 31 -0.022 -0.017 57.830 0.002 | | | | 32 -0.034 -0.043 59.271 0.002 | | | | 33 0.011 -0.002 59.421 0.003 | | | | 34 0.059 0.036 63.894 0.001 | | | | 35 -0.027 -0.036 64.827 0.002 | | | | 36 -0.036 -0.025 66.460 0.001 | 27 -0.065 -0.068 55.992 0.001 Figure 7 AFTER DIFFERENCING LINE GRAPH AND CORRLOGRAM OF HCL 1780 Mohankumari C, Vishukumar M and Nagaraja Rao Chillale Date: 09/18/18 Time: 22:43 Sample: 1 1236 Included observations: 1235 Autocorrelation Partial AC Correlation PAC Q-Stat Prob | | | | 1 -0.013 -0.013 0.2150 0.643 | | | | 2 -0.050 -0.050 3.2845 0.194 | | | | 3 -0.059 -0.061 7.6050 0.055 | | | | 4 | | | | 5 -0.016 -0.021 9.4505 0.092 | | | | 6 -0.013 -0.014 9.6526 0.140 | | | | 7 -0.029 -0.028 10.734 0.151 | | | | 8 | | | | 9 -0.003 -0.005 14.804 0.096 | | | | 10 0.018 0.021 15.201 0.125 | | | | 11 -0.005 0.003 15.238 0.172 | | | | 12 0.012 0.009 15.418 0.219 | | | | 13 -0.049 -0.046 18.478 0.140 | | | | 14 -0.039 -0.041 20.381 0.119 | | | | 15 0.019 0.018 20.843 0.142 | | | | 16 -0.005 -0.018 20.879 0.183 | | | | 17 0.039 0.041 22.788 0.156 | | | | 18 0.034 0.035 24.213 0.148 | | | | 19 0.058 0.060 28.452 0.075 | | | | 20 -0.024 -0.018 29.157 0.085 | | | | 21 -0.013 -0.003 29.372 0.105 | | | | 22 -0.023 -0.015 30.023 0.118 | | | | 23 -0.019 -0.026 30.460 0.137 | | | | 24 -0.039 -0.035 32.369 0.118 | | | | 25 0.045 0.039 34.970 0.089 | | | | 26 -0.034 -0.040 36.422 0.084 | | | | 27 -0.012 -0.026 36.616 0.102 | | | | 28 -0.038 -0.035 38.440 0.090 | | | | 29 0.004 -0.010 38.459 0.112 | | | | 30 -0.014 -0.014 38.708 0.132 1781 0.035 0.031 9.1450 0.058 0.057 0.052 14.794 0.063 Analysis of Daily Stock Trend Prediction using Arima Model | | | | 31 -0.042 -0.041 40.899 0.110 | | | | 32 -0.056 -0.045 44.811 0.066 | | | | 33 0.039 0.027 46.752 0.057 | | | | 34 0.012 0.002 46.937 0.069 | | | | 35 -0.009 -0.014 47.039 0.084 | | | | 36 -0.039 -0.038 49.017 0.073 Figure 8 AFTER DIFFERENCING CORRLOGRAM OF INFOSYS Date: 09/18/18 Time: 22:46 Sample: 1 1236 Included observations: 1235 Autocorrelation | | *| Partial | | AC Correlation | *| 1 | PAC Q-Stat Prob 0.007 0.007 0.0675 0.795 2 -0.067 -0.068 5.7092 0.058 | | | | 3 -0.047 -0.046 8.4038 0.038 | | | | 4 | | | | 5 -0.042 -0.048 11.171 0.048 *| | *| | 0.022 0.019 9.0275 0.060 6 -0.074 -0.074 18.020 0.006 | | | | 7 -0.020 -0.024 18.511 0.010 | | | | 8 | | | | 9 -0.024 -0.034 22.825 0.007 | | | | 10 -0.016 -0.011 23.129 0.010 | | | | 11 -0.024 -0.029 23.841 0.013 | | | | 12 0.014 0.000 24.077 0.020 | | | | 13 0.001 -0.003 24.078 0.030 | | | | 14 -0.001 0.001 24.079 0.045 | | | | 15 -0.025 -0.028 24.874 0.052 | | | | 16 0.022 0.015 25.483 0.062 | | | | 17 0.002 -0.002 25.490 0.084 | | | | 18 0.007 0.007 25.549 0.111 | | | | 19 0.040 0.045 27.514 0.093 | | | | 20 0.020 0.016 28.020 0.109 | | | | 21 0.024 0.028 28.717 0.121 | | | | 22 -0.046 -0.040 31.433 0.088 | | | | 23 0.032 0.042 32.759 0.085 1782 0.054 0.040 22.092 0.005 Mohankumari C, Vishukumar M and Nagaraja Rao Chillale | | | | 24 -0.021 -0.023 33.295 0.098 | | | | 25 0.035 0.046 34.876 0.090 | | | | 26 -0.033 -0.027 36.260 0.087 | | | | 27 0.014 0.016 36.504 0.105 | | | | 28 0.036 0.036 38.144 0.096 | | | | 29 0.004 0.004 38.165 0.119 | | | | 30 -0.030 -0.014 39.279 0.120 | | | | 31 -0.040 -0.039 41.318 0.102 | | | | 32 0.018 0.019 41.720 0.117 | | | | 33 0.008 -0.003 41.795 0.140 | | | | 34 -0.001 0.014 41.796 0.168 | | | | 35 -0.006 -0.008 41.834 0.198 | | | | 36 0.024 0.020 42.585 0.209 Figure 9 AFTER DIFFERENCING CORRLOGRAM OF TCS Date: 09/18/18 Time: 22:49 Sample: 1 1236 Included observations: 1235 Autocorrelation | | *| Partial | | AC PAC Q-Stat Prob 1 0.046 0.046 2.6646 0.103 2 -0.072 -0.075 9.1618 0.010 Correlation | *| | | | | | 3 0.007 0.015 9.2314 0.026 | | | | 4 0.030 0.024 10.368 0.035 | | | | 5 0.053 0.053 13.907 0.016 | | | | 6 -0.058 -0.060 18.145 0.006 | | | | 7 -0.011 0.002 18.289 0.011 | | | | 8 0.000 -0.010 18.289 0.019 | | | | 9 0.052 0.052 21.703 0.010 | | | | 10 0.015 0.009 21.977 0.015 | | | | 11 -0.040 -0.028 23.996 0.013 | | | | 12 0.040 0.041 25.972 0.011 | | | | 13 0.030 0.019 27.113 0.012 | | | | 14 0.038 0.037 28.928 0.011 | | | | 15 0.015 0.019 29.192 0.015 | | | | 16 -0.032 -0.026 30.460 0.016 1783 Analysis of Daily Stock Trend Prediction using Arima Model | | | | 17 0.033 0.029 31.826 0.016 | | | | 18 -0.017 -0.027 32.194 0.021 | | | | 19 -0.001 0.004 32.195 0.030 | | | | 20 -0.045 -0.043 34.738 0.022 | | | | 21 -0.014 -0.008 35.002 0.028 | | | | 22 -0.010 -0.025 35.118 0.038 | | | | 23 0.040 0.047 37.120 0.032 | | | | 24 0.006 -0.005 37.171 0.042 | | | | 25 0.035 0.051 38.699 0.039 | | | | 26 -0.043 -0.058 40.997 0.031 | | | | 27 -0.008 -0.001 41.087 0.040 | | | | 28 0.065 0.054 46.380 0.016 | | | | 29 -0.035 -0.039 47.924 0.015 | | | | 30 -0.063 -0.050 52.921 0.006 | | 31 -0.068 -0.063 58.831 0.002 *| | | | | | 32 0.025 0.018 59.651 0.002 | | | | 33 -0.000 -0.012 59.651 0.003 | | | | 34 -0.060 -0.043 64.187 0.001 | | | | 35 -0.019 -0.007 64.649 0.002 | | | | 36 -0.001 -0.006 64.652 0.002 Figure 10 After Differencing Corrlogram Of Tech_Mahindra Date: 09/18/18 Time: 22:50 Sample: 1 1236 Included observations: 1235 Autocorrelation Partial AC Correlation PAC Q-Stat Prob | | | | 1 -0.043 -0.043 2.2705 0.132 | | | | 2 | | | | 3 -0.029 -0.028 3.4832 0.323 | | | | 4 -0.045 -0.048 6.0481 0.196 | | | | 5 | | | | 6 -0.030 -0.026 9.9355 0.127 | | | | 7 | | | | 8 -0.052 -0.049 14.077 0.080 | | | | 9 1784 0.012 0.010 2.4551 0.293 0.047 0.044 8.8482 0.115 0.025 0.020 10.738 0.150 0.041 0.040 16.183 0.063 Mohankumari C, Vishukumar M and Nagaraja Rao Chillale | | | | 10 0.032 0.033 17.473 0.065 | | | | 11 -0.030 -0.027 18.564 0.069 | | | | 12 0.008 0.001 18.654 0.097 | | | | 13 0.023 0.036 19.326 0.113 | | | | 14 0.006 0.003 19.371 0.151 | | | | 15 0.006 0.004 19.412 0.196 | | | | 16 0.013 0.016 19.639 0.237 | | | | 17 0.031 0.036 20.830 0.234 | | | | 18 0.018 0.022 21.237 0.268 | | | | 19 0.018 0.015 21.623 0.303 | | | | 20 -0.030 -0.026 22.784 0.300 | | | | 21 -0.028 -0.023 23.745 0.306 | | | | 22 0.031 0.028 24.987 0.298 | | | | 23 -0.033 -0.034 26.394 0.283 | | | | 24 -0.042 -0.050 28.630 0.234 | | | | 25 0.024 0.025 29.338 0.250 | | | | 26 -0.000 0.001 29.338 0.296 | | | | 27 0.039 0.028 31.225 0.262 | | | | 28 -0.025 -0.025 32.038 0.273 | | | | 29 -0.040 -0.041 34.061 0.237 | | | | 30 -0.005 -0.003 34.094 0.277 *| | *| | 31 -0.069 -0.074 40.203 0.125 | | | | 32 0.035 0.014 41.727 0.117 | | | | 33 -0.017 -0.004 42.099 0.133 | | | | 34 -0.013 -0.020 42.322 0.155 | | | | 35 0.027 0.018 43.229 0.160 | | | | 36 -0.023 -0.015 43.915 0.171 Figure 11 After Differencing Corrlogram Of Wipro 3.2.3. Model Checking The model checking done with Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) unit root test based on “First Differencing (D)” of NSE stock index. After the first-difference of the series the result confirms that the series becomes stationary. 1785 Analysis of Daily Stock Trend Prediction using Arima Model Table 2 HCL Adjusted R2 SE of Regression ARIMA AIC (1,0,0) 5.6894 0.9938 4.1561 (1,0,1) 5.6909 0.9938 4.1576 (2,0,0) 6.3879 0.9876 5.8932 (0,0,1) 9.0987 0.8125 22.8564 (0,0,2) 9.1691 0.7988 23.6750 (1,1,0) 5.6929 -0.0015 4.1632 (0,1,0) 5.6906 -0.0007 4.1602 (0,1,1) 5.6922 -0.0014 4.1617 (1,1,2) 5.6854 0.0068 4.1460 (2,1,0) 5.6841 0.0077 4.1449 (2,1,2) 5.6857 0.0069 4.1465 Table 3 INFOSYS Adjusted R2 S.E of Regression ARIMA AIC (1,0,0) 7.6061 0.9948 10.8365 (1,0,1) 7.6076 0.9948 10.8402 (2,0,0) 8.2821 0.9899 15.1940 (0,0,1) 10.9483 0.8539 57.6277 (0,0,2) 11.0119 0.8443 59.4886 (1,1,0) 7.6098 -0.0009 10.8563 (0,1,0) 7.6082 -0.0004 10.8522 (0,1,1) 7.6096 -0.0009 10.8555 (1,1,2) 7.6089 0.0007 10.8473 (2,1,0) 7.6080 -0.0014 10.8466 (2,1,2) 7.6079 0.0023 10.8416 Table 4 TCS Adjusted S.E of R2 Regression 8.2270 0.9975 14.7814 (1,0,1) 8.2286 0.9975 14.7868 (2,0,0) 8.9249 0.9949 20.9539 (0,0,1) 12.0787 0.8795 101.4145 (0,0,2) 12.1528 0.8707 105.2405 ARIMA AIC (1,0,0) 1786 Mohankumari C, Vishukumar M and Nagaraja Rao Chillale (1,1,0) 8.2279 0.0002 14.7879 (0,1,0) 8.2265 0.0008 14.7836 (0,1,1) 8.2281 0.000039 14.7894 (1,1,2) 8.2249 0.0040 14.7593 (2,1,0) 8.2236 0.0049 14.7559 (2,1,2) 8.2201 0.0091 14.7242 Table 5 TECHMAHINDRA Adjusted R2 S.E of Regression ARIMA AIC (1,0,0) 6.5663 0.9945 6.4432 (1,0,1) 6.5652 0.9945 6.4369 (2,0,0) 7.3021 0.9885 9.3083 (0,0,1) 10.1093 0.8114 37.8831 (0,0,2) 10.2066 0.7922 39.7791 (1,1,0) 6.5674 0.0014 6.4467 (0,1,0) 6.5671 0.0002 6.4482 (0,1,1) 6.5662 0.0018 6.4429 (1,1,2) 6.5635 0.0062 6.4312 (2,1,0) 6.5644 0.0047 6.4369 (2,1,2) 6.5499 0.0198 6.3877 Table 6 WIPRO Adjusted S.E of R2 Regression 5.3961 0.9941 3.5872 (1,0,1) 5.3950 0.9941 3.5857 (2,0,0) 6.0418 0.9987 4.9567 (0,0,1) 8.9007 0.8026 20.7018 (0,0,2) 8.9336 0.7959 21.0452 (1,1,0) 5.3964 0.0007 3.5896 (0,1,0) 5.3963 -0.0003 3.5908 (0,1,1) 5.3961 0.0006 3.5890 (1,1,2) 5.3979 0.00003 3.5909 (2,1,0) 5.3979 -0.00106 3.5924 (2,1,2) 5.3987 -0.0010 3.5922 ARIMA AIC (1,0,0) Table-2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 shows the different parameters of autoregressive(p), moving average(q) and differncing(d) among the several ARIMA model experimented upon 1787 Analysis of Daily Stock Trend Prediction using Arima Model companies such as HCL, INFOSYS, TCS, TECHMAHINDRA and WIPRO. Among the various ARIMA models: ARIMA (2, 1, 0) is considered the best for HCL, ARIMA(1,0,0) is considered the best for INFOSYS, ARIMA(2,1,2) is considered the best for TCS, ARIMA(2,1,2) is considered the best for TECHMAHINDRA and ARIMA(1,0,1) is considered the best for WIPRO. The model contains the smallest Akaike information criterion(AIC) and relatively smallest standard error(SE) of regression. Figure 12 Correlogram of Residuals Figure-12 represents the correlogram of residuals of the series. If the model is good, the random errors will be residuals of the series. Since there are no significant spikes of ACFs and PACFs, which means that are white noise of the residuals of the selected ARIMA models, in the time series no other significant patterns are left. Therefore, there is no need to consider any AR(p) and MA(q) further. The bold and coloured row represents among the several experiments are the best ARIMA model as shown in tables- 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. 1788 Mohankumari C, Vishukumar M and Nagaraja Rao Chillale 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS In the below section the experimental results of each of stock index are discussed. 4.1. Result for NSE Stock Price Prediction of companies such as HCL, INFOSYS, TCS, TECHMAHINDRA and WIPRO of ARIMA Model The graphical illustration to see the performance of the ARIMA model selected by the level of accuracy of the predicted price against actual stock price. It is obvious that the performance is come to be satisfactory from the graphs. 4.2. Discussion Figures-13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 explains that the values are minimal and the performance is satisfactory can be seen from the graph. Figure 13 FORECAST GRAPH of HCL Figure 14 FORECAST GRAPH of INFOSYS 1789 Analysis of Daily Stock Trend Prediction using Arima Model Figure 15 FORECAST GRAPH of TCS Figure 16 FORECAST GRAPH of TECH_MAHINDRA 320 Forecast: WIPROF Actual: WIPRO Forecast sample: 1 1236 Adjusted sample: 2 1236 Included observations: 1235 Root Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Error Mean Abs. Percent Error Theil Inequality Coefficient Bias Proportion Variance Proportion Covariance Proportion 280 240 200 160 120 80 33.05783 26.44685 20.67012 0.098720 0.005134 0.427214 0.567652 2007-03-01 19-03-2007 2007-01-06 2007-10-08 23-10-2007 2008-03-01 14-03-2008 2008-02-06 2008-11-08 24-10-2008 2009-12-01 30-03-2009 16-06-2009 25-08-2009 2009-10-11 22-01-2010 2010-08-04 18-06-2010 27-08-2010 2010-08-11 19-01-2011 2011-01-04 15-06-2011 25-08-2011 2011-11-11 40 WIPROF ± 2 S.E. Figure 17 FORECAST GRAPH of WIPRO 1790 Mohankumari C, Vishukumar M and Nagaraja Rao Chillale Among the various ARIMA models: (2, 1, 0) is considered the best for HCL, (1,0,0) is considered the best for INFOSYS, (2,1,2) is considered the best for TCS, (2,1,2) is considered the best for TECHMAHINDRA and (1,0,1) is considered the best for WIPRO. Companies→Index↓ HCL INFOSYS TCS RMSE 37.2189 88.2364 128.3115 54.4238 33.0578 MAE 29.2033 71.9108 101.7401 40.7803 26.4469 MAPE 26.8530 14.6673 22.0895 31.9529 20.6701 Variance 0.4965 0.3155 0.2171 0.2237 0.4272 TECHMAHINDRA WIPRO Table 7 Forecasting measures of companies From the table-7 we can see the forecast index among the various companies. Based on the discussion of forecasting we can write the best models for companies HCL, INFOSYS, TCS, TECHMAHINDRA and WIPRO such as: Yt (HCL) = 9070.759 + 0.0079ϕ1Yt-1 - 0.0961ϕ2Yt-2 + Ɛt Yt(INFOSYS) = 25742157 + 0.9935ϕ1Yt-1 + Ɛt Yt(TCS) = 146514.3 + 0.6438ϕ1Yt-1 - 0.8654ϕ2Yt-2 + Ɛt + 0.6418θ1Ɛt-1 -0.8156θ2Ɛt-2 Yt(TECHMAHINDRA) = 49287.12 - 0.0145ϕ1Yt-1 - 0.9365ϕ2Yt-2 + Ɛt - 0.0464θ1Ɛt-1 - 0.9292θ2Ɛt-2 Yt (WIPRO) = 6189936.0 + 0.9951ϕ1Yt-1 + Ɛt + 0.0402θ1Ɛt-1 where, Ɛt = Yt - Yt^ (i.e., the difference between the actual value(Yt) of the series and the forecasted value(Yt^)), ϕi and θj are the coefficients of p and q which are integers that are often referred to as autoregressive and moving average parameters, respectively. 5. CONCLUSION This paper presents for stock price prediction extensive process of building is an ARIMA model. 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