International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 10, Issue 01, January 2019, pp. 1399-1412, Article ID: IJMET_10_01_142 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed ANALYSIS OF DRAG AND LIFT FORCES IN DIFFERENT TAILED GROUND EFFECT VEHICLES Pavan Hiremath, Manjunath Shettar, Suhas Kowshik C S*, Rajath J and Sukhesh P D Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal – 576104, Karnataka, India. * Corresponding author ABSTRACT In recent days people are dependent highly on transportation and the demand for quicker modes of transportation are increasing day by day. Technological advances in the areas of roadways, airways and waterways have led to development of faster and efficient vehicles which has largely contributed in connecting people across the globe. This study deals with finding the effect of different forces acting on Ground Effect Vehicles. Initially three different tail models were considered and modeled in CATIA and then imported to ANSYS for further analysis. It was observed that the higher pressure at tips is a result of the shape of the GEV and it causes drag, since it is opposing the inlet flow. Lift is generated due to difference in pressures between top and bottom surfaces of the wing, which is a consequence of velocity difference. The pressure at top is much lesser that than bottom of the GEV, so lift is also generated. However, it was found from L/D ratio that V tail displayed higher response for the considered process parameters and boundary conditions. Keywords Lift, Drag, Ground effect, tail, bounding. Cite this Article: Pavan Hiremath, Manjunath Shettar, Suhas Kowshik C S, Rajath J and Sukhesh P D, Analysis of Drag And Lift Forces in Different Tailed Ground Effect Vehicles, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 10(1), 2019, pp. 1399-1412. 1. INTRODUCTION Transportation has always been a need for the growth of civilization and mankind. Traveling larger distances with minimum time has been a subject to interest for centuries [1]. Faster and Improved modes & means of transport have been a subject of interest in the field of science and technology [2]. Technological advances in the areas of roadways, airways and waterways have led to development of faster and efficient vehicles which has largely contributed in connecting people across the globe [3-5]. One such technologically advanced vehicle which can be listed under both waterway and airway is the ‘Ground Effect Vehicle’ (GEV). Ground 1399 Analysis of Drag And Lift Forces in Different Tailed Ground Effect Vehicles Effect Vehicles (GEVs) are designed to fly like airplanes and glide on water like boats but they can neither completely fly at higher altitudes nor can they maneuver high tides in rough seas. However, GEVs are designed to transport people and goods at a high speed to areas which are incapable of harboring big boats or land airplanes. These can be effectively used for transportation over calm seas or lakes to reach smaller islands[6-8]. Lift is the force generated under the wings of an airplane due to the aerodynamic pressure built up that acts in the upward direction and is responsible for the countering the pressure above the wing. Lift helps during take-off of airplanes [9]. Drag is force generated behind any vehicle as the vehicle against the direction of the wind or other aerodynamic or fluid forces. Vehicles are required to spend additional energy to work against the drag forces [10]. Boats need to overcome a huge drag force while traveling on sea due to large drag co-efficient of water which leads to high fuel consumption and reduced efficiencies in addition to the reduced speed [11]. The operating principle of a GEV is comparable to an airplane and a boat in terms of its aerodynamic forces viz. lift and drag. The principle that explains the same is called the ‘Ground Effect’ [12]. The principle of Ground Effect is the key to understanding GEVs. An airfoil is a cross section of the wing of an airplane. The airfoil is designed to provide and maintain the necessary lift force that helps in flying an airplane. As the altitude increases, the lift force reduces as the area under the wings increase [13-14]. If the distance between the underside of the wing and the ground is less, the lift increases. This phenomenon is called as Ground effect. GEVs operate close to the water surface by utilizing the air cushion of relatively highly pressurized air created between the airfoil and the water surface. The air cushion augments lift and reduces drag considerably. This phenomena further enhance the lift-to drag ratio. Hence, GEVs can cruise safely at higher speeds owing to the phenomenon of Ground Effect which not only increases lift force but also reduces the drag forces. 2. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD Initially the models were developed using CATIA and are shown in figures 1 2 and 3. Sketch Tracer is used to position two dimensional images in workspace so that projection of the model in a plane can be viewed. 3-D Curve was used extensively in modelling to generate many key curves like cockpits, wings, ailerons, tails etc. After modelling the surface models ‘Closed Surface’ command was used to convert them into solid form, after ensuring that there are no open curves or surfaces. Later these models were imported to ANSYS software for further analysis. Figure 1 3-D model of GEV having T tail Figure 2 3-D model of GEV having V tail 1400 Pavan Hiremath, Manjunath Shettar, Suhas Kowshik C S, Rajath J and Sukhesh P D Figure 3 3-D model of GEV having High Boom tail After importing to ANSYS, creation of bounding box is an important step as it decides the space in which the boundary conditions act. The box created here is not a rectangular cuboid but a hexahedron with front face 24m x 24.5m and rear rectangular being 30m x 34.5m. The way it is arranged has been shown in Figure 4. This helps in knowing the effect of air at the inlet and the effect of boundary conditions at outlet. Along with that, this shape ensures that optimal number of elements are formed for calculations. Symmetry has been applied so that the number of elements and time for calculation gets reduced by half. Figure 4 Bounding box with symmetry It is always desirable do divide the bounding box such that highest number of elements are near the surface of the plane. If the bounding box domain is divided in the same way everywhere, it would result in a large number of elements and increases the time for calculation and is undesirable. Hence, slicing (Figure 5) was done to divide the bounding box, which in turn helps to decide where more precise elements have to be generated. The GEV surface remains untouched (Figure 6) and results in getting less errors during meshing. Figure 5 Slicing of the box Figure 6 Close up of slicing near GEV surface 1401 Analysis of Drag And Lift Forces in Different Tailed Ground Effect Vehicles From Figure 7, it can be seen that hexahedral mesh can be used in the sliced boxes as the geometry of boxes is simple, but for more complexly designed surfaces, the usage of tetrahedral mesh is preferred. Tetrahedral mesh also ensures low skewness and gives out better quality mesh. All three GEVs have been tested using zero angle of attack. The analysis of all models have common conditions to ensure simple comparison. The maximum speed of the aircraft chosen to be 50 m/s (180 kmph) since this is the speed closest to maximum speeds of the aircraft [8]. The analysis parameters for all models were same and are shown in the table 1. The inlet velocity values have been applied to Inlet, Side Inlet and Top Inlet surfaces. Later a 3-D curve was generated using points and a surface Was created using concept surfaces. A bounding surface with radius of 10 M and a rectangle of dimension 19 M X 20 M and they were combined as shown in figure 8. Later aero foil was subtracted from the bounding surface. The inlet and outlet wall edges which are done for bench marking is shown in figure 8 and the mesh bounding surface is shown in figure 9. A Bias Size and Factor of 0.02m and 50 has been used in Horizontal lines, and 0.02m and 10 has been used in Vertical lines as shown in figure 9. For applying the boundary conditions, the Figure 7 Meshed bounding box and GEV surface parameters have been taken from literature survey [3,8] as shown in Table 2. The calculation was done for 2000 iterations along with refining the mesh near the wall in post processing in order to get better results. Figure 8 Inlet, Outlet and Wall edges 1402 Pavan Hiremath, Manjunath Shettar, Suhas Kowshik C S, Rajath J and Sukhesh P D . Figure 9 Meshed bounding surface Table 1 Parameters of GEV analysis Solver Pressure Based Steady State Viscosity Model SST k-Omega Density (kg/m3) 1.225 Viscosity (kg/m-s) 1.79E-05 Turbulent Intensity (%) 500 Turbulent Viscosity Ratio 10 Inlet Velocity (m/s) 50 Table 2 Analysis parameters for benchmarking test Solver Pressure Based Steady State Viscosity Model Spalart-Allmaras Density (kg/m3) 1.225 Viscosity (kg/m-s) 1.7894 Turbulent Viscosity Ratio 10 Inlet Velocity (m/s) 18 Chord Length (m) 0.1 Momentum Second Order Upwind Pressure Velocity Coupling Simple The grid independence test was conducted as a means for verification as well as validation of results. Care must be taken for the mesh and quality should remain high by considering some key parameters. The following points show the process for grid independence test: The model of the GEV after slicing and naming the boundaries for boundary conditions, was duplicated three more times. In meshing: Under ‘Mesh’ – ‘Sizing’, the ‘Min Size’, ‘Proximity Min Size’, ‘Max Face Size’, and ‘Max Tet Size’ were changed. Under ‘Mesh’ – ‘Face Sizing’, the ‘Element Size’ were changed. 1403 Analysis of Drag And Lift Forces in Different Tailed Ground Effect Vehicles The mesh quality was kept in check by checking the Skewness and ensuring that Maximum Skewness and Average Skewness were low. This ensured that results were as accurate as possible. Details of mesh models are shown in tables 3, 4 and 5 for three different tail types. The second row in tables 3, 4 and 5 meshed models’ analysis are shown in the results. Table 3 Details of the meshed T tail model Sl. No. Number of Elements Orthogonal Quality Average Skewness Maximum Skewness 1 6957859 0.92144 0.15004 0.97131 2 4664740 0.92998 0.13994 0.94057 3 2105398 0.95331 0.11276 0.9371 4 511171 0.96529 9.88E-02 0.98043 Table 4 Details of the meshed V tail model Sl. No. Number of Elements Orthogonal Quality Average Skewness Maximum Skewness 1 6398341 0.91427 0.15899 0.8659 2 4238718 0.93839 0.13063 0.8856 3 2293134 0.9345 0.13714 0.89317 4 1957591 0.94663 0.12325 0.8484 Table 5 Details of the meshed High Boom tail model Sl. No. Number of Elements Orthogonal Quality Average Skewness Maximum Skewness 1 7044436 0.9183 0.14907 0.84008 2 4873734 0.93174 0.13243 0.84892 3 3620716 0.93698 0.12533 0.836 4 2474694 0.9512 0.10737 0.84655 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. High Boom tail From the Pressure Contour (Figure 10), Velocity Contour (Figure 11) and Velocity Streamlines (Figure 12) at the mid-section, we can see that due to difference in velocities of air particles between top surface and bottom surface, due to Bernoulli’s principle, lift is generated. However, the lift is not much in comparison to the one generated by the wing. The higher pressure at tips is a result of the shape of the GEV and it causes drag, since it is opposing the inlet flow. From the Pressure and Velocity Contours shown in Figures 13 and 14, it is observed that there is a large difference in velocities of air between the top and bottom of the wing. Hence due to Bernoulli’s principle, there is a pressure gradient and lift is generated. As expected, lift is generated due to difference in pressures between top and bottom surfaces of the wing, which is a consequence of velocity difference. This has been shown in Figures 15 and 16. Also, it was found from the whole model that the drag is 1404 Pavan Hiremath, Manjunath Shettar, Suhas Kowshik C S, Rajath J and Sukhesh P D generated at the front of the GEV due to boundary layer formation. The pressure at top is much lesser that than bottom of the GEV, so lift is also generated. Figure 10 Pressure Contour in Mid-Section Figure 11 Velocity Contour in Mid-Section Figure 12 Velocity Streamline in Mid-Section 1405 Analysis of Drag And Lift Forces in Different Tailed Ground Effect Vehicles Figure 13 Pressure Contour at Tail Section Figure 14 Velocity Contour at Tail Section Figure 15 Pressure Contour at Wing Section 1406 Pavan Hiremath, Manjunath Shettar, Suhas Kowshik C S, Rajath J and Sukhesh P D Figure 16 Velocity Contour at Wing Section 3.2. V tail As discussed earlier the Pressure Contour (Figure 17), Velocity Contour (Figure 18) and Velocity Streamlines (Figure 19) at the mid-section for V tail model exhibit similar contour. From the Pressure and Velocity Contours shown in Figures 20 and 21, we can see that there is a large difference in velocities of air between the top and bottom of the wing. As expected, lift is generated due to difference in pressures between top and bottom surfaces of the wing, which is a consequence of velocity difference. This has been shown in Figures 22 and 23. Figure 17 Pressure Contour in Mid-Section Figure 18 Velocity Contour in Mid-Section 1407 Analysis of Drag And Lift Forces in Different Tailed Ground Effect Vehicles Figure 19 Velocity Streamline in Mid-Section Figure 20 Pressure Contour at Tail Section Figure 21 Velocity Contour at Tail Section Figure 22 Pressure Contour at Wing Section Figure 23 Velocity Contour at Wing Section 1408 Pavan Hiremath, Manjunath Shettar, Suhas Kowshik C S, Rajath J and Sukhesh P D 3.3. T tail The contours for T tail exhibit similar results and helps the GEV to lift and maintain velocities and pressure which is required for the motion of the GEV with T tail. Figures 24 to 30 shows the different velocities and pressures at wing and tail as discussed earlier. Figure 24 Pressure Contour in Mid-Section Figure 25 Velocity Contour in Mid-Section Figure 26 Velocity Streamline in Mid-Section 1409 Analysis of Drag And Lift Forces in Different Tailed Ground Effect Vehicles Figure 27 Pressure Contour at Tail Section Figure 28 Velocity Contour at Tail Section Figure 29 Pressure Contour at Wing Section Figure 30: Velocity Contour at Wing Section Table 6 Grid independence test performed for T Tail Number of Static Elements Pressure Lift Coeff Lift Force Drag Coeff Drag Force L/D Ratio 6957859 -159.90941 0.007775994 6693.4927 0.000611943 539.73355 12.70706 4664740 -159.82428 0.00774813 6833.8506 0.000639526 564.06204 12.115424 2105398 -158.3226 0.007726367 6841.9977 0.000722505 637.24973 10.693854 1511171 -156.88149 0.007688026 6780.8389 0.000844833 745.14241 9.1000576 Table 7 Grid independence test performed for V Tail Number of Static Elements Pressure 6398341 -219.6574 0.027060231 24066.016 0.00175547 1561.2274 15.414805 4238718 -218.70027 0.026853761 23882.392 0.001886879 1678.0956 14.231842 2293134 -215.8773 0.026594353 23651.687 0.002026989 1802.7023 13.12013 1957591 -209.97034 0.025551887 22724.57 0.002170858 1930.6525 11.770409 Lift Coeff Lift Force 1410 Drag Coeff Drag Force L/D Ratio Pavan Hiremath, Manjunath Shettar, Suhas Kowshik C S, Rajath J and Sukhesh P D Table 8 Grid independence test performed for High Boom Tail Number of Static Elements Pressure 7044436 -266.4308 0.12198794 109834.9 0.009081712 8176.9463 13.432263 4873734 -266.0306 0.12141599 109319.92 0.009562855 8610.1558 12.696625 3620716 -264.0284 0.12024085 108261.86 0.010075893 9072.0819 11.933518 2474694 -257.0927 0.11712327 105454.87 0.012538186 11289.069 9.341325 Lift Coeff Lift Force Drag Coeff Drag Force L/D Ratio Tables 6, 7 and 8 shows the results of grid independence done for T tail, V tail and High Boom tail respectively. It is observed that that the difference between maximum and minimum values of coefficient of lift and drag are very small even though there is difference of elements by a high number. The closeness of pressure values is further proof that the value does not vary much even though there is significant difference in mesh size and quality if the mesh. This proves that the analysis is valid, and the mesh and conditions are accurate. 4. CONCLUSION In this study a comparison was made between three different tail that could be seen in the Ground Effect Vehicles. Initially all the three models were made using CATIA and then analyzed in ANSYS. It was observed that the higher pressure at tips is a result of the shape of the GEV and it causes drag, since it is opposing the inlet flow. Lift is generated due to difference in pressures between top and bottom surfaces of the wing, which is a consequence of velocity difference. 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