International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 10, Issue 01, January 2019, pp. 1070–1079, Article ID: IJMET_10_01_110 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed INFLUENCE OF SOLUTION HEAT TREATMENT IN POLYMER MEDIA ON PITTING CORROSION OF STAINLESS STEEL ALLOY (316L) USING SBF SOLUTION Kharia Salman Hassan* Middle Technical University/ Institute of Technology/Iraq / Baghdad Musaab K. Rasheed Middle Technical University/ Institute of Technology/Iraq / Baghdad Ahmed Ibrahim Razooqi Middle Technical University/ Engineering Technical College – Baghdad Corresponding Author’s E-mail: Almaden20002000 ABSTRACT Effect of Solution heat treatment on microstructure and "pitting corrosion "of the austenitic stainless steel (316 L) is actualized.Agreeing to "ASTM (G71-31)" a figure of samples for corrosion inspection were prepared with the dimensions of (15 * 15 * 3) mm then divided into sets and heated in electrical furnace at (1060C )for half hour some of them were quenched in distilled water and the other quench by distil water with (PVA)which added at different percentage(0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9%)gm/liter . Microstructure of all specimens were examined also the corrosion conduct using simulation body fluid. Results of microstructure examination show appearance of many phases. The corrosion rate of all specimens which subjected to solution heat treatment was higher comparing with the corrosion rate of base alloy. Solution heat treatment in distil water and in distil water with high percentage of PVA (0.7, 0.9) contributed in increases in corrosion rate but when decreases the percentage to ( 0.3,0.5) the corrosion rate was decreased due to the increases in cooling rate . Key words: solution heat treatment, austenite stainless steel, pitting corrosion polymer media. Cite this Article: Kharia Salman Hassan, Musaab K. Rasheed and Ahmed Ibrahim Razooqi, Influence of Solution Heat Treatment in Polymer Media on Pitting Corrosion of Stainless Steel Alloy (316L) Using SBF Solution, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 10(1), 2019, pp. 1070–1079. 1070 Influence of Solution Heat Treatment in Polymer Media on Pitting Corrosion of Stainless Steel Alloy (316L) Using SBF Solution 1. INTRODUCTION As known the Austenitic Stainless crystalline structure is face center cubic F.C.C. This type of steel, in addition to iron may contain chromium and nickel, manganese and nitrogen. Austenitic steels are not hardened by heat treatment and have no magnetic characteristic. 316 L Austenitic Stainless type is the most common type of Austenitic steel and is widely used in industry for example, it is used in the manufacture of surgical instruments where chromium ranges between 18-20% and the proportion of ni kel etween The he t tre tment of the Austeniti st inless steel used in this rese r h is summ rized s the solution tre tment whi h in ludes he ting within the r nge C nd then ools rapidly. The treatment time and the cooling rate rely on numerous variables containing chemical composition, volume size and mechanical characteristic which required [2, 3, 4]. The choice of quenching media effect by type of material and final properties for product, the main properties of quenching media were A- high cooling rate at the range of diffusion transformation and more than critical cooling rate to avoid the transformation of austenite to perlite. B- Low cooling rate in the range of marten site transformations to avoid the occurrence of stress and cracking. C - Low viscosity. D - High quality and thermal capacity. The modern quenching media are polymeric media; it has been found that certain types of soluble organic polymers improve water cooling properties. Because polymers have aqueous solutions which provide faster cooling rates compared with oils during the range of martensite transformations. These media are often used in applications that require water-cooled and moderate cooling temperatures, allowing us to process certain and container defects on the ends increase the stresses on the metal [5,6]. stainless steel was exposed to corrosion type of Pitting because of react Acid chlorides by chromium element to made actual soluble chromium chloride (CrCl3) so chromium was removed as of the thin layer giving alone the operational metal. For instance the chromium is separated, the electrically encouraged the chlorides for doing cavity into the metal surface, created a curved smooth barrier cavity. The residual solution in the cavity is ferric chloride (FeCl3), which was in responsibility of the corrosion which are many variables influence on its: chloride quantity, pH, and temperature of the solution In general the possibility of pitting corrosion rises when temperature and chloride quantity are greater and the pH is lesser[7]. Many researchers have studied the corrosion of stainless steel as: Ogunleye I. O., Adeyemi G. J [ 8]Studying the effect of the grape fruit juice added in different percentage 1.0%, 2.0%, 3.0%, 4.0% and 5.0% to acidic medium at normal temperatures as HCL and H2SO4on on corrosion behavior of mild steel using weight loss technique. The corrosion rate in HCL and H2SO4 were large The rises of grape juice concentration in the two acidic media made in reductions the corrosion rate. When the adding of juice at different focus to the HCL consecutively. Also in H2SO4 acidic solution, the corrosion rate reduced with the addition of Grape fruit juice at different focus consecutively. José Wilmar Calderón Hernánd:[ 9] Studied the influence of the solution heat treatment at (1010 °C, 1040 °C, 1070 °C and 1100 °C ) on the pitting corrosion conduce for 17Cr-6Mn5Ni-1.5Cu austenitic stainless steel in 0.6 M NaCl,. The microstructure of based alloy appears more quantity of Mn precipitates which dissolved after the SHT, producing Mn getting rich localized in the austenite. Potentiodynamic tests showed that the pitting potential (Ep) was not changed after SHT. Also it was saw that the Ep standards of the used steel after SHT were reduced. This is due to heat treatment getting rich area due to the sediment of rich- Mn, which encouraged special Cl- adsorption in these areas. Dr.Walid Assem Hanna * [10] studied the effect of solution heat treatment on some properties hardness , wear of Austenitic stainless steels (316 L). The method included three 1071 Kharia Salman Hassan, Musaab K. Rasheed and Ahmed Ibrahim Razooqi different processes: quenching and cooling with different media. Poly venol Alcohol (PVA) in different percentage, distilled water, motor oil and sunflower oil. Tempering at 650C° and air cooling , The results showed that solution heat treatment in general lead to improved properties, especially after the two processes of quenching and tempering . In most cases quenching in distil water and polymer give s better results than sunflower oils. A.K.AL-Bikri, Kadhim F. Al-Sultani[11] manipulation the corrosion conduct of “ usteniti st inless steel” in v ried per ent ges of formi id (20,40 and 60% v. /v.) using “weight loss nd potenti l st ti pol riz tion” methods the orrosion r te of usteniti stainless steel in different percentages of formic acid and temperature were calculated .the authors observed that the corrosion rate of austenitic stainless steel rise with temperature rise as well as in different percentages of acid. The aims of this paper is to study the effect of solution heat treatment and quenching by distil water and distil water with different percentage of polyphenols alcohol then tempering on pitting corrosion of usteniti st inless steel using simulation body fluid 2. EXPERIMENTAL WORK 2.1. Metal select The Austenitic stainless steel typeAISI (316L) was used and its chemical analysis is shown in Table (1) where the chemical analysis was carried out at the General Comp any for Heavy Engineering Equipment in Bagdad. Table 1 The chemical analyses of used metal AIS 316L. Element %wt. Fe C Si Mn Cr Actual Value 65 0.03 0.8 2 17 Standard Value - 0.03 0.75 2 16-18.5 Mo 2.5 2-3 Ni 12 10-14 Al - Co - Cu - s 0.03 0.1 Ti V W 0.01 0.02 0.001 - 2.2. Specimens Preparation A number of samples were manufactured from choice metal according to ASTM G71-31 and the sample dimensions were (15 * 15 * 2) mm) 2.3. Grouping of Specimens After the completion of the manufacturing of corrosion specimens, the samples were classified into groups and as shown in Table (2) Table 2 Cl ssifi tion of Corrosion Spe imen’s Symbol A B C D E F Condition of work As received Quench alone in distill water Quench in distill water with( 0.3)%PVA Quench in distill water with( 0.5)%PVA Quench in distill water with( 0.7)%PVA Quench in distill water with( 0.9)%PVA 2.4. Solution Heat Treatment Solution Heat treatment was carried out on the sample groups shown in Table (2) including heating the specimens in electrical furnace to 1060 C° for half hour then quenched by tow media the first was polyphenols alcohol PVA was dissolved by different weight 1072 Influence of Solution Heat Treatment in Polymer Media on Pitting Corrosion of Stainless Steel Alloy (316L) Using SBF Solution (0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9) % gm / liter in distilled water the second was distil water without any addition and then pre heating was done for tempering process at 650C° for half hour and cooled by air. 2.5. Microstructure Investigation All heat treatment and base metal samples were equipped in a sequences of stages included of, grinding using emery paper from Sic having the different of grain size (220,320,500,1000 &1200), Brush up was carry out by specialize cloth with (Al2O3) of size ( μm then cleaned with water and alcohol and dry), Etching was completed by solution contains of (49 CuSO4ml + 20ml HCl + 20ml distilled water). The specimens are examined by Nikon ME600 optical microscope supplier with a NIKON camer, D XM-1200F as exposed in Fig. (1A, B) (B) (C ) Figure 1A Microstructure of all specimens after quenching process and base metal. 1073 Kharia Salman Hassan, Musaab K. Rasheed and Ahmed Ibrahim Razooqi Figure 1B microstructure of all specimens after quenching and tempering process. 3. CORROSION TEST Number of samples for corrosion test were prepared with measurements (15x15x3mm) according to ASTM (G 71- ” spe ifi tions” from the used met l The equipped sample of unprotected area (1 x 1 cm2) was fixed in the holder and fixed the reference electrode for space a bout (1 mm) from the face of the examined. sample. Potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical cyclic method was applied for corrosion examination by a Wenking Mlab multi channels potent dynamic and SCI-Mlab corrosion measuring system from Bank Electronics-Intelligent control GmbH, Germany 2007 and Fig. (2) Show its. The evaluations of potential cell current through a short, slow scavenge were starting (-1000 to + 1000 mV comparative with (OCP). survey rate describes the quickness of the potenti l s venge in mV/se nd it’s in use mV/ se The extent of urrent density opposite the voltage curve is almost linear. In this test, samples were used as working electrode (WE), The reference electrode used in this work was calomel electrode(SCE) and uxili ry ele trode w s m de of “pl tinum” The prep red s mples for orrosion ex min tion were immersed in simulation body fluid (SBF) .The chemical analyses was shown in table ( 3) with PH of (7) to conclude corrosion factors, like corrosion potential (E pit) and corrosion current ( I pit ) at each time . 1074 Influence of Solution Heat Treatment in Polymer Media on Pitting Corrosion of Stainless Steel Alloy (316L) Using SBF Solution These factors were applied to compute the corrosion rate agreeing to Tafel equation as shown in equation (1) [ Annual Book of ASTM ,2004] [12 ], C.R (m.p.y) = 0.13 * Icorr * eq wt / ρ (1) Where : m.p.y= mille-inches per year Icorr=corrosion current mA E.W=equivalent weight of the corroding species, ρ= density of the orroding spe ies g/ m3). the obtained result was listed in Table (4) and Fig. (3). Optical microscope was used to take photomicrographs for all specimens after corrosion test as shown in Fig. (4). Table 3 Chemical contains of (SBF) solution Element NaCl NaHCO3 KCL K2HPO4.H2O MgCl2.H2O CaCl2.2H2O Na2SO4 Tris Weight gm 7.996 0.350 0.224 0.228 0.305 0.368 0.0719 6.05 Figure 2 The electrochemical corrosion unit used 1075 Kharia Salman Hassan, Musaab K. Rasheed and Ahmed Ibrahim Razooqi Table 4 The Cyclic Polarization corrosion results foall specimens. Specimens Symbol I pit µA E pit mv Corrosion rate m.p.y A B C D E F 0.694 I.65 1.22 1.20 1.74 2.07 -293 -388.3 -356.9 -295.5 -286.1 -326.3 0.30 0.710 0.537 0.528 0.766 0.911 Forward potential(Efor/mV) -380 -560 -399 -329 -319 -358 Reverse potential (rev/mV) -260 -480 -329 -259 -250 -289 800 A 600 Potential (mV) 400 200 0 -200 -400 -600 -800 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.10 Current Density ( 1.00 10.00 ) 1000 B 800 600 Potential (mV) 400 200 0 -200 -400 -600 -800 -1000 1E-5 1E-4 1E-3 1E-2 1E-1 Current Density ( 1076 1E+0 1E+1 1E+2 ) Influence of Solution Heat Treatment in Polymer Media on Pitting Corrosion of Stainless Steel Alloy (316L) Using SBF Solution Figure 3 Cyclic Polarization for all corrosion specimens tested in simulation body fluid. 1077 Kharia Salman Hassan, Musaab K. Rasheed and Ahmed Ibrahim Razooqi Figure 4 Photograph of Corrosion shape after examination. 4. DISCUSSION Fig.(1A) show the microstrucher of all heat treatment specimens and base metals which contain in base metal spceimen (A) the phase of austenite and chromium carbide. Specimens (B)which represented the quenched process in distil water and due to the high cooling rate of the medium that contributed to the formation of the upper bainit phase with a residual amount of austenite . Qunching in the polymer medium containing 0.3 g / L) of polyphenol alcohol (PVA)shown in specimens (C) made on the formationof hard chromium carbide and shows the extraction of the carbon atoms from on the grain boundary of the Auestnite and by increasing the concentration of polyphenols alcohol to (0.5) g / l in the sample ((D) lead to increased the extraction of carbon atom at the grain limits of the austenite and when the density of the polyphenols alchol increased to 0.7,0.9 g / L the samples (E,F) give the dendritic microstreture of bainit .The microscopic structure after qunching and tempering shown in Fig.(1B) shows that the structure of the upper bainit and the amount of residual austenite were the governing phases . This change in microstruture effected on corrosion conduct of auestnit stainless steel 316L in simulation body fluid. .Cyclic polarization dimensions were implemented on all that is related with the failure of Protecting layer .The potential of breakdown (Ebr) was expressed on the rise of the anodic current when the potential was carry out. The potential, at which the hysteresis ring is finished at opposite polarity scavenge, is recognized as the re passivation potential. Collapse potential is a symbol of placeof corrosion but the ability of pitting is known the variance among the collapse potential and the re passivation one. The defense potential epitomizes the potential at the node of hysteresis curve by negative field. Under this potential the dissemination of the pitting corrosion will not happen. If the variance among breakdown and the passivation potential is rise, the accidental in the presence of pitting is larger and its dissemination in depth is more strong. In otherwords, the hysteresis ring rises as the susceptibleness of alloy to corrosion rises. The cyclic polarization heat treatment indicated in Fig. (3) in simulation body fluid.shows that the reverse scavenges give the in height current density area. The kind of cyclic polarization curve is famous to be fewer react to place of corrosion. The potentials for the forward and reverse scavenge are more negative than that of base metal , in addition to pitting potentials (Epit) evaluate which are more negative than pitting potential of as received sample. The data of forward and reverse scavenge are registered in the Table (4). Usually, the 1078 Influence of Solution Heat Treatment in Polymer Media on Pitting Corrosion of Stainless Steel Alloy (316L) Using SBF Solution data of corrosion test indicate that the heat treatment by different media cause to aptitude of the alloys to rust compared with the base metal Fig. (4) rise the 5. 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