International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 10, Issue 01, January 2019, pp. 978-983, Article ID: IJMET_10_01_100 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed FUNDAMENTALS OF SPECIFICATION FOR SORBENT IN DEFLUORIDATION OF DRINKING WATER J. Sunil Kumar, V. Radhika Department of Chemistry, S R Engineering College, Warangal-506 371, India N. Srinivas Department of Chemistry, Kakatiya University, Warangal-506 001, India. ABSTRACT Fluoride is a typical component of natural waters and its concentration varies depending on the water resource. Water may be contaminated by natural sources like more alkaline ions (CO32-+HCO3->10.4 meq/l water) reacts with halite which comes from industrial effluents. This is ensuing in fluoride concentrations up to 12.7 mg F–/l where ground level of water is low. WHO standards and BIS: 105000, 1991 permit only 0.5-1.5 mg/dl as the upper permissible limit for fluoride in drinking water for the Indian context. Fluoride in excess of the permissible limits in drinking water causes a number of endemic conditions referred to collectively as “fluorosis”. This paper explores the sorptive answer of a recently developed adsorbent, Activated alumina finely grinded with coconut shell powder. The efficiency of the sorption of fluoride ion is affected by pH, contact time, adsorbent dose, type and size of adsorbents. The adsorption equilibrium is well correlated by Freundlich and Langmuir models Keywords: Fluoride ion, adsorption, adsorbents, Langmuir and Freundlich Isotherm, Activated alumina, Coconut shell powder. Cite this Article: J. Sunil Kumar, V. Radhika and N. Srinivas, Fundamentals of Specification for Sorbent in Defluoridation of Drinking Water International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 10(01), 2019, pp. 978-983. 1. INTRODUCTION Pure water is scarce and is not easily available to all. Deprived sections of the society drink unhygienic water and catch illness periodically, often resulting in epidemics. In fluoride prevalent areas, especially small communities with spread out habitation, defluoridation of potable water supply is still a problem. Fluoride actually spiked with an impure industrial waste product (fluosilicic acid), "scrubbed" from Florida phosphate fertilizer smokestacks and natural reactions in ground water. Most fluoride associated with monovalent cations such as NaF and 978 Fundamentals of Specification for Sorbent in Defluoridation of Drinking Water KF is water soluble, while the one formed with divalent cations such as CaF2 and PbF2 is generally insoluble. Fluoride is “more toxic than lead and less toxic than arsenic” and is an accumulative toxin. WHO (World Health Organization) standards and BIS: 105000, 1991 permit only 0.5-1.5 mg/L [1]. It is the upper permissible limit for fluoride in drinking water for the Indian context [2]. Fluoride in surplus of the permissible confines in drinking water causes a number of endemic conditions referred to collectively as “fluorosis” (Skeletal fluorosis, crippling fluorosis and non-skeletal fluorosis). An intake of more than 6 mg of fluorine per day results in fluorosis [3,4]. A formula has been proposed to calculate “optimum” fluoride concentration [5]. Defluoridation is the process of removal of fluoride ion in drinking water. The process may be classified broadly into two categories, namely, i) Additive methods, and ii) Adsorptive methods. The different methods so far tried for the removal of excess fluoride from water can be broadly classified into four categories: A) Adsorption methods, B) Ion exchange methods, C) Precipitation methods, and D) Miscellaneous methods. Some defluoridation techniques developed to control fluoride content in water are reverse osmosis, adsorption using sunflower plant dry powder, steam of phytomass, Holly Oke, neem bark powder, activated cotton jute carbon, bagasse ash, burnt bone powder, phosphate-treated saw dust, bone char, etc. as adsorbents [6,7], Nalgonda technique, ion exchange process. Each method has its limitations as well as its merits. Activated alumina is one of the most popular and cost effective materials used for defluoridation of water [8, 9]. Latest importance in aluminum toxicity is due to its possible role in multiple neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, amylotrophic lateral sclerosis and Alzheimer disease (AD). There are few reports on aluminum levels in treated waters after defluoridation with activated alumina. In a municipal water supply, aluminum level was around 0.3 mg/l, when treated water was of potable quality with respect to pH and fluoride [10]. Activated alumina G-87 procured from IPCL was used in these filter units [11]. Defluoridation of Activated alumina is further effected through adsorption of anions selectivity. Generally Activated alumina more effectively adsorbs Fluoride but in presence of higher pH, more Hardness conditions SO4-2, HCO3-1 ions competition from this, reduce the efficiency of Fluoride adsorption up to 25% [12]. In Defluoridation of water by activated alumina, Aluminum is associated with organic carbon as soluble form in treated water [13]. This communication presents the Increase of efficiency of Activated alumina and decrease the drawbacks of this single bed filtration an investigation on the use of double bed with the combination of coconut shell powder along with Activated alumina in the defluoridation of water. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS All the reagents used were of AR grade. Fluoride stock solution was prepared by dissolving 221 mg anhydrous sodium fluoride in 1000 ml distilled water in volumetric flask. Fluoride Standard solution was prepared by diluting 100 ml stock solution to 1000 ml distilled water in volumetric flask. This 1 ml solution has 0.1 mg of fluoride. 2.1. Equipment Fluoride ion was estimated by HI 98402 Fluoride Meter as per standard methods. PH meter, and Remi shaking machine for agitating the samples for the required period at a pace of 200 strokes/minute were used. The surface area of adsorbent particle and density were measured by using surface area analyzer and picnometer respectively. 979 J. Sunil Kumar, V. Radhika and N. Srinivas 2.2. Material development Fresh Activated alumina (Glaxo laboratories India Ltd., Mumbai, India) was used in thePresent study. This Activated alumina was crushed with activated coconut shell charcoal (seave size 4/8, Delta Exports Tamil Nadu, India). A literature review of the use of coconut shell activated carbon powder to treat polluted aqueous effluents containing dyes/organics or toxic metal ions [14]. Successful application of the adsorption technique demands innovation of cheap, nontoxic, highly efficient material. Mixture of Activated Alumina and Charcoal convene these requirements. Knowledge of optimal conditions would herald a better design and modeling process, besides the determination of defluoridation capacity of mixture of activated alumina and coconut shell charcoal, the effect of the variables such parameters like pH, contact time, amount and particle size of adsorbent and concentration of fluoride ions of the uptake on adsorbent materials was investigated from kinetic viewpoint. Adsorption studies were performed by batch technique to obtain the rate and equilibrium data. Experiments were carried out by shaking 10 g/l of adsorbent dose with 50 ml of aqueous solution containing known concentration of fluoride ions and by agitating the samples on Remi shaking machine at a speed of 200 strokes/min. Samples containing fluoride ions were maintained at a desired pH by adding 0.5 N HNO3 or 0.1 M NaOH. All the experiments were conducted at room temperature (29 ± 0.5°C). The effect of pH on fluoride removal was found by adjusting the pH of the test solution of 5.0 mg F litre-1 to initial pH value of 9.0±0.10, 8.0±0.10, 7.0±0.10, 6.0±0.10, 5.0±0.10, 4.0±0.10 and 3.0±0.10 using 0.1N HC1 or 0.1N NaOH; a fixed quantity (10 g litre-1) of Mixture of Sorbent was added and mixed for the equilibrium sorption time, and analyzed for residual fluoride content. To study the effect of an increase in the dose of mixture of Sorbent on removal of fluoride, experiments were conducted by adding varying doses of 2.5, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0 and 20.0 g litre -1 to a test solution containing initial fluoride concentration of 5 mg F litre-1. The samples were then agitated up to equilibrium time and residual concentration was found. Preliminary study on the effect of monovalent and divalent anions and cations encountered in water supplies like chlorides, carbonates, sulphates, sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium on removal of fluoride was found by spiking test fluoride solution with different concentrations of monovalent and divalent anions and cations and investigated for percent removal of fluorides. To assess the usefulness and practical aspects of fluoride removal by mixture of Activated Alumina and Coconut shell charcoal Sorbent, down flow column studies were conducted using 10 mm I.D. glass column. Ordinary tap water spiked with a fluoride concentration of 5.0 mg F litre-1 was used as test solution. The column was first filled with glass wool and overlain with fine sand to a depth of 2.5 cm. A filter paper was placed over the sand layer and then filled with Mixture of Activated alumina and Coconut shell charcoal powder sorbent to a depth of 2.5 cm (weight of 2.7 g). Maintaining constant flow rate, samples were collected at different time intervals and analyzed for residual fluoride content. To find the feasibility of domestic application of Mixture of Activated Alumina and Coconut shell charcoal Sorbent, studies were conducted employing ceramic candle type domestic water filters. Inside of the candles were filled with mixture of Activated Alumina and Coconut shell charcoal Sorbent and plugged with cotton (Figure 1). Test fluoride solution of tap water containing varying fluoride concentrations (2-20 mg F/L) were passed through the water filter. Samples were collected at regular time intervals and analyzed for residual fluoride content. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 980 Fundamentals of Specification for Sorbent in Defluoridation of Drinking Water Details of studies conducted with mixture of Activated Alumina and Coconut shell charcoal powder sorbent are presented and discussed below. 3.1. Effect of Contact Time Figure 2 shows the progression of sorption reaction, the percent removal of fluorides by mixture of Activated Alumina and Coconut shell charcoal powder sorbent after different contact times. As the contact time increases, % removal increases rather rapidly, but then gradually approaches a more or less constant value denoting attainment of equilibrium. The sorption reaction may be considered to be occurring in three distinct phases. First, the initial rapid phase in which rate of removal is very rapid and this occurs within initial twenty minutes. This may be due to direct sorption reaction in which fluoride ions adsorb rapidly onto the surface of mixture of Activated Alumina and Coconut shell charcoal powder sorbent due to specific chemical interaction (or affinity) and due to diffusive and other driving forces. In the second phase, rate of sorptive uptake decreases due to lesser sorption as a result of migration of fluoride ions from the film / boundary layer to interior pore / capillary surfaces. 3.2. Determination of optimum dosage of mixed bed Activated alumina and Coconut shell charcoal powder sorbent Optimum dosage of activated alumina was determined by conducting jar test experiment. Experiments were conducted for different dosages of mixed sorbent with flash mixing of 20 seconds at 100 rpm and flocculation of 20 minutes at 20rpm and settling time of 20 minutes. Settled water was filtered through perforations and then analyzed for residual fluoride by ion selective electrode method. The results are observed that optimum dosage of mixed bed required to reduce fluoride level to 0.8 mg/L is 4.88g/L. 3.3. Effect of pH To study the effect of pH electrode by Bench top meter is test experiment was conducted with initial fluoride concentration of 4.88mg/L. To the water samples 6N NaOH was added for maintaining different pH and were placed in jar test apparatus and experiment was conducted. The filtered water samples were analyzed for residual fluoride content. The effect of pH in fluoride removal is observed that optimum pH range 6 is required to reduce fluoride level to 0.8 mg/L. 3.4. Assessment of influence of interfering ions Various alkaline concentrations 100-800mg/l was prepared by diluting the standard stock solution. To this fluoride was added by the addition of fluoride stock solution is observed that optimum Alkalinity range 4 mg/L is reduce fluoride level to 0.8 mg/L. CONCLUSIONS Fluoride removals by mixed bed activated magnisium ion alumina with coconut shell charcoal powder adsorbent are effective adsorbent for removal of fluoride from water and Fluoride removal increased with contact time. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are thankful to the Host Institution S R Engineering College, for providing all necessary facilities for this work. LITERATURE CITED 981 J. Sunil Kumar, V. Radhika and N. Srinivas [1] World Health Organization. Fluorides and human health. WHO Monogragh series No. 59 Geneva, Switzerland, (1970)? [2] M. Srimurali, J. Karthikeyan, Activated alumina: Defluoridation of water and household application. A study Proceedings of the 12th international water technology conference, Alexandria, Egypt, IWTC 12 (2008) 1-13(Internet). [3] S. Venkata Mohan, P. Nikhila and S. J. 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