International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) (IJM Volume 10, Issue 1, January 2019, 201 pp. 798–807, Article ID: IJMET_10_01_082 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6340 6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359 0976 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF SERVICESERVICE ORIENTED ARCHITECTURE ARCHITECTURE APPLICATION BASED ON ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE DOCUMENT Imam Marzuki Shofi Informatics Engineering Department, Department Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Rama Ambara Information Systems Management Department, BINUS S Graduate Program-Master Program Master of Information Systems Management, Bina Nusantara University Jakarta, Indonesia 11480 Ahmad Nurul Fajar Information Systems Management Department, BINUS Graduate Program-Master Program of Information Systems Management, nagement, Bina Nusantara University Jakarta, Indonesia 11480 ABSTRACT Some company that has a TOGAF-based Enterprise Architecture (EA) document has not yet been able to follow ollow up on the future architecture in the EA. This study aims to design and make prototypes of Service-Oriented Oriented Architecture (SOA)-based (SOA) application based on TOGAF-based TOGAF EA document. The methodology odology used is to look at the correlation between EA and SOA to then design and build a prototype of SOASOA based application using Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) (ESB) tools and Business Process Management (BPM) tools. The research sample is an EA document from a multi finance company in Jakarta. The results of the study show that that the correlation between EA and SOA can be realized as a prototype of a SOA-based SOA based application applicat that can be executed. Key words: Enterprise Architecture, Service-Oriented Service Oriented Architecture, Application Integration, Business Process Management, Enterprise Service Bus. Bus IJMET/index.asp 798 Analysis and Design of Service-Oriented Architecture Application Based On Enterprise Architecture Document Cite this Article: Imam Marzuki Shofi, Rama Ambara and Ahmad Nurul Fajar, Analysis and Design of Service-Oriented Architecture Application Based On Enterprise Architecture Document International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 10(1), 2019, pp. 798–807. 1. INTRODUCTION Along with the development of an industry, the company understands the importance of carrying out a business transformation that will make the company progress far ahead leaving its competitors. Current conditions require technology agility through process standardization, application and information consolidation, and infrastructure technology simplification. Through the existence of Enterprise Architecture (EA), it is expected to provide an overview of current conditions, both in the area of strategy, business processes and technology [1]. With the ever-increasing need for business growth, a company will be required to further increase productivity, increase the availability of information technology services, which are balanced by reducing business risk, reducing costs, and reducing the complexity of existing business processes. For this reason, a breakthrough in business transformation is needed so that companies can achieve operational excellence, in terms of application, information and information technology. In this case information technology has become an important part of a company, where business infrastructure cannot be separated from information technology. In many organizations each functional unit of the organization requires different applications which are then developed based on their respective styles and platforms. Each function in an organization will be supported by one or more information systems used in order to help automate the organization's business processes. Existing information systems are developed with different programming languages and separate databases. This condition is called the application silo stage, which is the stage where an organization will focus on developing individual computer applications that are used only to meet the needs of certain parts or departments [2]. This can cause the organization to have several different types of applications and are less integrated with each other. Individual application development will cause problems when inter-systems must communicate or be integrated, because from the beginning each system is only designed to meet the needs of certain parts [3]. This results in a company having an inconsistency in the development of applications that are used with the business needs of the organization. Another problem is the difficulty in managing and developing the system. Implementation of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is the latest architecture that is expected to be able to optimize services and ensure smooth business processes. SOA allows functions contained in applications to be arranged as a shared service-based standard layer that can be combined and reused in other applications and processes [4]. Thus, through SOA, it is expected to provide solutions and achievement targets that are reliable and in accordance with the vision and mission of a company. Currently we see that there are organizations that already have EA but have not been able to follow up on the results of the EA to be applied in real terms, especially in terms of application and technology. In this study, we will try to make an SOA-based application whose overall information is obtained from an EA document sample from one of these organizations. 799 Imam Marzuki Shofi, Rama Ambara and Ahmad Nurul Fajar 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. Framework Definition The framework is a blueprint that explains how IT elements and information management work together as a whole. Architecture is a management practice to maximize contributions from company resources, IT investment, and system development activities to achieve its performance goals [5]. To achieve the organization's mission through the optimal performance of business processes with the efficiency of the IT environment, the implementation of the framework must be included in the roadmap of the company. Integrated system architecture IT provides a strategic context for the evolution of IT systems in response to changing needs in the business environment. Architecture must be in line with IT and business. This allows business units to innovate to achieve competitive advantage, and simultaneously encourage synergy in all business units. 2.2. Enterprise Architecture Definition Enterprise Architecture will be the foundation for developing transformation strategies to achieve operational excellence, technological agility through process standardization, application and information consolidation, as well as infrastructure technology implications. With the application of Enterprise Architecture, it is expected to provide an overview of current conditions, both in the area of strategy, business processes, and technology. It is also used to develop a roadmap that can minimize risk, improve information technology governance, and accelerate time to value for solutions that are in line with business development and a company's vision and mission. Enterprise Architecture is a practice of documenting elements of a business strategy, business case, business model, technology, policy, and infrastructure that make up the company. In Enterprise Architecture, companies are considered as a large and complex system that should be planned and well defined, from the abstract level (high level) to the detailed level. Enterprise Architecture is a blueprint concept that defines the structure and operational activities of a company. The purpose of Enterprise Architecture is to determine the way an organization reaches from current objectives to future objectives effectively. Enterprise Architecture is based on business perspectives, application systems, data and technology. The business perspective defines operational processes and standards. The application perspective defines the interaction between processes and standards used by the organization. Information perspective defines and classifies data used and needed to carry out operational activities efficiently and effectively. Technology perspectives define hardware, operating systems, programming, and network solutions used by organizations. One of the most widely used Enterprise Architecture frameworks is The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) framework. The TOGAF framework is a framework with methods that are widely accepted in the development of Enterprise Architecture. The TOGAF framework provides detailed methods on how to build, manage and implement Enterprise Architecture, known as the Architecture Development Method (ADM) [1]. TOGAF Architectural Development Method (ADM) provides a specific process cycle consisting of eight main phases for the development and maintenance of an information technology architecture of an organization or company. At each stage in ADM there will be a discussion of input, output, and steps that explain several architectural work products such as processes and applications. In addition, TOGAF ADM describes the process of movement from the initial state of the company to the target state of the company. TOGAF ADM will discuss business needs through visioning processes, architectural definitions, transformation planning, and architectural governance. At each stage in this process, ADM requires 800 Analysis and Design of Service-Oriented Architecture Application Based On Enterprise Architecture Document information as input and will create output as a result of carrying out a few steps. The process of developing ADM is a repetitive process, so that the output of a previous stage will be input to the next stage [1]. The stages in TOGAF ADM can be seen in the following figure: Figure 1 TOGAF ADM (Harrison, 2013) 2.3. Service-Oriented Architecture Definition Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is the latest architecture that will perform service optimization and ensure smooth business processes. SOA allows functions contained in applications to be arranged as a shared service-based standard layer that can be combined and reused in other applications and processes [4]. This architectural approach also enables the incorporation of services offered by external service providers into information technology organizational architecture. As a result, organizations can open important business information in a cost-effective manner. Thus, SOA helps organizations achieve flexibility to respond quickly to changing business needs. The SOA architecture layer consists of services, business processes, business services, data services, and sharing services. The main challenge for the implementation of SOA is given to support heterogeneous/multi-vendor information technology in organizations. The existence of such diversity raises costs and complexity to replace different components of infrastructure. Though generally organizations prefer to utilize and improve existing business applications for use in other business processes and applications. In this case the developer has used various kinds of middleware technology to support programs for communication, such as requests for distributed objects, message-oriented middleware, and remote procedure calls. 2.4. Correlation between Enterprise Architecture and Service-Oriented Architecture EA and SOA are closely related. In the EA process, Business Architecture is produced which consists of strategy, goals, information, and business processes. In the SOA Business Model, in determining business services it can be obtained from goals in EA and activities obtained in the business process. The document/information flow involved in the process will then become an information model on SOA [6]. Thus, in broad outline, Business Architecture in EA will be a reference to the Business Model on SOA. Then the Information Architecture produced by EA will be a reference in the 801 Imam Marzuki Shofi, Rama Ambara and Ahmad Nurul Fajar preparation of Common Semantics and Data on SOA. In the SOA implementation phase, references are needed to be generated in the Technology Architecture document. This aspect includes the tools and SOA platforms that are used. The SOA implementation also requires reference to Application Architecture, which will determine service, application, and integration between applications and related data. Figure 2 EA and SOA Relation (Rosen, 2008) 2.5. Previous Research Previous research was conducted by Rasmus Knippel, entitled "Service Oriented Enterprise Architecture" in 2005. This study aims to look at the areas of EA and SOA that are mutually correlated. Through the results of this study, by looking at the harmony between EA and SOA to look at a whole enterprise holistically, a new concept was produced called the Service Oriented Enterprise Architecture (SOEA). Subsequent research was conducted by Scott J. Dowell with the title "Enterprise Architecture within the Service-Oriented Enterprise" in 2007. This research introduced a new paradigm called Service-Oriented Enterprise (SOE). In the SOE model, the organization sees itself as a set of "business services" that are supported by technologies that can be adjusted, scalable, and reliable. Early adopters of this model benefited through global collaboration, real-time business responsiveness, and productive mobile workforce. By understanding this paradigm shift, corporate architects can guide organizations in building models of agility and competing in the global economy. The next study was conducted by Charanya Hariharan under the title "Enterprise Architecture & Service Oriented Architecture" in 2009. This study presents different perspectives of EA and SOA along with a comprehensive new definition of SOA based on the interaction of authors with people who have various industrial backgrounds and different industrial years. This study discusses the results of the survey to understand how certain members of the association see the need for EA and SOA. The next research was carried out by Nur Azaliah Abu Bakar, Harihodin Selamat, Mohd Nazri Kama, entitled "Service-Oriented Enterprise Architecture (SoEA) Adoption and Maturity Measurement Model: A Systematic Literature Review" in 2013. This study aims to draw conclusions on adoption SOA/SoEA in organizations, identifies critical factors for success in SOA/SoEA adoption, and identifies maturity level models in measuring SOA/SoEA adoption in an organization. Subsequent research was conducted by Ayed Alwadain, Michael Rosemann, Erwin Fielt, Axel Korthaus with the title "Enterprise Architecture and Integration of Service-Oriented 802 Analysis and Design of Service-Oriented Architecture Application Based On Enterprise Architecture Document Architecture" in 2013. This study explores SOA integration in EA, identifies the approach to integration of SOA in EA and identifies factors factors that affect SOA integration in EA. Subsequent research by Ayed Alwadain, Erwin Fielt, Axel Korthaus, Michael Rosemann under the title "A Comparative Analysis of Integration of SOA Elements in the Widely-Used Enterprise Architecture Framework" in 2013. This study investigates and compares the integration of SOA elements in five frameworks EA is widely used: Archimate, TOGAF, FEAF, DoDAF, and MODAF. It identifies what are considered SOA elements and their relative position in the overall structure. The results can support the EA and SOA communities with the integration of EA and SOA that are closer and more consistent and support practitioners in identifying the EA framework that provides SOA support that fits their needs. The next study was carried out by Amar Nath, with the title "Implementation of Enterprise Applications based on Service Oriented Architecture" in 2014. In this study it did not discuss in detail the relation between EA and SOA, but the results of this study are SOA-based applications. Subsequent research was conducted by Tom Yoon and Bong-Keun Jeong with the title "Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Implementation: Success Factors and Realized Benefits" in 2018. This research explores business and IT motivations for SOA implementation and the benefits realized from this implementation. The findings of this study can provide guidance for practitioners about the successful implementation of SOA. 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This research began with the background of the existence of TOGAF-based Enterprise Architecture in a company. Making SOA-based application is done using the framework, design principles and methodology adapted from Rosen (2008). Figure 3 Methodology 803 Imam Marzuki Shofi, Rama Ambara and Ahmad Nurul Fajar 3.1. Research Steps The initial step of the research is to take the example of existing Enterprise Architecture with the TOGAF framework of a company. In detail the activities to be carried out based on the EA documents obtained are: (1) Analyze Business Architecture to look at the main business processes, business services and use cases of the process. Based on the Business Architecture analysis, a Business Model for SOA will be designed using BPMN notation. (2) Analyze Information Architecture. This analysis is conducted to see the relevance of data and information used in supporting business processes on Business Architecture. Based on the Information Architecture analysis, ERD and common semantics data will be designed on SOA. (3) Analyze Application Architecture. This analysis is done to see applications that are used to support key business processes and connectivity between existing applications. Based on the analysis of Application Architecture, the service designed is needed to be a prototype of SOA-based applications. (4) Conduct an analysis of Technology Architecture to see the technology used today and proposed (future). Based on references from Technology Architecture, an enterprise service bus will be setup as the foundation of SOA-based applications. 3.2. SOA Prototyping We have constructed the prototype of SOA application based on the following work stages: (1) We have defined different types and parts of the service, such as domain services, business services, and enterprise business processes. We also determined how the service should be used in an enterprise solution (for example what standards are owned, what interactions are needed). (2) We have seen how the functionality of the existing (legacy) system or database can be opened as a service and connected to the bus service. We have detailed the general mechanism for defining these services, wrap them up, and connect to the bus service. (3) We have composed services to become an enterprise business process. In this case the we have used Business Process Management (BPM) tools. We also determined the existing technical infrastructure to enable integration, service composition, and communication between services. (4) We have defined common semantics in services, such as what data schemes should be the same for all enterprises to achieve consistency and interoperability. A several tools is used to establish an easy and efficient service and support the development process. (5) The analysis, design and prototyping are expected to be able to answer how the design of SOA-based applications generated from an EA documentation with TOGAF framework. 4. RESULTS 4.1. Data Gathering In this study we took the example of TOGAF-based Enterprise Architecture owned by one of the multi finance companies in Jakarta. In this case we focused on Business Architecture, Information Architecture, Technology Architecture, and Application Architecture which are part of the company's EA documents. 4.2. Business Architecture Analysis Through business architecture, it can be seen a picture of the capabilities possessed by a company in running its business, developing business and achieving the company's vision, mission and goals. One important aspect of business architecture is how companies can run their business processes. In this study, we only focused on the Account Acquisition process, which is the process of applying for credit and one of the main processes of this company. Next, we described the use case diagram of the Account Acquisition process which is the 804 Analysis and Design of Service-Oriented Architecture Application Based On Enterprise Architecture Document main process, which begins with the Entry Order process, Entry Survey Assignment, Entry Survey Result, Approval from the Credit Analyst/Branch Manager/ Area Manager/Head Office, and PO Print. Figure 4 Use Case Diagram 4.3. Business Model on SOA Based on information on Business Architecture, in this case we create a business model on SOA using BPMN notation. Figure 5 SOA Business Model 805 Imam Marzuki Shofi, Rama Ambara and Ahmad Nurul Fajar 4.4. Information Architecture Analysis Data/information architecture represents data, data structures and data interactions both with business processes and with applications. Implementation in SOA is done by applying the XML Schema Diagram (XSD) which will define fields and types and correlations with other objects. 4.5. Service Design Next is a service design that is built based on the characteristics and granularity. Figure 6 Service Granularity 4.6. Service Implementation In this case we have built the prototype of SOA-based application based on that design. Making services is done using the WSO2 Enterprise Integrator which also has the ability to build services sourced from the database or as data services. While making an enterprise business process using IBM BPM tools. 5. CONCLUSION Through this research we have made a prototype of SOA-based applications by referring to the TOGAF-based Enterprise Architecture owned by one of the multi finance companies in Jakarta. The process used as an example is the Account Acquisition process, which is one of the core processes of this company. In this case we have succeeded in implementing it using BPM and ESB tools which are tools used to create SOA-based applications. As for time and information limitations, the application of the Account Acquisition process may not be fully in accordance with what the company expects, such as the absence of data validation, the absence of automatic calculations, and master data parameters that have not been covered in its entirety. Completeness of information from an Enterprise Architecture document plays an important role in this research. So that in future studies also still must pay attention to the completeness of existing information, especially in terms of Business Architecture and Information Architecture. In addition, further research is expected to be carried out experiments for integration with legacy systems other than databases and security implementations. Experiments can also be tried using different tools. 806 Analysis and Design of Service-Oriented Architecture Application Based On Enterprise Architecture Document REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] Harrison, R. 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