International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 10, Issue 01, January 2019, pp. 765-775, Article ID: IJMET_10_01_078 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed MESH CONVERGENCE TEST FOR FINITE ELEMENT METHOD ON HIGH PRESSURE GAS TURBINE DISK RIM USING ENERGY NORM: AN ALTERNATE APPROACH Nithesh Naik, Prajwal Shenoy*, Nithin Nayak, Swetank Awasthi and Rashmi Samant Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Udupi, Karnataka, India - 576104 Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Udupi, Karnataka, India - 576104 ABSTRACT The study focuses on investigation of mesh convergence test for two-dimensional disk rim of high-pressure turbine using energy norm as an alternate approach. Numerical methods solve the real-time complex problems, represented by partial differential equations using discretization of time and space variables. The criterion for finite element method to obtain a converged solution to the problem and arrive at accurate results from simulations is optimized input data. However, all discrete methods introduce discretization error into the solution. The increase in the number of nodes, i.e mesh density reduces the error induced leading to the converged solution. The mesh density is increased in iterations, the trend related to convergence of solution, and error induced are observed. The study used CATIA® and ANSYS® for modelling and analysis, and the results obtained showed the effective use of energy norm technique being used as criterion for evaluation and testing to obtain a converged solution. The normalized error percentage was observed to be in the range of 6 to 8% for converged solution. Keywords: Gas Turbine, Aircraft, Mesh convergence, Mesh discretization, Energy norm, FEM. Cite this Article: Nithesh Naik, Prajwal Shenoy*, Nithin Nayak, Swetank Awasthi and Rashmi Samant, Mesh Convergence Test for Finite Element Method on High Pressure Gas Turbine Disk Rim Using Energy Norm: An Alternate Approach, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 10(01), 2019, pp. 765-775. 1. INTRODUCTION 765 Nithesh Naik, Prajwal Shenoy*, Nithin Nayak, Swetank Awasthi and Rashmi Samant A gas turbine is an internal combustion engine which is mainly used in commercial aircrafts. The high-pressure compressor and high-pressure turbine assembly plays a key role in the entire process and the stress analysis of these rotating parts is of prime importance as failure of these components will result in catastrophic failures [1-3]. Structural stress analysis using finite element methods has been extensively carried out in domains like aerospace for solving complex engineering problems. The success of finite element method lies in how well the finite element model simulates the actual physical system. Since finite element model approximates the actual physical system which is a continuum, errors are inherent in the FE solution [4-8]. Validity of the FE solution having a discrete finite element mesh is checked by performing mesh convergence study until the solution converges to a stable value with an acceptable level of error. The mesh convergence test is very much significant in analysis of aircraft components, which involves complicated geometry, and nonlinearity for which theoretical solution is not readily available and computational time and cost is of high priority [9-10]. The study aims to develop an efficient process using ANSYS® tools which will help us to test the convergence of the FE solution using energy error norm and establish a criterion in terms of percentage error in energy to test the convergence of the solution. The mesh convergence test conducted on feature and loading conditions encountered such as load slot and lock slot in a typical gas turbine engine of commercial aircraft engine. 2. METHODOLOGY 2.1. Modelling The high-pressure turbine (HPT) module is an integral part of an aircraft engine, which uses the energy from the combustion gases to run the high-pressure compressor and accessory gearbox. The HPT module consists of HPT rotor and HPT stator [11]. The HPT rotor usually has one or two stages. The turbine blades are mounted along the disk in the axial direction on the disk periphery. The dovetail portion consists of two or three tangs wherein the blade platform will meet the disk. The turbine disk of dovetail shape as shown in Figure 1 is mainly subjected to centrifugal loads and loads transferred through blades, which results in peaking of stress at the min neck region. Figure 1 Turbine Disk rim half sector model geometry 766 Mesh Convergence Test for Finite Element Method on High Pressure Gas Turbine Disk Rim Using Energy Norm: An Alternate Approach 2.2. Boundary Conditions The model developed using CATIA® with nominal dimensions and reflective symmetry half sector model is considered. The material properties considered for analysis having Young’s Modulus – 3e7 Psi, Poisson Ratio – 0.3, Density – 7e-4lb/inch3 The element type selected is 8-node SOLID 273. Since the model is reflective symmetric, the displacements along θ direction are constrained by rotating the nodes of symmetry planes in cylindrical coordinate system. The speed of 1500 rad/sec about the engine axis and a constant pressure of 50000 units on the pressure face to simulate blade loads. The axial displacement is constrained at the bore to constrain axial movement as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 FE model with applied load and boundary conditions 2.3. Mesh Refinement The critical regions of the turbine disk rim, minimum neck radius and slot bottom region are the peak stress concentration regions identified for mesh convergence study [12], as shown in Figure 3. The model is meshed by controlling the element size in the minimum neck, slot bottom region. The iterations carried out by varying the mesh density in the region of interest in successive iterations, as shown in Table 1. Figure 3 FE model indicating critical locations identified for mesh convergence study 767 Nithesh Naik, Prajwal Shenoy*, Nithin Nayak, Swetank Awasthi and Rashmi Samant Table 1 Elements at critical locations in turbine disk rim Number of Elements Iteration Along Width Minimum Neck 1 Width (W) Minimum Neck 2 Minimum Neck 3 Slot Bottom Along the Edge (E) Along the Depth Depth (D) 1 30 3 3 4 6 2 2 40 6 6 8 9 3 3 60 12 12 12 12 4 4 80 18 18 16 20 5 5 100 24 24 24 30 6 Each critical location analyzed for five iterations is shown in Figure 4. The peak stress values and percentage error in energy for all the iterations and the stress values at which the solution converges graphically is also established. Figure 4 Five Iterations of elements at critical locations in turbine disk rim 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The variation of stresses and error along the region of interest wherein stresses generally peak are also studied. The nodal and surface stress gradients for the peak stress element along with the corresponding error in energy are noted for all the iterations. Finally, the graphical convergence is established by plotting the peak stress values as a function of element size and the normalized percentage error in energy corresponding to the converged peak stress element is also highlighted. 768 Mesh Convergence Test for Finite Element Method on High Pressure Gas Turbine Disk Rim Using Energy Norm: An Alternate Approach Figure 5 Stress plots indicating the location of peak stress for entire disk rim for iteration 4 The peak stress location along with the peak nodal and surface stress value is shown in Figure 5. The convergence was observed after 4 iterations and the surface stress was found to be 205818 units for the converged solution. The corresponding normalized percentage error in energy was found to be 8.6% as shown in Figure 6. Figure 6 Normalized error plot for turbine disk rim iteration 4 769 Nithesh Naik, Prajwal Shenoy*, Nithin Nayak, Swetank Awasthi and Rashmi Samant Figure 7 Stress plots indicating the location of peak equivalent stress and stress value for each critical location for the converged solution (Iteration 4) The peak equivalent nodal and surface stress for each critical location along with the corresponding normalized percentage error in energy is obtained for all the iterations to observe the variation of percentage normalized error in energy with respect to stress values for each of the critical feature. Peak surface equivalent stress plot for the converged solution in case of each critical location is shown in Figure 7. 3.1. Variation of Surface Stress and Normalized Percentage Energy Error Convergence was observed after 4 iterations as seen in Figure 8 and Figure 9 and stress gradients in the peak stress region was around 5000 units and the stress gradients were quite high in the slope region. The peak equivalent stress values, stress gradients and percentage normalized error in energy for peak stress elements is tabulated for min neck-1, min neck-2, min neck-3 and slot bottom region for all the iterations in Table 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. 770 Mesh Convergence Test for Finite Element Method on High Pressure Gas Turbine Disk Rim Using Energy Norm: An Alternate Approach Figure 8 Variation of surface equivalent stress along min neck and slot bottom region Figure 9 Variation of normalized percentage energy error along the min neck and slot bottom region Table 2 Stress and error values for min neck- 1 region for all iterations Element size (mil) Peak equivalent stress (103) Gradient (103) Percentage error in energy Iteration WxExD N-N N-S S-S Surface Nodal Normalized 1 53x42x15 30.8 16.5 36.5 78.8 65.6 17% 2 40x22x10 22.0 20.4 35.0 89.1 84.5 20% 3 27x11x7 13.0 5.7 9.9 91.8 89.1 12% 4 20x7x6 13.4 3.3 9.4 91.7 89.9 9% 5 16x5x5 1.9 3.3 3.0 91.8 91.0 7% 771 Nithesh Naik, Prajwal Shenoy*, Nithin Nayak, Swetank Awasthi and Rashmi Samant Table 3 Stress and error values for min neck- 2 region for all iterations Element size (mil) Peak equivalent stress (103) Gradient (103) Percentage error in energy Iteration WxExD N-N N-S S-S Surface Nodal Normalized 1 53x42x15 33.9 21.1 42.0 95.8 77.9 15% 2 40x22x10 25.3 19.3 24.6 106.6 96.9 18% 3 27x11x7 5.7 6.1 6.4 108.3 103.9 11% 4 20x7x6 3.0 4.4 3.8 108.1 106.3 8% 5 16x5x5 2.7 2.6 1.6 108.5 106.6 6% Table 4 Stress and error values for min neck- 3 region for all iterations Element size (mil) Peak equivalent stress (103) Gradient (103) Percentage error in energy Iteration WxExD N-N N-S S-S Surface Nodal Normalized 1 53x42x15 21.0 43.8 48.6 192.3 169.6 21% 2 40x22x10 11.2 23.9 29.2 199.4 186.8 15% 3 27x11x7 13.6 12.5 9.9 205.9 193.9 10% 4 20x7x6 4.6 10.6 11.6 205.8 198.5 8% 5 16x5x5 2.7 6.9 3.6 207.0 201.2 6% Table 5 Stress and error values for slot bottom for all iterations Element size (mil) Peak equivalent stress (103) Gradient (103) Percentage error in energy Iteration WxExD N-N N-S S-S Surface Nodal Normalized 1 53x42x15 7.9 6.8 8.2 176.9 171.4 12% 2 40x22x10 4.8 3.6 3.1 176.6 174.6 9% 3 27x11x7 2.1 2.5 1.8 176.4 175.1 7% 4 20x7x6 0.8 1.3 0.6 176.6 175.6 4% 5 16x5x5 0.2 1.0 0.4 176.8 175.9 3% 772 Mesh Convergence Test for Finite Element Method on High Pressure Gas Turbine Disk Rim Using Energy Norm: An Alternate Approach 3.2. Mesh Convergence The asymptotic stress convergence of nodal and surface equivalent stress along with the variation of normalized percentage energy error for each critical location is shown in the Figure 10, 11 and 12. The results indicate that the region of peak stress concentration was in minimum neck 3 region of the disk rim. Accordingly, the rate of convergence of the surface stress was faster than the nodal stress. Figure 10 Mesh convergence plot showing asymptotic stress convergence along with variation of percentage energy error for min neck-1 region Figure 11 Mesh convergence plot showing asymptotic stress convergence along with variation of percentage energy error for min neck-2 region 773 Nithesh Naik, Prajwal Shenoy*, Nithin Nayak, Swetank Awasthi and Rashmi Samant Figure 12 Mesh convergence plot showing asymptotic stress convergence along with variation of percentage energy error for min neck-3 region Normalized percentage error in energy varied in accordance to the stress values i.e. the maximum value in the element having peak stress and the value decreased with decrease in the stress values. However, case the normalized error in energy in the region having high stress gradients is well below that of element having peak stress. 4. CONCLUSIONS The study shows that the peak stress value increases with the decrease in min neck radius due to stress concentration. 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