International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET)
Volume 10, Issue 01, January 2019, pp. 699–706, Article ID: IJMET_10_01_071
Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/ijmet/issues.asp?JType=IJMET&VType=10&IType=1
ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359
© IAEME Publication
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Ni Nengah Selasih, I Made Wiguna Yasa, I Nyoman Temon Astawa,
Ni Wayan Sariani Binawati and I Ketut Sudarsana
Institut Hindu Dharma Negeri Denpasar
The achievement of the National Education Goals must be accompanied by an
increase in the components that influence education. Based on the results of research
conducted in Tabanan District, it was found that the leadership of principal greatly
influenced the achievement motivation of Hindu teachers. Motivation can be defined as
need, drive, and goal. Teacher's achievement motivation is identified in three
definitions, namely: (a) teacher's achievement motivation describes an energy force that
drives / causes someone to do certain ways; (b) teacher achievement motivation as an
encouragement that leads to something, namely teacher achievement motivation that
has a strong goal; and (c) teacher achievement motivation services to support the power
of teacher achievement motivation at all times. That is, teacher achievement motivation
consists of three basic components, namely (1) activating behavior, (2) directing
behavior, and (3) maintaining behavior. Achievement motivation is a driving force in
improving performance. Teacher's achievement motivation is a driving factor that
comes from external and from internal that will affect the way he acts and behaves. One
of the motivations from external comes from the leadership. The principal's leadership
is oriented towards human relations, namely the leadership style can improve teachers’
achievement motivation in realizing a quality school. Leaders are subjects who must
transform leadership through giving guidance or advice to subordinates so that the
goals are achieved. Transformational leadership can support the realization of a
change of school system. The principal carried out the leadership task by applying the
Hindu leadership style namely sad warnaning rajaniti / sad sasana, in influencing the
performance of the teacher as a subordinate cannot be separated from catur kotamaning
nrpati, namely jnana wisesa sudha, kaprahitaning praja, kawiryan, wibawa and typology
of leadership namely asuri sampat and daiwi sampat. Similarly, the transformational
leadership style is always coupled with transactional leadership. Both Hindu and
modern leadership styles can be combined in increasing achievement motivation
regarding teacher needs, namely the need for achievement, affiliation, and power, so
that school goals and National Education Goals can be realized.
Keywords: Teacher’s Motivation, Principal leadership
Ni Nengah Selasih, I Made Wiguna Yasa, I Nyoman Temon Astawa, Ni Wayan Sariani Binawati
and I Ketut Sudarsana
Cite this Article: Ni Nengah Selasih, I Made Wiguna Yasa, I Nyoman Temon Astawa,
Ni Wayan Sariani Binawati and I Ketut Sudarsana, The Effect of Principal’s Leadership
to the Achievement Motivation of Hindu Religion Teachers, International Journal of
Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 10(01), 2019, pp. 699-706
The purpose of national education is the final goal that must be achieved through the hard work
of the teacher. Teachers have a central role and responsibility as executors of the education
system. Schools as complex institutions will not become good by themselves without going
through an improvement process. In the framework of the process of improving the quality of
school education, teachers are needed, both individually and collaboratively, so that education
and learning become better in quality. To be more qualified, actually, education and learning
does not depend on just one component, for example teachers, but also influenced by several
components that support each other. The components are in the form of learning programs,
students, learning facilities, and infrastructure, funds, community environment, and leadership
of the principal. The leadership of the principal is very influential on the performance of Hindu
religion teachers.
The research was conducted in Tabanan Regency. From the collected data, it was known that
the number of subjects or population of Primary Schools in Tabanan Regency were 370 and the
population of Hinduism teachers were 774 people. By using the Warwick and Lininger formula,
it was possible to anticipate and overcome the possibility of some respondents who did not
return or did not complete the questionnaire completely and correctly so that the minimum
sample target of 260 would still be fulfilled. Based on the results of the calculations above,
there were 304 samples. By paying attention to the number of samples, then the research
directly examined in this study was only part of the population while the conclusion was
applicable to the entire population. Therefore, the sample must be a representative of the
population so that the conclusions applied to the population have little error. Data was collected
using questionnaires.
Table 1 Blue Print of Data Collection Instrument
No. Item
5 – 11
12 – 18
19 – 22
23 – 26
27 – 33
Principal Leadership
The Effect of Principal’s Leadership to the Achievement Motivation of Hindu Religion
Teacher's Achievement
No. Item
Achievement Needs
1 – 17
Affiliate Needs
18 – 23
Power Needs
24 – 33
The trial of research instruments aimed at capturing data accurately and meet the
requirements of validity and reliability from the instruments prepared. According to Sugiono
(2006: 103), when conducting multivariate analysis for the testing of research instruments, the
number of sample members is at least ten times of the number of variables studied, so in this
study, 50 people were needed as the trial samples since the number of research variables is five
After testing, the results of the validity of the principal's leadership instrument and the
teacher's achievement motivation with the help of the SPSS program showed that there were 31
valid instrument items and 2 invalid instrument items. Invalid instrument items were then
discarded because valid principal leadership instruments were considered sufficient to be able
to capture the research data. The reliability of the questionnaire of the principal's leadership
instrument was calculated using the alpha coefficient. From the calculation results, an alpha
coefficient of 0.931 was obtained. The reliability of the questionnaire instrument of teacher
achievement motivation was obtained by an alpha coefficient of 0.955. This figure showed that
the instrument has very high reliability so it is suitable to be used in this research.
Test assumptions or test prerequisite analysis is a prerequisite for the application of
inferential-parametric statistical analysis. This prerequisite test is to find out whether the data
obtained has met the requirements for analysis using parametric techniques. Therefore, test the
assumptions sought, by testing normality.
3.1. Description of Research Data
Principal leadership variables tend to be in the good category since there were 162 respondents
or 62.3%, the rest were in the very good category, in which there were 59 respondents or 22.7%,
there were 38 respondents or 14.6% in the quite category, and there was only 1 respondent or
0.4% who was at not good category. Achievement motivation variables for Hinduism teachers
tend to be in the very good category since there were 73 respondents or by 28.1%, the rest were
in the good category since there were 175 respondents or 67.3%, and in the quite category, there
were 12 respondents or 4.6 %.
Testing the normality of the data distribution of the principal's leadership variables, and
teacher achievement motivation was done using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test using the help
of the SPSS program, obtained the following results.
Ni Nengah Selasih, I Made Wiguna Yasa, I Nyoman Temon Astawa, Ni Wayan Sariani Binawati
and I Ketut Sudarsana
Table 2 Tests of Normality
* This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a Lilliefors Significance Correction
Table 3 Tests of Normality
* This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a Lilliefors Significance Correction
Table 4 Recapitulation of Data Distribution Normality Test Results by Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
Principal leadership (X)
Achievement motivation (Y)
Based on the data normality analysis requirements that if the significance value or
probability value is greater or equal to 0.05, then the data is declared normal. Conversely, if the
significance value or probability value is smaller than 0.05, then the data is declared abnormal.
This can be seen in Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics, the significance value or the probability
value of the principal's leadership variable (X) is 0.200 greater than 0.05. This means that the
principal's leadership variable scores are normally distributed. The significance value or
probability value of teacher achievement motivation variable (Y) is 0.200 greater than 0.05.
This means that teacher achievement motivation variable scores are normally distributed.
3.2. Hypothesis Testing
Based on the results of the study of the theory and findings of previous studies, a frame of mind
can be formulated in the form of a conceptual model which is at the same time a research
hypothesis such as the paradigm of the relationship model between variables that have been set.
Based on the conceptual model, the hypothesis is tested, as follows.
There is an influence of the principal's leadership (X) on the achievement motivation of
Hinduism teachers (Y).
Testing hypotheses using path analysis must fulfill assumptions as applicable to multiple
regression analysis techniques, namely data normality. Normality refers to how far the Y
observation value is related to a certain X value normally distributed around Y predictions.
The Effect of Principal’s Leadership to the Achievement Motivation of Hindu Religion
3.3. Discussion of Findings of Research Hypothesis of Test Results
Based on the data processing of research results with path analysis techniques, which were
arranged in two blocks, namely the analysis of the effect of block 1 in accordance with the path
coefficients, it is known that p41 was the direct influence coefficient of the principal's
leadership on the achievement motivation of Hinduism teachers. illustrated by standardized
regression coefficients as path coefficients obtained by a beta coefficient of 0.131 with a count
of 2.114 greater than the Table of 1.96. In addition, the p value (probability) which shows a
significance level of 0.05 with the p value of the analysis of 0.036. Because p results of the
analysis are smaller than 0.05, H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. Thus, there is a direct influence
of the principal's leadership on the achievement motivation of Hindu teachers. That is, the
higher the leadership of the principal, the stronger the achievement motivation of Hindu
Based on the results of the regression analysis, the direct and indirect effects of X on Y can
be seen in the Path Coefficient (Coefficient Path), as follows.
Influence on Variable Y
The results showed that the importance of the principal's leadership and achievement
motivation in improving teacher performance. The discussion of the results of the research was
carried out by emphasizing that the influence of exogenous constructs on the endogenous
construct and the contribution of exogenous constructs in explaining the endogenous construct.
Presentation of the discussion related to a descriptive analysis by determining the average value
of the measurement results for each variable to determine the level of the research variable
Based on data processing, it was found that the principal's leadership variables tended to be
in the good category since there were 162 respondents or 62.3%, the rest were in the very good
category as many as 59 respondents or 22.7%, in the quite category, there were 38 respondents
or 14, 6%, and there was only 1 respondent or 0.4% who was not in good category. The
principal's leadership can be caused by one or more of the components presented by Ainsworth.
Empirical data from the results of this study indicate that the leadership of principals is more in
the good category. Referring to the opinion of Ainsworth et al. (2002: 22) that P (qualitative
performance / consideration) = Rc (role clarity) x C (competence / knowledge and skill) x E
(environment) x V (value) x Pf (preference fit / suitability of preference) x Rw (reward) + F
(feedback). Based on this opinion, it can be assumed that the leadership performance of the
principal is very good due to the school environment, its role as leader, adequate competency
of the principal, and reward. Principals can implement leadership styles democratically and
transformational so that they can provide guidance, monitoring, evaluation, and motivation to
teachers as their subordinates. Likewise, by applying the six characteristics of Hindu leadership
and supported by the catur kotamaning nrpati and the nature of the leader who tends to be daiwi
sampat, can support the principal in carrying out his leadership.
Motivation can be defined as need, drive, and goal. Teacher's achievement motivation is
identified in three definitions, namely:
a) teacher's achievement motivation describes an energy force that encourages humans or
causes humans to do certain ways;
Ni Nengah Selasih, I Made Wiguna Yasa, I Nyoman Temon Astawa, Ni Wayan Sariani Binawati
and I Ketut Sudarsana
b) teacher achievement motivation as an encouragement that leads to something, namely
teacher achievement motivation that has a strong goal; and
c) teacher achievement motivation services to support the power of teacher achievement
motivation all the time.
Teacher's achievement motivation consists of three basic components, namely
1. activate behavior,
2. directing behavior, and
3. maintain behavior.
The variables of achievement motivation of Hindu teachers tend to be in the very good
category, there were 73 respondents or 28,1%, the rest are in the good category, there were 175
respondents or 67.3%, and the quite category, there were 12 respondents or 4.6%. Achievement
motivation is one of the supporting factors in improving teacher performance. Based on the
results of research that shows achievement motivation for Hinduism teachers the tendency is
very good. That is, the more democratic and transformational leadership of the principal, the
higher the level of teacher’s class management knowledge, the stronger teacher’s achievement
This is supported by the results of Gunadha's (2000) study which states that each increase
in one unit of a score of lecturer management knowledge variables can improve lecturers'
achievement motivation which is stated to be significantly related. That is, the higher the level
of management knowledge, the stronger the motivation of the lecturer. Second, there is a
relationship between lecturers' attitudes towards professions and achievement motivation which
is stated to be very significant. That is, the more positive the attitude of the lecturer towards his
profession, the lecturer’s achievement motivation will also be stronger.
Supported by the results of the study of Seramto (2003) which states that the role of school
principals as leaders, administrators, managers, and educators has a significant positive
correlation with the school climate, teachers’ achievement motivation, and teachers’
performance. The results of the research by Suwardani (1997) states that there is a significant
relationship between organizational conflict management strategies by principals, school
climate, and teachers’ achievement motivation with teachers’ performance, principals who have
good ability to lead schools that have high potential in terms of conflict emergence organization.
In addition, the principal also has the capability of organizational conflict management
strategies in various ways. This can increase teacher achievement motivation and teacher
performance. Sutjipto et al. concluded that there is a significant relationship among school
climate, teachers’ achievement motivation, and teachers’ performance.
The results of this study refer to the research results used by the references in this study also
support. In addition, it also refers to several theories used in this study, namely Mitchell (1978)
about performance = motivation x ability. From this formula, it can be said that motivation and
ability are elements that function to form the teacher's performance in carrying out his duties as
a teacher. Performance in the professional context of the teacher is an activity that includes
planning, implementing learning/teaching, and assessment of learning outcomes. Supported by
Heider's Expectancy Theory, namely P (performance) = M (motivation) x A (ability).
Ainsworth et al. (2002: 22) that P (qualitative performance / consideration) = Rc (role clarity)
x C (competence / knowledge and skill) x E (environment) x V (value) x Pf (preference fit /
suitability of preference ) x Rw (reward) + F (feedback).
Robbins (1996) says that if a piece of the puzzle is still not found. it is necessary to add the
opportunity aspect into the equation above so that the performance equation can be formulated,
namely P (performance) = M (motivation) x A (ability) x O (opportunity). That is, even though
The Effect of Principal’s Leadership to the Achievement Motivation of Hindu Religion
a teacher might be willing and able, there might be obstacles that hinder the performance of the
teacher so that they don't get a chance. Because as humans do not escape or can ever run
smoothly, of course, there are obstacles faced in carrying out the task. These constraints are a
challenge and motivation for teachers to be able to carry out their duties and responsibilities as
educators. As a teacher is expected to be able and able to carry out performance well based on
ability and self-motivation, using the opportunity as well as possible, able to adapt to the
environment so that it can improve its quality through education, training, and so on as optimal
as possible.
Principal leadership tends to be in the good category, there were 162 respondents or 62.3%, the
rest are in the very good category, there were 59 respondents or 22.7%, and the sufficient
category, there were 38 respondents or 14, 6%. Achievement motivation of Hinduism teachers
tends to be in the strong category, there were 175 respondents or by 67.3%, the rest are in the
very strong category, there were 73 respondents or 28.1%, and the fairly strong category, there
were 12 respondents or 4.6%.
The results of hypothesis testing showed that there was an influence of the principal's
leadership on achievement motivation in order to improve the performance of Hindu teachers
with an effective contribution of 6.0%. That was, to improve the performance of teachers of
Hinduism not only by improving the leadership of principals, but also must be accompanied by
strengthening achievement motivation. This is important because achievement motivation is a
driving / motivating factor and is quite effective in improving a performance.
The implications of this study were aimed at providing scientific justification whether the
leadership of the principal influences achievement motivation in order to improve the
performance of Hindu teachers. In addition, this study presents a model that strengthens the
theory of performance concepts which was first put forward by Heider. According to this
theory, performance is the result of interaction between motivation and basic ability or ability.
Thus, people whose motivation is high, but basic skills or low skills will produce a low
performance. The same is also for people who have adequate basic skills, but low motivation.
it will result in low performance.
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