International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 10, Issue 01, January 2019, pp. 242–247, Article ID: IJMET_10_01_024 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed A REVIEW ON AWARENESS OF SMART LEARNING RESOURCES FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF STUDENTS IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Dr. T. Venkata Rao Librarian, GMRIT, Rajam-532127 Email: ABSTRACT The importance and concept of smart learning resources in libraries, especially for mechanical engineering department is discussed. The awareness of smart learning resources and the opinions of respondents on variable like NPTEL Video Courses and LAN based Courses are analyzed. A survey of the proposed awareness on some of the reputed selected colleges in Andhra Pradesh has been presented. Key words: Smart learning resources, Digital library, NPTEL, LAN Courses. Cite this Article: Dr. T. Venkata Rao, A Review on Awareness of Smart Learning Resources for the Improvement of Students in Mechanical Engineering, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 10(1), 2019, pp. 242–247. 1. INTRODUCTION Smart learning resources serves as a motivating factor to students as it provides the opportunity to transmit, acquire or download and disseminate information on a subject of interest. Smart learning resources offer today's students opportunities different from their predecessors. Brophy (1993), details the advantages of networking for the user as being: "the information needed which can be delivered from the most appropriate source to the user; the user can express respectively his or her needs dynamically; the information is obtained when it is wanted, so it becomes 'just in time' rather than 'just in case'; the user selects only the information needed to answer the specific question and finally, the information is only stored by user wish." Other advantages according to Ray and Day (1998) include the fact that "electronic information sources are often faster than consulting print indexes, especially when searching retrospectively, can be searched using combinations of key words. They open up the possibility of searching multiple files at one time, a feat accomplished more easily than when using printed equivalents. Electronic resources can be printed and searches saved to be repeated at a later date; they are updated more often than printed tools." Related to these, 242 A Review on Awareness of Smart Learning Resources for the Improvement of Students in Mechanical Engineering Internet is used as a medium of expression to educate the learner, provide information needs at their desktop and send hitch-free and cross-referenced data to the appropriate location. It could be said that improved data transmission facilities will go a long way to reduce the incessant hardship faced by students in the acquisition and generation of data which serves as the basis for research and academic performance improvement. The use of electronic information by students enhances their performance in academic activities. Among the electronic information system student‟s lies to get most of their information are: Internet, email, electronic journals, bulletin boards, telephone, telex, CD-ROM databases and electronic books. 2. DETAILED SURVEY ON AWARENESS OF SMART LEARNING RESOURCES With regard to the improvement of students in mechanical engineering department, a survey has been conducted on engineering college libraries, the list of Engineering College libraries affiliated to JNTU- Kakinada is obtained. As per the information obtained, there are 51 Engineering Colleges affiliated to JNTU – Kakinada (2005). And out of them 12 engineering colleges are selected for the present study. Due importance is given to NBA accredited and established Engineering College Libraries. 2.1. Awareness of different Learning Resources available in the library All the 2498 respondents were asked to mention whether they are aware of the different learning resources available in their libraries and their responses are presented in the following Table. Awareness of different Learning Resources available in the library Awareness of Learning Resources available in the library Aware of the learning resources Not aware of the learning resources Total f % 1858 640 2498 74.4 25.6 100.0 Awareness about different learning resources available in the library is reported by about 74% of the respondents and the remaining 26% are not having any idea about the different learning resources. 2.2. Awareness of different Learning Resources available in the library by selected background variables Information on the awareness of different learning resources available in the library as reported by the 2498 respondents is presented in the following Table by selected background variables. The percentage reporting awareness of different learning resources is more among the females (78) than male students (72). This awareness is reported more by the older age group (20 years above) (80%) than the younger age group (20 years or below)(72%); more by the PG students (83%) than the UG students (73%). Among the 12 colleges, this awareness ranged from 40% in Vignan Engineering College to 89% in Vasavi Engineering College. Influence of variables like gender, age group, academic level and college on the reported awareness is evidenced by the computed chisquare values. 243 Dr. T. Venkata Rao Awareness of different Learning Resources available in the library by different variables Awareness of different Learning Resources ChiVariable n Yes No square df Value f % f % Male 1543 1113 72.1 430 27.9 Gender 10.696* 1 Female 955 745 78.0 210 22.0 < 20 yrs 1778 1284 72.2 494 27.8 Age Group 15.152* 1 > 20 yrs 720 574 79.7 146 20.3 UG 2153 1571 73.0 582 27.0 Academic 16.299* 1 level PG 345 287 83.2 58 16.8 GMR 235 200 85.1 35 14.9 ADITYA_T 223 160 71.7 63 28.3 MVGR 224 162 72.3 62 27.7 VIGNAN 181 72 39.8 109 60.2 BVC 179 119 66.5 60 33.5 ADITYA_E 212 173 81.6 39 18.4 College 208.474* 11 VASAVI 235 208 88.5 27 11.5 VISHNU 203 164 80.8 39 19.2 PVPS 183 143 78.1 40 21.9 GEC 220 193 87.7 27 12.3 LOYOLA 195 127 65.1 68 34.9 VRS&YRN 208 137 65.9 71 34.1 Sig. 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 * Chi-square value significant at 5% level. 2.3. Awareness of different services helpful for Learning All the 2498 respondents were asked to mention whether they are aware of different services helpful for learning. Here also, their responses are recorded in more detail as „awareness‟; „knowledge‟ and „use & evaluation‟. These responses are shown in the following Table . Awareness of different services helpful for Learning % Reporting Awareness Knowledge NPTEL Video Courses 56.6 50.4 LAN Courses 32.4 30.4 Note: n=1858 (Those who reported awareness of Learning Resources) Learning Resources Use & Evaluation 49.2 28.0 Awareness of „NPTEL Video Courses‟ is reported by 57% and knowledge of the same by 50% while 49% reported use of the same. Only 32% are aware of „LAN Courses‟ and 30% reported knowledge of the same while use of it is reported by 28%. 2.4. Awareness of different services helpful for Learning by selected background variables Information relating to the awareness of different services helpful for learning reported by the 1858 respondents who are aware of the resources is presented by selected background variables in the following Tables for each of the listed service. NPTEL Video Courses The level of awareness and knowledge about NPTEL Video Courses and use of the same is reported more by the male students than the female students.These are reported more by the older age group (20 years above) than the younger age group (20 years or below) and more by the PG students than the UG students. Among the 12 colleges covered, there is wide variation in these responses. The percentage reporting awareness ranged from 27 in Vishnu Engineering College to 79 in GEC 244 A Review on Awareness of Smart Learning Resources for the Improvement of Students in Mechanical Engineering Engineering College. Knowledge levels ranged from 14% in Vignan Engineering College to 69% in GEC and Aditya_E while the percentage reporting Use ranged from 11 Vignan Engineering College to 64 in GEC Engineering College. Chi-square value indicates influence of gender on awareness and knowledge while influence of age group, academic level and college is found on the awareness, knowledge and use of NPTEL video courses. Awareness, Knowledge and Use of NPTEL Video Courses by selected background variables % Reporting Variable n Use & Awareness Knowledge Evaluation Male 1113 60.2 52.4 50.9 Female 745 51.3 47.4 46.7 Gender Chi-square (df 1) Value 14.465* 4.460* 3.063 Sig 0.000 0.035 0.080 < 20 yrs 1284 51.7 46.5 45.3 > 20 yrs 574 67.6 59.1 57.8 Age Group Chi-square (df 1) Value 40.738* 25.047* 24.848* Sig 0.000 0.000 0.000 UG 1571 54.1 47.3 45.6 PG 287 70.4 68.6 67.2 Academic Chi-square (df 1) level Value 26.178* 38.646* 51.368* Sig 0.000 0.000 0.000 GMR 200 66.0 52.5 52.0 ADITYA_T 160 70.6 48.8 45.0 MVGR 162 65.4 64.2 58.6 VIGNAN 72 62.5 13.9 11.1 BVC 119 39.5 30.3 28.6 ADITYA_E 173 68.8 53.8 37.6 VASAVI 208 67.3 64.9 61.5 College VISHNU 164 26.8 25.6 23.8 PVPS 143 58.7 51.0 42.7 GEC 193 79.3 68.9 63.7 LOYOLA 127 66.1 62.2 59.8 VRS&YRN 137 35.8 35.8 32.1 Chi-square (df 11) Value 210.462* 200.315* 165.855* Sig 0.000 0.000 0.000 Note : n=1858 * Chi-square value significant at 5% level. LAN Courses The level of awareness and knowledge about LAN Courses and use of the same is reported more by the male students than the female students. These are reported more by the older age group (20 years above) than the younger age group (20 years or below) while awareness is reported more by the UG students and knowledge and use by the PG students. 245 Dr. T. Venkata Rao Awareness, Knowledge and Use of LAN Courses by selected background variables % Reporting Variable N Use & Awareness Knowledge Evaluation Male 1113 33.2 33.2 27.9 Female 745 31.1 28.2 26.2 Gender Chi-square (df 1) Value 0.901 10.538* 0.025 Sig 0.343 0.001 0.875 < 20 yrs 1284 30.8 29.6 26.7 > 20 yrs 574 36.1 32.2 30.8 Age Group Chi-square (df 1) Value 5.086* 1.301 3.345 Sig 0.024 0.254 0.067 UG 1571 32.7 30.5 27.4 PG 287 31.0 30.7 30.0 Academic Chi-square (df 1) level Value 0.468 0.032 1.539 Sig 0.494 0.859 0.215 GMR 200 75.5 73.0 69.0 ADITYA_T 160 49.4 48.8 30.6 MVGR 162 1.9 1.2 0.6 VIGNAN 72 68.1 22.2 20.8 BVC 119 18.5 17.6 16.0 ADITYA_E 173 24.3 17.3 17.3 VASAVI 208 30.3 27.9 26.4 College VISHNU 164 31.7 27.4 13.4 PVPS 143 24.5 20.3 16.1 GEC 193 32.1 29.5 28.0 LOYOLA 127 47.2 39.4 35.4 VRS&YRN 137 27.0 19.7 16.1 Chi-square (df 11) Value 299.173* 355.870* 300.427* Sig 0.000 0.000 0.000 Note : n=1858 * Chi-square value significant at 5% level. There is wide variation in these responses among the 12 colleges covered. The percentage reporting awareness ranged from 2 in MVGR Engineering College to 76 in GMR Engineering College. Knowledge levels ranged from 1% in MVGR Engineering College to 73% in GMR Engineering Colleges while the percentage reporting Use ranged from 1 in MVGR Engineering College to 69 in GMR Engineering College. Chi-square value indicates influence of gender on knowledge, age group on awareness while influence of college is found on the awareness, knowledge and use of LAN courses. 3. CONCLUSIONS It is found that female respondents, older age group and PG students reported more their awareness on learning resources available in libraries. The college wise picture on this aspect is also promising. It indicates, the users are using the learning resources to the expected level. It is found that more respondents reported their awareness, knowledge and use NPTEL video 246 A Review on Awareness of Smart Learning Resources for the Improvement of Students in Mechanical Engineering courses LAN based courses. The LAN courses are designed by faculty members, but not in all colleges. The awareness, knowledge and use on NPTEL video courses is reported more by male students, older age group and PG students. It is found that three colleges reported less than fifty percent on this aspect. As stated earlier the NPTEL video courses offer a variety of knowledge on different branches of engineering and useful for their academic pursuits. So, it is necessary to train the users in such colleges on priority basis. REFERENCES [1] Pardeep Mittal , Monu Bala, “A Study of Various Types of E-Resources used by Research Scholars”, International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology, Vol 2, Issue 3, March 2013. 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